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Well bioware finaly made me quit


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Its bad enough they refuse to give push or any kind of cc at all to a sent. But i pused on thru to 50 anyways. Only to get to the emporer and find there is noway in hell a sentinel solo. And with not enough people on the rep side i cant even buy help to finish this. I cant use doc so got no heals. Have to use that worthless azz droid t7.


Its realy realy disheartning to make it all the way thru to that point and get smackede in the face by the horrible desighn of the whole fight.


And even after countless threads on these very things they refuse to do anything about it other than make the statement we will look into it.


Yea well when the hell is that planned the exspantion?


And flame me praise me i realy dont care at this point im so freaking disgusted with this crap they beg for feed back then ignore 99% of what people tell them.


Well have fun folks i was a pretty loyal bioware fan and a major starwars fan but this is just ignorant and bioware is steadily proving ron white right i guess you realy cant fix stupid........

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Its bad enough they refuse to give push or any kind of cc at all to a sent. But i pused on thru to 50 anyways. Only to get to the emporer and find there is noway in hell a sentinel solo. And with not enough people on the rep side i cant even buy help to finish this. I cant use doc so got no heals. Have to use that worthless azz droid t7.


Its realy realy disheartning to make it all the way thru to that point and get smackede in the face by the horrible desighn of the whole fight.


And even after countless threads on these very things they refuse to do anything about it other than make the statement we will look into it.


Yea well when the hell is that planned the exspantion?


And flame me praise me i realy dont care at this point im so freaking disgusted with this crap they beg for feed back then ignore 99% of what people tell them.


Well have fun folks i was a pretty loyal bioware fan and a major starwars fan but this is just ignorant and bioware is steadily proving ron white right i guess you realy cant fix stupid........


I'm pretty sure your terrible attitude and you inability to adapt to the game without 'force push' is more to blame for your quitting than Bioware. When they removed coverscreen from Scoundrels I heard the same sort of complaints from them. My favorite was "SAWBONES NEED COVERSCREEN MORE THAN GUNSLINGERS!" The players who could adapt did, the ones who couldn't 'quit' and blamed Bioware.


I guess what I am trying to say is... I'll see you next tuesday.

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I'm pretty sure your terrible attitude and you inability to adapt to the game without 'force push' is more to blame for your quitting than Bioware. When they removed coverscreen from Scoundrels I heard the same sort of complaints from them. My favorite was "SAWBONES NEED COVERSCREEN MORE THAN GUNSLINGERS!" The players who could adapt did, the ones who couldn't 'quit' and blamed Bioware.


I guess what I am trying to say is... I'll see you next tuesday.



I would also say his lack of ability to use the english language properly.:D


Yes, I agree OP that the final Sent class fight is stupid......beatable, but stupid the things you have to do to beat it. And T7 is not useless if you take the time to gear him. He can actually be a decent tank when geared.

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Its bad enough they refuse to give push or any kind of cc at all to a sent. But i pused on thru to 50 anyways. Only to get to the emporer and find there is noway in hell a sentinel solo. And with not enough people on the rep side i cant even buy help to finish this. I cant use doc so got no heals. Have to use that worthless azz droid t7.


Its realy realy disheartning to make it all the way thru to that point and get smackede in the face by the horrible desighn of the whole fight.


And even after countless threads on these very things they refuse to do anything about it other than make the statement we will look into it.


Yea well when the hell is that planned the exspantion?


And flame me praise me i realy dont care at this point im so freaking disgusted with this crap they beg for feed back then ignore 99% of what people tell them.


Well have fun folks i was a pretty loyal bioware fan and a major starwars fan but this is just ignorant and bioware is steadily proving ron white right i guess you realy cant fix stupid........



If you asked for help on the fleet in a similar fashion, I wouldn't expect you to get many volunteers. If this is what makes you quit, then man, I don't know what to say.


Take a little time to gear T7, go back, and try again. Pay attention to your interrupts. That's the biggest part of the fight. Bring medpacks and stims. Very cheap. You should be able to do it.


Then again if you've already cancelled, then dueces.

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I know that Knight fight is being looked at.


Perhaps try again down the road. I know I needed help on the last fight for Warrior too. At the time I first did it, it was a bit ridiculous (Marauder). The second time, it seemed a little too easy (Juggernaut).

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Let me get this straight. You are complaining that the final fight for your class quest is difficult?


If you want to quit over a mission that you literally only need to complete once, the situation says more about you than it does the game or its designers.

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Its bad enough they refuse to give push or any kind of cc at all to a sent. But i pused on thru to 50 anyways. Only to get to the emporer and find there is noway in hell a sentinel solo. And with not enough people on the rep side i cant even buy help to finish this. I cant use doc so got no heals. Have to use that worthless azz droid t7.


Its realy realy disheartning to make it all the way thru to that point and get smackede in the face by the horrible desighn of the whole fight.


And even after countless threads on these very things they refuse to do anything about it other than make the statement we will look into it.


Yea well when the hell is that planned the exspantion?


