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How to get Battlemaster in a day


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Well if BW is that irresponsible about their product I see no reason to continue playing after this billing cycle.


In the end, the biggest issue is going to be new and upcoming 50s.

Especially if this is ever fixed.


You will have a brand new 50 in zero expertise going against eazymode Battlemasters.


Do you think we'll get any new blood that way?


Wish the devs would stop huffing paint.

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This was happening on my server last night, and apparently has been going on for a few days. They even have a set time to meet every night for the valor farm. As someone who is almost battlemaster I find this appalling and cheap. I went to the kill swap last night to see how much valor was flying around and went from rank 58 - 59 with no effort or thought. It's definitely much faster than warzone grinding, especially when everybody is out in Illum being cheesy making the queues take forever.


In my opinion they just need to shut Illum down until they come up with mechanics that aren't broken.

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Now do I think people should be banned for this?


In my humble opinion, YES they should be banned. Or reset back to valor level 1 as form of punishment.


What is their excuse? That working up to rank 50 the old-fashioned way is slow and boring? So what's next? You want to go to a boxing match and see one boxer just stand there and take it for a few seconds before getting knocked out? Because they both get paid regardless of whether they win or lose. Where is that going to take you?


As Darth Baras said, something that isn't tough isn't worth doing.

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It's too late and the damage is done.


BW doesn't fix anything in a timely manner, and by the time they do, everyone will have reached battlemaster and quit. (or maybe rerolled to repeat the same process and quit)


I'm good with this. Let them quit. They don't need to be in our game anyways when they exploit.

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This was happening on my server last night, and apparently has been going on for a few days. They even have a set time to meet every night for the valor farm. As someone who is almost battlemaster I find this appalling and cheap. I went to the kill swap last night to see how much valor was flying around and went from rank 58 - 59 with no effort or thought. It's definitely much faster than warzone grinding, especially when everybody is out in Illum being cheesy making the queues take forever.


In my opinion they just need to shut Illum down until they come up with mechanics that aren't broken.

There is no mechanic to stop people kill trading that wouldn't end up hurting genuine pvp in the process.

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They need to sort this. I want to see them zero all the cheaters valor as well as take their PVP items they won off them as well as the titles.


I want to see some proof they are actually doing something. I aint going to do it the hard way when people are cheating and getting away with it.

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Why so much crying over battle masters?


Its only a title. The bad players will still be under geared for a long time after achieving that rank, its not like they will suddenly hit 600+ expertise and 1300+ each main stat.


Battle Masters gear isn't even that much of a difference from Champions, so the even if some person who traded for BM got a few pieces of BM gear, they would have to be extremely lucky to a lot of it really fast.


Also, your play style and skill ultimately determine how well you will do.


With or without BM you will accumulate really good PvP gear and if you are a good player, you will be able to our perform bad players with BM.


So really why all the complaining?


BM =/= skill


BM = grind


So if you are mad people are getting BM because of a grind which only gives them slightly better gear but doesn't really effect the rates at which they get that gear, then really you are just mad that some people got a title faster then you.


If you think they are undeserving of the BM title, then you are acting like a ridiculous child. Everyone is going to have it eventually, its not like a rated title.

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Bans. Simply as that. Its not the first time it happens in pvp mmos (though its Shameful that Bioware did not see that coming despite having plenty of bad examples).


If you tolerate the exploiting now, you tolerate the cheating and exploiting as whole - and you can tell bye bye to people trusting you: instead, seeing no action taken they will join in themselves.

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Why so much crying over battle masters?


Its only a title. The bad players will still be under geared for a long time after achieving that rank, its not like they will suddenly hit 600+ expertise and 1300+ each main stat.


Battle Masters gear isn't even that much of a difference from Champions, so the even if some person who traded for BM got a few pieces of BM gear, they would have to be extremely lucky to a lot of it really fast.


Also, your play style and skill ultimately determine how well you will do.


With or without BM you will accumulate really good PvP gear and if you are a good player, you will be able to our perform bad players with BM.


So really why all the complaining?


BM =/= skill


BM = grind


So if you are mad people are getting BM because of a grind which only gives them slightly better gear but doesn't really effect the rates at which they get that gear, then really you are just mad that some people got a title faster then you.


If you think they are undeserving of the BM title, then you are acting like a ridiculous child. Everyone is going to have it eventually, its not like a rated title.


You can not begin opening or collecting battlemaster bags until you are Valor rank 60. Winning warzones at a 80% clip with a dedicated pre-made nets you ~4k valor per hour.


Fight clubing on Ilum with 30 people nets you 60k valor per hour.




With a small effort to gather 30 people (fairly easy to get multiple times that number once people figure out the rewards possible) you can achieve BM and begin working on the BM gear RNG 15x faster then if you did it legitimately (which a lot of us did pre 1.1).


Your comment that "BM gear is only slightly better then <???>" is an assumption that everyone has a full champion set. After the month that it took me to get battlemaster, I opened over 125 champion bags. I still do not have a champion offhand, boots or relics. I would have GLADLY taken an extra 64 BM bags to give me a shot at filling gear holes with something that was a MASSIVE improvement over non-champion gear that I was wearing.


You sir are fail and methinks you're happily fightclubbing on Lulum as we speak.

Edited by getdownsb
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Well I'm valor 54 ATM with limited play time to grind to 60(I can do around 15 wz a day)....


So tonight I'm heading to ilum to do some kill trading and /stuck exploiting! Thanks for allowing this BW! :)






Ps.. I wonder how many people will rage when they read this?

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Actually right now on our server if you're republic, the only way you can really get your ilum daily/weekly done is between probably 4pm and 9pm and you have to catch both ops groups duking it out.


