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I guess im not a founder?


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Yes it's just a ploy to get you to resub, this title should have been given to everyone who was actually a founder (i.e. everyone who bought the game and played on release).


Why do you care?


You hate the game and have done nothing but troll every thread you can find.


So really why in the world do you want the title?

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Cancelling in no way negates anything in my post.


Apparently they aren't teaching you any logic, the minute I said I canceled, you launched into drooling fanboy mode.


Yes, quitting invalidates everything in your post.


The rest of us bought the game too (in cases like mine, twice). And some of us are continuing to support the game. You chose to quit.


Quitters don't get prizes for quitting. That's not how life works. Man up and take responsibility for your own decision to no longer support the game.


I'm not being a drooling fanboy. My reaction would be like this toward anyone who tries to blame someone else for the very predictable consequences of his own actions: i.e., if you unsubscribe, you don't get in-game stuff. It's pathetic to start crying over that after walking away. If you really want your precious title, you know what you have to do to get it.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.


If you did not stay with the game (ie pay for another month) and you are not playing now you don't get the title.


Sorry. Hope that clears it up.


The robots are intelligent! THEY ARE ALIVE!




Edited by Aisar
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I have lots of reason to dislike EA/BW, there is still a (small) chance they can change things enough to make me want to play again in the future.


I'm no longer a Blizzard fanboy, but I enjoy WoW enough right now.


Well, you got three months to make up your mind.

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Yes, quitting invalidates everything in your post.


The rest of us bought the game too (in cases like mine, twice). And some of us are continuing to support the game. You chose to quit.


Quitters don't get prizes for quitting. That's not how life works. Man up and take responsibility for your own decision to no longer support the game.


You're in hardcore fanboy mode. I paid 4x what you did for that extra month, you can pretend my canceling negates that, but reality disagrees.



EDIT: You really need to read your post and think about how nuts you sound.

Edited by Conundrum-NSA
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Cancelling in no way negates anything in my post.


Apparently they aren't teaching you any logic, the minute I said I canceled, you launched into drooling fanboy mode.


Actually cancelling negates everything you say cause it cleary says you have to re up your sub or get a timecard to be ELIGIBLE for the title.

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You're in hardcore fanboy mode. I paid 4x what you did for that extra month, you can pretend my canceling negates that, but reality disagrees.


It does.


You can't blame Bioware, or any other players, for your financial decisions.

Edited by Skoobie
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You're in hardcore fanboy mode. I paid 4x what you did for that extra month, you can pretend my canceling negates that, but reality disagrees.



EDIT: You really need to read your post and think about how nuts you sound.


Actually the disclaimer bioware put out disagrees with your perception of reality.

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You're in hardcore fanboy mode. I paid 4x what you did for that extra month, you can pretend my canceling negates that, but reality disagrees.



EDIT: You really need to read your post and think about how nuts you sound.


So let me get this straight?!?!


You bought CE Edition


And you ubsubbed


How do you feel about that? Mad enough to complain about it here?!?!?!




The robots, they have a voice..


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBKI_S1GZDo&feature=autoplay&list=ULKcRi0UHvfyM&lf=mfu_in_order&playnext=2 (2:15)


Edited by Aisar
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EDIT: You really need to read your post and think about how nuts you sound.


You're whining over an in-game title for a game you've already quit, and *I* sound crazy?


LOL. You should take that act on the road.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.


So you were going to resub but because they were giving you something for resubing you now refuse to?

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You're in hardcore fanboy mode. I paid 4x what you did for that extra month, you can pretend my canceling negates that, but reality disagrees.



EDIT: You really need to read your post and think about how nuts you sound.


Of course cancelling negates everything in your post. Why should you be exempt from the requirements of the title just because you feel entitled? Bioware I am sure had a particular type of gamer in mind who would rush through the content and then not subscribe and wait for later content to arrive. Sorry but that is not a "Founder" of a new game community.


Whether you paid more for your account or not does not exempt you from the requirement to subscribe in order to receive the title.


Personally I think it is nice that Bioware is recognizing the people who are supporting the early growth of the game by subscribing. :D

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As of now I haven't recieved the title, based on their requirements I won't. I won't be billed or use a timecard. I've already canceled, but would like the title in case I ever come back, if they improve the game to a level that makes me want to play it again.


Why do people purposively not fulfill a requirement for something, or refuse to, and then complain about not getting said reward for fulling the requirement?

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They need to make these forums for paid subscribers only. Problem would get much very less big.


Yeah and actually I'm a little pissed about that too. I'm ok with people that pay a sub complaining. But this is ridiculous to let the trolls stick around after they cancel just to flip tables and wreck this place.

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Why do people purposively not fulfill a requirement for something, or refuse to, and then complain about not getting said reward for fulling the requirement?


Because they deserve it without the requirement.


help make our forums a better place. check my sig. spread the word people!


if these forums were subscribe only this thread would never have been made! THINK ABOUT IT

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It has risen to a new level around here I think.


I kinda like it.


All those negative folks know their time on the forums is limited, so now they are grasping at ANYTHING they can just to try and raise that one last stink.


It's humorous.

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And not only that, now he's whining because he doesn't get said title.


I was going to eat at Burger King today and when I walked in they tried to give me a free Whooper for dining in so I said "to the hell with this!" and stormed out. I ain't eating there ever again!


Is that basically what the OP did to SWTOR?

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I was going to eat at Burger King today and when I walked in they tried to give me a free Whooper for dining in so I said "to the hell with this!" and stormed out. I ain't eating there ever again!


Is that basically what the OP did to SWTOR?


Well, yeah, except now he's calling them up asking them to hold that Whopper for him indefinitely, in case he changes his mind.

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Why do people purposively not fulfill a requirement for something, or refuse to, and then complain about not getting said reward for fulling the requirement?


Sadly, some people feel that they are entitled to anything and everything. Kinda sad when you really look at some of these arguments.

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