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Reverse Engineering Proc's


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Please can we get a sticky on this thread to fix the whole RE Proc rate.


I am an ArmorMech and have just RE's 50 blues in a row (Critical Powered Assault Belt and Gauntlets) with not a single proc. 50 Blues cost a fortune to make and at 18 minutes a piece a hell of a long time. The Under World Metals cost a fortune and time on top of that.


I would not mind so much but I only have a 33% chance when the proc comes that it will be the stats that I want (For a purple), less for a Blue.


The proc rate has to be adjusted, my recomendation is using a rate of diminishing returns. First time you RE a specific item you have a 10% chance, second time 20%, 3rd time 30%etc. (Each proc also remembers the Procs before, so you dont get the same one twice) At least then you know that by 30 RE's you have what you want.


Either that or have vendor bought components that can be added to the recipe to modify the stats on a crafted item, not the schematic itself.

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I have to agree with the OP. I RE'd over 65 blue schematic gauntlets before I even came close to proccing a purple. I must've sunk about 125,000 credits AT LEAST trying to proc that. I understand that there should be a random element to it, but 65-(from other posters)250+ tries? Seems a little overkill.
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The change increase you suggested would ruin the whole craft since everyone would know everything. But yes some sort of inccrease even if a small one should be added. On top of that players should actualy see where they are standinf regards reverse e gineering successrate. By this way we could actualy feel like progressing even tho new schematics isn't gained.


I hate that hitting your head into wall feeling. Currently reeing critical TD-07 leggins (base item blue). Done 40 piecea of them with no results. = 160 mandalorian ore, 240 ciridium, 480 zal alloy, 400 durasteel. And as you see the item im reverse e gineering is purp.


ilm seriously thinking about dropping my armormech with tier 2 pup schematic...

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The proc rate seems fine to me as is. I don't even RE that much and I have a zillion blue/purple schematics. Those that get the most frustrated are usually those that only care about 1 or 2 top-tier items and, imho, that's not really crafting.

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quick questions...


1) Are you jumping ahead and trying to get procs for items that are at the top of your crafting skill?


2) Are their big gaps of un RE green schematics in your crafting UI?


I've found that I get procs very quickly for items that have turned grey difficulty, but almost can't get a proc for an item that is still yellow. I'm taking a completionists approach to crafting- and it's going great for me. It's costing a WHOLE lot of credits- but I'm getting procs within 1 - 10 trys.

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you mean everyone should have everything available at little to no effort? Making things UNCERTAIN has a great value. If you'd be certain that x number of tries will give you desired effect, then it's just bad for the economy in general. not that economy is not completely broken right now, but i'm willing to give them benefit of the doubt that they will put some effort into fixing it.


so in short no, leave it random and let the lucky ones profit

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you made a thread after you REd 50 blues without a proc? o.O


i didnt even make a new thread because i didnt get a proc from 800 blue earpieces...


i really think you are cute with your 50, i wish i was you


I have a really hard time believing this. If you are telling the truth, then you must have the worst luck in the entire world. I've reverse engineered probably between 500 and 600 blue ear-pieces, and I have at least 12 purple patterns from it.

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You need to keep at it. It is just luck or bad luck. I have REed 50+ items with with nothing and then REed 5 items and had 3 schematics. One time I REed 50+ and I found out I had the blue. I was clicking the items so fast I must have missed the message saying I had a new schematic.


I like the crafting. It is like gambling. Anyway you need something to do when you are 50. If you don't like crafting just save some credits up and you can get whatever item you want cheaper/less work at the auction ;)

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Something has changed for Armormech anyhow. Prepatch it was perhaps 5-8 attempts max from green to blue and perhaps 10-15 max to go from blue to purple, now I have been trying to get pants (lvl 46) from green-blue-purple - It took over 50 (I didnt count) to go from green to blue and now I have now gone through 4.5 stacks of the item I was paying attention to (99/stack + the bits and pieces I get back) at 4 pieces/try and have yet to get a purple recipe. I have 400 skill and max on a couple companions and well over half on the rest if that makes a difference.


Perhaps armor was too easy before and it has been made more in line with other profs or perhaps I am having a terrible string of luck. I believe something has changed, and I dont really care if something has changed I just dont like when things change and we are unaware.

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Something has changed for Armormech anyhow. Prepatch it was perhaps 5-8 attempts max from green to blue and perhaps 10-15 max to go from blue to purple, now I have been trying to get pants (lvl 46) from green-blue-purple - It took over 50 (I didnt count) to go from green to blue and now I have now gone through 4.5 stacks of the item I was paying attention to (99/stack + the bits and pieces I get back) at 4 pieces/try and have yet to get a purple recipe. I have 400 skill and max on a couple companions and well over half on the rest if that makes a difference.


Perhaps armor was too easy before and it has been made more in line with other profs or perhaps I am having a terrible string of luck. I believe something has changed, and I dont really care if something has changed I just dont like when things change and we are unaware.


I was going along pretty good low level. When I started 40+ items they take way more REs to get. I think higher the level of the item=less chance to RE.

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I am going for all and I mean getting blues is normally 2-7 attempts. Getting purples normally 2-15 for the linear ones, I have had a bit more trouble with getting the split ones 5-25 with the worst one currently 34, tho I haven't got to the split ones at yellow skill level.
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I was going along pretty good low level. When I started 40+ items they take way more REs to get. I think higher the level of the item=less chance to RE.

ya that I am sure has something to do with it, perhaps pants are most difficult? But even the other 40s I made were pretty easy... Again I dont really care I just wish there was some clue of some kind because after a while I start to think if the recipe is bugged? something changed, just some feedback would be nice I suppose.