Once one side loses steam it crumbles. i was at ilum last night at around 11pmish and had 10 people in zone, so much for that one.


However, last Friday i was able to do my daily and weekly i n about 35 minutes. Somethings wrong and obviously there's an issue when there's no real pvp in the PVP zone.

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Why so much crying over battle masters?


Its only a title. The bad players will still be under geared for a long time after achieving that rank, its not like they will suddenly hit 600+ expertise and 1300+ each main stat.


Battle Masters gear isn't even that much of a difference from Champions, so the even if some person who traded for BM got a few pieces of BM gear, they would have to be extremely lucky to a lot of it really fast.


Also, your play style and skill ultimately determine how well you will do.


With or without BM you will accumulate really good PvP gear and if you are a good player, you will be able to our perform bad players with BM.


So really why all the complaining?


BM =/= skill


BM = grind


So if you are mad people are getting BM because of a grind which only gives them slightly better gear but doesn't really effect the rates at which they get that gear, then really you are just mad that some people got a title faster then you.


If you think they are undeserving of the BM title, then you are acting like a ridiculous child. Everyone is going to have it eventually, its not like a rated title.


Why not just give everyone all the titles in the game when you first create a new character?


They give you these titles as a reward regardless whether you regard it as a grind or not. As far as I can tell, It was not intended to be achieved as fast as that, that is why they claim they are going to do something about it. If people don't like the grind, don't do it. There must be some reason why they want to get the title before other players that are doing it the intended non cheating way....

Edited by Sumire
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Ps.. I wonder how many people will rage when they read this?


The more the merrier.


The ONLY way Bioware and EA will make a change to Ilum if it sees huge changes to their vaunted statistics.


If every server is valor swapping and the time it takes to go from Rank 30 to 60 is just a day, something will HAVE to be done.


Otherwise there is zero reason to even have ranks.

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Well I'm valor 54 ATM with limited play time to grind to 60(I can do around 15 wz a day)....


So tonight I'm heading to ilum to do some kill trading and /stuck exploiting! Thanks for allowing this BW! :)






Ps.. I wonder how many people will rage when they read this?



Limited play time? That's about 4 hours a day. :p

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You can not begin opening or collecting battlemaster bags until you are Valor rank 60. Winning warzones at a 80% clip with a dedicated pre-made nets you ~4k valor per hour.


Fight clubing on Ilum with 30 people nets you 60k valor per hour.




With a small effort to gather 30 people (fairly easy to get multiple times that number once people figure out the rewards possible) you can achieve BM and begin working on the BM gear RNG 15x faster then if you did it legitimately (which a lot of us did pre 1.1).


Your comment that "BM gear is only slightly better then <???>" is an assumption that everyone has a full champion set. After the month that it took me to get battlemaster, I opened over 125 champion bags. I still do not have a champion offhand, boots or relics. I would have GLADLY taken an extra 64 BM bags to give me a shot at filling gear holes with something that was a MASSIVE improvement over non-champion gear that I was wearing.


You sir are fail and methinks you're happily fightclubbing on Lulum as we speak.


1. I earned BM before the patch b/c I had time off on the holidays.

2. The rate at which you earn gear is still fundamentally the same.

3. The better player will win if they have pvp gear, regardless of the quality.


You sir, sound like a baddie on a tempertantrum.

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So, what, you want world pvp to have zero rewards? Can you come up with a system that people can't say 'we are going to farm points instead'?


You can't, because there's literally nothing that can be done that can't be farmed by people lazy enough who are more interested in points than actually pvping.


On servers where we actually have tooth and nail fights- Ilum is fun, and with graphics turned down there's barely any framerate delay too.

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lol well that's what you get for making valor ranks such a massive grind.


I wish valor was like it was in DAoC and you used it to get added stats to your toon. and i wish valor was way harder to get. id like to see it take years to get 60+ valor ranking ( but only if it was not linked in with gear needed)


Sigh, kids these days don't know what MMO's could be and how fun world pvp was if you just played the game. and not look at that progression bar bouncing in your chair like an A.D.D. person.

Edited by Niquity
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This is a player problem, not a BW problem.


The fact of the matter is this...Carebears don't know how to PvP. They will do anything and everything to avoid having to actually fight to get their gear because, frankly, they don't know how to fight, find fights, and can't win them when they do find them. That was the tale for the majority of current Battlemasters in game (who farmed lowbies in WZs and traded Ilum dailies pre-1.1), and it's true for the Battlemasters now who farmed the Valor exploit after 1.1 and presently participate in kill trading.


In the end, the title and the gear don't matter much. In MMO PvP, your reputation is the only thing you really have. No title can give you the admiration, respect or disdain that fighting the good fight does.


This game is going to be around for years, not months. Someone cheating now by kill trading not only tarnishes their reputation in the game now and for the forseeable future, but also sullies the name of their Guild for this time moving forward.


That's the reality. Clownz stand out like a sore thumb. In this game, they are called Battlemasters.

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I wish this was happening on my server. Reps have basically abandoned the zone, you can wander around for hours and never see one. The issue i think is the valor system itself. Getting to sixty without cheesing Ilum is just obnoxious. I'm mid 40s and I'm just an implant shy of being full champion. It's going to take me weeks to get to 60, and until then i get absolutely nothing out of the hundreds of warzones I'll have to run. All so i can get right back on the RNG treadmill. The prospect of it made me seriously consider just calling it quits.



Unrelated note: can someone explain to me why the rank 60 bags drop champion commendations? there is absolutely no way anyone can get to v60 without a full set of champion gear, or exploiting.

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