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How to get Battlemaster in a day


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Unrelated note: can someone explain to me why the rank 60 bags drop champion commendations? there is absolutely no way anyone can get to v60 without a full set of champion gear, or exploiting.


I am valor 59 (don't abuse Ilum) and have yet to get a chest, earring, offhand, or implant token despite being level 50 for weeks. I do, however, have 7 or 8 relics, 6 boots, 5 pants, and a host of other doubles and triples. I know other people who made battlemaster without full sets as well. Random bags are random.

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they just need to shut down the pvp zone in Ilum and rework it. It will not only destory pvp on these servers but once the inevitable cross-server Qs happen, it will kill pvp period. Ilum is a terribly, horribly, very badly designed pvp zone.


This is quickly becoming the single-biggest-blunder in MMO history; EA's officers are clearly asleep at the wheel for allowing this to happen. Its gonna hit them right where it hurts the most: NYSE.

Edited by Bluetickone
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they just need to shut down the pvp zone in Ilum and rework it. It will not only destory pvp on these servers but once the inevitable cross-server Qs happen, it will kill pvp period. Ilum is a terribly, horribly, very badly designed pvp zone.



This is the thing Bioware really need to concentrate on now. A real fix to make Ilum fun and something people like to enjoy PvPing at. Not the sick puppy they released at 1.1 that the Imperials exploited by zerg and gank squads. It needs to be a large war zone in feel maybe with 24 players and have PvP goals and objectives that are a bit more than the hunt the armament game we now have in the Ilum PvP zone. The other stuff can wait a month or two, fix the broken stuff first Bioware!

Edited by Ewgal
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Ban them all, dissolve their guilds. send a strong statement: exploiting in any form with be routed out and clearly dealt with. Do that once or twice and future issues not be so critical to fix with programming.


I would also encourage the devs to then focus on improving the grind to reduce temptation.

Edited by Mr_Clark
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I have seen similar behavior as well and I do not understand why Illum was reopened when it is still very obviously a half-finished idea. Sounds like EA may be more involved in this game than we would like them to be. At least that's a better alternative than having Bio push this half-finished craptastic world pvp on us of their own volition.
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Ban them all, dissolve their guilds. send a strong statement: exploiting in any form with be routed out and clearly dealt with. Do that once or twice and future issues not be so critical to fix with programming.


I would also encourage the devs to then focus on improving the grind to reduce temptation.




Bioware already stated that they have metrics to determine what people exploited valor and will punish them, we however yet to see any real action taken.


Fulfill your promised BW! Its wonder what banning few dozens of exploiters can do for overall amount of people thinking its ok for them to do also.

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1. I earned BM before the patch b/c I had time off on the holidays.

2. The rate at which you earn gear is still fundamentally the same.

3. The better player will win if they have pvp gear, regardless of the quality.


You sir, sound like a baddie on a tempertantrum.


Same exact time-frame for both of these methods, as it currently stands.


Version 1: Take 2 weeks leveling up to 50, lots of PvP, hit 50 at 40 valor, start working on champion gear. 2 weeks later, hit 60 and start working on BM gear.


Opened: something like 50-75 champion bags.


Verion 2: Spam PvE for 3 days, level to 50, 0 valor. Spend 2 days farming Ilum hard to get valor 60. Spend 3 weeks farming warzones.

Opened: 50-100 champion bags, 48 BM bags.


You either a) fail logic or b) do not understand the definition of "fundamentally", "same", and/or both.

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Regardless of how easy it is for people to do this, it is still exploiting. "Because it's easier/faster" is not justification for exploiting. Man up and do it right.


No Dev has ever said that kill swapping is not exploiting. This is common sense for anyone who has been around in MMOs for any period of time. Anyone able to prove me wrong, feel free to do so. But it will take proof.


My only concern at the moment is wondering how long it will take Bioware to fix this issue. They certainly need to make a statement NOW to prevent more people from thinking this is acceptable behavior.


As for actual action, that's the tough one. Someone already said it, but any action they take to change game mechanics will likely make it harder to legitimately gain valor and participate in PvP. However, something has to be done.


For starters, they need to roll back characters who have been participating in this (just rolling back all valor/gear would be fine). Anyone who was helping to organize/recruit for the kill swapping should face temporary bans at the least.


This kind of activity is not acceptable and should not be accepted by our community. Anyone saying otherwise is likely covering for themselves.

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pretty sure that anyone under level 50 can no longer go there.

havnt seen one under 50 since 1.1

not every server has people kill trading i guarentee we dont do it on our server because **** imperials.


Not true, there was a level 12 on illum on my server during the graveyard hours. Nothing prevents a low level from traveling to illum.

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Last night on my server, I observed this behavior in Republic Base. The sheer amount of ridiculousness is astonishing. Massive amount of people stacking and aoeing down.


I almost ragequit. Basically I will no longer be competitive unless I participate in this exploit, but I refused to cave in. This leaves me little choice. Either I reroll alts and wait for BW to fix it or I leave this game.


Did BW anticipate this behavior? Or are they naive enough to believe that players genuinely interested in PvP at all? Most so called hardcore PvPers don't enjoy PvP for the sake of it.

