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Swtor= dog on a chain?


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What I don't get is why people are even complaining about this? From day one Bio said TOR was going to be a STORY driven mmo. Stories progress from chapter 1 -2 -3 etc. Heck, they even call them chapters in game;) In a STORY driven game it would make no sense to go from chapter 1-3 and skip chapter 2. You don't do that when reading a book do you? Assuming you're not being forced to read some craptastic "masterpiece" for homework or whatever...


The only difference between TOR and a book is that you get to make some decisions that effect the STORY and you have to click a few (ok a lot) of buttons, instead of turning a page, to get the STORY to unfold.


TOR is exactly what it was said to be. A STORY. If this isn't your cup of tea:


WoW / Rift / Eve / GW / EQ2 / whatever else are that way ->



And to those arguing about whether TOR is linear, of course it is, most STORIES are. Thing A.) happens then B.) happens then C.) happens. Anyone who says otherwise is just arguing semantics. Now granted you don't "have" to do the quests, you can pvp, instance or whatever, but that's kinda missing the point of a STORY driven game isn't it?

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You are simply wrong, as anyone who has played WoW knows. Compared to this game WoW is a sandbox. There are quests everywhere, you choose where you want to quest, you don't have to pick up any quests you don't want to progress through the game, there is tons of exploration and locations that have nothing to do with quests, there are tons of hidden quests, etc. Every time you level up you can choose a completely different route. It's one of the many reasons WoW garnered over 12 million subscriptions while this game is currently struggling.


you can skip entire planets if you want to in swtor. I have routinely skipped most of Rep Taris, Rep Balmorra, and quesh in the 4 times i've leveled a toon. (I was in beta too)

Its linear, yeah, but you don't have to follow the line, it will just not be as efficient for you if you stray from it too much.

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The questing in this game is downright lazy. Every single class quest takes place indoors because of the stupid force field thing for each class, and all the "Amazing story based questing" bioware promised turned out to be roughly 1/10th Story based and 9/10ths filler "Bring me 10x, collect 5y, return, receive bracers" quests. They blew all their budget on voice actors and ended up making probably one of the most uninspired questing theme parks ever. Edited by bearchubbs
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Sounds like you haven't played WoW, you can go anywhere in that game and find quests. Travel off the beaten path next time you play it, there's tons of quests all over the gameworld.


sounds like you havent playes swtor you can fly off in your ship go to other worlds find quests explore etc.


and the worlds are not tiny.


the only games not like this are eve, darkfall, uo and mortal online.

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sounds like you havent playes swtor you can fly off in your ship go to other worlds find quests explore etc.


and the worlds are not tiny.


the only games not like this are eve, darkfall, uo and mortal online.



Edited by Harower
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I am only lvl 13 or so but I just can't get into this game. I always have a feeling of being led like a dog on a chain because the worlds/quest enviroments are so linear. I always feel like I am being led down a tunnel, and at the end the next quest starts that will further lead me down another tunnel and maybe this one has a 90 degree turn. I dont have the feeling like I am in a world that I can go anywhere I please like in other mmorpgs I have played.


Does it get better at higher lvls? Should I stick with the game? Does anyone else have this feeling like the game is controling them instead of you controlling the game??


Thanks in advance for your feedback


Feeling like an Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole?


Blue Pill = MMO world.

Red Pill = World outside your window.


Your choice?

Edited by NightskyStar
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Like ALL themepark MMO's, they lead you from one place to the next so you know where to go so you don't have to search for the right level areas to quest in or have to spend hours looking for that particular camp that has quests for you.


Sorry, but it is the way of themepark MMO's.


It's funny to hear people complain about it when people have been playing WoW or other themepark games exactly the same way. They just don't realize it.


Keep telling yourself that. WoW felt so open to me in fact it could be frustrating at times to figure out what to do.

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Hoth and Tatooine are two of the emptiest zones in this game.


Why do people keep praising them for being so large, when all that size is empty space? Across all of Hoth, only the Star of Coruscant is a notewothy landmark. On Tatooine? Can you name one landmark on Tatooine? The Sarlacc pit; you know, I didn't even see the pit, and I've got the whole damn map explored.


At least try to promote some of SWTOR's stronger zones.


They definitely could have. GW's %damage based system (I'm not familiar with it, only have heard reference of) would have been better suited to the multiplanet structure basically forced by the IP.


i loved tatooine and hoth and i cant understand the part of your post saying you cant find the sarlacc pit you can see the pit from the holocron balloon quest for both sith and republic. How hard can that be to find? it floats you over it. I have been in a balloon with republic players as my BH and we all saw it. I would say so far tatooine alderon and hoth are my fave planets.

