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Unsuscribe already ? Top 2 things that would had made you stay


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I realy did enjoy my 1 month period.

The game was realy fun then I got to Taris planet. It was impossible during daytime to get groups for Heroics or anything. I never was the poplulation of the shards getting morethen 50 players and that was on a Sunday.

I was told that Tatooine will bring a smile.

It did not.

What I am wondering is that on top of all I would like this game to be, at least one was missing for me : players to team with.


So without going into all our whishlist, what are the 2 things that would make you stay longer.


For me it was the lack of players to team with and the non uptimised game my cappable rig was having a battle to get more then 50 fps on low / off settings.


What about you all ?

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nothing could make me stay.

they release a game half done (again) like all the other ones they been release


to many buggs in game,


Lava boss bug

pylons bugg

loot bugg

social point bugg

PvP valor bugg

cant zone back in bug

cant loot my loot bug

cant see my guild mate bug

cant find a group bug

cant find macro bug

cant play this game bug

every ops bug in the game bug





im bugin outa here.

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Funnily enough.. i changed my payment plan today. From 1 month to a 6 month plan. Game needs some improvement yes.. but all in all a great gaming experience.


I agree, I dont understand where all of this complaining is coming from. Game has some bugs that need addressing, but its still a lot of fun, and I have enjoyed playing it quite a bit.

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I'm not going to unsub just yet, I feel there's still plenty of stuff to do, and more to come.


But the two things I would change at the moment:


- Quality testing of endgame

Last boss in Eternity Vault is so bugged, that it completely ruins the fun. How did they not quality test this? Enrage issues, floor tiles missing, no loot drop bug, invisible mind trap boxes etc. This SHOULD NOT HAPPEN in a triple-a game like swtor. We put in so much time and effort into downing a boss, just to have the encounter ruined by bugs, and our night wasted. End game encounters should be quality testet and made 99% sure that it works as intended.


- Make Crew skills useful

Everyone is using biochem at level 50 for a reason. Skills like armstech is a joke, and has no purpose. I was hoping crafting in this game wouldn't turn out like every other game, where alchemy/enchanting wasn't the only way to go, but... it happened again.

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I think the game is fine. The total lack of custom UI, macros, chat bubbles..small things you assume will of course be in game.


When I see that Bioware's priorities are so messed up that they release without the ability to make a key-bind or move my hotbars? Are you spitting me?


They should be ashamed at charging the same as an actual AAA MMO on the market. Square Enix made FF14 free until it's fixed.

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1. If level 50 PvP armor customization came in this patch.


2. Real info on legacy races, and those "powers" they mentioned in video.


Like are they some crappy emotes or replacing your factions weapon or attacks with enemy one.


Examples telekinetic Sorceror, lightning Sage, pistol Agent, rifle Bounty Hunter.

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Personally, I really like this game. I currently play a Jedi Guardian (not as under-powered as everyone says, but not the best ) and the story is the best part. They really did a good job on it. But two things that i think should be in the game or fixed are:


1. 5 or 10 level brackets in PvP.

2. More populated servers. I play on a Very Heavy server and it averages 100 people per planet.


Also another thing i don't get is how bad the FPS is? I have a pretty good graphics card and amazing computer that works great in every other game with setting all on high (Ex. WoW, Rift, GW1 ) but in warzones and some populated places i get like 15 FPS. If anyone could have a possible explanation that would be nice.

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Definitely performance optimization. Love the game, but it refuses to run smoothly on my admittedly old (yet still more than passes requirements) machine on minimum settings. I received a time card as a gift, so I'll be coming back, but not until I see performance tweaks listed in patch notes. UI customization/addons would be next on the list.
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Not unsubbed, but I came very close over the Ilum garbage. Deleted all my Republic toons, for sure, and never going back, ugh.


1) A complete overhaul of the subsidary systems -- crafting, exploration, and off-activites like gambling, racing, etc -- the lack of any thought into this dooms this game to either running dailies/pvp/raids or rolling endless alts.


