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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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I suppose after they render a class useless, I am obligated to continue playing it because they may fix it later?


yeah that makes sense

Exactly. Played Retribution Paladin in WoW, oh the memories. If I will in any shape or form be forced to relive that here I'll leave.


Not to say that I know what will happen once the patch hits, except that we need some other tools when out of stealth to stay competetive. Mobility and survivability most of all.

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I may try lethality for a bit. But that is one awkward tree. Mid ranged dps tree that requires you to be in melee range...wha??? Half the tree reduces cooldowns, now that's the definition of fun!


I have a powertech that I will likely go to after the patch if lethality proves to be as silly as it looks.

Edited by Nemularr
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LOL :D i already have sniper foul champion gear 58 valor!!! I rerolled operative now 45lvl and this is my main now!!! i love this class and his playstyle also! Difrrent trees!!! Sniper is a sitting duck!:mad::mad: nothing intersting in my opinion! You must use crounch for everything!! ffs "u like this?" ok???i dont like this and also his trees!!Except lethality "hit and move"!!! :DOperative has it so GG for me:D i like movinnggg!! Nerf operative and i still playing him no matter what!!
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^This and it is getting really really old. Or maybe I'm just getting old and I've finally outgrown MMOs.


Seriously reconsidering subscribing now. Not because of changes as I expect changes but rather why it is being changed and the effect on PvE being ignored.


Then un-sub . The message needs to be sent now. You've still got until when your card would be billed again.

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I hit 50 as an Operative this week.

Now 20%-50% reduction in the Operatives top 3 abilities.

Feels like I wasted my time.


Think I would feel that way, if that sized nerf hit whatever class I had chosen.

Rather than reroll (and maybe relive this moment with BW and my next character), I'll find more productive uses of my time.

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You missed my point entirely.... I have no problem with people rerolling, I have a problem with people acting like its the end of the world and making a big deal out of it. Bioware will soon see the error of their nerf and fix it or do something to give the class a buff in another way. It's not the end of the world and the class is not "broken".


When one class is considered fixed someone will come along and say they are op, then the "fixed" class will get nerfed and someone will come along and say the class that was complaining is op, and someone will nerf that class. It is an endless cycle and every mmo I have played since EQ back in '99 has had this endless loop. MMOs are made to change, one day your class is on the top, the next day it isnt. Get over it and play another class untill that class gets nerfed then move on to the next op class. Just stop the ************ and whining!

and if people don't want to play another class?


you're seeing this though your own lens... some people don't want to reroll, some people would rather just play the class that they leveled and spent many hours learning and enjoying it.


to those people, the game just ended. that's why it's a big deal.

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Seriously reconsidering subscribing now. Not because of changes as I expect changes but rather why it is being changed and the effect on PvE being ignored.


Basically the same here. I don't PvP much, and if these changes go through then it's not even worth trying. PvE's no better; last night I was booted from two hard-mode FP groups because they'd rather have ranged DPS than our melee version. And just forget about operations...


Maybe I'm getting too old for MMOs, but it's just really disturbing how much people at the top end have focused on very specific metrics for effectiveness, and anyone who doesn't meet those is worthless. I had one group leader last night boot me from the BT hard-mode because I didn't have any set armors and so he felt I was "undergeared", even with all of my armor using 23 purples. (Think about that: you can't get the sets without doing the HMs, and I wasn't welcome in the HMs because I didn't have a set...)

If you create a game where only the best in each role is acceptable (true in most MMOs), and we're no longer going to be able to fulfill the one role we were intended for, then what did they THINK was going to happen?

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What erks me the most is the approach Bioware has taken on this.


Instead of a balanced approach like: Fixing broken talents, increasing lackluster talents and powers slightly, altering awkward mechanics everyone is talking about, monitoring the net effect of stim stacking changes a little longer, adding alternative stealth openers useful to all trees ON top of possible tweaks on overpowered abilities.


But sadly no. Instead we get totally ignored and stuck with cumulative nerfs stacking with nerfs outside of the class itself. Blizzard did this as well. Players on the boards data mine and test for weeks and relay the information back about what will work and what they want and Bliz always ended up doing sweeping global nerfs based entirely on zero player feedback that would completely neuter an entire talent tree leaving the community with a collective "HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAA??!!"


