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Swtor= dog on a chain?


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You are simply wrong, as anyone who has played WoW knows. Compared to this game WoW is a sandbox. There are quests everywhere, you choose where you want to quest, you don't have to pick up any quests you don't want to progress through the game, there is tons of exploration and locations that have nothing to do with quests, there are tons of hidden quests, etc. Every time you level up you can choose a completely different route. It's one of the many reasons WoW garnered over 12 million subscriptions while this game is currently struggling.


Played world of Warcraft for 5 years, sure the zones feel bigger as they don't have invisible walls, however it is just as linear. Pick up a quest in a new zone and large chance it will lead you to other quests in that same zone. It however does not feel that way since it is not part of a single story.


Also even in tor you can find loose quests in the wild. They are just rarer.

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Yea that's true and it's one of the many reasons I hate that game now. But still, the way they spread out the questing so that the player decides what to do is better than this game where you have to do everything in order every single time... there's no replayability in that and people will get tired of it.


Well hopefully they can add to the existing quests with new areas on down the line in patches to wipe away some of the linear feel. It's not that far fetched to think they could do it...at least i hope it isn't too far fetched lol.

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Like ALL themepark MMO's, they lead you from one place to the next so you know where to go so you don't have to search for the right level areas to quest in or have to spend hours looking for that particular camp that has quests for you.


Sorry, but it is the way of themepark MMO's.

Nope. Pre-Cata WoW quests didn't work like that at all. Post-Cata the questlines are mostly linear but the zones are still wide open and you can choose to skip any questline and go about the world in a non-linear way.


It's funny to hear people complain about it when people have been playing WoW or other themepark games exactly the same way. They just don't realize it.

So basically, they're all stupid and only you see the truth?


I don't think so. People feel this way for a reason.

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there are "hidden" quests in every zone that you will not be lead to by breadcrumbs.



Otherwise this game is EXACTLY like other games of its kind in that regard. only the questing itself is much more fun and rich.

Edited by mufutiz
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Actually no not all mmorpgs are like that, thats why I started this post. Just as example in wow, I would roll a undead and quest to lvl 5 or so then go to Org in there newb zone and quest so long etc etc. I always felt like I was in control and in this game I feel as if I am going to suffocate, I am not kidding.


But some people like it, and I am not knocking them. I just want to know if the game stays this way all the way to 50. Do you ever get control of your gaming experience or not.


Disclamier- I quit wow and in no way am saying I like wow better etc, just used that as an example.

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I love the fact described by the OP. It means I spend more time playing and less time pissed off that I have to wander around looking for something to do. I believe the OP would be happy in EVE... that is a 100% sandbox. I got burnt out on it eventually because I don't like the storiless grind and I don't have Vent (bandwidth issue), but you can't get more free than that! If you have a good connection and a smart brain, the PVP there is out of this world... because when you blow up someone's ship... it's GONE FOREVER, and their tears are real.
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You are simply wrong, as anyone who has played WoW knows. Compared to this game WoW is a sandbox. There are quests everywhere, you choose where you want to quest, you don't have to pick up any quests you don't want to progress through the game, there is tons of exploration and locations that have nothing to do with quests, there are tons of hidden quests, etc. Every time you level up you can choose a completely different route. It's one of the many reasons WoW garnered over 12 million subscriptions while this game is currently struggling.


I'm not sure whether to laugh, or feel sorry for this delusion. Lvls 1-10 you level in one area, unless you want to go to another starter area and level there, lvls 11-20, you level in another area, unless you want to do the exact same quests in another 11-20 area and so forth.

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. . . I just want to know if the game stays this way all the way to 50. Do you ever get control of your gaming experience or not. . .


No, the game stays on the exact same rails the whole way through.


Before anyone asks, yes, I have a max level character. I've also got 2 alts that are more than halfway through the game.

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Like ALL themepark MMO's, they lead you from one place to the next so you know where to go so you don't have to search for the right level areas to quest in or have to spend hours looking for that particular camp that has quests for you.


Sorry, but it is the way of themepark MMO's.


It's funny to hear people complain about it when people have been playing WoW or other themepark games exactly the same way. They just don't realize it.

Vanilla WoW was far less linear than this is, while post-BC WoW was exactly this same type of linear garbage.


Stock advanced quest tracker was practically suicidal in a "story driven" game. Thanks for the feature which completely negates any need for me to read into the story, plus quest log information consummately sparse enough that I couldn't do the quest without taking notes during the cutscene, and maybe not even then without heavy exploration.


