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Everything posted by natehinn

  1. Even though you might really want it, this isn't wow, and won't ever be. I would be completely happy with macros, flying mounts, or add-ons. Same with cross server FLASHPOINTS, pvp might be nice though.
  2. Do any of you guys bickering have a life, I mean really? This is why I don't get on the forums, when I do, it's nothing but posts like this. Back and forth. Please close this.
  3. really guys? have you thought about maybe doing the new quests that are out, and that theres 50,000 posts about? might have something to do with that...
  4. No, that is misinformation. Please get your facts straight before you make absurd posts like this. The nest are not moved they are still in the same location. What happened is they accidentally rolled the servers back pre 1.2, so therefore the nests weren't in the game yet, i.e. they went missing. They will be back, in the same spots, when servers come back up.
  5. I'm generally positive, and I don't complain much. I like the game, and where it's at right now. That being said, as of late I am sort of worried about what has been going on. I thought it was poor practice to wait until the day of to tell us there are no rWZs, and with all of the bugs with the new patch, (sound, graphical bugs etc.) and now with the accidental rollback this morning..it's a little scary. Good news! We ran Soa last night, no bugs, and we one shotted him which was nice.
  6. Killed snowblind...no jerky. have liver and fern thats it..and the nvccs
  7. I don't understand this change, as I have not seen this to be a problem in game currently. I have a feeling this will cause more damage then good. Especially after seeing how tough the new raids are...
  8. Here is my build, I am a somewhat hardcore raider, as much as you can be with 2 ops out lol.. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZMIkrRrdkkrzZ0c.1 Mines a bit different but thats it i want to add something as well about off stats, and rotation. Off stats, power, acc, surge, crit is the order of importance for me. I crit often so I dont worry to much about keeping the stat maxxed out. But do remember, any accuracy over 100% directly debuffs the opponents defense, and is super important. my rotation Reserve Powercell> Full Auto or Plasma> Grav>Grav>Grav>Full Auto if procs>hammershot>POWER adrenal>Power Relic>grav>grav>DEMO>HIB>Full Auto>Hammer>repeat This rotation is focused on using your procs, but most importantly NOT blowing your demo/HIB before you have max stacks, and AMMO CONSERVATION. You MUST, repeat MUST keep ammo above 60% at all times to keep your regen rate up. This rotation will have max damage, while keeping sustained damage throughout the entire fight.
  9. Do vanguards have the same mechanic as commandos where there ammo regen is dependent upon how much ammo you have? Like with troops, if you keep your ammo over 60%, it regens faster..
  10. Are there new companions coming in 1.2, as I have heard nothing of the sort, yet I know HK-51 was available in Beta. Is this a feature included in 1.2, maybe tied into the new planet?
  11. Just want to add our strat in case it helps. We use 2 tanks, OT being in DPS gear. All DPS (focus on Jarg first down to 3% health. Switch DPS to sorno after. DPS sorno down to 3%, split DPS between both and kill simultaneously. When both Carb probes come up, kill both instantly. Have the tank interupt heals, OT interupt the damage abilites, or Vice Versa. Jarg will randomly target people, just call out who he is on, and tank for a bit, then drop aggro. Save your CC break for when Jarg harpoons you. Stay out of the purple, and cleanse the DoTs off. We have no problem with this fight at all.
  12. I feel this way as my trooper. I mean I can always respec to assault to get a little more mobility. But I have been playing some alts as well, and its such a difference.
  13. I don't know if anyone has said this, but I would reccomend a program such as dragon diction, so you can just bind a push to talk key, and speak what you want to say through your mic. This, to me, would be the most viable, as it is hard to type in combat.
  14. Unfortunately, there is no high level crystal for the razer products, just the CE edition, or pre order vendor. They did say I believe that this will be an addition so, so I would just be patient as it will come.
  15. Any status on guardian threat generation or the lack there of?
  16. I just think its funny that I have an inventory full of Bio alloy, alien cubes, power cells, etc. Its not hard to get them, do the work QQ.
  17. Amarillo! I'm on Kaliburr Krystal....Xiviabo, get at me!
  18. Because it is a security key....... you know, for security?
  19. Im glad someone started this thread, as I see it can be helpful to us troops. I agree with the Exp Round. It costs too much and rarely use it. I have used blitz before, but not in PVP. I am curious to hear rotations used in pvp... mine usually goes: Grav x 3, demo, HIB, Full Auto, rinse and repeat...
  20. really know ones heard anything at all? has anyone seen one?
  21. So, what are you guys planning on doing about this? I know for a FACT that there are speed bots, scripts, and other bots being used to cheat, and bypass restrictions. This is easily fixed, so why is nothing being done about this? Five minutes spent on google, will allow anyone to cheat, and I have confirmed this myself......So? What? Is? Being? Done?
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