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Boba Fett and Jango Fett vs 2 Predators


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Wait a second....if were using Boba and Jango who are elite bounty hunters....why are we not using the most elite predators? Seeing as it seems unblooded/recently doesn't seem to be the elite of the elite Predators, so therefore this match is slightly one sided.


It would be one sided to put them up against the elite predators. The fact that there can be an argument regarding them vs unblooded already shows this.

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It would be one sided to put them up against the elite predators. The fact that there can be an argument regarding them vs unblooded already shows this.


So....its one sided if they are put up against unblooded/recently....but its also one sided if they go up against the elite predators?...So there can't really be a discussion here if its always going to be one sided.

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So....its one sided if they are put up against unblooded/recently....but its also one sided if they go up against the elite predators?...So there can't really be a discussion here if its always going to be one sided.


No. Defeating recently blooded will be a challenge but one I think they can overcome.

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Padawans have died to pirates. It usually takes far superior numbers to kill a Jedi (much like with the average predator) or someone of sufficient skill.


Nomi Sunstrider's husband, a full blown Jedi Knight, was killed by space pirates, pirates who were neither that good or skilled, they just used the most effective trick; distraction and misdirection.


Grievous killed Jedi. That is true but he was enhanced with cyborg parts that could withstand blasters and lightsabers (except the weaker joints.) Grievous was also enhanced with much quicker reflexes, far more strength, his limbs could move in ways that a human's cannot. He was also able to leap extreme distances and was trained by Dooku who is one of the best duelists the Jedi order has ever seen. Not to mention he has four arms.


I've seen Grievous lose limbs several times to lightsabers and blasters have hurt and blemished his body, it'd just take more than a few typical shots to put him down. The only difference between Grievous and a Xenomorph is Grievous has lightsabers and the Xeno is smarter by comparison. AVP has cyborgs, and androids (Synthetics), and exo-armors as well. All these things have been wrecked by Yautja.


Jango has defeated Jedi one on one. Including Jedi masters with very little difficulty.


No-Name masters with no feats to speak of doesn't tell us anything, nor prove anything.


I don't see why you think the combi stick and the likes can pierce Jango's armor so easily when Vibroswords were ineffective against his armor. You'd have to prove why the predator's bladed weaponry is superior to vibroswords if you're going to make this argument.


Pred weapons have, for all intents and purposes, been shown to penetrate pretty much everything they've come into contact with, save other weapons of similar make (like Harrigan using the Smartdisc to parry the Predators wristblades in Pred2). And they have killed a LOT of things. They have killed things the size of Rancors. in "AVP: Hunter's Planet", someone cloned Dinosaurs and Preds took down a T-Rex. They were havin a ball.


Of course the cybernetic-Xenomorphs with chainguns, missiles an stuff just annoyed the Predators to no end. Like seriously, they were no challenge because it took out the Xeno's primal instincts, and the Yautja got ticked off by how easy it was to take them out. Even when some got blown on their hind-ends by the chainguns, they just got up, roared, and went back to charging. Eventually the pure Fear of what the Cyber-xenos were up against overrode their programming and they ran like hell. Those were good times.


Jedi masters are very well capable of destroying quite a bit of opponents. They say a single jedi knight is worth around 35 clone troopers with masters counting up for even more than that. You point out that Jedi have lost to pirates but name pirates who, while not having the force or severe cybernetic implants, have defeated multiple jedi KNIGHTS in hand to hand combat. This is much different than "15+ guys managed to kill a Jedi all of them using weaponry and explosives."


It was actually 3 Pirates in a space port cantina and they used a small poisonous critter. They didn't have the Force, or implants or nuthin. And like I said, it was a Jedi Knight. Also, those numbers are subjective. For instance, look at the 1st Predator movie. How many people did it kill? And need I remind you these were Green Barrets, ex-military terrorists and US Special Forces. Do you know what the difference between them is and Clone Troopers? CT's have more advanced gear (but all pretty much the same thing to a Pred), and Marines had better training (because it's true). Other than that, it's the same thing. Tactics are nearly identical it doesn't matter what level of technology you have.