And flame me praise me i realy dont care at this point im so freaking disgusted with this crap they beg for feed back then ignore 99% of what people tell them.


Well have fun folks i was a pretty loyal bioware fan and a major starwars fan but this is just ignorant and bioware is steadily proving ron white right i guess you realy cant fix stupid........


It will just get worse for you as a Sent / Marauder.. Wait till you try pvp.

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Its bad enough they refuse to give push or any kind of cc at all to a sent. But i pused on thru to 50 anyways. Only to get to the emporer and find there is noway in hell a sentinel solo. And with not enough people on the rep side i cant even buy help to finish this. I cant use doc so got no heals. Have to use that worthless azz droid t7.
So... Find a healer and duo it. It's what my friend did the other night. It's actually easier to duo than with a full group (since the instance scales up so much against a full group)


I mean, sure, republic doesn't have a lot of people ... but if you can't find one person to go with you, then you're doing something wrong.

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Sent is basically the best class in the game! Well, except for being melee.


Highest sustained dps: check

Dual glosticks rave combat: check

Interrupts out the wazoo: check

ridiculous group utility: check

Tons of survival cooldowns: check



Ugly *** pvp armor: check

Badonkdonk: check

Crippled by ability lag: check

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Because everyone who plays SWTOR is a native speaker, right?


Typical troll response......:rolleyes:



If you had actually read the OP, you would have realized that my comment was pointed towards the use of lazy typing and stupid spelling substitutions. Go troll elsewhere.

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I'm sorry but I played a sentinel through to 50, and I loved every minute of it.


You're doing something seriously wrong if that fight is causing you problems, and if there is something in a game that your skill level is not upto, I suggest practicing, or finding another way to level, because that fight was by far one of the easier elites to solo.


Also, if T7 is bad for you, I highly suggest doing some of the following:


- Make sure you have all his abilities on autocast (you can do this by expanding the companion bar and right clicking the abilities that do not have the box in the top right corner filled).

-Deck T7 out in some ****** gear! T7 needs those shiny epic upgrades aswell, and most Specialty Goods, Commendations Vendors and Cybertechs will be able to help T7 become the ****** he is supposed to be. (I once soloed two elites at the same time due to T7s awesomeness, it was in balsavis aswell i think so the notoriously "hard" level period for sentinels.)




I see posts like this and chat in General chat about how hard soloing is as a sent or how hard elites are as a sent but i just never saw it leveling, i had a great time, i was challenged enough but never thought anything impossible, and i soloed everything that didn't have [Heroic 4] in it's name.


If you want any specific advice I'd be more than willing to help you out (such as put force Kick on your bars for casters, and utilise every short term cd you have [Awe, Inspiration, Rebuke, Saber Ward, force Stasis, Pacify, Trinkets]!

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You should put spoiler tags on this OP.



This fight is doable solo, I had to try 7 to 8 times to beat him.




Turn off the aggro spell on your droid too or he dies fast, gear will help. And the last patch made the yard trash significantly less and easier.


Ignore him while he is spawning adds, concentrate on them. Pillar hiding can help but I didn't need it. Once they are dead concentrate on him, rinse and repeat for two groups of adds.


On the third set of adds he will start throwing a one hit kill move, you must interrupt this or it is game over. Save call on the force for this too, after interrupt ,pop it, pop a med pack and any cds you have recharged ,and go into full dps mode and drop him.


If your on Mind Trick and need a hand, send tell to Hanover.


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Its bad enough they refuse to give push or any kind of cc at all to a sent. But i pused on thru to 50 anyways. Only to get to the emporer and find there is noway in hell a sentinel solo. And with not enough people on the rep side i cant even buy help to finish this. I cant use doc so got no heals. Have to use that worthless azz droid t7.


Its realy realy disheartning to make it all the way thru to that point and get smackede in the face by the horrible desighn of the whole fight.


And even after countless threads on these very things they refuse to do anything about it other than make the statement we will look into it.


Yea well when the hell is that planned the exspantion?


And flame me praise me i realy dont care at this point im so freaking disgusted with this crap they beg for feed back then ignore 99% of what people tell them.


Well have fun folks i was a pretty loyal bioware fan and a major starwars fan but this is just ignorant and bioware is steadily proving ron white right i guess you realy cant fix stupid........


Captain, I believe it's trying to communicate.



Oh wait...wrong sci-fi series.

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Hello all,


Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with information on what we are looking for in feedback.


We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker. Some examples of what you can find on the developer tracker right now: a number of comments from Georg on the Update on ability delay. Cameron commenting on an issue with Searing Saber and even a light-hearted comment on his personal Smuggler theme song from Hall.


You may also be interested in our new blog feature where developers will give their thoughts on aspects of the game, clarification on issues and server related messages like patch notes or maintenance times.


We are going to go ahead and close the thread, but we did want to point out a couple of spiffy threads where you can give us your specific feedback on bugs and suggest features you would like to see in-game:


The Suggestion Compilation Thread

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