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Origin Pre Order Misleading


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I dont feel screwed. Unlike most people when I buy something, even a game, I read every little bit of information before/when I'm buying. Also unlike most people it seems, I can comprehend what I'm reading.


That said I do not know what origin is saying now.

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I dont feel screwed. Unlike most people when I buy something, even a game, I read every little bit of information before/when I'm buying. Also unlike most people it seems, I can comprehend what I'm reading.


That said I do not know what origin is saying now.


I can comprehend exactly what i read after i read the Swtor site i knew i wouldn't be getting in right away the whole topic was about being mislead. I can as a man admit i didn't thoroughly read the Origin site and that's my fault I was just looking for the opinion of ppl who didn't read either site and preorder knowing they would be playing right away

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It did not. I ordered via Origin and it never said I would get the full Early access and this was back in Oct.


When I preordered from Origin in Oct it said exactly this:

We will keep you informed about early access to The Old Republic as we get closer to the game's release.

Edited by Jessabeans
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you are very right I can admit that, I didn't read the fine print, Like most of society i'm amd predisposed to read the big letters and not the small. Developers know ppl do this and are taking advantage of it


So you *know* there's fine print, and you *know* you're supposed to read it, but you *choose* not to....and this is *their* fault?


As P.T. Barnum once said, "A sucker is born every minute."

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Yeah... most of your post has nothing to do with what I said. I didn't say you wouldn't get early access, I said that the way it's worded is misleading and makes it seem like you're getting access as soon as you order it. Also, just because Bioware has posted several times what they were doing about early access doesn't mean someone who is ordering has read it. It could've all been solved with a simple 'Click Here for details about early access!' on the order page, with the link taking you to a post on the swtor forums detailing how early access works. As for everything else, I personally ordered from Amazon in october, i'm just saying what it looks like from an outside perspective.


It's misleading TO YOU. Pretty much everyone else understood that they may not get in for all five (or seven as it stands now) days of early access.


You're one of the very vocal, clearly not very bright minority who is demanding that the world adapt to you because this reading comprehension thing is just too darn tough!

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So you *know* there's fine print, and you *know* you're supposed to read it, but you *choose* not to....and this is *their* fault?


As P.T. Barnum once said, "A sucker is born every minute."


I make mistakes just like the rest of the world. But when you look at the Main page it is misleading, yes we are suppose to read the fine print do we not all the time. It's a videogame so i usually skip it, now if i were going to make money off of the product then i would definitely read the fine print.

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Fact of the matter is, if you are able to access the game servers and play the game before the 20th, you have "early access." You are still playing it before someone who did not pre-order the game. You may think that pre-ordering on the 12th of December should give you the ability to play it on the 13th, but Bioware has stated a number of times that they were gating pre-orders in the order that they were received, with the first pre-orders getting access sooner.


I know, it sucks, what with Bioware using the time-honored tradition of "first come, first serve" that pretty much everyone in the modern world learns by the age of three, but I'm sure if you try REALLY hard you'll be able to deal with it.


Also, keep in mind that by releasing early access on the 13th they have essentially sped up the process for people who ordered late. Orders placed in December will have access starting Friday, which is the 16th of December, which is still four (4) whole days before the game officially "launches." If they had kept with the old early access model, you would be playing on the 18th instead, with only two days of early access.


So quit yer' ********.


well when you go to a site or to a store to pre-order the game it does say you may get 5 days early access if you pre-order the game now. so based on seeing that people pre-order the game thinking they get early access. but do not find out it will be done by staggering how the access into the game will be done and by those who pre-ordered earliest will get the first wave, until they put in there pre-order code when they come to the swtor site. and not realizing that the the early access was an open end statement and to be interpetted by a costumer to assume they would get early access but would be instead determined by Bioware and company to mean that you are not guaranteed 5 days early access but you may get it depending on when you put your pre-order code in. so the early access part was a draw all to get people to pre-order then when you get to the site it then tells how they are going to do the early access. so when people complain they say we told you that you MAY get early access not that you were GUARANTEED it. and instead of putting all that pertent info out thereat the time of the pre-order being made to let people know that they didn't. they let customers assume to get the pre-order then hit them with it when they come to the swtor site to put there pre-order code in.

