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No lie, this game's release felt like


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I'll be honest. For 6 years and 200 million dollars....I was expecting MUCH more.


I am so disappointed in all of the wasted time, money, potential, dumb decisions etc etc that it has really shaken my hopes for the future of Video Games.


Bioware is one of the best gaming companies, this wasn't supposed to happen like this. This game was supposed to be epic beyond imagination, like their recent games, Mass Effect and Dragon Age....this is anything but and after those 2 games, this is a HUGE letdown.


If Bioware can't do better than this for 200 mil and 6 years, well it is not looking good.


well someone had too high of expectations. It's not a let down to me at all.

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Well I was happy in Beta then I got in my ship and about cried when I did my first space mission. I was really hoping for a JTL experience not that lame rail shooter that I can play one handed.


Second thing, all the damn running back and forth while not getting sprint till L14 just plain SUCKS!

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Phantom Menace actually turned me against the Star Wars movies. When I was a kid, Star Wars and Empire Strikes back were the big, defining movies of kids my age (Return Of The Jedi not so much among me and my friends).


When I heard Phantom Menace was coming out, I was excited. A new story, modern, updated effects, and MORE STAR WARS!!!


Then I saw it. I was so diappointed, I said I would not see anymore. I was not going to support that type of crap by going to the theater, renting it, watching it on TV...nothing.


To this day I have not seen episodes 2 or 3 because of Phantom Menace.


I am enjoying the game, though. There are still some quirks, still some things I'd like to see improved but overall I'm having fun. If it will keep my attention for months and months extending into years, I do not know, but at least for now, the fact that I am enjoying it puts it MILES ahead of that Phantom Menace turd movie.


Well that's your lost. I'm so sick of you people hating on the pre equals like it's your religion or something. Do me a favor next time you want to become a troll make a forum don't whine about it where it's not needed.

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I don't even want to describe to you what is wrong with the prequels, so I'll let this man do it:




That was the absolutely totaly utterly most moronic reviewer I've ever come across, if that moron didn't like the phantom menace then it just proves that it's great/good, I'm not even going to try and explain why.

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I get that your disappointed in SWTOR. I don't think it's a complete failure but I will admit that they could have done some things differently. But at the end of the day to me your just anoter pre equal troll hating on the other movies. If someone had to make this tread I wish it wasn't you.
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That was the absolutely totaly utterly most moronic reviewer I've ever come across, if that moron didn't like the phantom menace then it just proves that it's great/good, I'm not even going to try and explain why.


I think you should

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Well that's your lost. I'm so sick of you people hating on the pre equals like it's your religion or something. Do me a favor next time you want to become a troll make a forum don't whine about it where it's not needed.
People aren't allowed to dislike the prequels and if they dislike them they are trolls?
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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.



Nope, played beta, knew exactly what to expect.


I didn't regret the 6 bucks I spent to see Episode1 and I don't regret the 150 I spent on the CE.


Could they have been better? Yes, but you can say that about anything.

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Another prequels hater it seems. The prequels were really good, people are far too concerned about acting. I actually really like the game but I think it could be improved.


right, when we watch movies we should care about other more important things than acting, like the quality of the explosions and Natalie Portmans rack.


saying that prequel haters care too much about acting is like saying gamers criticizing a bad game should stop caring so much about gameplay.


which probably explains why you like TOR so much

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Want to talk about a game thats over hyped Diablo 3. Games have changed so much since the release of D2. If you look at videos its the samething with better graphics. Only 4 classes to choose from. Pvp is D2 was aweful sure it was fun at the time but really think back about how bad and unbalanced it really was. The list can go on and on.


That being said I am completely enjoying this game more so than any mmo I have played. I know ill be around for awhile. Now if we can fix server inbalance that would be great. But i guess you cant force ppl to play Republic.

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If you take out Jar Jar Binks, the prequels aren't *that* bad. And this game doesn't have Jar Jar.


Actually, they're awful, with or without Jar Jar. Metachlorines. The intricacies of Intergalactic trade. George Lucas's insistence that all of the human actors speak like a freaking robot with no voice inflection. The fact that every freaking scene is in front of a blue screen way before the technology is solid enough, so nothing in the movies feel real. The stomach churning love banter between Anakin and Padme? On second thought, all the dialog is stomach churning.


Gahh, just thinking about that garbage I, II, and III makes me want to knock on George Lucas's door and punch him square in the mouth. I'm a science fiction fan. If there wasn't a Star Wars tag on them, they would have gone down as the worst science fiction movies ever made. And I'm including Battlefield Earth.

Edited by PolishTank
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I don't even want to describe to you what is wrong with the prequels, so I'll let this man do it:




I form my own opinions about movies, I do not need someone to tell me what I think, nor do I need some half-wit neanderthal's movie to help persuade me into thinking that a certain movie or video game sucks. I determine that my self.


