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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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The naysayers in this thread are either 14 years with no lives OR adults with no lives. Why in God's name do you defend re-rolling as a freaking solution to this problem? So it should be expected and acceptable to have to start over completely because of crappy planning? Do you people go outside, or like have a job or something? Normal people can't waste hundreds of hours for something as stupid as this.


If I invest a ton of time creating a character with a specific name, stats, gear, etc.... I should not be chastised for NOT wanting to do it all over again just because BW doesn't give a crap about the problem. Stop defending these clowns, because that's the reason why they don't really care. You are essentially enablers.


FYI, I'm a subscriber, and I love the game. My problem is with server population and end-game content, that's it. I could care less about any other meaningless bug or issue. But I'm sorry, an MMO with this problem kinda defeats the purpose of paying monthly, don't ya think?

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I agree, We need some sort of population consolidation.


Though after reading here i feel like i'm blessed, peak times my server has 50-75 in fleet.


I joined my server pre-release and have watched the population swell and then bleed away, undoubtedly headed for the same fate as the multitudes speaking up here. I'd love to see some of the lower pop servers be able to bring their high level characters over to ours and we actually get some operations done.


But yea, really, I love this game but its going to quickly become unplayable without a population consolidation mechanism of some sort. Don't let this game die to entropy.

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I agree, We need some sort of population consolidation.



I joined my server pre-release and have watched the population swell and then bleed away, undoubtedly headed for the same fate as the multitudes speaking up here. I'd love to see some of the lower pop servers be able to bring their high level characters over to ours and we actually get some operations done.



Its kinda sad seeing your server go from crammed with people at any and every time of day and night during early access to a steady decline each week.


I fear for this game and its one i really really dont want to see flop. Im hoping they have server transfers soon so that when too many people leave my server i can go somewhere else.

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Been scanning through the various posts and forums these last 2 days and it is generally accepted that SW is having major problems, not only because of all the bugs which most players are willing to accept for the time been, but because of the diminishing population on the servers and for that reason many servers are now close to dead.

I also see that BW has not reacted at all on these hundreds of posts asking for server merge or character transfer. I don't think anyone is so naive so to believe that BW doesn't read these posts and are unaware the problem. There must be another reason for BW to keep total silence on the matter. Either they cannot merge servers because of bad programming of the game, or, if they did, they would probably be left with so few servers that the true number of active subscribers would be easy to show and that number is probably much less than is good for publicity. I believe the second.

The game I'm afraid is slowly dying and they just don't want us to know in fear that we will all unsubscribe sooner than later. As someone said before, it is 2012, not 2004 and they cannot afford to pretend they cant see the problem because it wont just go away.

Imagine if they merged all the servers into 10-15 total. The game would be very playable, but people would see that it is no success and this would probably dissuade new subscribers.

One of BW major coming up upgrades is to allow Jedi to lift the hood over their head. Wow!!! let me tell you this BW (I know you read these posts), i dont give a rats arse about that, I care about playing!

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Been scanning through the various posts and forums these last 2 days and it is generally accepted that SW is having major problems, not only because of all the bugs which most players are willing to accept for the time been, but because of the diminishing population on the servers and for that reason many servers are now close to dead.

I also see that BW has not reacted at all on these hundreds of posts asking for server merge or character transfer. I don't think anyone is so naive so to believe that BW doesn't read these posts and are unaware the problem. There must be another reason for BW to keep total silence on the matter. Either they cannot merge servers because of bad programming of the game, or, if they did, they would probably be left with so few servers that the true number of active subscribers would be easy to show and that number is probably much less than is good for publicity. I believe the second.

The game I'm afraid is slowly dying and they just don't want us to know in fear that we will all unsubscribe sooner than later. As someone said before, it is 2012, not 2004 and they cannot afford to pretend they cant see the problem because it wont just go away.

Imagine if they merged all the servers into 10-15 total. The game would be very playable, but people would see that it is no success and this would probably dissuade new subscribers.

One of BW major coming up upgrades is to allow Jedi to lift the hood over their head. Wow!!! let me tell you this BW (I know you read these posts), i dont give a rats arse about that, I care about playing!


Or option 3....Servers aren't dying

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Crevasse City IS ALREADY DEAD! Log on at 9 pm and you will see less than 20 PEOPLE ON THE FLEET. Yeah, you read correctly...LESS THAN 20 PEOPLE DURING PEAK PRIME TIME.





It is always possible that there are a couple of servers that are in trouble. This is part of MMOs unfortunately. I'm sure you've put some effort in but rerolling is always possible and server transfers will come.

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The naysayers in this thread are either 14 years with no lives OR adults with no lives. Why in God's name do you defend re-rolling as a freaking solution to this problem? So it should be expected and acceptable to have to start over completely because of crappy planning? Do you people go outside, or like have a job or something? Normal people can't waste hundreds of hours for something as stupid as this.


