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Game has been out for 35 DAYS now. Anyone 50 yet?


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Got in a few days before actual launch. My main is currently level 8 and I already have several level 3's. Just taking my time and enjoying all this wonderful game has to offer. Feel sorry for you guys that are level 23 already, you're missing out on sooo much!
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I heard there was this awesome fleet thing where you can take a ship to and it has like EVERYTHING in it! I can't even imagine a whole fleet. I can't wait to see it. Sadly though, I've had a terrible time finding a group for the first quest.
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LOL no it doesnt.


Most people i've asked got 3-5 days in /played by the time they got to 50lvl. Friend of mine got to 50 with 4days 23hours /played.


I've got 2x 43lvl, 24lvl, 21lvl, 2x 20lvl and couple ~15's. However most of my time on those characters was spend idle, crafting and/or doing lower lvl heroics/flashpoints for orange gear. For example, both 43lvl's got all their crew skills at 350 or above. My commando got 11 different Assault Cannons (orange) as well as all the orange armors up to balmorra.


If i were just going for the levels, and ignored most of the crafting and stuff that did give me +5xp only. I'd have 2x50lvls by now (easy, in the time i've slowly leveled one 38-43, guildie got from 39 to 47). I call 4x 50lvls perfectly doable, as it's 35 days since launch + we had 7-5 days of early access.


4x 50lvl = ~20 days played. We've had 40 days since last wave of early access. This means by doing 50-50 between real life (sleep/eat etc.) and swtor, you would have 4x 50lvl by now.

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It's probably too soon to ask that question but I thought it would be fun to ask.


I can imagine there are a few people in mid to late 40s by now.


Congratulations whenever you do make it, guys! Maybe you can be the server-first on your respective server.




I think there were level 50s running around after 3.5 days.

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OP's joking, right?


I have a 50, a 32 and four 20-something's.


Unfortunately, there's pretty much nothing to do on the 50. PVP is severely lacking once you've done the same three WZs for the thousandth time, and "endgame" PVE doesn't really offer much by way of reward.

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i dont have any :( my highest is 25 but i re rolled and started bounty hunter. but i have a good excuse. been working 60-70 hours a week for the past month doesnt leave alot of time for gaming but its starting to slow back down in feb. then i imagine i will level pretty fast
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It's probably too soon to ask that question but I thought it would be fun to ask.


I can imagine there are a few people in mid to late 40s by now.


Congratulations whenever you do make it, guys! Maybe you can be the server-first on your respective server.




Hell some have 2 50s


It should be to early


but its not

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OP's joking, right?


I have a 50, a 32 and four 20-something's.


Unfortunately, there's pretty much nothing to do on the 50. PVP is severely lacking once you've done the same three WZs for the thousandth time, and "endgame" PVE doesn't really offer much by way of reward.


The OP is obviously joking - can't believe so many folks took them at face value.


Patricularly after the usual '50 and bored' threads started showing up here only days after launch.


2/10 for the post


9/10 for being taken seriously by so many.

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