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How to get Battlemaster in a day


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The ONLY way to stop these carebears from pretending to pvp is to add penalties.


Stop making pvp a grind. Pvp is not a grind, it is a competition. You should never reward valor for anything but beating another player. Losing a fight should reduce valor gains by half, and should stack up to 5 times.


Actually, thats a great idea! minus 50 valor every death/plus 50 valor every kill.


still have to cap gains to a few kills per day so they dont start alt farming.


Id happily accept a rollback -- even to 0 and default level 50 pvp gear from level 57 full champ -- to fix the inequity.

Edited by Bluetickone
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The ONLY way to stop these carebears from pretending to pvp is to add penalties.


Stop making pvp a grind. Pvp is not a grind, it is a competition. You should never reward valor for anything but beating another player. Losing a fight should reduce valor gains by half, and should stack up to 5 times for 30 minutes. Therefore, being a bad, or a kill trader means you make valor at 1/64th the rate of somebody who is never defeated.


The problem with implementing a stacking valor debuff it that it further penalizes the lower-pop faction. The lower-pop is already at a disadvantage, this would add even more incentive for the higher-pop faction to stick together to avoid any sort of death and steamroll the low pop. The low-pop then has little incentive to participate.

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Please patch out the desire of the playerbase to co-operate with their supposed enemies and trade kills.


I realise this is impossible as there is no way you could ever completely stop them deciding to go against the whole purpose of pvp, but I feel that I should blame you for this anyway. That's what forums are for!




The community.

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The problem with implementing a stacking valor debuff it that it further penalizes the lower-pop faction. The lower-pop is already at a disadvantage, this would add even more incentive for the higher-pop faction to stick together to avoid any sort of death and steamroll the low pop. The low-pop then has little incentive to participate.


Its rather stupid that your kills arent diminished by the number of players involved ala DAOC.


It should be divided among every player who participates. So even if you win every fight with a 30 man zerg, you have your earnings divided by 30.

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One of many vids.


How is that fun? Seems kind of boring to me. I mean, yeah you get your Battlemaster title or whatever but to what end? So you can bunch together in a group and be a willing victim of the enemy team?


This saddens me because I really wanted the open PvP to be good in SWTOR.

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This is a detailed write-up and my opinions on what has recently started on my server.

I was going to reply with it to another post, but I feel this issue deserves it's own Topic.

The reason WHY I'm including detailed directions: Unless every server is threatened by this blatant abuse.. I don't feel EA and BW will actually fix the problem.



Yesterday on my server they started kill swapping.

Each side would go to the southern republic res point.

They will then each stack up and take turns killing each other with aoes.


You have to wait 3 minutes between each death to get credit.

Since there are more imperials they get the objective bonus valor whereas the pubs get more kills.


The funny thing is the amount of exploiting going on.

See when you die and release, if you type /stuck you are automatically teleported back to the place where you died.


Now there are people who got 7+ ranks yesterday - completely circumventing the work that goes into earning the rank Battlemaster and the rewards for said work.


The excuse to start this little Valor farm was the weekly (Which I can completely understand - it sucks and Ilum as a whole is horribly implemented)

But now it has turned into a daily event which I feel is going to destroy PvP on my server.


The reasons why I believe this is harmful:

First, it's going to kill player retention.

It's like using a cheat code and beating a game. If there is no longer any goal to strive for, what do you think is going to keep pvpers in a game?

They will do dailies and that's probably it.


Second, this is going to hurt WZ participation.

Already today out of the 5 Warzones I've joined, 3 ended after 2 minutes due to lack of members.

The only 2 that did pan out were compromised of premades I believe. Before today this would happen maybe once every 2 days of steady WZ grinding. Coincidence?

Why que up if you can get almost a Thousand Valor per minute?


Third, it is just plain exploitation of a game mechanic.

If nothing else using /stuck to teleport to your last location is abusing a bug.



Now do I think people should be banned for this?


That would be effing stupid.

Banning people for taking a shortcut from the tedious pvp grind would be a horrible business move. They would just quit and find a game with better pvp.