If I invest a ton of time creating a character with a specific name, stats, gear, etc.... I should not be chastised for NOT wanting to do it all over again just because BW doesn't give a crap about the problem. Stop defending these clowns, because that's the reason why they don't really care. You are essentially enablers.


FYI, I'm a subscriber, and I love the game. My problem is with server population and end-game content, that's it. I could care less about any other meaningless bug or issue. But I'm sorry, an MMO with this problem kinda defeats the purpose of paying monthly, don't ya think?


Here here! Down with the basement-dwelling fanboys!


This game needs server merges, cross-server wz's, free char transfers, all of it.

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Here here for server merges.


This is a fun game, but where is the MMO? There were 12 people on the Imp fleet. 12. About 4 on the last planet I was on. I saw a guy from the other faction on Tatooine once, I think.


There need to be additional zeros on the ends of those numbers quickly.

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I play on Icebreaker and from level 1-50, I never saw more than 6 people on the same planet I was on....ONCE! If I want to see double digits, I have to go to fleet and even then the first digit rarely goes above a 2. The GTN is always almost empty, I've had 3 group experiences since I bought the game and now that I'm max level, I'm bored to tears. I decided to give it one more month, but after this I'm canceling until either server merges or server transfers become available. I refuse to reroll.
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I'm glad to see other people here who refuse to reroll. Rerolling is NOT the answer here. It may make the experience eventually better for those who do it, but it just makes the overall problem WORSE. It's just putting a band-aid on a wound that clearly needs stitches.


Believe it or not, most of us value our time too much to do many, many, many hours of the same content all over again just for the ability to experience the intended content at the end. If that makes us seem "entitled" or 'self-important" in the eyes of some, so be it. But I believe our money buys us this entitlement.

Edited by Stenrik
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While I can understand the hesitation to re-rolling, hell it's hard enough to get to max level on one server let alone redoing it after a couple of months. It seems you are more after a way to transfer your toon to another server.


In reality, there was no way to predict which servers would be high population and which would be low population. Thems the breaks mate.


Imagine, if you will, that you were to build a bunch of cities with buildings, infrastructure, housing, entertainment and so forth. Fully functional cities needing only to be populated. With all things being equal, there is no possible way of proving which one would actually get more people living and working there than the others.


So in comes SWTOR (or any other mmo at launch) with a range of possible homes for us where all things ARE equal. There is no way of predicting which ones will fill up and which ones will be full of tumbleweeds.


If your toon is on a low populated server, stop blaming the developers of the game. They didnt make you roll on that server. They, like you, expected it to be populated. This is called "reality". The developers and other companies have invested MILLIONS into the game design, infrastructure and marketing to get a player base. Who knew where they would end up??


Ask for something reasonable within a reasonable time and you will more than likely be granted it. Asking for a server merge within 2 months of launch is just plain selfish. It makes me think about the classroom where the teacher brings in 2 chocolates for each student but some students dont want any and other students want more. What is the correct number to bring in? What flavour? They have to predict, implement and see the results over time and work out what suits all parties as close to amicably as possible.


Stop being impatient because you are unhappy with a choice you were never forced to make. A voluntary choice which you regret in hindsight. A choice which is still able to be made by yourself where the result of that choice is for your benefit mostly.


Ask for a solution which is within the scope to be provided and stop dictating a solution which is financially nonviable during the infant months of an mmo. Ask for a transfer service perhaps, the ability to perhaps "pack up" your skill tree and experience and "instant level" on a new server as a one-off service per character. Think beyond the childish demands of "I screwed up, its not my fault, you need to fix it for me!".





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Ask for a solution which is within the scope to be provided and stop dictating a solution which is financially nonviable during the infant months of an mmo.


Interjection! Silence meatbag! Statement based purely on conjecture with no way of knowing the specific details of the case that is SWTOR.


Ask for a transfer service perhaps, the ability to perhaps "pack up" your skill tree and experience and "instant level" on a new server as a one-off service per character.


Interjection! Silence meatbag! Character transfer service is a huge, ginormous, indescribably profitable endeavour for Bioware. Especially since the Legacy system encourages it even more than in WoW, where the transfer service of one single character equals an entire month of subscription. Imagine transferring 3x Characters due to Legacy perseverance.

This is a huge endeavour. This is happening. Your latter suggestion is a band-aid solution that makes close to zero sense and, pardon the bluntness, reeks of fanboyism. The game has fatally made a mistake with the artificially low population caps. It is indisputable. It skewered the perception of server populations and encouraged people to spread out. Truth is, they didn't, and when the population cap was lifted again, it's bitten all those people who actually did as Bioware encouraged, intended and wanted in order for the game to flourish, in their pretty behinds.


This is Bioware's mess. And a fix in either the form of mergers or transfers cannot come too soon.



Think beyond the childish demands of "I screwed up, its not my fault, you need to fix it for me!".




