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If SWTOR was a new car


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So well publicized bugs/flaws that even the devs acknowledge are ....lies?


I'm not saying they're lies. I am saying everyone I know does not have a single issue. Actually the only issue I've EVER had has been the char select screen when you enter a warzone. And guess what...THEY fixed it. So my gameplay experience is perfect.

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So well publicized bugs/flaws that even the devs acknowledge are ....lies?


The devs are paid off by other MMOs too.


Illuminati conspiracy.


Also if ALL of the problems were Bioware's fault, wouldn't EVERYONE be experiencing them and not just select people?

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And yet you're still here. You either like the game but love to troll, or......


This forum alone is worth $15 a month than playing swtor.


Bioware should really consider adding a premium forum subscription account.

Edited by Redsuns_
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the car analogy is more like:


so where is the audio in jack? oh thats planned for a future model.

Can i get any color other than black? if you don't wash it you can eventually.

where is the AC button? we determined average temperature wasn't high enough to warrant AC.

Is there a remote start option available? No and adding one voids your warranty.

I don't see an gauges on the dashboard where are they? we plan to issue a recall in a few months to install those.

Where do i put the gas in? to prevent spilled gas from getting on the exterior of the car we placed the gas cap under the rear bumper.

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Everyoone I know has encountered multiple bugs. End game bugs are near game breaking.


Wait so people who rushed to 50 are having problems with end-game content in an MMO that was barely tested in both betas and they're having problems with it?




Tonight on news 6, the sky turns black after being blue for most of the time earlier. Details at 11.

Edited by Falkelord
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Everyoone I know has encountered multiple bugs. End game bugs are near game breaking.


I know at least 6 people IRL that play the game flawless without any bugs at all. I think its the thing between the keyboard and chair. I see SO many posts about it yet all my friends have no issues what so ever. Funny, aint it?

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Wait so people who rushed to 50 are having problems with end-game content in an MMO that was barely tested in both betas and they're having problems with it?




Tonight on news 6, the sky turns black after being blue for most of the time earlier. Details at 11.


Everything you said is BS. Not talking aobut people rushing to end game, next time your in the fleet check how many players are level 50.


Newsflash, the fact that the game is new does not make it ok to have this many bugs. I will not cut Bioware any slack for not testing end game enough.


Im telling you right now, if they don't fix end game, game will sit at 500k subs....same as Lotro.

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I know at least 6 people IRL that play the game flawless without any bugs at all. I think its the thing between the keyboard and chair. I see SO many posts about it yet all my friends have no issues what so ever. Funny, aint it?


LOL, tell that to the Devs who acknowledge the bugs. Try reding the known bugs list...


Clearly all 6 of your friends have not been running end game operations...every boss in EV was bugged.

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I know at least 6 people IRL that play the game flawless without any bugs at all. I think its the thing between the keyboard and chair. I see SO many posts about it yet all my friends have no issues what so ever. Funny, aint it?


6 people is a representative sample. I guess several multi-thousand post threads containing people with issues are not.

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And if all new cars were like all MMO launches, we would all be walking. The WoW car would have had tons of people wanting to drive it for several months but would have to wait hours each time they wanted to get behind the wheel. That car would also stop without notice and kick you out to the curb and cause you to wait several more hours to drive it again.


Yet somehow they are currently number 1.

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Given that the MMO's genre is not new and Bioware has entered into the world of MMO's with SWTOR as its flagship IP.


I hear a lot of talk from people making representations on how it's hard to make a MMO and there are always glitches and problems, and the devs will sort it out eventually.


The computer industry must be the only industry where the customer base accepts faults with products


I raise this:


If Bioware was a new car company entering in to the car sales world and SWTOR was its shiny new prestige vehicle, would you buy it, after having test driven it?


Me: Excuse me the radio doesn't work.

Salesperson: Oh we have a workaround for that. Please plug in your iphone into the shiny usb port and you will hear your favorite tunes.


Me: The engine keeps misfiring and making strange noises.