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Load of crap. WoW is just as linear as any other MMO.


Well said, all questing in an mmo sets you on a linear route generally.


(N:- Played WoW for 6 years till last two, where it got stale as an old loaf of bread)

Edited by Urko
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with the amount of players in MMOs these days who can't even locate their action bars, having a completely open and sandbox game where the player is to rely on their own common sense or knowledge of exploration to progress would result in no one playing it after a very short while due to complaining that they don't know where to go next.
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I don't find anything boring about the game. I got a lvl 50 sorcerer and now I'm lvling an imperial agent i branched him into operative and he is lvl 25. I really love this game. I played wow for 7 years i needed a change.



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After playing up to the 30s on both sides, this is very much a "republic thing":


- Empire deal with Nar Shadaa as the only claustrophobic linear map.


- Republic deal with the hell-hole that is Corruscant, get a brief respite at Taris before being slammed head first into Nar Shadaa.


It just feels 'less linear' to level up as Imperial imho.

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I have to agree strongly with the original poster.. and this is looking like it's going to be a game-breaker for me. When I am running around a new planet, I don't at ALL feel like I'm playing an MMO most of the time. There are always mountains, buildings, random cement walls/ruins, etc. keeping me walking along the yellow line at all times. There is no denying that, and there's no denying that it was intentional. If you choose NOT to follow the yellow line, there may be a lot of space for you to run, but at some point, there will be a 100 mile-long mountain range that forces you to loop all the way back to road, as if to scold you for exploring or trying to take a non-designated travel route.


Between this and the storyline that I have to follow (at least if I want to get my companions and a ship), the gameplay is VERY confusing. They call it an MMO, and sure it's an MMO, but the gameplay is that of a single-player questing game.


It's very odd actually.. like the devs don't even understand what an MMO is all about?

Edited by Xxia
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Xxia you said it better than I could, for that thank you. Another anology would be a mouse in a maze. There are walls everywhere leading you were you might not always want to go, but really you have to in order to complete you quests and get your companion or ship etc.


I just don't see how they can change this without revamping the whole game, and we all know that isnt happening. I really expected more from a game blessed with a title that holds the words, "Star Wars" in its title. Its just been such a let down for me personally, as have Daoc, Warhammer, Star Trek online, Lotr, and Conan. Why is it that Wow is the only game that hooked me for so long, around 6yrs? Why is it no matter how much money these companies but into mmos, it just seems the only they all suck with poor fps, poor gameplay, no depth, etc, etc, and this one again make me feel like a dog on a chain.


Will there every be another mmo that I atleast can stomach to play for me than 2 weeks other than wow????? I played wow until my eyes bled and have no desire to put the needle back in my arm now.

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I'm asking for as much content, and generally as well laid out, as vanilla WoW had. So, no outlands, no northrend, the only thing behind the grey wall was a huge dirt patch, the airport was a nono and getting caught there could get you banned, etc.etc.etc.


WoW haters keep acting like it had no content at release, like both factions had a linear progression they were shuffled through from one zone to the next, but it was nothing like that. I'd say it easily had twice the content SWTOR has, at release.



Seeing that when you extract the SWTOR map game files and compare them with WoW's, there is no comparison. SWTOR's maps vastly make the WoW world look like a dwarf.

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I have to agree strongly with the original poster.. and this is looking like it's going to be a game-breaker for me. When I am running around a new planet, I don't at ALL feel like I'm playing an MMO most of the time. There are always mountains, buildings, random cement walls/ruins, etc. keeping me walking along the yellow line at all times. There is no denying that, and there's no denying that it was intentional. If you choose NOT to follow the yellow line, there may be a lot of space for you to run, but at some point, there will be a 100 mile-long mountain range that forces you to loop all the way back to road, as if to scold you for exploring or trying to take a non-designated travel route.


Between this and the storyline that I have to follow (at least if I want to get my companions and a ship), the gameplay is VERY confusing. They call it an MMO, and sure it's an MMO, but the gameplay is that of a single-player questing game.


It's very odd actually.. like the devs don't even understand what an MMO is all about?


I believe you and the rest of the crying community have no idea what an "mmo" is all about.


What is an mmo, really? Well:


"A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet, and usually feature at least one persistent world."




go back to WoW, as you will not be missed.

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