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I refuse to tank HM False Emperor for you. Ever.

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I agree with this being bad design. We got locked out of Boarding party since we killed the main boss and didn't finish off the doctor before he enraged and killed us so we got quest complete and locked out but no loot and wasn't able to go back in to try the fight again.
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If you are knocked off a ledge, you cannot be rezzed.


If you die and go to med center, you are not allowed to enter the instance. Whatsoever.


Same thing happens in Kaon on the last boss.


- Players kill boss.

- Adds kill players.

- Mission advances and instance is considered cleared.

- Players can't rezz.

- Since players can't rezz or revive, players release but can not enter an instance that is now considered finished.

Edited by Brightglade
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It's happened to me before too. He was at 7% and chain lightning constantly, we had moved him over to the edge. I'm a healer btw, as I hit my knockback, I went straight to loading screen. The same time we killed him, he knocked me and the tank off the other ledge... while chain lightning, weird thing.


Anyways, wasn't able to loot nor get back instance. I could drop quest and reset and do it all over again though.

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Why would I want such a bad tank in any of my hardmodes anyway? "I don't know how to do this so nerf the flashpoint until I'm not bad enough to do it!"




Although I agree on your last point. They should just make it required to do the last dialogue before you get credit and recieve your lockout. Would solve that problem easily.

Edited by Nessirin
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Getting knocked off during this fight is ENTIRELY your fault. He does not need to be kited in any way shape or form.


UNTIL 15%ish everyone except the healer stacks against a pylon on the bridge, healer is on the exact opposite pylon, this way Malgus is in the center, all DPS stack on the tank, I don't friggin care if you're ranged or melee, just do it. This fight is NOT a DPS race, his enrage timer is very lax. Occasionally you might see an issue where you get pushed too far into the pylon and Malgus has not returned from one of his random attacks on the healer on the opposite side, he just stands there range dpsing you. Just move forward slightly until you are clear of the pylon and then back up to it again, Malgus will finally decide to chase you again.


Again, at around 15% or lower if your dps is crappy, get off the pylon and manuver him to the edge right next to you, then get between him and the center in case he bugs out and knocks you back anyways. At 10% spam him with grenades(the ones right outside the door post 1.1) and/or knockbacks.(I make even those with knockbacks pick up grenades, in case someone screws up).


Very easy fight that I've tanked on both my juggernaut and powertech in normal and hard modes. I've gotten knocked off exactly once, from trying to tank him on the stupid *** stairs and he kicked me in the *** when trying to position him for the knock off. :p Pylon > stairs due to little distance required to position for knockoff.

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Thank you, this is exactly the point I was trying to make. I really don't care what others think of my skill, just that this needs to be fixed.


Sigh....the very first time I ever did this instance, the tank who had never been in there managed to do it just fine without getting knocked off. If you are getting knocked off every time, then there is something wrong with you. There is nothing to fix about getting knocked off, just position yourself properly and move at the right time.

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No idea why he is being locked out or how. I have bugged through the floor and came back DURING the fight with no problems. We just tank him right on the bridge with our backs to those small walls. Easy Peasy. Dont know why people still tank him on the stairs when he doesn't always run to you once he starts to use the lightning. Sure there is the lockout maybe. Haven't heard of anyone else having this issue but it is easily avoided by not geting knocked off like 99% of the player base.
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|----------| <Throne X=group

|--X-&-%| &=Boss

|----------| %=Tank




|------------------%--| < Bridge Move here at 12%



|------------------^---| ^ = Knockback Area




Clearly the OP is a noob. kthx

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The OP is blaming the game for his own failures as a player. Bad player is bad.


Positioning yourself so your back is not to an open area really isn't hard. If you have Pull/Grapple, you can keep him off to the side and then yank him to the right spot when he channels. If you don't, you can lead him out while he is still in melee mode, and just not be stupid with your positioning.


There is nothing wrong with the fight. Learn2tank.

