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Sorc in PvP


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Sure are a lot of bads in this thread.





But they also have...












What about this is balanced?


Genuinely not sure if serious.

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Or maybe that utility makes up for the fact that our damage is average compared to the other classes?


your damage is average - exactly - like most other classes.


There are only a few classes dealing consistently higher, better damage.

And their damage is paid in full by lacking even a fraction of the usefulness in most situations that sorc and sage offer.



Untouchable with Force Speed? Did you not notice all the other forms of CC I mentioned in my previous post? How is the fact that if I have to stay at range no drawback? You really think a Sorc/Sage could sit there and tank a beating from a Marauder? Roll one then and try it.


I did actually, in beta already.


You don't expose yourself to all those other forms of CC.... the only truly dangerous CC to you is grapple/harpoon which allows you to ideally hit an entire half of a team with your knockback before you sprint away.



There are so many other classes I see doing very well daily. Even better than Sorcs. Does that mean they are overpowered? No, they are balanced. Stop crying for nerfs because you can't figure out a way to deal with a class.



I am not going to try and convince you. Most people will be completely ignorant and biased when it comes to their own class. I get that, I am like that myself occasionally.


the way to deal with an enemy team that has 3 sorcs is, all things being equal, to have your own team have 4.


i an sorry, but that is the actual truth, I don't know what else to say...

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Sure are a lot of bads in this thread.


what do you expect?


nerf sorc threads attract the baddie sorcs in full-defensive mode like meat flies to a freshly dumped turd.

understand their situation and try to ignore them as best you can :)

Edited by mufutiz
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I did actually, in beta already.


Funny, I played a BH in beta and thought that class was overpowered. Do you see me on the forums screaming for nerfs, nope. Just because you played it in beta, don't try to pretend you know the class in its current state. I'm guess you're either an Op or Scoundrel who is now pissed off because his class was brought in line with the others. Or, if you are in fact a different class, then you really need to either get some better gear or learn your class better. Sorc/Sage aren't what you claim them to be, so stop trying to pass it off as fact.


You don't expose yourself to all those other forms of CC.... the only truly dangerous CC to you is grapple/harpoon which allows you to ideally hit an entire half of a team with your knockback before you sprint away.


Again, this is something if you played the class you'd see was just completely false. Not to mention thanks to ability delay I've been stunned mid knockback as well. But that's an entirely different matter.


I am not going to try and convince you. Most people will be completely ignorant and biased when it comes to their own class. I get that, I am like that myself occasionally.


Considering a Sage isn't the only class I play, I've seen it from the other end as well. In the right hands, they are amazing, just like other classes. Also just like other classes, in the hands of someone who is average or undergeared, then they are merely average as well.


the way to deal with an enemy team that has 3 sorcs is, all things being equal, to have your own team have 4.


Or you could have 3 people on your team who know how to play and deal with it properly?


I can see this is going no where because rather than learning how to play this game you'd prefer to sit on the forums and destroy it so that everyone is brought down to your level. So I'm done posting about this. Have fun with the ************ and moaning.

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plethora of heals? lol... DPS spec has 2.. long cast 2.5 sec big heal.. and short cast 1.5 sec small heal... the small one only crits for 2-2.5k heal @ 50 with gear.. so unless you are fighting a heal spec you should have no problem... but a heal spec SHOULD be a pain to kill..lol


But a stealth burst spec shouldn't win 1v1 MOST times?


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I have 1 interrupt, they have 4 heals.


Im a vanguard dude i cant do the damage to break the shield.


Unless of course the only class designed to beat a sorc/sage is a operative/scoundrel.


DPS sorcs have 2 heals, quick and long, if you dont have an interrupt up, use a knockback or a stun, whatever.


As someone who plays a madness sorc in pvp i can tell you that yes, there are times when a quick heal and a shield can turn a fight around, but i can also tell you that anyone playing their class well, will not allow me to heal myself.


I'd watch a pvp video or look at a thread for some helpful tips to improve your game.

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DPS sorcs have 2 heals, quick and long, if you dont have an interrupt up, use a knockback or a stun, whatever.


As someone who plays a madness sorc in pvp i can tell you that yes, there are times when a quick heal and a shield can turn a fight around, but i can also tell you that anyone playing their class well, will not allow me to heal myself.


I'd watch a pvp video or look at a thread for some helpful tips to improve your game.


Yeah because you know the Sorc can't do any of that stuff, and more, back to you... right? He's just a static NPC that auto attacks and follows a script.

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I read all 9 pages and so far it looks like Sorcerers try to stand their ground.

Kind of like the Bright Wizards back then ^^.


Anyway, enough with that. I kind of agree, it is very hard to take down a Sorcerer, there's no doubt about it. The bubble does not break easy and is pretty damn good. Sure they also have a lot of CC and a lot of good damage (heck, when they crit you through LoS that is even worse), but you guys fail to see one thing and that are the heals.


I suppose we already agreed that there are 2 main heals. One at 2.5 seconds and one at 1.5 seconds.

The problem I face when attacking them is, that I interrupt the first heal and instead they just cast the second one. So I would need 2 interrupts to make this work.


Now here's my suggestion:


I think interrupts (not knockdowns / knockbacks / etc) should interrupt the whole row of elemental skill instead of just the 1 skill.