What needs to happen is actually FIX ILUM!


There have been some Great ideas on how to do this. There's no need to give a detailed outline of what I think Ilum should be. However, what it should NOT be is kill trading or Objective Trading. The ONLY excuse to go to this zone is a champion or battlemaster bag.

That issue needs to be addressed.


But this.

What we have right now.

This is going to completely destroy any pvp community you have left on this game. Which I'm going to guess is about 1/4th to 1/3rd of your playerbase.


Just watch guys. The moment you start seeing organized swaps on your server - watch the difference in your pvp experience.



This just proves that the PvP system in this game needs to be scrapped and redone from the ground up ...

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Man when I used to play SWG there were epic PvP battles every night and we didn't need gear incentives to do it. You lost rank for getting defeated so you had to have a good win/loss ratio to become high ranked. People didn't strip their toons naked and line up to get killed. We actually fought PvP because it was fun and competitive, not for easy-mode purple gear.


These people aren't SWTOR PvP Battlemasters. The whole system is a complete joke.

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they should just blow up ilum, nothing good has come out of that planet except exploits


objective trading before patch

spawn farming after patch

kill trading after patch

lvl 15 bots farming chests all day




just blow up ilum until their 'world best' pvp team can figure out how to make it work, and put extra WZ daily quests to replace the ilum ones


Keep the PvE part and just shut down the other side. Forever.

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Here is an idea;


1st remove Expertise from PvP gear.


2nd make Valor rank/points based on win/lose & kill/death. (You gain Valor for killing enemy players/winning Warzones, you lose Valor for dying to enemy players/losing Warzones.)


3rd tie Expertise stat directly to your Valor rank/score.


4th reset everyone back to 0 Valor/ 0 Expertise.


They would probably also have to make it so you have to get the actual deathblow on someone to earn Valor, so you can't farm kills by just getting a few AOE hits on a group of enemies.

Edited by MorgonKara
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Ilum PvP is what you get for being 50. Part of that prize is being able to get a ton of valor by killing the opposing faction. people under 50 do not deserve to get lvl 50 world PvP valor for doing under 50 warzones. using stuck reduces the durability of your armor, and costs a decent amount of money to use... making it a privilege, not an exploit.


I can understand people qq'ing over no pubs on ilum, but when imps and pubs finally do start killing each other (what war isnt really just trading some lives for others?) many complain. when i get stuck with horrible warzone players and cant get 3 warzone wins after two hours, its nice to be able to get some rank somewhere, and some bags.


i wish they did this on all servers. its fun playing legitimatly, but when the pubs disappear because they are tired of getting owned, this is the only real solution to getting the reast of your daily 30.


i wish they would reduice the daily to 10, and the weekly to 40.

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The reason this happens because there is no loss for SWTOR PvP... there is only valor gain.


Like I've always said. People will always find the the best items for the least amount of work. Right now the least amount of work (for PvP) is to kill trade.

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Regardless of how easy it is for people to do this, it is still exploiting. "Because it's easier/faster" is not justification for exploiting. Man up and do it right.


No Dev has ever said that kill swapping is not exploiting. This is common sense for anyone who has been around in MMOs for any period of time. Anyone able to prove me wrong, feel free to do so. But it will take proof.


My only concern at the moment is wondering how long it will take Bioware to fix this issue. They certainly need to make a statement NOW to prevent more people from thinking this is acceptable behavior.


As for actual action, that's the tough one. Someone already said it, but any action they take to change game mechanics will likely make it harder to legitimately gain valor and participate in PvP. However, something has to be done.


For starters, they need to roll back characters who have been participating in this (just rolling back all valor/gear would be fine). Anyone who was helping to organize/recruit for the kill swapping should face temporary bans at the least.


This kind of activity is not acceptable and should not be accepted by our community. Anyone saying otherwise is likely covering for themselves.


Warcraft BANNED and DELETED characters for this EXACT thing btw. and yes. It is exploiting .. so agree with all you said. NO mmo should allow this to go unpunished.

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