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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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Even preventing a faction to being made at character creation to balance populations wouldn't work. How would you factor alts? Alot of guildies have friendships with empire guilds, and play on both sides. But can only be on one side at a given time. Would you consider them a Empire player or a Republic player?


Or maybe they Cross each other out. But then Every Empire player could make a lvl 1 republic alt, and the server would be balanced. You can see there is no way to prevent players from making a particular faction. If you don't like being outnumbered, roll the opposite or find a server that has a higher population of said faction.

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You can have 'open world' essentially queued so that only an equal number of each side gets into the Ilum 'open world' PvP area. Of course at that point it isn't exactly open world, but there ya go. So essentially it is a big Warzone. Edited by Calimwulf
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Personally I love the republic side the most as I have never found being evil much fun in games, for some reason I just find it to feel wrong. At least not for my main character.


But from what I have seen on the Republic side compared to the Empire side is that there is much more varity in the classes, it seems there is a good balance of all the classes. But on the empire side there are so many more Sith Warriors and Inquisitors than there are Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents.


I mean, Warzones are riddled with Inquisitors, almost all battles I fight agaisnt the empire there is present at least 4 inquisitors.


So the problem is badly designed Jedi classes, especially the gear.


For the Jedi Knight you just have to take a peek at their forums to understand that people are not happy with how their armors look. As they are all the same with the hood up and a large badonkadonk that messes up the look on certain body types. And the sad part is that on trailers and advertisment for the game they showed us great looking armors and such for the Jedi.


For the Jedi Consular they thought that throwing pebbles at people would be as interesting as spewing lighting at enemies... And this one of the most used skills for the class, at least on lower levels. And the armor for Consular is good and bad. As some of the robes look great, but for some reason most of the leg armors are skirts take right from mages in fantasy games... When has Jedis ever used such skirts. And the helmets are just horrid and looks extreamly stupid.


I am playing a Jedi Knight as my main, but I have also thought about switching and joining the empire, because Sith Warrior gear looks so much better, and I would not have to go around with a hood up all the time....


Edit: And people tend to want to be evil in game, just look at WoW. So many people played the evil Alliance.

Edited by Merwanor
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I refused to read reviews or speculation on TOR. I chose a SI with no knowledge that they could even shoot lightning. I just wanted to be the dark faction. I haven't really played a "bad guy" since UO when I was an assassin for hire.


It's so nice to kill newbies again.

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I think people just need to understand that most people want to play Imperial. I, for one, have no desire whatsoever to make any Republic toons.


Quite honestly, I don't se how incentives are going to make any sort of significant impact. Sure XP bonuses would be nice for new plays, but it really wouldn't do anything for exisiting players. Maybe some sort of defection mechanic can be implemented, so that exisiting players can take their already leveled character and have them cross onto the other faction.


Character defection would be the only way I could see that could fix the problem without actually causing a huge uproar.

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Sorry but I am curious, what do you think can be done? Server mergers? That won't fix imbalance just low pop.


Not being sarcastic, I am curious what you think can be done.


Buffs to Republic that will allow them a competitive edge in 3:1 or worse scenarios.



If I have to fight 1 vs. 3 due to BWs mistakes then I need the tools to have a chance of beating them once in awhile.

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Server imbalance is nowhere near the top of the heap of what even a minority consider a problem. People roll on servers they like and go with the flow.


Why would you expect balance? Fix the problem by rolling toons on the other side. It's what I did and it is fun to see both sides of the fence on the same server 8)


More Republic are rolling Imperial every day, why get beated down by a zerg when you can auto win at character select?

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Solutions I've seen in the past on other games.


1) Temporary faction lock. ie. Once a faction ratio is say 2:1 lock the heavy side till its evened out.


2) Provide incentives to roll on the under pop faction. ie. Increased XP, More Drops, More Money, etc...


3) Combine Servers ie. Faction A (high) Faction B (low) with a server that is opposite that Faction A (low) Faction B (high). Granted this one is very very unlikely in the current state of SWTOR. Personally I blame Darth Maul for this imbalance. :cool:


Anyway, just throwing out some ideas.

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I remember ppl mentioning that they implemented that close to launch, however never encoutered being told I couldnt roll a certain side. I tried a few different servers around 6, I get bored easily :rolleyes: .


This tells me that maybe imbalance wasnt such a huge issue with aion thus no outrade because alot of ppl never encountered not being able to roll 1 side or the other.


Now seeing how bad imbalance is claimed to be here, the outrage would cause the forum servers to self destruct.


Nah...there were several when it came to asmos. Not all mind you but it was there. I don't think there were any for the Elyos. Least none that I encountered or heard of. As the norm seems to be anymore many wanted to play the "bad guys" or at least the side perceived to be the "bad guys".

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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Are people seriously going to expect answers from BW to every one of their questions daily, or even weekly for that matter? Some people are clueless i guess, or extremely spoiled.



All of that aside, what can BW do about faction imbalance? Force people to play something they don't want to play?

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This is something that has been highlighted on major media outlets like IGN, Massively and Game Breaker TV. It is an enormous issue that is probably bleeding subscribers every single day. Why are not getting any word whatsoever on what is going to happen?


I see there's 2 or 3 topics going on this right now. What do people expect BW to do about it?


What is making an official statement going to do?


"Hey sorry too many people want to be Empire, but we saw this coming a mile away. It's obvious."


There's your announcement.

Edited by Aisar
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BW should just approach a couple of the larger guilds on each server, and offer them a reroll of their chars/guild to the other faction, each individual gets his or her lvl 50 mirror class, same gear.


Offer the guild double operations weeklies for 6 weeks to do so. (IE they get to clear EV 2x a week instead of once, for 6 weeks).


Boom, problem solved. Lots of guilds would take that I imagine. Pop imbalance doesnt matter till 50 anyway.

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Let the weak roll with the sheep who cares. Winning when you are the underdog is very fun.


Cool, have fun.


I also rolled Republic to fight as the underdog in what i thought was going to be 49:51 or at worst 48:52 imbalance.



What we have is unimaginable and game breaking, even you Imperials will be clamoring for Republic buffs in the very near future if nothing else changes soon.



Oh sorry I mean Republic player....

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Players on the low side of the imbalance get a "BUFF" for PvP.


Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Server X has 3x Imps and it does Reps... Reps get a BIG PvP buff... (don't you think some people are going to shoot RIGHT Over to the Rep side? Sure do...

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BW should just approach a couple of the larger guilds on each server, and offer them a reroll of their chars/guild to the other faction, each individual gets his or her lvl 50 mirror class, same gear.


Offer the guild double operations weeklies for 6 weeks to do so. (IE they get to clear EV 2x a week instead of once, for 6 weeks).


Boom, problem solved. Lots of guilds would take that I imagine. Pop imbalance doesnt matter till 50 anyway.



The amount of qq if that happened would be hilariously awesome to witness.

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Cool, have fun.


I also rolled Republic to fight as the underdog in what i thought was going to be 49:51 or at worst 48:52 imbalance.



What we have is unimaginable and game breaking, even you Imperials will be clamoring for Republic buffs in the very near future if nothing else changes soon.



Oh sorry I mean Republic player....


What is this guy talking about? The only time you even notice the imbalance is Ium and I have never even been there nor do I care to go there.


so many drama queens around on this topic.

Edited by Aisar
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