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How can you not run SWTOR on max?


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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS



Edit: some people are neglecting the fact i said low FPS on LOW settings , how you can possibly have a machine that old is beyond me any computer made within like 6 years would be able to run swtor fine


Edit: If you are gaming on a laptop in the first place what is wrong with you??

Edited by wolfsheadbane
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LOL. Some people are way cheap. I can't comprehend it either. PLUS they are the ones that keep game graphics on MMO's five generations behind. Bcuz mmos are supposed to have a graphics that a major audience can handle. If everyone had great gaming computers we would see MMOs with crysis graphics. Edited by LeoCrow
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Because some people can't afford higer specced machines and must play it at lower settings, as I will be when my invite comes, if I can play it at all.

Not everyone is priveleged to have the best system ever, or even a half decent systen.

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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS


Where would you buy such laptop? The game is not that low spec me thinks.

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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS


I can't comprehend, why you can't comprehend, that many people have other priorities to spend their money on.


You show me a laptop that can run this on max, for that cheap... then I'll buy into your nonsense. Until then, I'll continue to play on my 3 year old laptop @ medium settings.

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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS


From a computer tech who works on these things every day, those $200-$300 laptops also tend to die very, very quickly. Be smart, save up a bit more and invest in something that's going to last. ;)

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And the point is..? That you are verry OMGbrutalityAwesome with your Zo---MG computer? ok here you go:


You are Awesometastic.


Happy now?


And say hello to daddy for me, ask him if he can buy a Zo---MG computer for me to use too.


And just for the record, a "normal" computer (and that is not high-end mind you) from 2010 cant run this on max settings. I know that verry well as i have one.


And prices are not the same in every country.

Nothing in your post makes much sense at all. But congratulations once again on your awesome computer.



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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS


Well I for one got a crap computer with no money to throw at it because I have no intention of being a wage slave. Thus I attend uni and do you know what books costs? Let alone roof and food! It's expensive!

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You would be surprised.


I knew someone that recently 'built' a PC....who thought the best GPU was the one with the highest model number. Seriously tried to argue why a NVIDIA 8200 is better than a NVIDIA 580.


oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine that cost 2500$ if you are the age of 13-16 then i understand but even then i don't see why your parents woudn't get you a machine that wasn't from 1720 for christmas or something

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And the point is..? That you are verry OMGbrutalityAwesome with your Zo---MG computer? ok here you go:


You are Awesometastic.


Happy now?


And say hello to daddy for me, ask him if he can buy a Zo---MG computer for me to use too.


And just for the record, a "normal" computer (and that is not high-end mind you) from 2010 cant run this on max settings. I know that verry well as i have one.


And prices are not the same in every country.

Nothing in your post makes much sense at all. But congratulations once again on your awesome computer.




I agree with this guy. This thread saying how people can't afford computers to play at max settings but I bet you it's 95% likely he didn't even buy his pc but his parents bought it for him Rofl-sauce.

Edited by toastiO
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Well I for one got a crap computer with no money to throw at it because I have no intention of being a wage slave. Thus I attend uni and do you know what books costs? Let alone roof and food! It's expensive!


Does the government pay you to study in US like it does australia? ( where i live ) if not that is extremely sucky

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What you do is go to best buy and get a desktop with a good processor for 300-400. Then you get a 100 dollar graphics card, then you get a new power thingy lol for about 100. Then you're ready to rock!


I am pc illiterate but my pc works good!

Edited by XFaided
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I agree with this guy. This thread saying how people can't afford computers to play at max settings but I bet you it's 95% likely he didn't even buy his pc but his parents bought it for him Rofl-sauce.


lol this games graphics on max look pretty much exactly like medium , people who have problems just turn off your shadows problem solved also i bought my computer with my own money though , of course when i was younger my parents would ( not exactly the machine i have now but reasonable ) and my parents are not rich or even well off

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oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine that cost 2500$ if you are the age of 13-16 then i understand but even then i don't see why your parents woudn't get you a machine that wasn't from 1720 for christmas or something


Some people have kids, a house to pay off, a car or two to maintain , not all of us live no wait sponge off our parents to get other things.

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oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine that cost 2500$ if you are the age of 13-16 then i understand but even then i don't see why your parents woudn't get you a machine that wasn't from 1720 for christmas or something


Gotta ask....if you don't work and your partner doesn't work and you have 2 kids where'd you get the money?


EDIT: poster above me, I was wondering how they could get a cherry machine if they don't work and have 2 kids. I work, my wife works but we don't have kids. Got the usual bills though, mortgage, 2 car payments, etc. (not to mention our original house was completely destroyed in April by a tornado in Fayetteville. Heck, google it on CNN for the videos about april 16th. You'll see me freaking out to a news crew)


Still, we could afford nice PC's and I scraped enough to upgrade mine with a better power supply and good graphics card. It wasn't that expensive, or difficult to do it myself either. All you need to put a video card in is two hands....and maybe a screwdriver depending on your case)

Edited by wilsonstone
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