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Will a DPS Guardian ever be acceptable in groups?


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I really enjoy the Guardian look, animation and playstyle. Essentially, I wanted a DPS that could tank if needed (and not the other way around!). The Guardian seems to be everything I wanted for a class except for the fact that other players will only accept the class for tanking. It is always assumed that I will tank and if I even suggest that I might DPS (before the group is full) I have been either turned down or (once) replaced. I don't mind tanking occasionally, but I have kind of had my fill of it from other MMOs.


My question to you guys is this; Is this likely to change? Or should I bite the bullet and switch to a pure DPS class (or shadow)?


Cheers, guys.

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I can't comment on how we do as a DPS class as I don't DPS in groups (Bioware did make it clear in beta that if you have a DPS tree, you can DPS, no ifs no buts but how that works in reality I can't say), I do find it comical that no one seems to ever have a problem with Shadows DPSing but they have a tank tree.
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Listen, don't group with baddies.


If they critique you on your based solely on your class then they are scrubs.


I have to deal with it all the time, and if you really want to group just be cocky.


Scrubling - LF2M DPS Hard Modes <whatever flashpoint>

Me - "Hey I'll hop on that, invite me"

Scrubling - "What class are you?"

Me - "Jedi Guardian"

Scrubling - " No thanks"

Me - "I'm in full Gladiator you ****"

Scrubling has invited you to group.


I've also done this before.


Scrubling - LF2M DPS Hard Modes <whatever flashpoint>

Me - "Invite"

Scrubling "Class?"

ME - "Sentiel"

Scrubling invites you to group.


**Later on in the flash point coming on the second boss**


Scrubling "Use your other lightsaber"

Me "I can do more dps with one, it's an exploit, don't say anything".

Scrubling "k cool, good dps btw"

Me "np np"

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i've been dps guardian from 1-50+, pve, pvp, groups, ops, fp's.


never once have i been given a hard time about my damage. Traditionally, there's only 1 person i know hwo consistantly beats me on damage (sage, geared like crazy).


If you want to dps guardian, go for it. recommend vigi while leveling to 50.

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Every flashpoint I saw from the Esselles to Directive 7 and now the Left 4 Dead, er, Rakghoul instance, I've had to tank. The one or two times I've tried to DPS the tank was so horrible I just swapped stances, told them to sit down and shut up and proceeded to barrel rush the flashpoint like I'd get a timed reward.


I've thought repeatedly about changing to the Defense tree, but I refuse. I WANT to DPS, and have since I saw the class. However it's looking less and less likely I will be able to as I keep seeing idiots trying to pretend they're a tank.

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i dps in raids as a guardian and we are 10/10 hm. guardians have taunts too which can be very helpful in some situations.



also, vigilance is definetly the better spec for pve, and I prefer it for pvp also.

Edited by ffuller
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I've never had issues (granted I haven't done PvP or HM yet) getting into a group. I have shown that I can pull attacks off the real tank though and survive long enough for the tank to get healed and pull the targets back into focusing on the tank.


I also have a tendency to be willing to help lower level players with their flashpoints which is fun because you can start beating the heck out of bosses that used to be a pain in the neck.


I guess this builds up a network of people that are willing to run with me when they are higher leveled, because I go out of my way to help them.



If you are DPS I actually recommend the vigilence tree and actually get plasma brand as well as any other elemental damage skill you can.


While many bosses or enemies may be able to shrug off some normal damage, often the elemental damage can get through.


Guardian may not be the best DPS, but I do think one is able to take up the roll of tank to finish off a boss when the original tank manages to walk off a ledge and falls to their doom like in red reaper the other day (thank goodness the boss was nearly dead though, good grief). Also managed to hold out long enough to finish off psycho droid (after everyone else got killed (word of warning that droid will switch targets even after being taunted) seems it has a tendency to ignore guardians) only to be gunned down by the bridge crew.


We're apparently good in Burst damage when you go focus, or sustained damage + survivability when we go DPS, I would agree that troopers have the edge in both, but the gap shrunk quite a bit with the skill lag issue being dealt with last patch.

