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Everything posted by Daning

  1. What are your stats? In Half and half of BM and champ gear I can't even get a 4k crit as tactics, while as assault 4.5k is the norm with HiB. But I agree with you that tactics is thoroughly underrated. Fantastic reliability and consistency in damage output.
  2. Bump for making a good and valid point with comedy.
  3. Alright, look over your settings in fraps, or what have you, and make sure you're recording at your full resolution. Compress with proper codecs, xvid will do just fine. If you're looking for guides, http://www.own-age.com have several very good ones in the forums over there, though I'll say they're fairly advanced. Don't settle with "meh" quality. Since you obviously can record at a decent framerate, there's no excuse to have that poor quality. Also, while it's no surprise you went with the star wars music, I would suggest something more lively, in such a case that you decide to totally remove the in-game sound effects. It gets boring. Sharpen that editing, and don't use the ugly overused effects. A clean cut is better than some weird sliding 1990's windows moviemaker effect.
  4. Absolutely horrible quality, and the lack of in-game sound effects just makes it dreary to watch. Hard to even judge the content with all the pixels getting in the way
  5. It all comes down to values, and those against same gender relationships are actively fighting against other people's way of life. Telling them they are not normal, and need to change because what they are engaging in are <insert various derogatory terms>. Though there are those against it that will accept it nontheless, however far and few between. If it's something that will see its way into the game, that's totally fine, and those that do not approve can just choose to not explore that part of the game. They won't be exposed to it, less so than in real life anyway. This is just how I see it. My opinion.
  6. It's quite spectacular indeed!
  7. 1) Stockstrike That is all. Huahuahuahua
  8. I am enjoying level 50 a ton! Operations is fun, hardmode is fun, star wars is great and I'm playing a tank that just does not go down without smacking you first. Ilum is a complete and utter failure though, and when it gets fixed this game will be my beloved for very long.
  9. I've tried smoke grenade a lot in pve and if it makes a difference it's very small. I decided to put the point elsewhere quite early on.
  10. If you want to rule a class as sub-par due to some math which you do not provide, that's entirely up to you. Coming here being an idiot about it is not the right way though. But it seems you can't play the class and got beaten once and decided JK is overpowered, right?
  11. Well I can say that with my 51% damage reduction, there is no cap at 50%
  12. What are you talking about? What ever it is, I don't think you've got all the facts. JK and VG can tank equally. Both are great choices for pve and pvp. 10% to dodge? Well my vanguard have 11%, over 50% in mitigation etc etc. Yes, JK have more "oh ****"-buttons, but vanguards have more damage mitigation, nothing you can argue against. It's a fact. Don't take anectdotes for facts please. If you want "oh ****"-buttons for your VG, I strongly recommend getting biochem. Problem solved.
  13. That's preference mate and not a question we can help you with unless you provide some insight into how you like to play.
  14. I'll give you that, for AoE it's helpful, but so far from doing OPS and Hardmode FP's, it's more convenience to spam your AoE abilities and use EB to alleviate the hefty ammo cost. But anyhow, I welcome any and all thoughts on the matter
  15. I encourage you to do this against my tank. Please do
  16. They are there for daily commendations, which you use to buy special items from vendors in the vicinity of where you got the daily quest. These are very good items. Also, some of the daily heroic quests give you very nice mods so you can pimp out your own stuff or your companions stuff.
  17. I definately do not see a nerf happening.
  18. Initially I thought this skill would be cool to have, as a 31 pointer it surely must have at least a decent animation! Sorry, that's just not happening. The animation, as been stated before, have a terrible induction time and feels very slow. So much that I try to avoid using it because it feels like it slows down my rotation by quite a lot. This is probably my biggest issue with it. Oh lord, the damage is sub-par. And really I just go for the ion pulse instead most of the time, even hammershot. Granted I am a tank and damage shouldn't be my top concern. So the ammo regen then... well that's mostly a crutch if you ask me. With proper resource management and use of your cooldowns this should not be an issue, ever. I've run into problems with this skill and without it, and every time it has been me being careless with my resource management. Thus, I opt out of taking this talent. Even if I don't pick up gut - which it seems a lot of people do, and I understand why - I feel like that one single point is better put somewhere else. I've read people trying to justify taking EB because eventually the higher tier gear will give a set bonus that lowers the cooldown. Yes, it lowers the cooldown on EB by 1.5s, essentially giving the crutch training wheels. This is me just ranting a bit, but I can't for the life of me see why I would ever need EB, it doesn't even generate extra threat which would seem logical for a tank. tl;dr: EB is a crutch IMO.
  19. And patent it will lead to strangling progress. What a ridiculously daft idea.
  20. Grabbing numbers out of thin air I see. Also making baseless assumptions! +1
  21. Because you OBVIOUSLY know what's intended...
  22. This is mine, partly because the title caters to how I feel as a Vanguard tank. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY8bZ2Lpg0I also this because it's so awesome
  23. You sound like a poorly thought out commercial, therefor I didn't even read past the first paragraph :s
  24. Don't let the blaster rifle fool you. Most of the skills at 0 - 10m, so in truth you are melee. You can however do decent from range. You really want to stay under 10m though to get access to your full arsenal.
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