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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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While I'm going to continue to play until my current billing period runs out, it's looking very unlikely that the game will still be something worth playing three months from now. I've played a lot of MMOs, both good and bad, and you start to get a feel for how the devs react to the community based on their reactions to the first few imbalances found. Bioware's reactions have been on par with the worst MMOs I've ever played. It honestly wouldn't matter if it were my class or not that got nerfed; it's just a bad sign in general that you've got a small group of developers who are enamored with The Vision of how the game should be and only give token attention to the community.


On an unrelated note, I keep coming back to one thought: What if Concealment had been the tree we shared with Snipers, instead of Lethality? I know, strange thought, but think about it for a minute. How different would the game be if stealth was seen as a more normal part of the game, something a ranged class could use for hit-and-run attacks, instead of being solely the province of melee-range burst DPSers? (Yes, I know, Medicine types can stealth. I rarely see them actually do so, though.) And without the need to share with Snipers, Lethality could have been a more focused set than the haphazard mix of ranged and melee that it is now.

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Yes, will be rerolling.

Cancelled sub, but have subbed for 6 months, so in the meantime I'll test an assassin, Sorceror, juggernaut, marauder and mercenary.


Currently levling the assassin, but will start with the merc after that.


Already have a PT at 50, but didn't at all like that class. Level 49 class quest and Mako ruined the experience, not gonna spoil it (although I believe it has been made less difficult now).

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Still killing people relatively quickly, and my stunlock is even longer than it was pre-patch... so not seeing a point in rerolling.


it's just a bad sign in general that you've got a small group of developers who are enamored with The Vision of how the game should be and only give token attention to the community.


Wait, weren't we complaining a few pages ago about how the developers were listening to the community too much and not focusing on balancing the game? Now it's the other way around?


On an unrelated note, I keep coming back to one thought: What if Concealment had been the tree we shared with Snipers, instead of Lethality? I know, strange thought, but think about it for a minute. How different would the game be if stealth was seen as a more normal part of the game, something a ranged class could use for hit-and-run attacks, instead of being solely the province of melee-range burst DPSers? (Yes, I know, Medicine types can stealth. I rarely see them actually do so, though.) And without the need to share with Snipers, Lethality could have been a more focused set than the haphazard mix of ranged and melee that it is now.


I've always thought making stealth a baseline aspect of the imperial agent would have been a really interesting design, especially since it'd alleviate several of the issues Snipers have with their class too.


Though I also don't think Lethality is as hopeless as people make it out. The spec could become amazing and unique with only a couple minor changes. The only truly damaging flaw with the spec is forcing one of the squishiest classes in the game, with a DoT based spec, to go into melee range. All they'd need to do to fix that is bump up the range on cull and weakening blast to something more logical and tack TA generation onto one of the corrosive moves through a mid-level talent.


I'm not sure what they were going for with Lethality in its current form though. It's odd for Operatives because it's a spec that demands you avoid putting yourself in danger at all costs by relying on two long range DoTs... but then also demands you get into melee range. Even for Snipers it's a bit odd, because a Lethality sniper doesn't utilize any of the sniper's core mechanics.

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Please stop replying and saying you still kill people. Everyone with half a brain realizes that yes, you can stun people longer now due to the resolve changes. However, PvE is totally borked, since it's a fairly significant nerf to PvE output.
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Please stop replying and saying you still kill people. Everyone with half a brain realizes that yes, you can stun people longer now due to the resolve changes. However, PvE is totally borked, since it's a fairly significant nerf to PvE output.


Yeah, seems that way. Personally didn't comment on PvE conceal because I only PvE'd as Medic or Lethality, so can't really comment on how much damage was lost.

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Wait, weren't we complaining a few pages ago about how the developers were listening to the community too much and not focusing on balancing the game? Now it's the other way around?


Eh, there's "listening" and then there's listening. It's a question of education versus validation; good developers use feedback to identify potential problems before reviewing potential resolutions, bad developers simply find the feedback that matches their initial estimates and the resolution they'd already chosen. Bioware looked at the v1.0 feedback (predominantly complaints from sorcs and such from a very unbalanced PvP environment) and designed their fixes purely around certain internal metrics; from that point on, it looks like they never re-examined either the data or the feedback to ensure that the fixes were either necessary or well-designed. GOOD software developers use an iterative process, where you continually examine the feedback on your latest builds to ensure that what reaches your customers is stable and effective. (If you can't tell, I've been a software engineer before.)


