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Operative Medical Therapy does not work


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nerfing the damage of the opener, nerfing the knockdown, nerfing armor penetration.


then nerfing biochem


then nerfing surge


all the while they fix.. COMPANION BUGS and they are supposed to be more important than 10% more power on two of our main heals.


seriously, their prioritizing is awful.


but you are a foll if you believe that they don't fix it cause they fix more "important" things. they simply don't fix it cause operative is the least played AC, and now it has even less, so they JUST DON'T CARE.


take per example juggernaughts and their "bugged" animations (used to start twice, costing them dps cause of repeating moves). FIXED at previous patch.


Yet the animation for Frag Grenade still "double pumps". Oh, and I still have a mission from Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan that I can't complete and can't drop.


At least Marauders can multi stack their group damage buff.

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Thanks for acknowledging the issue, but did you really need to backdate the post by 4 days?


EDIT: Incremented the count in my signature. =p



After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.




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After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.





Time Machine!


OT: great to know that this is being fixed :):):)

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After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.





Must be hard running these forums with a 4 day lag...nearly as bad as Ilum ;)


and yes its good to know its getting sorted :)

Edited by Englisheart
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After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.





I feel for you, I really do, but I've got to point this out. That thing you just described; there's a word for it you know. Bureaucracy.

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Anyone notice that any Operative complaints get a Dev to respond but for weeks not a single word to the Scoundrels yet?


Again proof the love for Imperials over Republic is very apparent. Hard to deny it....


you mean the responce of a broken talent that is ONLY broken for operative and not scoundreal and the fact that our common problems are still not addressed?

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After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.





In that case I apologize for suggesting it was manipulation. Thanks for the update.


PS: Incrementing my signature line by TWO now. =p

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Anyone notice that any Operative complaints get a Dev to respond but for weeks not a single word to the Scoundrels yet?


Again proof the love for Imperials over Republic is very apparent. Hard to deny it....


The idea that bioware 'hates' Republic is absurd, as is the idea that BW hates Scoundrels/Ops (despite evidence to the contrary) 'because they all play sorcerers'


This game cost quite a few pounds to make and is not some playground for Bioware employees but a buisness thats geared to make as much money as possible.


Scoundrels / Operatives WILL be fixed/adjusted until these forums don't look like they do at the moment - 99% of posts stating how underpowered/useless we are.


How does that look to new players wanting to join the game and doing a little research on these boards?


I've already had people IM me in game asking if Operatives/Scoundrels really are as gimped as they've heard (i play both and like lots of others i have no interest in lightsaber classes)

So, already thats the reputation we're getting, which isn't good news for Bioware.

Less choice = BAD for buisness.


I honestly think that BW just dont know what to do with us at the moment so keep the ideas coming - but scattered amidst the threads of dissent perhaps :D

Edited by FadeLei
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Update: The fix for this is scheduled for weekly patch 1.1.4.


-- Georg


Thank you for taking care of us <3


I hope you will find some time to play this great class speced as healer.


We all (in this thread) love this class and hope you have an eye for the agents.

Edited by Andreasus
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After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.





Why would there need to be a 4 day delay in a post? That makes no sense at all. You really need a new system for this. :rolleyes:

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Since you SEEM to have kept atleast a bit track of this thread here George.

Would you mind giving operatives/scoundrels ANY kind of peace of mind such as "were planning on looking at operatives in patch 1.1.5" or "were well aware how badly operatives are performing in all aspects of the game"... ANYTHING!?

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The idea that bioware 'hates' Republic is absurd, as is the idea that BW hates Scoundrels/Ops (despite evidence to the contrary) 'because they all play sorcerers'...


Your description of BW's incentives is spot-on. Presumably, they view the game as a business, and maximizing revenue is more important than coddling a pet class or two. Balancing classes and factions is in their interest.


However, the BW team contains many of the same devs from Warhammer. That game released with class balance issues of a similar magnitude (Bright Wizards!). Those gaps were addressed -- but it took years. Having played WH since release (heck, I'm still subbed out of nostalgia), any concerns about the TOR team seem entirely justified :)


It's not just the whether, but also the when. We'll have to wait and see how quickly BW reacts. As of the present, do we even know whether they are evaluating class balance? Is there someone on their team tasked to do that?

Edited by Oghier
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After developers make a post, it can take a while for it to show up in the thread at the point it was made. This is a known side effect of the communications pipeline (e.g. to allow the foreign language community reps to provide translations / updates to our international community for relevant topics), not some malicious way of us manipulating the past.





ROFL Seriously the best answer? How much of this game is really working as intended.

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