Predators kill dozens of people. Easily. By themselves. Yautja are so skilled and vicious, just one can sneak into a military compound on high alert, decapitate one of the guys inside researching the Preds, be back outside and several blocks down the street, and put the guys head on a telephone pole as a message before they ever even realized someone had been killed. And that was when the Yautja were screwin around. And that was to people with Modern Tech. Thousand years later, Colonial Marines and highly-trained figures with cybernetic implants and plasma weaponry, all got eviscerated by One Predator.


Not to mention I don't consider the Predator movies Canon. Most fans don't and consider the movies pretty horrid. The first movie was loosely based off the graphic novel. Which is much superior to the movie. In the comics and graphic novels, while powerful, the Yautja cannot toss a Xenomorph around like a rag doll. The Xenomorph's are physically stronger than the Predator and more resilient.


Movies are cannon though. Everything ties in. And if you recall in AVP, a Predator DID toss a Xeno around like a ragdoll. And in AVP Requiem, Wolf did it to two Xenos at once. Drones aren't stronger than Yautja. The only ones stronger than Yautja are Praetorians, Hybrids (the PredAlien) and Queens.


Personally I'm not going to get into just exactly what the recent movies got wrong but needless to say it's huge. They both get things wrong in favor for and against the Yautja. Again, there's nothing I've seen from recently blooded and young blooded Yautja that lead me to believe Jango doesn't stand a chance. On the contrary. I think he can readily beat them. Again, this is comparing him to unblooded/recently blooded.


Everything is subjective. Unbloodeds that were trained by Dachande were exceptionally skilled combatants. Just one of them using a combistick was killing dozens of Xenomorphs that rolled in in waves towards him. The only problem he had was his inexperience. His movements were perfect, but he wasn't smart enough to know that he'd just get overwhelmed doing that, and eventually the Unblooded was mauled by a stampede of Xenos. The fact is, Unbloodeds can still show an incredible level of skill. Scar in AVP showed both skill and intelligence, whereas the other two were too focused on what was right in front of them to watch their backs.


Also, there is no such thing as Elite for Preds. That would be a Veteran. Veterans are generall 150yrs+, most at least 2-300yrs old. And they are Beasts. There is also your Average Yautja and Alpha Males. An Alpha is just like it sounds; Bigger. Stronger. Deadlier. Above the Veterans are the Elders. Elders are physically weaker than their younger brethren, but their skills are so refined and perfected over so many centuries, it doesn't even matter. They will beat the ever living crap out of you, and do it with nothing more than a staff. Dachande was a Vet, close to being an Elder. And when Younger, Stronger Yautja challenged him, the beatings he left them with made them think to never challenge him again. He put them down so fast that those watching fell silent.


Mandalorians of old had their Gladitorial Pitfights. That's a near every day occurrence on a Clan's hunting ship. Unless you've got ship duties, you're either training or fighting your Clan Brothers to see whose Top Dog. And if you make the dumb mistake of challenging your teachers, they will drop you so damn fast it isn't even funny. You also never challenge an Ancient. Ancients tend to make Elders look Young. To even survive to such an age is extremely rare. Most Ancients don't hunt anymore. They don't have anything more to prove. There are so very few of them, and some of them have been alive for more than 20thousand years.


But above all else, you Don't. Ever. Challenge. A. Female. PERIOD.


They will Destroy you. Female Yautja are bigger than the Males, stronger and completely dominate their society. There's a reason Females tend not to go out on Hunts; it'd be completely Unfair to all the men.

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Predators, even in star wars its very hard to locate a cloaked figure even with their technology plus they are more durable and far stronger then a human being. Now Boba and Jango's armor could probably stop a Predator's plasma cannon(though not really sure), in hand to hand though Preds would most likely wipe the floor with them.


dont compare preds cloak to stealth cloak of SW universe... but as a HUGE AVP fan! lets break it down shall we?


Predators are big and suprisingly fast, they have a variety of weapons and are insanely skilled in close quarters combat.


