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What do you people honestly want Bioware to do about faction imbalance?


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Lock out Imperial character creation? Flatout disable most of the Imperial characters?


People don't want to play Republic, deal with it.


Buffs to imperial side that make themn the competitve choice for both pve and pvp.


Buffs that will allow Republic players to have a chance against extreme imbalanced populations.


If its 3:1 imbalance then the buffs would have to reflect that, Republic players would need to be able to compete against these players by having a chance to defeat them.



This issue will not be fixed by anything minor like xp bonuses or story/class changes.


We need underdog buffs and we need them now before the imbalance gets even worse "it is every minute/hour/day"

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It's not all about you. An entire Republic side should suffer faction imbalance and difficutly finding groups because you want to play with your friends?


The problem is, it still wont fix anything, it will just create underpopulated servers. If you have 100 republic, and 300 imperials, then imperials are locked. So we move to a new server that has no republic and now 2 imperials, causing that realm to be locked, and the new imperials have to find a new server.


The system does not make sense. You cant force people to do something, they just wont play the game.

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Create two new classes that are neutral faction, who can fight for either side in PvP. Find a way to turn Smugglers and Bounty Hunters into neutral faction classes.


Legacy Rank 50!



I'm just throwing that out there as a suggestion, would be cool thou.

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BW should choose random imp characters to convert to their republic counterpart. If imps complain, you should choose a different server, or just make new friends.



Haha that utterly ridiculous and childish to expect that.




Most games I've played have had faction imbalance. SWG did as well.


As far as the imperial stories having more flavor goes. Well what do you want them to do have the Jedi act more like Sith?


My guess is in most Bioware games the majority usually play their characters as slightly evil. So its not surprising that people are more attracted to that side. Maybe the problem is more a societal one and not a developer one.

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In my experience with MMOs, people have always gone to either the most aesthetically appealing side, or the "good guy" side if aesthetics are comparable. In DAOC, Albs (and to a lesser degree Hibs) vastly outnumbered Mids. When WoW launched, Alliance outnumbered Horde significantly. When BC launched, and Horde got BElves, the tables turned (though part of that was Horde gaining a reputation for having more mature and serious players). I never noticed any significant difference in terms of population in my short times playing War or Rift.


In this game, Republic looks like crap compared to Empire, and most people generally praise the Empire storylines as being better than Republic. Boba Fett vs Inept/Expendable, Lightning vs Pebbles, etc. When it comes to JK vs SW, the Sith story is just much more interesting early on, and you're given far more significant LS/DS options. Does any other class get an LS/DS option that results in a completely different quest so early in the game?


When it comes to races, Purebloods are more unique and interesting looking than anything the Republic has to offer, as are Chiss for that matter.


The natural appeal of good guys over bad guys ends up not coming into play as a result.

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i would rather them fix all the MIRROR IMBALANCES so sides are REALLY MIRRORED before even beging to worry about FACTION IMBALANCE NUMBERS wise


They're working on them, but slightly buffing 3 or 4 abilities isn't going to do it :-p

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There is no way to control this, unless you do what some of the FFXwhatever did and only let you create one toon. This is not a Asian MMO where you are funneled into content. Funneled being the buzz word here. So if most people want to rp their bad side <wheather they realize it or not> then so be it. The Dev's just have to put something ultra cool <republic side> in so the masses will percieve it as such then it will even out. Edited by Aaluria
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This could work if SW:TOR only had 4 US servers like Aion....


There is a reason why Aion has only four servers, because they ignored major issues to the point that no one bothers playing it anymore. Hell is went "free for play" in Europe last month.

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There is a reason why Aion has only four servers, because they ignored major issues to the point that no one bothers playing it anymore. Hell is went "free for play" in Europe last month.


and blocking a faction from creation isn't one of those major issues?

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and blocking a faction from creation isn't one of those major issues?