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Actually, Origin says 'Early Access has started, Pre-order to play.' Looks like they're intentionally trying to mislead people. How early access works is hidden in the text on the bottom of the page after the system requirements, just so they can avoid lawsuits for people who get conned by it.


Fact is, it clearly says 'Pre-order now for early game access.' Sounds to me like that means, if i were to pre-order it from origin right now, I could play it right now. It's almost a scam lol


indeed so it is a scam i preordered threw ORIGIN. so if im not mistaked i ordered threw EA (by means of origin) so SWTORWTF dont scam people. if i read the fine print and see you have wronged me i will SUE you

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It's misleading TO YOU. Pretty much everyone else understood that they may not get in for all five (or seven as it stands now) days of early access.


You're one of the very vocal, clearly not very bright minority who is demanding that the world adapt to you because this reading comprehension thing is just too darn tough!


lol okay. You're entitled to your opinion, i'd just like to know.. how would someone who reads 'Early Access has now started, pre-order to play' without having read anything else about how early access works know it's a staggered launch? Furthermore, what exactly am I demanding for the world to adapt to me about? As for not being very bright, well, i'm not the one who seems to see differing opinions as flat out wrong and resorting to telling someone else what they 'are'.

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Some of you are just disrespectful. I didn't read the fine print, does that make ma a fool, Illiterate no It's a video game and i didn't read the fine print ( I do this for most games ) why because i don't usually have a need to, in this one instance i probably should have.. Ok my mistake all i was originally asking was did you feel cheated because the main page worded it to were people thought they were getting in right away.
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I pre-ordered through Origin and no, I don't feel "cheated". No where, not once, not in the fine print, not in the big print did it say you will get all 5 days of early access, it says UP TO 5 days, and it has said this since July 21 2011. I pre-ordered on day one and knew access would be staggered. If you thought differently, well, that's only your fault, not EA's.
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Some of you are just disrespectful. I didn't read the fine print, does that make ma a fool, Illiterate no It's a video game and i didn't read the fine print ( I do this for most games ) why because i don't usually have a need to, in this one instance i probably should have.. Ok my mistake all i was originally asking was did you feel cheated because the main page worded it to were people thought they were getting in right away.


You shouldn't feel like a fool. On the contrary, many of us interpreted pre-order and 5-day early access to mean we would be able to play during the early access, not sit waiting day after day. Its a slap in the face to those of us who pre-ordered, excited about the product. If we were told up front that our chances to get into early access decline the later we purchase the product, that if we purchased the product November or later, we may only get one day of early access, many of us would not have pre-ordered. The incentive to pre-order has diminishing returns the later we purchase, and that's all we needed to know.


Of course you feel cheated. You ordered early and have been waiting expectantly for weeks if not months to play, only to find out that if you didn't order it at least 6 months before you would have little chance of getting into early access. The feeling is what matters here, not what the fine print says.


Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp? We get what the fine print says. But the reality of our disappointment paints a different picture. Let's buy a product 3 months in advance with the promise of advanced play, only to be told at the end "well, you didn't buy it early enough, sorry." They could have published a cutoff date for the early access. That would have solved the problem, imo. That would have prevented most of the disappointment.

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Clearly all of the ignorant people that feel entitled to play the instant they pre-ordered are the same ones who show up at the car dealership and say "Uh i saw a commercial for $0 down and 0% financing and I have a 400 credit score". From the very first day of pre-orders it CLEARLY stated "UP TO 5 DAYS". I dont understand how all of these QQ and meme people rationalize their complaint when this simple fact has not EVER changed.
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Because you don't understand the argument. Its about happy customer perception, not about spit in the face of the customer who buys late, slap them with the fine print, and still expect them to sub.


(edited for sp.)

Edited by andrelle
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Clearly all of the ignorant people that feel entitled to play the instant they pre-ordered are the same ones who show up at the car dealership and say "Uh i saw a commercial for $0 down and 0% financing and I have a 400 credit score". From the very first day of pre-orders it CLEARLY stated "UP TO 5 DAYS". I dont understand how all of these QQ and meme people rationalize their complaint when this simple fact has not EVER changed.


Go to the origin order page right now.. what does it say, exactly? It's not difficult to see how someone could be mislead.

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