Armor: really they don't have armor, have a few plates of armor here and there but mostly travel light is why they are very very mobile. Are a few dipictions of heavily armored preds but they do tend to be kinda rare...


Helm: basically only real armor i count here, its got so many functions its ridiculous, not only does it help them breath, give various differant vision types, scans and detections it has many other readouts including area maps, communication and translators... its pretty multi-function.


Cloak: really its nothing compared to stealth tech of old republic but for bobas time i'd say a fairly diffcult device to deal with. It doesn't fully cloak a sharp eye will still see it, infra red will see right through it, and water or rain disables it almost entirely. in my opinion fetts helm will just detect the pred right through the cloak... is going to instantly put pred off his game since they rely on it so much.


Weapons: is where preds shine really...


Disc: probably my favorite and most lethal...we've seen it split apart pretty much any known modern metals like hot tissue paper and it even sliced through alien queens tail like nothing(which is like frikkin anti-personel armor, it is practically immune to small arms fire, even pulse rifle is fairly ineffective against it). On top of that this thing homes in on its target and can be controlled by the pred himself...


Plasma Caster: Lets face it... fetts have NOTHING on this weapon! its basically a shoulder mounted cannon...it can fire 1 shot every 2-3 seconds, in fast succession or charge a massive blast! each shot can potintially cause an alien to EXPLODE! its even pretty effective on heavy armored aliens as well... basically an anti-tank round in damage, and explosive on impact means probably wouldn't perice the fetts armor in one shot but certainly going to do some serious damage to it, and speed and rate of fire is deadly enough that fetts are going to not want to get hit that is for certain! its way stronger then average blaster! but still weaker then say an auto-cannon from a trooper.


Net: this little baby still makes me giggle when i see it in movie! its an acid laced net, basically pins target to the wall and slices them into bits as it is pulled taunt... i know it can kill a drone easily but its ineffective on armored aliens like the praetorian so i'd say not going to work well against fetts armor...will however immoblize them and damage there armor quite a bit!


Spear: spear is probably one of more deadly weapons can be thrown a good distance, is light weight, and pretty much cut through fetts armor like a hot knife through butter. Makes a vibro blade look like a toy! its double bladed as i recall, and can be used to slash as much as stab.


Trip Mines: they are fairly portalable little devices can be set up like a trip mine, remotely detonated and are fairly tactical little devices. Is pretty standard weapon works mostly just like a sticky mine or grenade that trooper uses for the most part.


Arm Blade: much like spear these twin foot and a half long blades pretty much slice through most metals, even an aliens armor is no match for its cutting strength. I think it will cut right through the fetts armor and beyond that preds quite like... hand to hand combat and prefer it over ranged combat. If a pred draws his wrist blade...run like hell!


Nuke: yea i said it! FINAL blow of a preds arsenal... even if you DO kill them take care they are dead and don't gloat over there body. Have no fear in death and will quickly activate the explosive in the arm! further cutting off the device activates it... a whole bit in AVP 2 where they talked about wrist device and its various functions and how removing it was as dangerous as leaving it on.


Not going to list all of fetts weapons most of us know them... but give you my own assessment... preds going to lose and i say that loving preds but, power armor is going to make fetts as strong as the pred... further more cloak is there coin move and scanners in mando armor will just pick them up a mile away. Add into it lack of armor and preds need to get close... and then pred realizes how bad of an idea that was as he gets flame throwered in the face... and promptly missiled into bits.


As for the ships we dont know enough about pred technology to say how that would play out, they do have power to nuke an entire area from space we do know that... besides that we know very little. But is one big issue with fetts killing a pred...the pred then goes nuclear...and fetts still lose... maybe could get away with jetpack i am not to sure(btw arnold outrunning blast was totally impossible xD).


So would it end in a draw? probably kill each other do to the bomb... then again would fetts let them use it? maybe not they were pretty ruthless!

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Nomi Sunstrider's husband, a full blown Jedi Knight, was killed by space pirates, pirates who were neither that good or skilled, they just used the most effective trick; distraction and misdirection.