Also, anyone that uses the movie "Gremlins" as a reference in order to smear mud on the Star Wars franchise, can pretty much go take a toaster bath in a wood chipper ... seriously. Gremlins? Really?


Everyone is a damn critic these days. Self-proclaimed experts so to speak. A movie is a form of entertainment, a video game is a form of entertainment. The "self-proclaimed experts" aren't just ruining the entertainment value for themselves anymore, but in today's entertainment market, they're ruining it for everyone else too.


If you like the movies or the game, great. If not, why make a big deal out of it? Why make a movie slandering another movie while talking as if you've got the education of a well-ripened grapefruit? What's the point? Are people today that hard up for attention that making retarded movies somehow validates their stance or opinion?




Sorry, but you can say what you want about the new movies ... but personally, I loved them all. As a father that took his daughter and sons to see A New Hope in 1977, I was quite happy for them to take me to see Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith when they came out. It was a very pride filled moment for me.


Enjoy the movies for what they are, movies. Enjoy the games for what they are, games. Going through life nit-picking every little thing doesn't make you right, it makes you look like a fool.

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Actually, they're awful, with or without Jar Jar. Metachlorines. The intricacies of Intergalactic trade. George Lucas's insistence that all of the human actors speak like a freaking robot with no voice inflection. The fact that every freaking scene is in front of a blue screen way before the technology is solid enough, so nothing in the movies feel real. The stomach churning love banter between Anakin and Padme? On second thought, all the dialog is stomach churning.


Gahh, just thinking about that garbage I, II, and III makes me want to knock on George Lucas's door and punch him square in the mouth. I'm a science fiction fan. If there wasn't a Star Wars tag on them, they would have gone down as the worst science fiction movies ever made. And I'm including Battlefield Earth.


Hey now, I don't know if I'd go that far. I mean, John Travolta in a KISS costume, platform boots and all, with dreadlocks and a huge codpiece? That image alone should show the folly of your argument. ;)

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The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.





As a rational human (that means I have to ability to gather information and make decisions based on that data) I temper my expectations against the hype.


This game is pretty much what I was expecting. It does have more niggling bugs than I expected, but none of them are game breaking.

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As a rational human (that means I have to ability to gather information and make decisions based on that data) I temper my expectations against the hype.


This game is pretty much what I was expecting. It does have more niggling bugs than I expected, but none of them are game breaking.


Thank you for insulting about half the people in this thread.

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Sorry, but you can say what you want about the new movies ... but personally, I loved them all. As a father that took his daughter and sons to see A New Hope in 1977, I was quite happy for them to take me to see Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith when they came out. It was a very pride filled moment for me.


Enjoy the movies for what they are, movies. Enjoy the games for what they are, games. Going through life nit-picking every little thing doesn't make you right, it makes you look like a fool.


Though I can appreciate the family/emotional attachment you have for the films, the critics have the same feelings. There are many people, like myself, who love everything Star Wars. Its the pinnacle for science fiction. We therefore get very upset witnessing its own creator, George Lucas, smear poo poo all over his own franchise with those prequels. Sorry buddy, it's nothing personal against you.

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I dont know where to begin than just to say your crazy this game is OFF THE HOOK. Altho there are bugs and some other small things, this game delivers!!!!! No idea what you were expecting but this MMo is way better than Rift or WoW or anything else that is out there right now. Edited by Fallensouls
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Hey now, I don't know if I'd go that far. I mean, John Travolta in a KISS costume, platform boots and all, with dreadlocks and a huge codpiece? That image alone should show the folly of your argument. ;)


Heh heh...it's close. However I believe the movie trilogy with the line "Jar Jar you in big doo doo this time" takes the cake.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


But this game is innovative.


It is the first game that is voiced... if you dont count AoC.


It is the first game with flashpoints... granted other games call them instances


It has super long loading screens... EVERYWHERE... that actually is kinda new


After you do your first space minigame daily, you get garbage for xp... few other quests scale down so sharply... I am sure this is innovation of some kind


Skills don't consistently work when you click them... again, I know of no other game that lacks the responsiveness.


In Flashpoints... sometimes, if your lucky, bosses drop NO LOOT.


Are you a PvPer who has some skill? So what, you may have to grind for 2 months to get your pvp set when your newbie friends are fully geared in a week... again, new and innovative... definitely game changing.


So many things this game does that few if any games do, it is staggering and impressive...


We even have new content released, so we can beta test it too.

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It is the first game with flashpoints... granted other games call them instances



I will say that I felt kind of duped with flashpoints. The first one I did, The Esseles, set the expectation that they all will have that level of decision making and story telling. So far, everything after that has had very little of either. It's like they include a token light/dark side conversation choice somewhere, but otherwise it's just a normal instance.

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The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


My experience was very different from yours:


I barely did not follow the game through development. I signed up on the forums early on, that was basically it. Then I got invited to the last two betas and enjoyed it, but still wasn't sure whether I wanted to join another MMO (mostly because they attract so many immature people). I decided to pre-order in December and have had a blast since then.

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