Confirming, TOR is a rail shooter.
This is a better description. Edited by Ansultares
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I love the fact described by the OP. It means I spend more time playing and less time pissed off that I have to wander around looking for something to do. I believe the OP would be happy in EVE... that is a 100% sandbox. I got burnt out on it eventually because I don't like the storiless grind and I don't have Vent (bandwidth issue), but you can't get more free than that! If you have a good connection and a smart brain, the PVP there is out of this world... because when you blow up someone's ship... it's GONE FOREVER, and their tears are real.



Agree, EvE may be the direction you'll want to go. Best PvP I've ever experienced.


I like the fact that the missions (quests) in TOR are laid out reasonably well in this game. Love that they tie in side quests with whatever main quest you're running.

Edited by Tolarus
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This is the videogame equivalent to "Pop-Music"


Ever since WoW proved the masses can be reached by an MMO, everyone has been looking to be the next boy-band.


Probably why these games have turned into stupid dances and silly haircuts.


Unfortunately, We're most likely not going to see anything of real depth coming from any of the big money companies anymore.

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Actually no not all mmorpgs are like that, thats why I started this post. Just as example in wow, I would roll a undead and quest to lvl 5 or so then go to Org in there newb zone and quest so long etc etc. I always felt like I was in control and in this game I feel as if I am going to suffocate, I am not kidding.


But some people like it, and I am not knocking them. I just want to know if the game stays this way all the way to 50. Do you ever get control of your gaming experience or not.


Disclamier- I quit wow and in no way am saying I like wow better etc, just used that as an example.


been lvl 50 for 2 weeks , bioware wants all control of the game, it gets worse at end game,


Now people are gonna say hows thats? heres how. when you reach level 50 you can do 8 and 16 man OPS groups, when you do these the gear that drops from Boss mobs are auto given out to certain people, the whol game is about control, its not fun and no adventure, feels like a job.


this week i ran both Etenity vault and the new Palace they just released with patch 1.1 and never got one items, and spent over 200k on repiars... all the end game boss mobs are bugged out like crazy to, your not missing anything by ditching this game and maybe coming back year from now.


infact im thinking about going back to wow for good and being happy with what i had.

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I am only lvl 13 or so but I just can't get into this game. I always have a feeling of being led like a dog on a chain because the worlds/quest enviroments are so linear. I always feel like I am being led down a tunnel, and at the end the next quest starts that will further lead me down another tunnel and maybe this one has a 90 degree turn. I dont have the feeling like I am in a world that I can go anywhere I please like in other mmorpgs I have played.


Does it get better at higher lvls? Should I stick with the game? Does anyone else have this feeling like the game is controling them instead of you controlling the game??


Thanks in advance for your feedback


Because most other MMOs don't play basicly the same way... oh wait....

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WoW suffers from this problem as does every other MMO. Just because you have seamless zones in WoW does not mean it is larger. You are still lead to each sub area in every zone by quests like a dog on a chain.



Yes all mmo is still from quest point A to B.


But at least WoW tried to cover or reduce that linearity feeling by offering a seamless zones with alternate leveling zone choices. This is what good devs do. They alleviate the bad parts by offering something else.


Not like Swtor. The instancing, the corridors and buildings, no alt zone leveling choices and linearity of the quests all combined giving a really confined feeling to the players.

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its because you are level 13. The game is designed around new players to mmos. the first 10 levels is to get you used to how their quest system and class quest system works. How to use the new combat mechanics and how to use your base class skills. the next 10 levels is to get a feel for the AC you chose. Once you hit Tat the WORLDS GET HUGE! Trust me get to level 25 visit tat and you will fall in love with the game.



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That is all well and good but it is just garbage when you don't even get to see half the content because you out level it before you even get HALF of the quests done in each zone. Dumb move on Blizzard's part imo.


I rather not have the same things over and over again and

Have areas I havent been to before to make a new toon

And explore more bad parts on swtor all storys are the same

And the quests for every toon just worded different

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^^ This guy is on a one man crusade because this game isn't WoW 2.0 so just ignore him. Game expands massively later on and just gets better. :D


Uh...no it doesn't?


There are significantly more zones per level range per faction in WoW than there are in this game. That is a fact. Therefore, WoW is less linear.



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You mean just like every other MMO, but this doesn't have the illusion of filler space that adds nothing.


It's just like a wide tunnel that let's you walk further to the side on the way to your quest.


I can't wait until these type of people go back to where they came from.

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