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And as you see the item im reverse e gineering is purp.


I thought purple was the highest grade and that you couldn't RE higher? That you could only crit on crafting?


Am I not getting something here? Who have ever been able to get Legendary items from crafting?

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They ninja nerfed the RE proc the last patch. I don't care what the devs say when they come on this forum. They're lying through their bloody teeth. It used to take me 20, or at most, 30 attempts to get a proc from blue to purple. Now it takes well over 200, never mind the fact that the procs I DO get aren't worth anything (medium armor with shield, derp derp). This needs to be fixed ASAP. Stop lying to us and do something about it, devs.
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Ya, I cant believe anymore that it is just bad luck, I just burned through another 2 stacks (99/stack and 4 pieces/attempt) and still no schematic. Definitely a stealth nerf or bug. Quick calculation that is about 150 tries with no luck + however many more that I was able to to with the leftovers (maybe another 10-15?).


As for other crafting professions taking 400 or 500 to get a purple they must remember that is 1 slot, Armor is 6 slots to fill the slots, mind you augments and stuff have several too.


Again, I want to stress I dont really care if there are changes, but they have to be known or we wonder if it is a bug or a broken schematic or...I wonder if it has to do with the "Thee are no missions defined for the crewskill Armormech" bug?????

Edited by belamorte
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I'm having a similar problem.


I haven't had any trouble at all getting procs up until the patch yesterday. Seriously, 5-10 greens and I'd have 2-3 Tier 1 blues, and 5-10 T1 blues and I'd have a T2 purple or two, it was pretty nice. That was common, I've got like...20-25 purple schematics or so, spread all from level 9 through level 43.


Then yesterday's patch hit, and I spent all day yesterday and today REing a T1 blue belt...50-60 REs and nothing. Switched over to a green item I had no upgrades for, REd 40-50 of those and didn't get a single T1 blue.


Kind of wondering what's up. Just seems like such a huge swing. I'll keep trying though, and hopefully it really is just "bad luck."

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I've been wondering if RE is bugged right now. I've RE'd Reflex and Skill barrels into purples, but I haven't even gotten the Commando barrel to blue yet after about 40-60 of them. It's either that or BioWare doesn't want me to corner the market on barrels since on my server, as of right now, there's me and this other guy selling them. I got Reflex and Skill at 17K each and he has Commando since he knows I can't make then for 22.1K.
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Sorry, don't want purple everything within a month. Proc rate is just fine and should be hard for the higher level stuff.


I mean really, how quickly do you guys want to turn this whole thing into a wow commodity market just like jewelcrafting? That's exactly how it's gonna be you know. You list yours, someone undercuts you, you undercut, you get undercut again, yada yada yada.


The only way to be really profitable in such a situation is to play the market every single minute you can, spread across lots of various markets, making precise undercuts. Doing this in wow is tedious, and I have good auction mods! Can you imagine with SWTOR's 50 item limit and no auction mods listing each one at a time? Having to search to price each one each time??!!


My god I shudder at the very thought. I couldn't play that. I just couldn't. Such a huge waste of time for freakin nothing.

Edited by Marlaine
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Sorry, don't want purple everything within a month. Proc rate is just fine and should be hard for the higher level stuff. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Thats not the point, I dont care if it takes 1000 or 5000 times to proc, but when one day it takes 20ish to proc then the next day nothing procs at all with no explaination; it would be nice to know if something has changed so we dont think it is broken.

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Thats not the point, I dont care if it takes 1000 or 5000 times to proc, but when one day it takes 20ish to proc then the next day nothing procs at all with no explaination; it would be nice to know if something has changed so we dont think it is broken.




This is going to be the new "onyxia deep breathes more" after every patch.

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Be happy you can get any proc. I already asked about this on here but after the 1/12 patch, something went horribly wrong. I was around 200 cybertech, which is roughly lvl 30 on item level for those items ( armoring, ears, mods etc ).


I have not proced anything since then. I am now max cyber. I, along with my companions, all have at least 3 pieces of orange gear. So i go through alot of crafting & i RE everything.


Last items I procced were at level 30 ( 200 cyber ) which was the day before the 1/12 patch.


Seriously if you look at my crew skill window, switch it to item level and scroll down. Item levels 9-30 there are a few blues & purples mixed in. Items 31-50 all green. Nothing since then.


I already filed a ticket in game back on the 22nd. Something is seriously bugged with this or at least I feel on my character it is. Went 20 levels & 200 crew skill levels without a proc.


There is seriously something wrong. I am basically playing without a crew skill because of this.

Edited by Delease
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This is going to be the new "onyxia deep breathes more" after every patch.


I dont know what this means, I would guess it is some reference to World of Warcraft, anyhow, update ----


I gave up on the pants and am just going to stick with crited blue pants (after probably close to 200 attempts) and went for the lvl 47 chest piece. It took about 7 tries to proc the green chest (redoubt)to blue and only 6 to proc the blue to purple(anti-armor) - the purple wasnt the greatest but so be it, I dont think I will sink anymore time/mats into it - I will crit one then be done. So maybe it is actually just bad luck or maybe some recipes are bugged or some are harder than others??? I am guessing some recipes are harder or bugged than others.


Really, I could have bought the iarmor off the GTN for much cheaper and saved my sanity and creds or more smartly just got drops and condemnations and had as good armor anyhow.

Edited by belamorte
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