That means when I interrupt a lightning based attack: no more lightning

If I interrupt a heal: no more heal for a while


Otherwise it's just a "oh you interrupted my heal, well let me switch to my slightly faster heal".

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I think that the real problem with sorcs is that they are infuriating, especially if you are melee. slows and stuns are just too damn annoying.


As far as over powered, not really. They just have alot of useful skills and that causes envy.

On my Jugg I hate them, but if I can close the gap while their sprint is on cool down, they die.


On my vanguard they drop like a sorority girl's panties. When we are of a similar level, when i go up against 40+ its iffy, just because they have more skills available to them than I do.


I don't think anything really needs nerfing, its more of a learn your enemy and act situationally. Most of these people screaming for nerfs (aside from the obvious jokers) are from wow and think all they need to do is hit the same 4 buttons in the same sequence and they should win. They seem to be handicapped when it comes to thinking on their feet.


Flame me or not, it doesn't matter, its pretty obvious when someone doesn't even know their own class, that they definitely don't know the others.


inb4 but you yourself said yadda yadda. Yeah i know, i am a sarcastic bastard and get bored at work and when someone rises to a jibe I have a weakness. I enjoy confrontation. :p

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But a stealth burst spec shouldn't win 1v1 MOST times?



lol.. where did i say that? stealth burst SHOULD win against a squishy 1v1 90% of the time... i just said that in your other post.. lol


but healers regardless should be a pain to kill.. that's their job is to heal.. they do crap dps.. all they have is survivability..

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Any dps that fail to take down sage/sorc bubble in less than 10 seconds has either rotation or gear issue.


When you can take down a sage/sorc bubble in less than 5 second you are doing it right.


People like OP is the type of people I kite around the entire Huttball map playing LOS with them and make them jump to forum QQ.


I suggest OP to start L2P by checking Sorc skill tree first.


Stop asking for nerf with false assumption and incorrect information, BioWare Dev is not going to nerf sage/sorc just because you don't know how to play.

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I read all 9 pages and so far it looks like Sorcerers try to stand their ground.

Kind of like the Bright Wizards back then ^^.


Anyway, enough with that. I kind of agree, it is very hard to take down a Sorcerer, there's no doubt about it. The bubble does not break easy and is pretty damn good. Sure they also have a lot of CC and a lot of good damage (heck, when they crit you through LoS that is even worse), but you guys fail to see one thing and that are the heals.


I suppose we already agreed that there are 2 main heals. One at 2.5 seconds and one at 1.5 seconds.

The problem I face when attacking them is, that I interrupt the first heal and instead they just cast the second one. So I would need 2 interrupts to make this work.


Now here's my suggestion:


I think interrupts (not knockdowns / knockbacks / etc) should interrupt the whole row of elemental skill instead of just the 1 skill.

That means when I interrupt a lightning based attack: no more lightning

If I interrupt a heal: no more heal for a while


Otherwise it's just a "oh you interrupted my heal, well let me switch to my slightly faster heal".


but that 1.5 sec heal only heals for 1-1.5k... which is nothing really.. especially when you're being hit for 2-3k+ as long as the big heal is interrupted.. you shouldn't have much problem.. unless you are facing a heal spec sorc.. then it doesn't matter which one of the 4 you interrupt. there's 3 more.. lol.. but like i said before.. healers should be a pain to kill.


although i do agree with you on how an interrupt should work.

Edited by crustie
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Wait A tank complaining they cant bring down a healer? and the WAR comparisons lol

2-3k crits on equal terms with players, every class has a reasonable amount of control and counter ability this game has a whole lotta L2P that needs to be done end of story.

Edited by jonbaptist
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the sorc/sage bubble breaks from about 3k damage and cant be applied again for 20 seconds, the quick heal only heals for about 1k, and the long heal for about 2k - so even if you let them heal for 2.5 seconds its only gonna do 25% health IF they crit. not only that, when you make a dps sorc/sage start healing they go oom incredibly fast and their resource is the slowest regen of any resource unless they start life tapping (exchange health for resource) which is dropping their hp even lower - and no, the heals they put out with the resource gained do not exceed the life drain.


sorc damage is great but their survivability is quite low considering the above information.


train the sorc/sage til they're dead. its really not hard - they are one of the worst 1v1 classes unless spec 3/7/31 but that is vastly unpopular compared to the 0/13/28 spec.


people need to get their facts straight and like many other have said, l2p.

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I love sorcerers, really


Spot one...


(pops trinket for the lovely numbers)


Grav round (shield is gone, together with about 800 health, 2200 if crit)


Another Grav round...


And one more Grav round...


Explosive round


High Impact Bolt


Switch to next target...

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the day when they add Combat logs and ppl start making DPS metters ull see than any Sorc or Sage aren't top DPS Class..


About heals... its a big joke... to m ake a good heal HPS Sorc/Sage need to have pocket tank with gourd to keep alive more and ppl ususaly make this big mistake and try kill a tank when sorc/sage have time to heal him via big heals and can spam it without iterrupt etc. Attacked, Iterrupted, Stunned Sorc die faster than u think even with a guard - play that class and try heal on pvp !!

Edited by Dreedzik
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1 Sorc is not a problem. 2 Sorcs are not a problem, but with 70% of the Imps players beings sorcs you end up fighting against at least 4-5 sorcs in every warzone.


So you get: tons of aoe, shields shields shields everywhere oh and they heal A LOT more than they should do, which makes healers not that important at all.




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