I've seen Grievous lose limbs several times to lightsabers and blasters have hurt and blemished his body, it'd just take more than a few typical shots to put him down. The only difference between Grievous and a Xenomorph is Grievous has lightsabers and the Xeno is smarter by comparison. AVP has cyborgs, and androids (Synthetics), and exo-armors as well. All these things have been wrecked by Yautja.




No-Name masters with no feats to speak of doesn't tell us anything, nor prove anything.




Pred weapons have, for all intents and purposes, been shown to penetrate pretty much everything they've come into contact with, save other weapons of similar make (like Harrigan using the Smartdisc to parry the Predators wristblades in Pred2). And they have killed a LOT of things. They have killed things the size of Rancors. in "AVP: Hunter's Planet", someone cloned Dinosaurs and Preds took down a T-Rex. They were havin a ball.


Of course the cybernetic-Xenomorphs with chainguns, missiles an stuff just annoyed the Predators to no end. Like seriously, they were no challenge because it took out the Xeno's primal instincts, and the Yautja got ticked off by how easy it was to take them out. Even when some got blown on their hind-ends by the chainguns, they just got up, roared, and went back to charging. Eventually the pure Fear of what the Cyber-xenos were up against overrode their programming and they ran like hell. Those were good times.




It was actually 3 Pirates in a space port cantina and they used a small poisonous critter. They didn't have the Force, or implants or nuthin. And like I said, it was a Jedi Knight. Also, those numbers are subjective. For instance, look at the 1st Predator movie. How many people did it kill? And need I remind you these were Green Barrets, ex-military terrorists and US Special Forces. Do you know what the difference between them is and Clone Troopers? CT's have more advanced gear (but all pretty much the same thing to a Pred), and Marines had better training (because it's true). Other than that, it's the same thing. Tactics are nearly identical it doesn't matter what level of technology you have.


Predators kill dozens of people. Easily. By themselves. Yautja are so skilled and vicious, just one can sneak into a military compound on high alert, decapitate one of the guys inside researching the Preds, be back outside and several blocks down the street, and put the guys head on a telephone pole as a message before they ever even realized someone had been killed. And that was when the Yautja were screwin around. And that was to people with Modern Tech. Thousand years later, Colonial Marines and highly-trained figures with cybernetic implants and plasma weaponry, all got eviscerated by One Predator.




Movies are cannon though. Everything ties in. And if you recall in AVP, a Predator DID toss a Xeno around like a ragdoll. And in AVP Requiem, Wolf did it to two Xenos at once. Drones aren't stronger than Yautja. The only ones stronger than Yautja are Praetorians, Hybrids (the PredAlien) and Queens.




Everything is subjective. Unbloodeds that were trained by Dachande were exceptionally skilled combatants. Just one of them using a combistick was killing dozens of Xenomorphs that rolled in in waves towards him. The only problem he had was his inexperience. His movements were perfect, but he wasn't smart enough to know that he'd just get overwhelmed doing that, and eventually the Unblooded was mauled by a stampede of Xenos. The fact is, Unbloodeds can still show an incredible level of skill. Scar in AVP showed both skill and intelligence, whereas the other two were too focused on what was right in front of them to watch their backs.


Also, there is no such thing as Elite for Preds. That would be a Veteran. Veterans are generall 150yrs+, most at least 2-300yrs old. And they are Beasts. There is also your Average Yautja and Alpha Males. An Alpha is just like it sounds; Bigger. Stronger. Deadlier. Above the Veterans are the Elders. Elders are physically weaker than their younger brethren, but their skills are so refined and perfected over so many centuries, it doesn't even matter. They will beat the ever living crap out of you, and do it with nothing more than a staff. Dachande was a Vet, close to being an Elder. And when Younger, Stronger Yautja challenged him, the beatings he left them with made them think to never challenge him again. He put them down so fast that those watching fell silent.