No, they waited until it was too late to even try and fix faction balance. By the time they finally accepted that the players where not going to do it themselves, it was too late and nothing they attempted corrected the problem.


If you ignore a problem long enough, there is no going back and fixing it later. That was Aion's biggest mistake.

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Lock out Imperial character creation? Flatout disable most of the Imperial characters?


People don't want to play Republic, deal with it.



All related to pvp, since that is the only time that it matters.


For Ilum; No idea, that place is a mess for more reasons that a faction imbalance though.


For Warzones: Allow folks to queue without regard for faction, just make even teams of both Empire and Republic. People will just play for their team. Since the classes are mirrors of each other, it really shouldn't matter outside of fluff which faction you are on.


That would make faction imbalance a non issue

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I am a bit surprised more hardcore players aren't headed to republic.


I hit 50 BH in the first 2 weeks (EGA included) and saw the gross disadvantage of the republic from faction balance.


I saw this as an opportunity. I immediately started a new character (scoundrel) and have since maxed it out. I saw HUNDREDS of empire leveling up and destroyed most of them on my way to 50. I further enjoyed the challenge of 2 on 1's or 3 on 1's on occasion and I loved the fast queue times for warzones.


The reason I say I am surprised is I expect the people who are GOOD players, or want a challenge, to PLAY AS THE UNDERDOG.


Don't join the masses.


For those who say "Republic gear sucks blah blah"

My response is:

Does it really matter right now? Do you really think they are NOT going to add more gear? Personally I LOVE the smuggler top end look, like a space cowboy (for those who loved Firefly.) Most of all I am aware that in 6 months when they add more gear or less, there will be new looks for everyone.


For those who say "I am not going to play republic to just be outnumbered"

My response is:

I suppose that you will be outnumbered in most situations, but lets be honest, that is half the appeal. The challenge. I love the challenge, and for those hardcore players, many should see the appeal as well. Go Underdogs!


If more people don't make the effort to switch over if only for balancing purposes, this will end up being the strangest Star Wars ever. They will add more warzones that are more team oriented instead of war oriented. Things like Huttball, that allow factions to play against each other will become the dominant part of the PVP aspect.


Empire will be fighting more empire than republic and republic will begin to fight republic.


My server isn't to bad though, we have had several republic vs republic Huttball games.


I think our ratio may be less than 2:1


Some good players are, its the followers/cling-on pvpers ( the masses) who wont dare go to the other side and fight against them.

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There's not much they can do. They can incentive the underplayed faction like NCSoft did with Aion. I seriously doubt that will happen though because it's not a PVP focused game, and end-game progression is not reliant on faction balance.
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All related to pvp, since that is the only time that it matters.


For Ilum; No idea, that place is a mess for more reasons that a faction imbalance though.


For Warzones: Allow folks to queue without regard for faction, just make even teams of both Empire and Republic. People will just play for their team. Since the classes are mirrors of each other, it really shouldn't matter outside of fluff which faction you are on.


That would make faction imbalance a non issue


No, it is NOT only pvp or Ilum people.



This is a faction imbalance, use your head for a second.


Faction imbalances with no fixes will equal.


Terrible economy due to less players

Lack of heroic pve content due to less players

Lack of raid pve content due to less players

Lack of serious raid guilds due to less players


Ilum and pvp are going to be hurt less then any of these above issues.



There is no good reason to roll Republic and every single postive for rolling Empire.




We need nothing short of underdog buffs that allow Republic players to compete against 1:3 odds against geared players.


Nothing else will help, its too late and the gap between Republic and Imperial is MASSIVE right now in terms of numbers and guess what? Its getting worse every single day with more Republics rerolling as Empire or quitting altogether and no one can blame them at all.



Faction imbalance will always be an issue, the general #'s are what? 49:51 or at its WORST 48:52, in swtor we have servers that are 1:3.


thats 50 Republics for every 150 Imperials for those who are easily confused.


Its unheard of and its getting worse.

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