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Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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You can't just give one side flat benefits over the other, because in the case that the population balances out, you're left with an unfair advantage for one side over the other.


Aside from revamping the game for 3 factions, the best option is to create a scaling benefit for whoever has the lower population in the area, such as spawning elite NPC patrols.

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I'm all for whatever because frankly this is getting absurd at this point but considering how much this game focuses on the story element that would be a tough thing to put into place imo.


Good idea though


Revanites !

Characters from both Imps (they already "can") & Reps (Revan was a hero for many in the Mandalorian Wars and had a huge following) could join that faction (probably with the option to switch back as well - though on a long timer (at least 1 week, I'd say 1 month. Or maybe huge credit sink to speed it up)).

And everyone would have a "normal" daylife (old faction, "others study and meet in secret while maintaining ordinary lives.") but unites in certain areas (PvP) when the Revanites have other goals compared to Imp / Rep

They could even allow PvE content for Revanites for crossfaction grouping. Obviously they would need some disadvantages when joining the Revanites if they introduce such options or else everyone woul just join.


But I'd take any 3rd realm over a 2 faction pvp system.

Edited by Zocat
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Because they could have limited character creation in the beginning on servers relating to faction. The faction imbalance is manageable if you do it from the beginning.


Now? Yeah...not so much...


Yea, that would be awesome. Creating an alt on a server and getting an error message like: The character creation for Imperials on this server has been reached. You may not create any more characters on this side.


No... wait...

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Yea, that would be awesome. Creating an alt on a server and getting an error message like: The character creation for Imperials on this server has been reached. You may not create any more characters on this side.


No... wait...


Because leveling a character into the high 40s or lvl 50 and then having to reroll because there aren't enough players to group with or do any meaningful PvP with is really awesome.




Goes both ways but nice try though.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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This is something that has been highlighted on major media outlets like IGN, Massively and Game Breaker TV. It is an enormous issue that is probably bleeding subscribers every single day. Why are not getting any word whatsoever on what is going to happen?
(bold italics mine)




Why is it that many people here who have an issue or issues with the game believe that THEIR particular issue will cause massive unsubs, the game to fail, the devs forced to hit the unemployment lines, Los Angeles to fall into the ocean, etc.?? Step right up folks! Incredibly massive egos on display here!


How about just stating the issue and coming up with some constructive suggestions? Why do these people think that they must add doom and gloom statements in order to get attention to their posts??


Wait...I think I answered that already....something about egos, I think.

Edited by Dechomai
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(bold italics mine)




Why is it that many people here who have an issue or issues with the game believe that THEIR particular issue will cause massive unsubs..


Many individuals believe the rest of the world thinks the way they do.

Lemming factor. :cool:

Edited by Fraxture
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Merge servers?




2 servers have 500 republic players and 1000 empire players. They merge.


Now you have one server with 1000 republic players and 2000 empire players. Well done!


Most of the complaints about faction imbalance stem from the fact that its really difficult to find a group, in which case 1000 people is far better then 500.

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Because leveling a character into the high 40s or lvl 50 and then having to reroll because there aren't enough players to group with or do any meaningful PvP with is really awesome.




Goes both ways but nice try though.



You would have known there werent enough players on your side LONG before you got to the high 40s or 50. Fail on your part.

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Yea, that would be awesome. Creating an alt on a server and getting an error message like: The character creation for Imperials on this server has been reached. You may not create any more characters on this side.


No... wait...


I agree. Who would play this game if they WANTED to play a Sith character, but was forced into the rep side? My main is a Jedi, but if I was forced into the rep side without any choice, I would not be playing this game anymore.


You cannot force people into one faction. I cannot believe why people think this idea is AMAZING!


We have had 6 movies that focused MAJORLY on the rep/jedi side. Getting a true imp side story is very very appealing.


Oh and I hate the voice actor of my sith warrior. The Jedi has the guy that played Snake's voice (Colonel Campbell made appearances as well)!

Edited by Nighthawked
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This is something that has been highlighted on major media outlets like IGN, Massively and Game Breaker TV. It is an enormous issue that is probably bleeding subscribers every single day. Why are not getting any word whatsoever on what is going to happen?


Why should BW comment or address something that is player driven like 'faction imbalance'. The players decide which side they roll on, and the players are rolling Empire for the most part. To have BW in some way mess with that would be restricting the natural growth of the server population. Does it suck, sometimes maybe, but it's how the player base is panning out. It's really not that huge of an issue.

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This is the sole reason I finally decided to cancel my sub.


ZERO developer-community interaction.


ZERO accountability.


ZERO acknowledgment of problems with the game.


Yeah, I am done with this game for now, not paying for a game that is clearly being managed by airheads.

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It is too late. About all they can really say now is: "Yeah, we screwed up. We didn't realize it would be this severe on some servers or that so many would roll Imperial".


Not a lot they can do at this point. It should have been handled when the servers first launched.


What? How is it their fault? When people applied to guilds, the form asked the player which side and class. BW had the information. They cant force people to play one side or the other.


Also, how can BW be held responsible for people that went to servers they were not assigned to? How about people that game after Early Access?