Mandalorians of old had their Gladitorial Pitfights. That's a near every day occurrence on a Clan's hunting ship. Unless you've got ship duties, you're either training or fighting your Clan Brothers to see whose Top Dog. And if you make the dumb mistake of challenging your teachers, they will drop you so damn fast it isn't even funny. You also never challenge an Ancient. Ancients tend to make Elders look Young. To even survive to such an age is extremely rare. Most Ancients don't hunt anymore. They don't have anything more to prove. There are so very few of them, and some of them have been alive for more than 20thousand years.


But above all else, you Don't. Ever. Challenge. A. Female. PERIOD.


They will Destroy you. Female Yautja are bigger than the Males, stronger and completely dominate their society. There's a reason Females tend not to go out on Hunts; it'd be completely Unfair to all the men.


I'm not going to debate that entire thing but.. the movies do not tie in. The first AVP movie is based on a graphic novel. The movie contradicts quite a bit of the graphic novel and most people consider the comics more canon than the film. In fact, the film was bashed by critics and long term fans. I found the movie pales in comparison to the comic. So I don't consider the movies canon. Unless you can post me a source from the creators that the movie takes precedence over the graphic novel.

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AVP is the first instance we hear of the Weyland Corp (which, in the future of Alien(s) and AVP becomes "The Company" after merging with Yutani Corp to form Weyland/Yutani). In the Predator:CJ Game, the events of Antarctica are canonized by the story, along with AVP2 which demonstrates another instance of Humanity acquiring tools/weapons left behind by the Yautja, which would be used to reverse-engineer and advance human technology.


Some people may not have liked AVP (I did), but the Events all took place and tie in with all existing canon. The AVP movies were essentially done to explain what happened before many of the Novels, as well as what started Humans venturing into space, the formation of Weyland/Yutani, and why some in the Company knew of Xenomorphs before Ripley's crew ever encountered them, yet kept it secret.

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Boba Fett trips over and falls off a cliff before the fight even starts. Jango fights the two Predators alone and manages to kill one before the second Predator kills him.


Naw. Jango starts shooting randomly, because he can't see what he's shooting at, then he gets his head cut off again, by a flying disc. Then Boba runs up and starts crying about his daddy again.

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AVP is the first instance we hear of the Weyland Corp (which, in the future of Alien(s) and AVP becomes "The Company" after merging with Yutani Corp to form Weyland/Yutani). In the Predator:CJ Game, the events of Antarctica are canonized by the story, along with AVP2 which demonstrates another instance of Humanity acquiring tools/weapons left behind by the Yautja, which would be used to reverse-engineer and advance human technology.


Some people may not have liked AVP (I did), but the Events all took place and tie in with all existing canon. The AVP movies were essentially done to explain what happened before many of the Novels, as well as what started Humans venturing into space, the formation of Weyland/Yutani, and why some in the Company knew of Xenomorphs before Ripley's crew ever encountered them, yet kept it secret.


Again, the movie was based on the graphic novel. Which has all of this information. AVP existed long before the movies. The first AVP movie contradicted the graphic novel greatly and was nowhere near as good quality wise.

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Jango would not defeat a predator in hand to hand...hands down? There is no way, they are just far too strong.



But realistically , it comes down to the environment.

A predator would probably defeat Jango, in forest environment, but in Coruscant, Jango's jetpack would be far too much of an advantage.


So you have not seen Predator 2 then.

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Again, the movie was based on the graphic novel. Which has all of this information. AVP existed long before the movies. The first AVP movie contradicted the graphic novel greatly and was nowhere near as good quality wise.


Totally incorrect it was a film before a book or comic series.





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Again, the movie was based on the graphic novel. Which has all of this information. AVP existed long before the movies. The first AVP movie contradicted the graphic novel greatly and was nowhere near as good quality wise.


I have one AVP Graphic novel and it doesn't show the same events. Perhaps I missed it. Either way I haven't seen the Events themselves contradicting the AVP-verse. All you're saying is they may contradict certain things that happens in the GN, which...is exactly what every SW Novel has ever done to the Movies, yet we still count them as canon.