Damn I hope we start seeing different results with Bioware. I am not worried about the nerf coming. I am concerned as to why the class so broken elsewhere and that was given an OUNCE of consideration before being handed such a heavy nerf.

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This has happened so many tiems it's almost surprising to see how strongly everyone reacts. We get it, you're upset. The rest of us will keep going, and the good players will still be good. They're adapt. I know it's frustrating for those who like the class in theory, but this is just a tough class to master. Maybe it's nto for you.
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The rest of us will keep going, and the good players will still be good.


Right, because the only reason anyone could POSSIBLY have a problem with what's happening is if they're not any good at playing. Every MMO these days is easy mode compared to what we used to have to put up with in the first generations of the genre; it's hilarious to see what people now think of as "skill" in an MMO.


A new MMO company (which is what Bioware really is, regardless of their experience making single-player RPGs) makes a lot of mistakes in their first product. It's inevitable, and isn't really worthy of comment. Most of these companies are willing to learn from their mistakes, but the really good ones are willing to learn from OTHER companies' mistakes as well and not make the really common mistakes in the first place. That's the part that's upsetting here; we've all seen MMOs that suffered from exactly the same sort of knee-jerk PvP balancing that we're seeing here, and none of this is new territory, but the hope was that Bioware, at least, would be smart enough to not immediately cave to everyone who whines about getting killed in scenarios where exactly that is supposed to happen. You can and should make balance changes as needed, but only after actually testing those changes well to ensure that nothing else breaks. And it shouldn't be too hard to get better ballpark balancing; after all, it's not like this game has any groundbreaking new mechanisms that could explain this failure; everything here has precedent.


So, in their very first attempt to rebalance the game, they botch it this badly. Even if this change had no effect at all on my own characters, it's just not a good sign for the future, because it shows that there'll likely be many balance changes in the future that gut a class' abilities with minimal testing. Even if you felt that Operatives had been broken for a while, so little time has passed since 1.1's massive overhaul of Biochem stacking and such that it's impossible that they could have confirmed whether the Operative balance was so out of whack that it needed these upcoming changes as well.

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This has happened so many tiems it's almost surprising to see how strongly everyone reacts. We get it, you're upset. The rest of us will keep going, and the good players will still be good. They're adapt. I know it's frustrating for those who like the class in theory, but this is just a tough class to master. Maybe it's nto for you.


It was the same in Aion they nerfed the hell out of the Assassin until it was the weakest PvP class.


They also made sorcs the strongest.


But I still enjoyed the assassin the most and the element of surprise combined with good play can still win a 1 on 1 despite being the underdog.

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Deleted characters and unsubbed. Not interested in a game that nerfs based on community whining and they didn't even nerf the right thing, nor did they address the issues the class had.


They did the most /facepalm move they could have done.

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They did the most /facepalm move they could have done.


Nah, that honor still goes to SWG for its NGE overhaul, basically throwing the entire existing game out and remaking it from scratch to be a completely different type of game. What Bioware has done here is not THAT bad by comparison.


But, it does mean that this game might move from "gotta keep playing this" down to "I'll play this until X comes out". If this change goes through as-is, then I'll really have lost any confidence in these devs' ability to make a good long-term game; there are already far too many things in the game that show a lack of experience, and I'm no longer confident Bioware will be able to fix those in a reasonable timeframe. It's not the first time I've seen this happen in an MMO...

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wait, so people that rolled operatives and are pissed at the changes and rerolling were just here because they were flavor of the month players?


Operatives are the least played class on every server.


Sorcerers and Mercs are the most played, most viable, and often top the charts in huttball.


Who's the FOTM again?


please, lets stop the elitist "I started an operative before anyone" posts.

Edited by illgot
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I don't see this making much difference. Infact I'm half expecting a slew of "Nerf operatives more" threads after it goes live, simply because people will still be killed by them.


I could be wrong though. How it turns out will determine my opinion on whether this was a well thought out balance or just pandering to the masses (of sorcs). I'm willing to see if the class is still viable, but if its the latter I'll probably just quit rather than reroll - party due to the god awful RNG reward system, but mainly because i wouldn't want to invest the time required in a game that obviously has such a dire future.