Look at what happened on the Euro servers. BW had the servers assigned but the players arbitrary designated certain servers as the Unofficial [country name here] server, which threw out all the planning and hard work BW had done to ensure a smooth launch.


I really don't think you have given this issue any real thought.


With every game that has two sides, one side will always be larger. During my many years of online gaming, one of the big trends I have witnessed is the fall of 'good guys' and the rise of the 'bad guys". With each game it seems to get more pronounced. I knew Republic side would be outnumbered.

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This is the sole reason I finally decided to cancel my sub.


ZERO developer-community interaction.


ZERO accountability.


ZERO acknowledgment of problems with the game.


Yeah, I am done with this game for now, not paying for a game that is clearly being managed by airheads.


You are kidding right?


ZERO developer-community interaction.


Umm, this page would like a word: http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


ZERO accountability.

Bugs happen, performance issues happen, the developers know this and are working on a fix. Again.....http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


ZERO acknowledgment of problems with the game.


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This is the sole reason I finally decided to cancel my sub.


ZERO developer-community interaction.


ZERO accountability.


ZERO acknowledgment of problems with the game.


Yeah, I am done with this game for now, not paying for a game that is clearly being managed by airheads.


You must have little to 0 reading comprehension then.

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What? How is it their fault? When people applied to guilds, the form asked the player which side and class. BW had the information. They cant force people to play one side or the other.


Oh, really? They sure as hell could have, it's called faction population cap on servers, and it is a precaution any company with a brain would take, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Star Wars.


Did they really think all of these children wouldn't pick Sith and Bounty Hunter?


IMO, Bioware set themselves up for, and asked for this.


Ask and you shall receive, now reap the consequences BW.

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This is the sole reason I finally decided to cancel my sub.


ZERO developer-community interaction.


ZERO accountability.


ZERO acknowledgment of problems with the game.


Yeah, I am done with this game for now, not paying for a game that is clearly being managed by airheads.


can i have your stuff?


Well as you think that they haven't acknowledged problems with the game and yet you have missed the known issues post I would say that the truth behind your other 2 points lack credibility. Actually you are wrong on those as well.


Mind you maybe hit the dev tracker sometime and you will see that the dev's are interacting and communicating with the community. Just because it is not plastered on all the message boards doesn't mean they are ignoring.




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My hand is over the unsubscribe button I really don't want it to be but I have little choices having all my characters in one server maybe a silly move by me, but did not excpect the population to drop this low.


I here people saying a merge is not at the top of there list but it is mine. I'm sick of paying for a single player game not long before my sub runs out and if nothing is announced I'm out of here no chance am making all the characters again.


PS. I was enjoying the game till the big drop and would love to keep playing this is my only problem with the game.

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What? How is it their fault? When people applied to guilds, the form asked the player which side and class. BW had the information. They cant force people to play one side or the other.


Also, how can BW be held responsible for people that went to servers they were not assigned to? How about people that game after Early Access?


Look at what happened on the Euro servers. BW had the servers assigned but the players arbitrary designated certain servers as the Unofficial [country name here] server, which threw out all the planning and hard work BW had done to ensure a smooth launch.


I really don't think you have given this issue any real thought.


With every game that has two sides, one side will always be larger. During my many years of online gaming, one of the big trends I have witnessed is the fall of 'good guys' and the rise of the 'bad guys". With each game it seems to get more pronounced. I knew Republic side would be outnumbered.


Everyone knew Imperials were going to more populated. What many misjudged was how pronounced it would be. When it gets to a point that it is difficult to group or PvP then there's an issue.


There are measures they could have taken to either try and maintain a better balance on the servers or have better tools in place for those playing the lesser played faction. I'm not burning these guys at the stake but to say there is nothing they could have done or measures they could have in place so things aren't so frustrating is simply silly. Is it all their doing? Certainly not...but why some think they should get a free pass is simply ridiculous far as I'm concerned.

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I here people saying a merge is not at the top of there list but it is mine. I'm sick of paying for a single player game not long before my sub runs out and if nothing is announced I'm out of here no chance am making all the characters again.


I hear that if you enter your password in your status bar on facebook it will show up as *******, I also heard that the world will end before Christmas (man can't it wait till the day after seems more of a boxing day thing).


Yes I hear a lot of things that anyone with common sense would figure out not to believe.

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Everyone knew Imperials were going to more populated. What many misjudged was how pronounced it would be. When it gets to a point that it is difficult to group or PvP then there's an issue.


There are measures they could have taken to either try and maintain a better balance on the servers or have better tools in place for those playing the lesser played faction. I'm not burning these guys at the stake but to say there is nothing they could have done or measures they could have in place so things aren't so frustrating is simply silly. Is it all their doing? Certainly not...but why some think they should get a free pass is simply ridiculous far as I'm concerned.


Do you realize what would have happened if a player tried to join a server with his friend but had his character rejected because BW set some type of 'balance' code to force even a general server balance between emps and pubs? The back lash would be a thousand times worse than a few people who are upset because they can't find a group as fast as they'd like.


This is a player created situation, it has nothing to do with BW and there isn't anything they could do to make people play one side or another.

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