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Being a big fan of both, indeed a huge fan of both. I have not one, not two, but 4 Mandalorian costumes (501st Jango and Boba and two variants on my custom) and am semi fluent in Mando'a. I also have two custom preds costumes and am a big fan of the EU preds.


I have to say it is a toss up, every single time. Mind you, I am taking (the opening poster may be a bit roughshod but he does have a point on experienced versus experienced) an Elder/Ancient pair of Preds. Say Celtic (or Wolf) and Elder (Spikey Face the Ancient) against Jango and Boba.


Jango and Boba win in Space, every time hands down. Yautja are not known dogfighters. they have space transport, but no EU Pred lore suggests they use it for ship to ship dogfighting.


But the remaining two battles go either way, every time. Ancients and Elders have survived thousands to hundreds of thousands of hunts, Just like the Fetts. They have hunted everything from huge deadly prey, to cunning thinking foes, Just like the Fetts. They have advanced armor, advanced scanners, bio scanners, and life detection systems, advanced technology and weaponry, Just like the Fetts. And they have their cloaking field. Fetts have Jetpacks. Balanced there too imho.


The ones who could fight the Fetts are not unblooded babes who would be beaten by Duke. They are not semi retarded Yautja who can be taken by an overweight doughnut muncher (Glover) either. If they fell to a Human it would be a big deal. They have hunted for MILLENIA at that point.


Yes two standard unblooded preds against Jango and Boba, would be a laugh a second and the Fetts would be off drinking before you knew it. Make it Ancient Elder and Wolf (or Celtic) Elite and well, these guys have trophy rooms FULL of skulls, Xenomorph queens included.







-Edit- To the posted below me I am NOT, NOT, NOT joining the choir of Fetts win. But it could go wither way depending on the encounter, the situation and the terrain, especially on Coruscant. In Space, no Yautja EU suggests dogfighting ship to ship prowess. So, I gave that to the Fetts, but honestly, not to anger my fellow Mando fans. Celtic and Wolf is a much fairer pairing against the Fetts. Ancient would wipe the floor with both of them. Spikey-Face is beast and had obviously been hunting for hundreds of years at the point we saw him.



Edited by Caille
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You give the Fetts far too much credit. Really, too much. They're not the same as the Preds, not even remotely. 90% of the beasts in SW aren't as nearly as deadly, cunning, or adaptive as the Xenomorphs. And there is no species in SW that is quite like the Yautja either.


Unbloodeds have proven to be more than capable warriors, as I have shown. The only difference between any of them is who taught them and/or their bloodlines. Many are arrogant, like Celtic. But you have the creme of the crop, like Scar, who shows you what even a Youngster can do with proper training and patience.


Honestly, this is a match I am tired of seeing. Prior to the forums wipe when TOR was released, this same match had been done almost half a dozen times. Remaking it in different ways does not change the outcome; Predators have one every time.


Saying "They've been on thousands of hunts" is a subjective and otherwise meaningless statement. They haven't hunted or gone up against the same types of creatures the Predators have, so there is no comparison. Especially since the Fetts refrain from engaging in close or Melee combat as often as they possibly can. To put it bluntly, you try a fist fight witn a Yautja, and it will crush your skull in under 3sec or rip your body in half.


Now, look at their equipment. Fetts use blaster pistols, rockets, jetpack, flamethrower and a grappling line. Most of these are loud and easily give away their position.


Yautja use Plasmacaster, burners, combisticks, wristblades, smartdiscs, glaives, mauls, daggers, spearguns, netguns, razorwhip, and trapmines of varying types. Plus Stealth.


Also, Yautja do have Vehicles. They don't often use them because it's mainly transportation, and not something they require when on a hunt. Regardless, they do have vehicles very much like Speeders to use if they so wished. They just never have a need for them, nor desire to use them when hunting, because they're about Stealth, not making themselves an easy target by flying around.


Now, ask yourself, if they're both out hunting each other, Who is going to be taking the first shot? The guys using the SAME gear who don't know how to be stealthy, who can't conceal themselves, whose jetpacks have limited flight time and would easily give them away? Or the other team with Stealth, who can't be detected by sensors, who can move without making a sound, can move just as quickly in the trees as on the ground, and have auto-targeting and tracking for several of their weapons?

