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Swtor= dog on a chain?


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I am only lvl 13 or so but I just can't get into this game. I always have a feeling of being led like a dog on a chain because the worlds/quest enviroments are so linear. I always feel like I am being led down a tunnel, and at the end the next quest starts that will further lead me down another tunnel and maybe this one has a 90 degree turn. I dont have the feeling like I am in a world that I can go anywhere I please like in other mmorpgs I have played.


Does it get better at higher lvls? Should I stick with the game? Does anyone else have this feeling like the game is controling them instead of you controlling the game??


Thanks in advance for your feedback

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Like ALL themepark MMO's, they lead you from one place to the next so you know where to go so you don't have to search for the right level areas to quest in or have to spend hours looking for that particular camp that has quests for you.


Sorry, but it is the way of themepark MMO's.


It's funny to hear people complain about it when people have been playing WoW or other themepark games exactly the same way. They just don't realize it.

Edited by iResist
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I am only lvl 13 or so but I just can't get into this game. I always have a feeling of being led like a dog on a chain because the worlds/quest enviroments are so linear. I always feel like I am being led down a tunnel, and at the end the next quest starts that will further lead me down another tunnel and maybe this one has a 90 degree turn. I dont have the feeling like I am in a world that I can go anywhere I please like in other mmorpgs I have played.


Does it get better at higher lvls? Should I stick with the game? Does anyone else have this feeling like the game is controling them instead of you controlling the game??


Thanks in advance for your feedback

what i think about linear games

only one way to go, down

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I am only lvl 13 or so but I just can't get into this game. I always have a feeling of being led like a dog on a chain because the worlds/quest enviroments are so linear. I always feel like I am being led down a tunnel, and at the end the next quest starts that will further lead me down another tunnel and maybe this one has a 90 degree turn. I dont have the feeling like I am in a world that I can go anywhere I please like in other mmorpgs I have played.


Does it get better at higher lvls? Should I stick with the game? Does anyone else have this feeling like the game is controling them instead of you controlling the game??


Thanks in advance for your feedback


How is this different from any other MMO?

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Like ALL themepark MMO's, they lead you from one place to the next so you know where to go so you don't have to search for the right level areas to quest in or have to spend hours looking for that particular camp that has quests for you.


Sorry, but it is the way of themepark MMO's.


It's funny to hear people complain about it when people have been playing WoW or other themepark games exactly the same way. They just don't realize it.


Sounds like you haven't played WoW, you can go anywhere in that game and find quests. Travel off the beaten path next time you play it, there's tons of quests all over the gameworld.

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Sounds like you haven't played WoW, you can go anywhere in that game and find quests. Travel off the beaten path next time you play it, there's tons of quests all over the gameworld.


Load of crap. WoW is just as linear as any other MMO.

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You're asking for a game that just dumps you into the world and you do what you want. There are games like but they are not in the majority.


When left to their own devices for too long people lose focus and just get bored. It works better for one player game where the entire game can truly focus on the player and give them a reason to keep playing. Aka all sandbox games.


Without a linear path you're depending on the player's own initiation A LOT. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want a business model based on a player's self imposed goals.

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Like ALL themepark MMO's, they lead you from one place to the next so you know where to go so you don't have to search for the right level areas to quest in or have to spend hours looking for that particular camp that has quests for you.


Sorry, but it is the way of themepark MMO's.


It's funny to hear people complain about it when people have been playing WoW or other themepark games exactly the same way. They just don't realize it.


That's the point! Other games have done a much better job of making it feel like I'm not on rails. SWTOR doesn't even try. I would venture to say that 90% or more of the game's environments are just hallways. It's disappointing. At least in WoW I could choose from several different train tracks.

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Load of crap. WoW is just as linear as any other MMO.


You are simply wrong, as anyone who has played WoW knows. Compared to this game WoW is a sandbox. There are quests everywhere, you choose where you want to quest, you don't have to pick up any quests you don't want to progress through the game, there is tons of exploration and locations that have nothing to do with quests, there are tons of hidden quests, etc. Every time you level up you can choose a completely different route. It's one of the many reasons WoW garnered over 12 million subscriptions while this game is currently struggling.

Edited by Taurusaud
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I am only lvl 13 or so but I just can't get into this game. I always have a feeling of being led like a dog on a chain because the worlds/quest enviroments are so linear. I always feel like I am being led down a tunnel, and at the end the next quest starts that will further lead me down another tunnel and maybe this one has a 90 degree turn. I dont have the feeling like I am in a world that I can go anywhere I please like in other mmorpgs I have played.


Does it get better at higher lvls? Should I stick with the game? Does anyone else have this feeling like the game is controling them instead of you controlling the game??


Thanks in advance for your feedback




its because you are level 13. The game is designed around new players to mmos. the first 10 levels is to get you used to how their quest system and class quest system works. How to use the new combat mechanics and how to use your base class skills. the next 10 levels is to get a feel for the AC you chose. Once you hit Tat the WORLDS GET HUGE! Trust me get to level 25 visit tat and you will fall in love with the game.

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You are simply wrong, as anyone who has played WoW knows. Compared to this game WoW is a sandbox. There are quests everywhere, you choose where you want to quest, you don't have to pick up any quests you don't want to progress through the game, there is tons of exploration and locations that have nothing to do with quests, there are tons of hidden quests, etc. Every time you level up you can choose a completely different route. It's one of the many reasons WoW garnered over 12 million subscriptions while this game is currently struggling.


That is all well and good but it is just garbage when you don't even get to see half the content because you out level it before you even get HALF of the quests done in each zone. Dumb move on Blizzard's part imo.

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are you saying those games aren't leading you by the leash? Cause all of them very clearly are.


Even Sandbox MMOs like SWG was just leading you on a leash


I'm saying the are, but they don't represent every MMO ever made, they just happen to be the mainstream because the mainstream WANT to be told where to go, what to do/farm and sandbox games ineivtably end up in smaller markets or even as cult classics because most people are sheep.

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When I played wow or swg if I got tired of leveling in an area I could go to another area in another land and pick up quests there to continue to level. When I tried that here no quests were available. Except for Heroic Missions. Edited by Octagonn
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That is all well and good but it is just garbage when you don't even get to see half the content because you out level it before you even get HALF of the quests done in each zone. Dumb move on Blizzard's part imo.


Yea that's true and it's one of the many reasons I hate that game now. But still, the way they spread out the questing so that the player decides what to do is better than this game where you have to do everything in order every single time... there's no replayability in that and people will get tired of it.

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