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Everything posted by Rockzorr

  1. No idea why he is being locked out or how. I have bugged through the floor and came back DURING the fight with no problems. We just tank him right on the bridge with our backs to those small walls. Easy Peasy. Dont know why people still tank him on the stairs when he doesn't always run to you once he starts to use the lightning. Sure there is the lockout maybe. Haven't heard of anyone else having this issue but it is easily avoided by not geting knocked off like 99% of the player base.
  2. I'm curious as to how your pocket healer doesn't have nearly as many kills as you. Not sure which one he is but the one with most healing has 8 kills and 0 deaths whereas you have 46. Kills are shared on that list for the healer i thought so....something just seems off. If it was the other healer he only has 26 kills with 2 deaths. Odd indeed.
  3. They are most likely getting nerfed. Or at least someone is. BW said TTK on some classes was faster than they intended so they are going to make some changes to something. My guess is OP/Scoundrel as they have backstabbed for up to 10k before, obviously not on a geared 50 but still that would be around 6-7k crits.
  4. I feel every class is as they should be for the most part. Some tweaking needs to be done but the only OP class is getting a nerf next patch. Scoundrel/Operative. They are backstabbing for 8k if they are any good. Highest hit i have heard was almost 10k. Marauders are exactly how they should be. As a commando it really is the only class that gives me a hard time, but I make them work for it. They have to pop their leap, vanish, and possibly their defense if they dont want me to kill them. But they make me work for it as well. You need to kite them as a ranged character or fake them out so they cant interrupt you. Also the DoT spec can be cured if you have one so there are ways around it all but they are as strong as they should be. That being said, with any class if you had the same rating of gear, they aren't going to stomp your face in. Stop comparing what either a lvl 50 does to you as a lowbie, or take into account they have better gear or you dont know how to counter them since you have not learned how their class works. Also, your main goal against any class is learn what that class does. For instance, try to get a marauder to use his leap on you and or vanish early in the fight BUT dont cap their resolve. Example. I have the pushback on my melee stocktrike attack. Use it while strafing and try to create distance to make them use leap. If they use leap then you are free to use Concussion charge and create a large gap again. Any good marader will need to vanish at this point. It can be hard to hit them with Stealth scan or an aoe as they will be moving faster and even so they will be on top of you again. Next all you have as a trooper is cryo grenade, but then they have a cc breaker if it hasn't already been used. At this point if it all happened fast they will have max resolve. Usually a good marauder will kill me but that is what they go through to get me. Space everything out if you can and counter their gap closers. Easier said than done but it can be done.
  5. They are already seperating 50's from lowbies next major patch for those that didn't know
  6. Rockzorr

    Nerf sorc!

    It's not that Republic sucks. My guild and I usually always win in pvp. It's just a little odd that mortar volley takes an extra 1.5sec or so to go off compared to death from above. Project is about 1sec. So even after casting project for instance, if you are cc'd even though it's an instant cast, the spell wont go off because of the delay. The same goes for mortar volley since it takes more time. I've learned to live with it as a commando but it's kinda silly.
  7. Just restating thoughts but, I spent so much time and money on Armstech and ended up never benefiting from it that I HAD to switch to biochem and that was frustrating. Armor and Synth could at least make 2 Rakata peices that were BOP. Even while leveling, the process to make a great weapon with armstech took way too long and too much money when I could just do an instance and get a modable gun or just switch out mods. The best Barrel mods were worse than the Ilum daily commendation mods, which is a step under the rating with any PVP/PVE gear. Also i noticed they said a change was made so you couldn't stack an adrenal with the expertise buff AND and expertise stim. Last night a scoundrel in my guild Backstabbed for 8k. Not the highest as I have heard of 10k backstabs.
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