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Why would you ever want to be republic?


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You know what's cool?


Just because you're a Sith, it doesn't mean you have to be evil.


There's this nifty Light Side/Dark Side tool.


As a pvper, I ask myself the same thing about Empire. Why would anyone play the side that outnumbers their opponents 5:1 and plays nothing but huttball.


You eventually learn to love huttball. Plus, I've made some friends on my server by playing with and against them.

Edited by KittyPrawn
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lol no its not! have been proven times and times over.


You have actual proof that Bioware favors Empire over Republic?


Factual proof?


Please provide said proof or the assumptions are just that, assumptions.


Also, the delay for Jedi's Project is also seen with the delay in Sith's Static Barrier.

It's a wash to me. Sith's Static Barrier has an animation delay before the bubble goes up. Whereas Jedi's Force Armor does not. Jedi's Project has an animation delay before the spell lands. Whereas Sith's Shock does not.


Again, it's a wash and too much attention is being given to the entire issue.

Edited by Alkiii
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You have actual proof that Bioware favors Empire over Republic?


Factual proof?


Please provide said proof or the assumptions are just that, assumptions.


Also, the delay for Jedi's Project is also seen with the delay in Sith's Static Barrier.

It's a wash to me. Sith's Static Barrier has an animation delay before the bubble goes up. Whereas Jedi's Force Armor does not. Jedi's Project has an animation delay before the spell lands. Whereas Sith's Shock does not.


Again, it's a wash and too much attention is being given to the entire issue.


For that class sure, try telling that to the troopers.

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Because Smugglers kick butt, and can be really funny. Also, gets a Wookie


Fem Troopers have Jennifer Hale's (fem Shep) voice.


Knights: T7. enough said


Consular4: err...theres a reason i changed to smuggler for healing, although the Vivicar line and Thedran Cedrax were good.

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Because I dont want to be in a guild thats 50 percent Inquisitors? "zomg lightning is so kewl!!! PEW PEW PEW PEW!"


Plus bad guys are beyond generic and boring...bad girls however...But as we all know most toons are male most likely a 60-40 percent ratio give or take 5 here or there...


Plus everyone on Sith side is fugly! Have you seen Darth Malgus? I don't want to be taking orders from some ugly half robot dude...Much rather take orders from that sexy Shatele Shan...

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I rolled Imp first with 4 toons and found the 10 to 1 ration a problem for pvp. Zergfests are not pvp. So I rolled Republic with most of the guild.


The Imp missions IMHO are much better. They appear to be at war, etc. The Pub side is so freaking goody goody, like there is nothing bad going on at all except for all the corrupt leaders. Saving the kids and the wife and each world gets a bit old in what should be a wargame.


I tried to be a bad pub but your companions will hate you for it. Sure I suppose I could buy a pile of gifts to get their love back but why. For PVP the companions don't factor in but you need them to get to 50.


I feel much better now that I have my Jedi decked out in her dancing girl outfit, much like the WE's from Warhammer.


Instaqueues are wonderful and we actually play pretty well in pugs, although tonight we were not filling all the slots which stinks. Area chat is NOT filled with the typical 12 yr old epeen.


Logged back into the Imp server and the fleet was overflowing with people. The Pub server was half as full it that.


Ilum is a joke and most are staying away until there is some real fixes put in place.

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LOOOOOOOOOL... mirror.... sigh...


Try to battle cloak to avoid taking damage from "Shock" like they do for "Project" and let me know how that whole "mirror" thing is working out...


Actually shock and project are not mirror skills but the class itself is a mirror class. While shock is close to instant project has a casting time. Both can be used in various situation and for different things. At first I was "*** how could they screw up that with a casting animation, but now I do quite like my project the way it is. It has grown on me you could say. It can be used together with other skills for higher burst due to the casting time, and that cannot be done with shock.


Having played both assassin and shadow they are a mirror class, how I play my shadow can be put onto the assassin and I would not notice much difference except for shock/project.

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Once.. a long long time ago.. when WOW was born and Closed Beta was my life...


We had a discussion like this :p because everyone was playing Allies and only the Hardcore played HORDE!


Now 7 years have passed and the contrary happened :)


I went Darkside because I expected it to be the underdog side... however as it turned out it isn't quite that way.


As soon as I've the feeling I enjoyed my Sith enough I intend to start a Republic char and see how many Empires I can gank :)


Balance will be restored..




what you are forgetting though is


1) Triple windfury procs.

2) Will of the forsaken.

3) Warstomp.




1) cleanse and blessing of salvation.

2) Treasure hunting!

3) whatever that god awful human one was...


Oh and the priest racials too, but i forget what those were - i remember my undead priest having a dps dot though.


Balance was restored because people realised horde actually did have an advantage in pvp and alliance actually did have an advantage in pve.


And then TBC appeared and gave us spacegoat shammies (without the misery of totem quests! yay! but with a crappy racial - well the 1% hit was nice for raids) and gave the horde a pretty class in blood elves with a pretty decent interrupt for pvp.

Oh and warstomp druids DESTROY shadowmeld for utility :)

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you mean perception(old) that ruined every horde rogue and feral or every man for himself that ppl are raging over today?


ruined... are you mental? I had it. It was rubbish. I think they buffed it a little later on maybe (before they got rid of it altogether)... oooh ooh! wowwiki as the answers:




Buffed in 1.4

USABLE IN STEALTH in 1.8 (the only way it was better than not having it to be honest).

Got a serious buff in 3.02.

Then dropped altogether.


So useless, then pretty much useless in 1.4 then kinda useful in specific 1 on 1 situations (but really just gave you an extra talent point to play with iirc), and that was that up until Wrath.

Edited by ippollite
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Less typical, less people playing, more Warzones, and about the aspect... both Sith Warrior and Inquisitor look like transvestites. Jedis dont look cool, but at least they dont look like Kiss members after playing with lipsticks in a party with lot of alcohol.


Must say in the other hand that IA and BH look good.

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There are 16 AC's from the 8 classes.


But, there are only 8 accounts per server.


So you have to choose wisely want you want to play.


If you want to play only Sith that is fine, and you can play all 8 AC on that side. However if you are interested on a different perspective of either Sith or Republic, but also interested on similar but different mechanics for a class with two AC's, you can play a SW juggernaut for a sith story and Juggernaut mechanics, but then play Republic side for a different story for the marauder/sentinel mechanics for both melee classes.


For those who want to play an AC from the same class, you will experience more story by playing the different AC for the different faction.

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Because I prefer playing on the side of a messy democracy over the side of a brutal dictatorship?


I'll eventually roll an Empire character, but it will be a Bounty Hunter for sure, as I see there the most potential to spit into the faces of the Sith and their brutal enforcers. Undermining evil as good as I can.

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The Imps are scared to join the Republic. If this game had a difficulty setting it would have 2; Empire (Normal) and Republic (Hard).


And I always play on the hardest difficulty when I play new games.


Tell that to the 40 pubs constantly rolling our 20 emps in Ilum. Oh wait, that can't happen right? :rolleyes:

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