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How much damage in (50)Warzones?


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I've heard people talking about doing insane amounts of damage like getting 500K or more in warzones, and I honestly just can't see it being a possibility, especially now since ther aren't any more low levels to smack around.



So how much damage are you guys doing in 50 Warzones? I am usually able to break 200K on a good warzone where I don't have to chase people too much. And if I"m up against some newer 50s with low expertise I can occasionally break 300k. Now I think I'm a pretty darn good sentinel, and have never run across another sentinel or marauder who can outperform me, so I'm left wondering if anyone is still able to routinely hit 300K, or even higher amounts, and if so... what is your secret?

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I routinely do over 300k DMG, as requested some advice. Choice in targets when on the field will increase your overall DMG output. In order, I usually hit healers/range dps/melee dps/tanks in order of priority in most situations.
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any setinal saying they got over 500k i honestly think is just trying to boost his Epeen.


in battle gear i could see 300k maybe getting up to 400k in good matches. but anyone who say they can consistently get above 500k is total bull crapping you.


Even in premades i think 500k is pushing it to say you can consistently get it.



run as a group... i hardley am ever in premades yet i try to make sure i am always runnin with a couple people cause if you can out number them (and your team know to take out the healer) you can dominate.



Also dont worry about your damage meter with a class that isn't working properly yet, worry more about objective score.

Edited by Dagimpster
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Well from our server, the best Sentinel consistently pushes out 300k and does the objectives (i.e doesn't tunnel vision for damage). However he does not have a pocket healer (he uses his CDs amazingly and really doesn't need one).


That's against geared 50s. Someone consistently hitting over 500k (against geared 50s) is Focus specced and getting really lucky that all the Imps are clustering together throughout the entire game as well as having a pocket healer.


Also dont worry about your damage meter with a class that isn't working properly yet, worry more about objective score.



Edited by Siokai
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think my best hit has been 3.5k but i normally do 2.8-3.2k basically in full battle too with watchman.


really can't see people doing 5k+ maybe 4.3k MAX but like everyone has said anyone that says there doing 5k damage is lying.


+ I normally check sentinels in pvp to see what they have max damage and I can't say I've seen any near the 3.8k mark yet

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Ok well after watching that particular youtube video I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with my cast order or my "Style" of play, as that guy plays very similar to how I do, though I did notice some unnecessary periods of downtime where he coudl have hit strike or slash but instead did nothing.



The problem for me is likely that when I queue with a guild pre-made, we absolutely destroy the Imperials so fast I don't have the chance to do heavy damage, dots don't even tick the enemies die too fast. However if I solo queue, I tend to die ALOT. I probably need to make sure a healer is staying with me.


Another question - what is your guys's accuracy? Mine unbuffed is like 101, and I suspect that might be part of the problem.

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Another question - what is your guys's accuracy? Mine unbuffed is like 101, and I suspect that might be part of the problem.


I am at 101 as well. you are thinking to much about it... just have fun and do the objective. down the road when u get all battle gear you will get these high numbers but tis going to be because of the expertise on the gear that is allowing more damage and if you are vs lower ranks you will dominate.



Expertise (the pvp stat i think its called this) increase your damage out put in pvp by a % and also reduce the damage take by the same %

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I have 545 expertise, it's not about having fun, it's the fact that I play competitevely and I'm currently not performing as well as I should be. I think staying alive full time will help, but I'm still gonna have to figure out something else I'm doing wrong if I'm gonna hit 500K
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I have 545 expertise, it's not about having fun, it's the fact that I play competitevely and I'm currently not performing as well as I should be. I think staying alive full time will help, but I'm still gonna have to figure out something else I'm doing wrong if I'm gonna hit 500K


the mechanics of the class are so spotty that right now you will never get the 500k constantly, and the most i have found in a video or a pick is 480k... if you are playing competitively your better off re rolling if its that important.

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Level 50 , valor 59 - I get anywhere from 90k to 220k depending on how hard I go for objectives. (standing at the left door in voidstar can feel like the maytag repair man) . I am combat and have tried other specs and can get slightly higher numbers but Im not quite ready yet to make the switch.


I rarely see a sent or mara higher on the score board by more than 40k. Its not uncommon for me to be in the top 3 for damage overall and the best melee dps.


With a pocket healer I can hit 280-300k. 310k is my highest since the war zones have been changed to level 50 only.


On my server, the imps significanly out gear the republic - maybe other servers are different. I would be doubtful anyone is getting over 350k consistantly - even in premades.

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I have 545 expertise, it's not about having fun, it's the fact that I play competitevely and I'm currently not performing as well as I should be. I think staying alive full time will help, but I'm still gonna have to figure out something else I'm doing wrong if I'm gonna hit 500K


There are plenty of videos with Sents hitting 480k+, if you're playing competitively you may need to watch these thoroughly. That said, a lot of those guys seem to be in guilds/regular parties, that could be what you're missing.


Regardless as stated above if it's not about having fun and you're looking for a competitive, I dominate all class, Sentinel isn't the one yet. Even if they're not Under Powered or whatever, they are still suffering from some system mechanics.

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I solo queued and got a PuG with no healer in Voidstar this week and pulled ~450k. And no, I do not use PvP gear. I prefer my tier 3 raid gear because the stats are so much higher and I already modded out all that crap accuracy. I have like 3% expertise at most. I tried doing comparisons to the limited extent that I can without a combat log and decided the PvP gear in this game is crap.
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Damage is probably one of the easies to get since all you do is spam your AoE spell on big groups (I normally get 1k pre hit when using it so if there 6-7 that around 7k give or take.


I try and go for the stars but I think my most is like 8. Can someone tell me what you need for them please this is what I remember.


1 stars - Defend 1k

2 stars - Defend 3k

3 stars - Kill 10 bad guys

4 stars - Kill 25 bad guys

5 stars - do 2.5k damage or more in 1 hit

6 stars - do 75k total damage

7 stars - Heal yourself for 2.5k (I think)

8 stars - Solo someone


What else???

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It really depends on so many different factors, team makeup of classes on both sides, individual skill on both sides, what warzone, how geared is everyone, running with premade or not on either side etc.


With the right conditions one can pull 500k damage as Focus or Watchmen. I've pulled 400k before (multiple times - Watchman and Focus - no premade) with only a few pieces of Champion gear. (Post 1.1)


It's not so much how much damage, but how ahead you are of everyone else. Too many factors go into every match to say (you should be doing X damage every match etc.)

Edited by TheRealBrave
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Full-length Voidstar, 500k isn't really that hard, not common, but I'd say 1/3 full length Voidstars I break 500k. 500k in other situations is possible, but requires there to be a lot of healers on both teams, so you're just doing damage and not killing things.


500k Huttball is only realistic if you're focus spec and the enemy team is staying bunched up, the time limit doesn't permit any single-target spec from doing it since the WZ split. 500k Alderaan requires one of the nodes to spend a very long time neutral and for you to be always fighting at it.


500k is more about your opponent than what you do. If they lack any healers, you're not getting 500k. If they aren't dynamic and keep coming back to you, 500k gets a lot easier.


It's fully possible to do 500k, but I've never seen anyone begin to attempt to claim they average it without adding conditions to it.

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i geuss i shouldn't say that everyone is lieing saying they got 500k...




not 500k but close... but he is in a premade full of battlemaster geared players


Thats me, thanks. I'm actually in a premade with a battlemaster scoundrel and a guardian/commando healer who are not battlemaster.


Not our ideal composition at all, we usually run guardian tank, scoundrels heals, me dps,commando dps.

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