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Now, ask yourself, if they're both out hunting each other, Who is going to be taking the first shot? The guys using the SAME gear who don't know how to be stealthy, who can't conceal themselves, whose jetpacks have limited flight time and would easily give them away? Or the other team with Stealth, who can't be detected by sensors, who can move without making a sound, can move just as quickly in the trees as on the ground, and have auto-targeting and tracking for several of their weapons?



actually, Mandalorians do have stealth field generators. they use them in KOTOR quite often.

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actually, Mandalorians do have stealth field generators. they use them in KOTOR quite often.


Nearly four-thousand years earlier. Current age of Mando's do not. Current Mando's are also complete pushovers, if you haven't noticed. Also, Stealth technology is not the same.

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Nearly four-thousand years earlier. Current age of Mando's do not. Current Mando's are also complete pushovers, if you haven't noticed. Also, Stealth technology is not the same.


Still, Boba Fett and Jango Fett are the best of the best when it comes to a whole Galaxy of Bounty Hunters. They spend their whole lives hunting thousands of different types of prey. and If a late 20th century Marine (with a love child) can take out one predator, then I think two Elite bounty hunters can take out two Predators.


The Fett's not only have to compete with other bounty hunters, but they have to track their prey and defeat their prey before the other countless hunters. I just think that In Corusant, at least, the Fett's could win with team work.

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Still, Boba Fett and Jango Fett are the best of the best when it comes to a whole Galaxy of Bounty Hunters. They spend their whole lives hunting thousands of different types of prey. and If a late 20th century Marine (with a love child) can take out one predator, then I think two Elite bounty hunters can take out two Predators.


The Fett's not only have to compete with other bounty hunters, but they have to track their prey and defeat their prey before the other countless hunters. I just think that In Corusant, at least, the Fett's could win with team work.


That's called Plot-Protection. Without it, Dutch, Harrigan, and EVERYONE ELSE, would be killed and there'd be no story. Who cares if the Fetts are better at the job than most in a Galaxy that's been sitting around doing practically nothing for the last thousand years? With Worse tech than what they had back then. Bounty Hunters in SW are crap next to Yautja. They're not even comparable.


BH's all have their own way of doing things and hunting for different reasons, most of them for Money and Fame. Nearly all of them focus primarily on using blasters and rifles. None of them are stealthy about what they do. If they're not setting traps they're shooting up the place.


Yautja are a race of extremely long lived beings, who all fight and train and live for the Hunt. That's all there is for them. Fortunes an such are meaningless. Yautja have no monetary system. It's all about Honor and Death. For them, it is a Way of Life, not a Means of living.


How many Bounty Hunter's can crush a human skull with one and? How many of them can chase down a speeding vehicle on foot? How many can throw something so hard it impales a target, lifts it off the ground and pins it to a wall meters away from where the victim was struck? How many of them can leap more than 20ft into the air?


The Yautja re the Greatest Hunters in the Galaxy. It's irrefutable. Because nothing exists that can challenge them. They have hunted virtually every creature and species in the AVP-verse, and have been for nearly a hundred-thousand years. They've been worshiped as Gods on more than a few worlds, having taught many species how to build, and all just for the purpose of forming greater hunting grounds.


And now, some say Yautja would lose in a dogfight for Space Combat. The problem is...what makes anyone believe the Fetts would ever even know a ship is preparing to smoke them until it's far, far too late? Everything the Yautja have is cloaked or functions with their cloaking fields. Every ship and every piece of equipment. They can't be detected. Even after Humans reverse-engineered stolen tech have not been able to detect anything utilizing Yautja stealth tech.

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I'll go with the Fetts. Predators are the equivalent to weekend warriors who "hunt" from helicoptors, pay someone to track them a target, then shoot something that cant fight back. Monday rolls around, they return to their middle management job, and they brag about it around the water cooler.


They crumple whenever there's a real challenge.

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