The point is, we had a problem. The way we thought the game should be played was in direct conflict with the way certain other folks thought it should be played. They were louder first; we waited until suggested fixes were in the pipeline before reacting, and even then the outcry was just too small as our class has far fewer players than those complaining about us. It didn't help that in any class there will always be a few things who think everything's just fine and that the only complainers are people without the skill to adapt to changes.


So here's what I'm afraid is going to happen based on past MMO experience. (Bioware, PLEASE prove me wrong.) Two days from now, after the latest PvP complaints, they'll hotfix the game to remove our "permastun" by having Jarring Strike fill the Resolve bar. Having "fixed" us, Operatives and Smugglers are basically going to disappear from the game. There'll be a few still around here and there; healers hoping for a fix to their broken abilities, Lethalities who are still convinced that they're good damage-dealers, and so on. The Sorcs and such (our intended victims) will laugh and enjoy their largesse.

In a month Bioware will announce patch v1.2, which'll give Operatives a handful of small boosts to compensate for our PvE problems. It won't nearly be enough to bring back the cancelled subs, but it'll be enough that those who didn't cancel will mostly quit complaining and just accept their lot in life. At the same time, they'll make a few changes to other classes' key abilities; longer cooldown on tracer missile, weakening of Sorcerer defenses, that sort of thing. The complaints will be deafening, with the number of QQ posts far outstripping those of the Operatives.. At that point, Bioware has to choose one of two paths: continue with their changes, and watch as subscriptions drop noticeably from all of the FotM folks who didn't care about the story to begin with, or back off and keep a horribly unbalanced game.

I'd call it 50-50 at this point.

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Been loving this Mercenary. Operatives tickle me now and haven't lost 1v1 to one yet.


They nerf that I'll make a sorc. It's pretty easy to level and don't really buy into the whole "fotm" garbage that people go on about.

Edited by KodiakAsh
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By the way, has anyone checked the Dev Tracker today? A bunch of posts talking about how they'll add a white lightsaber crystal to the game and how someone managed to get it ahead of schedule through some kind of exploit, and nothing at all on the Operative nerf.


Seriously. They responded almost a dozen times to a series of threads talking about how someone had managed to get a white crystal for a lightsaber. A freaking COLOR CRYSTAL. I don't care if someone finds an item that lets them have a rainbow-colored lightsaber, fix the actual GAME first.


But no, that wouldn't be the kind of thing the majority of their playerbase (i.e., anyone who's not us) wants. When I get home tonight, I'm seriously unsure whether I'll just unsubscribe outright.

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Since the class is useless as DPS for PvE now (it was already borderline useless pre nerf) I'm working on a Marauder so I can play the game the way BW wants me to. I knew I shouldn't have taken a risk on the quirky class because this is what happens, big swings in the direction of OP or UP. Lesson learned for GW2. Edited by CaptainInsano
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I rerolled one today. I just like being punished ever time there is a nerf to a class i go and take it. Mostly because i know it will be brought back up. This could also be the reason why there is no combat log or dps meter just so we the customers don't have a leg to stand on, saying class x is way above class y. Then again i prolly should of rolled sniper :p Edited by Syrisdavirus
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Went from a r58 ~600 expertise PvP Healing Merc to an Operative. Mercs are solid but the playstyle was definitely irking me a bit, and I'm probably one of the better PvP healing mercs on my server (which isn't saying much, since I don't see many people who don't swear by the Tracer Missile spam). Gonna try out the healing for this class soon. The class is definitely fun to play so far.


My rule of thumb for people that are getting agitated by the now status quo fotm-roller coaster that seems to be increasingly prevalent in all games: Don't give a crap. Don't bother looking at the PvP forums or class forums outside of helpful guides or intelligent discourse.


The less you give a crap and the more casual approach you take to the game development (even if you're a hardcore in-game), the more you enjoy the class and game.


This is coming from someone that was probably one of the more well-known Warrior advocates for Rift in PvP.