Screwed up how? The game had during launch several servers with 1 hour queues. And it had several servers with Light population. Ideally, the 1-hour worth of queued people would roll on a Light populated server. Ideally, all that were on "Very Heavy" servers verging on being full would reroll on a Light populated server. Why? 'coz the game flourishes. It simply maximizes enjoyment for the largest amount of people, aka what is in Bioware's interest, as satisfied customers = paying customers.


Now, you have a roughly 10-15 EU servers who suffer from lack of population. All these people ask for is that the servers become merged. Or that a transferring service is implemented ASAP. Why? Because otherwise people quit. Why shouldn't they? The game's literally dead for them. No groups, no warzones, no operations, no nothing.


They're asking for a solution to a problem that other MMOs have handled perfectly by providing transfers or merged servers. They're asking out of legitimate fear that Bioware will keep a couple of dead servers running to avoid bad publicity. Because merges would imply "Yes, we did a bad job with artificially setting low population caps during launch, then subsequently launching a truckload of new (now empty) servers, THEN lifting the artificial population cap on highest servers, leading to a return of previously rerolled players who were tired of queues".


Understand that population equals fun. Understand that fun equals money. Understand that server consolidation WILL be needed, EVEN with transfers. The moment transfers open, I can guarantee you the 'dead' servers will be even more dead.

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Dude, I like the cut of your jib but really, read your first interjection and read your last paragraph. Contradict much?


I posed a transfer service which you interjected about, yet posed a transfer service?!?!


I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but your ability to debate has been compromised (possibly due to your climate and leaving meat in bags, not good really mate)






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Dude, I like the cut of your jib but really, read your first interjection and read your last paragraph. Contradict much?


I posed a transfer service which you interjected about, yet posed a transfer service?!?!


I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but your ability to debate has been compromised (possibly due to your climate and leaving meat in bags, not good really mate)







Or I am just acutely aware that you interjected (to stay remotely in character) a 'perhaps' after character service, implying, as I've stated, you're of the opinion that it is people's fault for Bioware's mistake in both numbers of servers and how they handled servers during launch. Implying that transfers aren't absolutely needed. Implying that it's some vaguely defined possible solution to a problem you're not really emphasizing with nor can relate to.


The devil's in the detail. I posted that a character transfer is urgently needed and one of two only viable long-term sustainable solutions. You posted it as a vague possibility, along with another, worse, band-aid possible solution.


Edit: Plus you absolved Bioware of guilt in this matter. I think there's plenty here that Bioware, from an ethical standpoint, should do, seeing it's them that created more servers than the game possibly needs and can maintain.

Edited by Maltuvion
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BW will not merge servers, they have already prove they way to stupid to do whats good for the game, it slay me that Dev's do not learn for past game mistakes.


Low population servers cause people to quit, most people who quit never come back (note for the crybaby fanbois I said most)


The game has way way to man servers and a lot if not half or more are dead, or very close to it.


I remember BW saying a long time ago that they unlike other mmo would not just launch a rash of servers, then they went out and launched more servers than any other mmo.


But they will continually lie to themselves and us thinking things like patch 1.2 will sort issue out, it will not once people leave they gone and no improvements will bring the majority back.


Server merges need to happen today as even tomorrow will be to late and the damage done is never recouped and every day they not merged, and populations raised the damage increase.


I'm lucky I'm in good sized guild that lacks for nothing, but I'm not stupid I can see that beven on our server we have lost over 50% of the player base.

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Or I am just acutely aware that you interjected (to stay remotely in character) a 'perhaps' after character service, implying, as I've stated, you're of the opinion that it is people's fault for Bioware's mistake in both numbers of servers and how they handled servers during launch.


The devil's in the detail. I posted that a character transfer is urgently needed and one of two only viable long-term sustainable solutions. You posted it as a vague possibility, along with another, worse, band-aid possible solution.


Edit: Plus you absolved Bioware of guilt in this matter. I think there's plenty here that Bioware, from an ethical standpoint, should do, seeing it's them that created more servers than the game possibly needs and can maintain.


I hear you friend, perhaps I am ignorant in parts. How is it BW's fault? I ask for an answer, not to stir the pot.


I fully agree that the servers perhaps should have been segmented in order to allow more of an informed choice but I have no idea how that segmentation could have worked better. I was not here at launch deliberately: I wanted to see where the action went so I could make a better decision of where to live.


In thinking about it, I guess I blame the player for the choice because there was NO information about why certain servers were better or worse from the outset. It was pure blind luck and a bit of impatience about waiting to join. I waited 2 months to join so I could let others test the waters and then took a leap after some minor searching, a few phone calls and the beckoning of a former guild. I guess I don't understand how other people made their choice and why there is so much bitterness but I just cannot blame BW for it, they never gave me any indication of where to go at all, in any way, shape or form.


Cheers for your response mate :)




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