Edited by GarfieldJL
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I raid Had Modes with a guild (my guild is only on normals atm) as a full Vigilance specced Guardian. I DPS 80% of the time and off-tank the other 20% of the time (Karragga's Palace has a three bosses that require two tanks) just by switching forms then throwing on a shield generator and a few pieces of tank gear (which I acquired since doing hard modes with them :p).


I was initially a pick-up member, but since seeing what I could do I've been requested to join the raid as a permanent member.


Oh, in my guild I just DPS and I would off-tank if the other two tanks (Shadow and Vanguard) somehow die :rolleyes:

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go look at the pvp forums...youll see a screenshot of a guardian hitting a crit for 10,000 damage on a lvl 50 BH and then another 4,000 right after. Thats 14,000 damage dude in less than 2 seconds...i think thats pretty decent DPS...


Thats misinformed, the 10k crit was not on a level 50 at all and not a BH. It was on a lowbie probably a cloth wearer and maybe between level 10-20 judging by the lack of a guild. I mean its clear to anyone that it wasnt the BH being hit because thats 14,000 damage and the BH he has targeted is on 9k/16k health. Not to mention it shows the 10k crit on the dead corpse infront of him. This doesnt change that guardians can do good dps but I dont want people spreading misinformed comments around the forums, if you dont know how to read a screenshot then dont go posting.

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I hit like a mack truck, and that's with a crashing computer that is redownloading the client as we speak after a massive upgrade overhaul. That said, I killed a BH at lv50 when I was 48, tearing him to shreds, and went on to fight a friend of mine who's rocking almost all battlemaster and rakata and is a commando when I was lv49. Now that I'm finally 50 and got a few purples on, I feel as if I can rock God in the face on a good day for me and a bad one for him.


Also, I have a question for all of you: Should I keep Slash in my rotation since I often find myself with an overabundance of Focus, or stick to using Strike to make sure I don't focus starve myself?

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I am a Vigilance Jedi Guardian who has killed everything on Nightmare.


People don't understand how easy this game is, and that if you are not stupid, geared enough to be there, and know your class, it doesn't matter what classes you bring, you will kill bosses.

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I'm a vigilance guardian and I'm 10/10 too. DPS is excellent, though burst and AoE are both very weak compared to other classes. Most baddies will only see the lack of burst and think it translates directly into poor DPS, which is where they go wrong.
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Don't do with this cat suggests. Simply let your group or the inviter know that you are speced DPS. If they refuse to invite you, move on. Prove your merit to groups by playing well and being a decent person (sometimes rare in this game) and you should have no shortage of invites from previous groupies by the time you get into your 20s or 30s.


If you are DPS spec, however, you should always keep an eye on aggro distribution and be ready to pop into Soresu if the main tank is going down quick and/or the main healer is low or out of power, and if mobs are rushing the healer(s) and/or more squishy DPS, which is not always the fault of the main tank, you should try to peel.


There's no reason a Vig or Focus spec guard can't hold aggro for a decent amount of time in emergency situations, and I suspect if you're being removed or overlooked it may be from other players' past experience with DPS dongs (including Guards, but usually Gunslingers) who simply do nothing but faceroll, break CC and loot in the middle of combat...

Edited by JagerPanzer
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Listen, don't group with baddies.


If they critique you on your based solely on your class then they are scrubs.


I have to deal with it all the time, and if you really want to group just be cocky.


Scrubling - LF2M DPS Hard Modes <whatever flashpoint>

Me - "Hey I'll hop on that, invite me"

Scrubling - "What class are you?"

Me - "Jedi Guardian"

Scrubling - " No thanks"

Me - "I'm in full Gladiator you ****"

Scrubling has invited you to group.


I've also done this before.


Scrubling - LF2M DPS Hard Modes <whatever flashpoint>

Me - "Invite"

Scrubling "Class?"

ME - "Sentiel"

Scrubling invites you to group.


**Later on in the flash point coming on the second boss**


Scrubling "Use your other lightsaber"

Me "I can do more dps with one, it's an exploit, don't say anything".

Scrubling "k cool, good dps btw"

Me "np np"


oh god my sides.


that's hilarious, so doing this at some point.

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