2) A full PvP experience with entire planets devoted to PvP -- preferably more than one, so we can feel like it's a war, with huge NPC armies fighting on either side and us changing the tide. How can I feel HEROIC when the PvP is serving a hutt by frying and drowning in boiling acid for his amusement?

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1) A complete overhaul of the subsidary systems -- crafting, exploration, and off-activites like gambling, racing, etc -- the lack of any thought into this dooms this game to either running dailies/pvp/raids or rolling endless alts.



Are you crazy? The crafting in this game is one of the most enjoyable crafting setups I've had the pleasure to play in any MMO. In most MMO's, I can't be bothered to craft because I just don't like it, but not with this game.

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1. Improved combat responsiveness. Yes I played WoW blah blah blah, but that is the measuring stick to which I hold the game here. I am uncertain if it is optimization at fault, or an over reliance on insisiting that everything be choreographed and the animation priorities are getting in the way, but combat responsiveness is quite literally a make/break point for me.


2. More group-friendly tools. The flashpoints and multiplayer content in this game is woefully underseen thanks to the awkward and largely underused grouping systems. I flag myself LFG as soon as I log in, every time I log in, with description, and only one time (1) in my 30 days did I ever get a response from another person who was forming a group. And even then it was just the two of us + 2 companions. The only way I ever got to see any flashpoints proper was standing in town (generic space station town) and spamming for others, often for 20+ minutes. It was an unpleasant experience which I only did out of a desire to see some of these flashpoints before outlevelling them too badly, and while it may have been worth it to see them a couple of times it quickly became the same spammy chore I grew sick of years ago in other MMOs. The repeatable group content has the potential to soften the blow of running out of story for most players, ease them into a repeating-flashpoint mentality, but not if no one sees them.


There are many other things I could/would like to add to the list, but they quickly approach xpack-material sorts of revisions and additions. The above two are things I fully did not expect to need to worry about at launch, they seemed perfectly reasonable expectations to have of the game, and so their weakness hits very hard.

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ill be honest this game is starting to get boring, but i blame that largely on the fact that i can only log on late night and by then everyone is off in their groups of 4 or 8 and im left on my own doing nothing :(


1. Guild bank would have been nice at launch.


2. UI customization



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I don't actively hate the game or anything, but I am leaving this month after I finish my Jedi's story (currently lvl 43) and I pound out enough to top off her professions and get her lvl 50 speeder.


The first thing is the only thing I hold against Bioware. The fact that they launched without a character copy or premade 50s to the PTR is going to result in continue in buggy patch releases if they insist on short PTR testing and rely solely (as a result of the two issues) entirely on internal testing to root out the bugs.


Just seems... a bad idea, to me.


The second is that endgame is pretty much the same as in any other MMO. I'm bored with the gear treadmill, and I enjoy pursuing a wide variety of different activities. The Game That Shall Not Be Named simply provides, and promises much more in the future, of that.


I'm not parting as angry or hateful to the game, and for those who are staying I hope you have a good time. :D

Edited by Seuria
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I realy did enjoy my 1 month period.

The game was realy fun then I got to Taris planet. It was impossible during daytime to get groups for Heroics or anything. I never was the poplulation of the shards getting morethen 50 players and that was on a Sunday.

I was told that Tatooine will bring a smile.

It did not.

What I am wondering is that on top of all I would like this game to be, at least one was missing for me : players to team with.


So without going into all our whishlist, what are the 2 things that would make you stay longer.


For me it was the lack of players to team with and the non uptimised game my cappable rig was having a battle to get more then 50 fps on low / off settings.


What about you all ?



if they would have rolled back the changes to ilum, until they figured out a way to make it work with population imbalance, having a daily that favored the zerg side, which was necessary in order to progress your character... was stupid. the difference between 1 bag a day and two, were huge.

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