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What's funny to me is that Operatives honestly can't do anything but DPS if that's what were spec'd. Like in huttball if your an Operative running with the ball, your dumb. We don't have the skills nor the armor to carry it and do crazy moves to score. We simply hide, kill, and hide again that's how we work. We attack on our terms. Yet were OP for doing that. If that Sorc forgets to bubble and you die in 4 hits, shame on you. I'm not rerolling simply because, I'm going to piss off more people by still doing 5k crits because I tinker with mods for gear, trinkets, relics, etc.
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So who's going to leave their Operative if the nerf breaks our class?


From the way you formulated your question I presume you haven't even read about the upcoming changes to Ops / Scoundrels.


They did not nerf you. They brought you in line. That is called balancing.


OTH: To the ground baby, to the ground!

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I have a Rank 55 Op with good gear and 400 Biochem, but I'm playing a 32 sorc for now. Although part of it might also be that my friends who I played with before seemed to hit Rank 60 and then suddenly disappear so I don't have people to pvp with.


Not saying I'll never play it again, but I have a hard time getting enthusiastic to play it and grind out gear and try to max out stats when I'm gonna lose a big 20-30% chunk of damage.


I think Ops are pretty much fine since 1.1 with the 50 only WZs and no buff stacking. As others have said Ops just don't have much fun utility if you can't take out people fast who aren't near their group.


Why does it matter if they were a powerful 1v1 class when the WZs are a team game? Ganking random people isn't gonna actually help the team that much. People just got butthurt that they lost 1v1 even if it had no real consequence to the outcome of the WZ.


Whatever, I'm not gonna complain much, I'll just join the FotM 50% of playerbase who plays sorc and watch as the game slowly crumbles.

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You take the least played class in the game and nerf it. As the gear is scaling all of these shields are just silly in pvp which is -news flash- why operatives are not played by many people. An operative may be easy on the opener but I have found after playing two other classes to 50, operatives are the hardest class to play really well. My other classes are a sorc and merc which are so easy mode four button mash the game is almost boring.


Im just going over to my sorcs so one less operative in your bj for you whiners (not that there were very many to begin with) and now 6 out of 10 players in your bg will be sorc instead of 5 out of 10.


Sounds like a vast improvement bioware - well done.

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From the way you formulated your question I presume you haven't even read about the upcoming changes to Ops / Scoundrels.


They did not nerf you. They brought you in line. That is called balancing.


OTH: To the ground baby, to the ground!


My perception is that we're already balanced as is. This means that I may not be doing something other ops are, as I don't see the type of crits they talk about. It could also mean I'm not a very good player. However, even across classes I tend to do well, so I'd say I'm at least average. Now I understand the reaction to our burst (though playing an operative has taught me a few ways to deal with it), but I feel the mobility/utility handicap we have makes up for that. Once the burst nerf goes through, taking the 1 trick away from the 1 trick pony if you will, we're going to go kaput. Fortunately, I am prepared for this event (but certainly not pleased by it.)

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Am I honestly the only person that now wants to play Operative more than pre 1.1...?




Been waiting and waiting on this nerf. I have wanted to roll operative since day one, but I knew from Beta they were way over the top and going to get nerfed. I didn't want to refine my play style against abilities that I knew were going to be nerfed but didn't know for how much.

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Im just going over to my sorcs so one less operative in your bj for you whiners (not that there were very many to begin with) and now 6 out of 10 players in your bg will be sorc instead of 5 out of 10.


Sounds like a vast improvement bioware - well done.



And what are you going to do when Sorcs get nerfed? And don't kid yourself, it is going to happen...

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And what are you going to do when Sorcs get nerfed? And don't kid yourself, it is going to happen...


I'd tend to agree with this.


Not because sorcs have any one ability over powered but there whole toolkit in combination is very strong.


As for the nerf to scoundrels/operatives I think initially it will hurt, however the initial burst was incredibly strong, so if Bioware is serious about balance, then hopefully this will lead to some positive adjustments in other areas, including surviability and damage dealing capability out side of stealth and the opening.

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