It's just not worth it.

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Have a champ geared lvl 50 op, somewhere around 12% exp, I forget the actual number. Been playing it since EGA almost exclusively until the PTR patch notes went up.


Rerolled an Assassin at that point. Only want to play a stealth class, don't want to heal, and prefer melee. Don't care for medic/lethality, won't play them, no interest. A good part of why I got into SWTOR was due to 2 fairly distinct stealth classes, but with some common ground between them.


Got the Assassin to a high enough level to get a good feel for it, and its fun, but its no Operative. Has some neat tricks the op doesn't have, but nowhere near the burst, which is what made the op fun. It feels more like a WoW feral druid to me, which is a poor man's rogue, but gets the job done. Second rate, IMO.


Tried the op today, could 1v1 well enough, stunlocking is fun and all, but that's no compensation. I don't care about the numbers, I don't feel like I have the same ability to handle whats going on. Maybe I'm just not used to this "new era", but I just feel like I have to worry more about the battle at hand rather than the entire war around me. I don't even care about the numbers, I just care about how it feels while I'm playing, and right now, I feel a bit off.


I'm sure stunlocking will be nerfed (too easy to take out idiot sorcs standing on catwalks), so that silver lining will dissipate. Don't know what else the op will have to offer. I'll be playing the Assassin more I guess, since it more or less what an op will be like in the near future, but with a lot of tricks like a gap closer and knockback.


Long term, I'm really concerned about the balancing this game, and the vacuum it all seems to be done in. It's Op nerfs today, and who's to say it wont be Sorc tomorrow, Merc the day after and so on. Before long, we'll all be wearing loincloths and beating each other with training sabers. I keep telling my friends March is the month of reckoning for SWTOR, so I'm hoping to see some good ideas get put in place before then.

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I replied earlier in this thread stating that Im not rerolling, and guess what... Im still not rerolling, Adapt or die or in this case QQ and Leave. To all the people saying that Ops are worthless in PvE Im glad your leaving cause you give us a bad name, Ops are awesome in PvE if you play it right... L2Play before you complain, you can all quit now, have fun.
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I replied earlier in this thread stating that Im not rerolling, and guess what... Im still not rerolling, Adapt or die or in this case QQ and Leave. To all the people saying that Ops are worthless in PvE Im glad your leaving cause you give us a bad name, Ops are awesome in PvE if you play it right... L2Play before you complain, you can all quit now, have fun.

Was there a coherent thought in there somewhere?:eek:

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I am level 47 so it's a shame I never got to experience what I will be losing at endgame... though I am not biochem (which is the real problem) so I probably wouldn't have experienced it anyway.


From what I understand the nerf is too much in one place. Should have left acid blade alone and gave hidden strike a 10% nerf then fixed biochem so that it isn't the 'only viable profession.' and stopped it boosting damage like it does. I agree with the knock down fix.


I personally think I will be going Medicine at 50 for both PVP and PVE and rerolling a Sith Warrior or continue my Assassin to enjoy the story and wield a lightsaber. Rerolling in this game is worth it for the story every time and I hope to complete that story for every class.


I do have a question about shield probe and some enhancements I have seen on the Medicine gear though... does the absorb or shield stat increase how strong the probe is?

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Not really planning to reroll. However, I started a merc Twink yesterday and did some PvP for the lulz.

Ended up with 30+ kills, 5-6medals and #1st place in damage in 4 successive BGs - at level 12 - without being able to get any of the crit medals, and without even wearing a Hat, much less implants or relics.


I couldn't help laughing:p


Sure, there where no ZOMG 99k crits (like we all know, are commonplace on our operatives:rolleyes:) but what for?

Edited by Skurkanas
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I replied earlier in this thread stating that Im not rerolling, and guess what... Im still not rerolling, Adapt or die or in this case QQ and Leave. To all the people saying that Ops are worthless in PvE Im glad your leaving cause you give us a bad name, Ops are awesome in PvE if you play it right... L2Play before you complain, you can all quit now, have fun.



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There's another class that let's me play 'How many knives can I stick in you before they fade'? I'll reroll to that one but why would I want to stop sticking knives in people even if they all only did 5 damage each?



nothing is better than knives in bellies

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