Salesperson: Please provide our engineering department with a complete engine diagnostic so they may look at it in detail and get back to you some time in the future.


Me: I hit the Gas Peddle and nothing happens for a good second, same thing with the brakes.


Saleperson: We are aware of this issue and our engineers are working hard to have a fix for that in the future. May I suggest you plan your acceleration and braking in advance. this would help you a lot.


Me: The rear vision mirror and instrumentation are blocking my field of view and I cant move it. Other car companies let me move those things.


Salesperson: We spent years designing the dashboard and the instrumentation. you will get used to it. Trust me:cool:.


Priceless! This requires a sticky!

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Grow up. MMOs are a work-in-progress that is never complete, and only gets better with time.


Another analogy:


If you drink wine the second it is pressed, it's bitter as **** and you will be stomping around the vineyard raving that everyone there is retarded and can't make wine.


If you let it age properly, and know *** you are talking about, it becomes worthwhile.


The end.


Also, grow the **** up.


and if any vineyard wants to stay in business for more than a day they aren't going to put freshly pressed grape juice in a bottle on store shelves as wine.

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Everything you said is BS. Not talking aobut people rushing to end game, next time your in the fleet check how many players are level 50.


Newsflash, the fact that the game is new does not make it ok to have this many bugs. I will not cut Bioware any slack for not testing end game enough.


Im telling you right now, if they don't fix end game, game will sit at 500k subs....same as Lotro.


Yeah because WoW fixed their bugged endgame Molten Core the minute the game was launched.


Wait no that was 4 months after launch.


And it continued to be broken several patches later (1.9 bugged out Sulfuron's guards to have infinite heal range and could heal through objects, making him impossible without enough DPS)


Thanks for playing though.

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And if all new cars were like all MMO launches, we would all be walking. The WoW car would have had tons of people wanting to drive it for several months but would have to wait hours each time they wanted to get behind the wheel. That car would also stop without notice and kick you out to the curb and cause you to wait several more hours to drive it again.


Yet somehow they are currently number 1.


because every other car would be a stick shift with a bad clutch and a partially working 1st and 2nd gear and a missing top gear.

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Yeah because WoW fixed their bugged endgame Molten Core the minute the game was launched.


Wait no that was 4 months after launch.


And it continued to be broken several patches later (1.9 bugged out Sulfuron's guards to have infinite heal range and could heal through objects, making him impossible without enough DPS)


Thanks for playing though.


I don't care about WoW, certainly not from 8 years ago. This is 2012, mmo expectations have changed.


It is not ok for Bioware to put out a shoddy product, they didn't test it enough. I am not saying they can't fix it....but they better get on it fast or subs are GOING to plummet.

Edited by Menisong
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6 people is a representative sample. I guess several multi-thousand post threads containing people with issues are not.


Still a truthful sample. How do you expect me to feel when I see ALL this ************ yet no reason to *****? I still say 90% of the problems are user error and I stick by that until I experience these "gamebreaking" bugs that make this game so horrible. This is the most fun I've had in PvP since WoW's golden days.

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You know what? If the customer base for cars were notorious for demanding that the car companies had to design a new car model in a tenth of the time needed to make it road-worthy, your analogy would almost work.


If they also demanded that the car companies did this without hiring more people, thereby driving prices up, your analogy would be even closer to working.


And if the cars were supposed to work on every terrain on every planet in the known universe at the same time without breaking, then your analogy would be damn near perfect.



The thing is, people who don't understand the difference between developing for a uniformed platform versus developing for the PC market often bring up examples like this, and then they rage about it. But whenever a company tries to do it right, the same people will rage about the fact that the game never gets released. Blizzard is one of few developers with the backing and money needed to even attempt decade spanning development proccesses, and their products STILL have bugs in them.


If you'd be fine with SWTOR hitting the shelves sometime around 2035 and costing 800$ retail, I'm sure you'd be able to get an almost bug free game. Learn to live with it, or go back to the X-box...

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