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Every. Single. Time. He blows me off the ledge, and I am unable to enter the instance to receive loot or complete the quest do to this bug. I have missed out on loot I can use, and at this point I have come to the belief that it's impossible for a melee tank to complete without suiciding for the rest of the parties benefit.


Can we PLEASE get a fix on these heroics? There is NO reason we should EVER not be able to re-enter an instance. EVEN if it's completed. The only thing you need to do is program it so once it's completed, the area is deserted! Instead of making all these people (and I know I'm not the only one) miss out on hard earned loot. When there is this easy of a fix, I am very ticked that we haven't even gotten a 'we're looking into it'


Filed a bug report on the loot I missed out on, my friend received it in hopes they could transfer it over to me even though I don't get to complete the quest, but NO they completely give me a canned answer saying it's been forwarded to the team, and do nothing for my missing loot!


So there you have it.


No I will not tank HM False Emperor for you.


Do you want someone to tell you how to do your job?


Just tank Malgus on the stairs and put your back to the wall so that he can't knock you back. Its super easy.

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I'm a little confused by this thread...


The problem that is causing the OP's frustration is the flashpoint lockout if you die and can't be ressed in a successful kill on the final boss. This prevents the person from getting any loot.


Everyone seems to be bagging on his tanking ability, and some claiming the lockout is a good thing.


Is this accurate? People think the flashpoint lockout (and loot loss) is a good thing?

Edited by lotj
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I'm a little confused by this thread...


The problem that is causing the OP's frustration is the flashpoint lockout if you die and can't be ressed in a successful kill on the final boss. This prevents the person from getting any loot.


Everyone seems to be bagging on his tanking ability, and some claiming the lockout is a good thing.


Is this accurate? People think the flashpoint lockout (and loot loss) is a good thing?


It seems that you have beaten the majority in the mini-game of 'reading comprehension'.

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I'm a little confused by this thread...


The problem that is causing the OP's frustration is the flashpoint lockout if you die and can't be ressed in a successful kill on the final boss. This prevents the person from getting any loot.


Everyone seems to be bagging on his tanking ability, and some claiming the lockout is a good thing.


Is this accurate? People think the flashpoint lockout (and loot loss) is a good thing?




Rofl, everyone gets so caught up in the fact that I am qqing about missed loot, that they missed the entire point.

Regardless, I win, this has stayed on the front page this entire time, and I really think the issue needs attention.

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Rofl, everyone gets so caught up in the fact that I am qqing about missed loot, that they missed the entire point.

Regardless, I win, this has stayed on the front page this entire time, and I really think the issue needs attention.


No, everyone is going on about getting knocked off in the first place.


You have a legitimate complaint re: the lockout, certainly, but the reason why you're locked out is a player issue. Tank him on the steps until 10% then when he starts spamming force lightning, move down to the bridge kiting him via LOS or via grapple/pull/whatever to the edge where he can be knocked off.


If executed properly (and seriously, it's dead easy), you will never be knocked off the bridge and never have to face the bug of being locked out for loot.


Yes, BW should fix the bug, but you really need to adjust your tactics until then to work around the bug as it is certainly possible to do so.

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You don't have to kite him to an edge, just kite him to one of the side (rather than the central) walkways and he will be blown off with your second knockback. Only time I've been knocked off of it was when I was being really stupid and not thinking. You can tank him in the scenter of those walkways and the knockback is still enough to throw him off the ledge, it's only the central walkway from the entrance that you have ot have him at an edge.
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Rofl, everyone gets so caught up in the fact that I am qqing about missed loot, that they missed the entire point.

Regardless, I win, this has stayed on the front page this entire time, and I really think the issue needs attention.


Didnt miss the entire point. You said everysingle time you do this instance you get knocked off the ledge. You want it fixed so that you can get knocked off the ledge and die but still come back for loot. I and others have pointed out that you should learn how to not get knocked off the ledge.

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