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The only thing I can think of that could possible 'fix' this particular situation would be to load in a kind of 'failsafe'. Essentially, if X number of characters from both factions are within a certain distance from each other and are not actively attacking one another, condition Y occurs. That condition could be anything from severe valor penalties to possible insta-gib all characters in that small area instantaneously. I'm not a developer or a software engineer, however, so I don't know it's even feasible.


Or, just follow the suggestion someone else posted. Reduce Valor gains to the same level and rate as WZs.

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Its pretty obvious this is exploiting a game mechanic and that should be fixed ASAP. That being said it is a pvp server and there are certainly individuals with the same mindset as your own. My advice is get a group, dont play along with their crap, and kill all that you can. We used to do this all the time to ppl we found trading on illum post launch and while it pissed off alot of the ppl trying to trade on our side, it was a hell of alot of fun. The only problem i can see with doing this now is if they have population capped the zone with entirely ppl who want to trade. Edited by Fokman
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Bioware needs to make an example out of this people, fast and in a very public manner.


If what you say is 100% accurate, I honestly feel...cheated.


BW caused this problem in making Ilum what it is right now, they have either accepted this can happen or all the devs who designed it or long haired, glasses wearing geeks


This has to be a fact as who with any major MMO experience could never think of what will happen.


WHAT?, did they think implementing a 30 kill a day would make people go around solo or would they group up to zerg, if they never considered the zerg option and that one side would be outnumbered, then they have bigger issues that deciding which cousin to date.


either charging in and attacking or standing around and letting the other attack is just a bigger scale then standing there and letting 2 beat on you because your outnumbered.


I myself have not done this, which is why i am still 30 valor since our server just zerg as its 3-1. to make it worse putting in armourments in the game is a cheap *** way of saying we force you to pvp but let the bigger side gear even faster and gather them so they don't need to be inconvenienced by the lack of numbers they forced upon us.


i applaud the inventiveness in a broken piece of crap pvp zone.

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I'm guessing you haven't seen the old WZ flavor of this.


There's win trading in WZs too for leveling alts. And on low-pop times on my server, you see people que up on repub side to get a match going, then log out and back in on their empire players for the match. WZs are great when it's 8 vs. 3 =/ Not turning off legacy names ftw.

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They will eventually give up and turn Ilum into Wintergrasp. I just wish they'd do it sooner rather than later, cuz atm it's a concept they will never get just right. The area is far too large in comparison to their "allowed" server population, the faction populations will most likely continue to be largely unbalanced and there is no real way to "win" Ilum. The valor rewards for camping republic base is really low and hence most people simply go somewhere else after they've finally gotten their quest complete.
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This has been attempting to happen on our server, instead it usually turns into Imperials farming the Republic because some of us republic enjoy running in and ruining their swapping.


Agreed though, this is something that should have been fixed immediately. It's a huge game design flaw that takes a few hours of work to fix.

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I wish this was happening on my server because Ilum is an abomination in it's current state. Don't take something broken and smash it into the ground as the solution.


I hope this continues as long as Ilum is in it's current state with balance, performance, and incentive issues. Commendations for kills in Ilum would be a good start.

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they just need to shut down the pvp zone in Ilum and rework it. It will not only destory pvp on these servers but once the inevitable cross-server Qs happen, it will kill pvp period. Ilum is a terribly, horribly, very badly designed pvp zone.


This is quickly becoming the single-biggest-blunder in MMO history; EA's officers are clearly asleep at the wheel for allowing this to happen. Its gonna hit them right where it hurts the most: NYSE.


I agree 100%. It seems like it's just one bad move after another.


I'm guessing you haven't seen the old WZ flavor of this.


There's win trading in WZs too for leveling alts. And on low-pop times on my server, you see people que up on repub side to get a match going, then log out and back in on their empire players for the match. WZs are great when it's 8 vs. 3 =/ Not turning off legacy names ftw.


Wow.. like I said, one thing after another. I find it harder and harder to keep a positive outlook on this games future. :(

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If they capped the amount of people per side that can join an instanced version of Ilum (i.e. Ilum 1, Ilum 2 etc..) It would make the fighting fair and fun. It would also get some people to roll other faction if there was a massive imbalance.


As it is now, Republics get zerged and cannon foddered (even if working carefully) by Imperials who always own all the zone and get massive valor bonuses.


They are getting the bonus. The sad Republics that finish their quest get roughly 20-80 valor per kill and die many times getting it. This is because there is always a 3 or 4 to 1 ratio of Imperials to Republics.


If you fix that, this sort of thing will not happen much. Then it'd be like a perpetual warzone.


Also, there should be red doors (i.e. red vs green) that block off low levels to Ilum. The speeders should block off low levels and just low levels should not be able to fly to Ilum at all, honestly. THEN, they should put in nodes and chests. This would break these groups up as they'd benefit from going out and grabbing stuff rather than sitting around with nothing to do but swap kills.


No reason to go to Ilum except for questing if you get smashed over and over for minimal valor gain. I have high hopes for this game... it needs some work to balance things out, though.

Edited by Nishifumi
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Don't blame the players, blame the bad developers. This wouldn't be happening if Bioware made a healthy pvp environment. But Ilum is pathetic and the random drop system is horrible.


Bioware has created an environment that is so bad that they are literally promoting this type of behavior because of lack of options.

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