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This is why we compare to 7 year old wow.


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I beg to differ.... the core is not good.


The amount of bugs and performance issues in this game is nothing short of staggering.


The core is bad the story is good but the rest is bugged pretty hardcore right now.


You are kidding right. I can not take anything you post seriously now. I can't even count how many MMO launches I have played and this is by far one of the smoothest. Rift was good, this one is better, WoW was one of the worst.

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Because bioware themselves do and tried to hit their mark.


"The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter. Whenever you're building a game from scratch, which is the case with Star Wars: The Old Republic, we're not building off of some existing Bioware engine. We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


From James himself.


Now to focus on something very interesting here:

Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


So all you fanboys here saying we shouldn't be comparing, we shouldn't expect industry standard features that 90% of mmo's have, have offically been snuffed by bioware themselves as they know that they are industry standard features and that they need them.


Many of those features come from big mmo's like wow whether you want to admit it or not.


I wont list the missing features this mmo failed to add in.


Just thought it funny this came out of his mouth in a interview.


And now you know why people QQ on the forums all day because we dont understand the hindsight in not having the majority of those features that have been in mmo's for over 10 years lol.


You won't list the features? Well then this is alot of breaking wind blowing in no particular direction.


Blizzard never did anything that special or grounbreaking for this genre of game. As a matter of fact, the one thing Blizzard did do is take a niche indie genre of game and commercialized it into the mainstream. Thats pretty much the same disservice a band like Green Day does for punk rock.

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People are so dense, they focus on one thing someone says and do not include things that do not support their argument. All these features that they are whining about are being added soon. Some of which it is a shame. All because WoW has ruined gamers or spoiled lazy kids have just ruined the scene all together.


SO having things like...



-customizable UI (its coming but really... probably could have been in launch)

-Legacy feature.... was talked about alot then didn't even release with it.

-advertised high res textures but then told us it was a bug in beta we were never supposed to have good textures like in their screen shots and other media

-no AA when shipped (was fixed but still took a month after release lol)

-major lag in semi populated areas

-0-10 fps in ilum during pvp

-blocky shadows

-ability delays

-warzones that are down alot and just kicks you to log in screen

-screen flickering (introduced in 1.1)

-broken quests

-broken companion class quests

-broken nodes

-broke companion pathing

-saying your in combat when your not forcing you to leave game and come back

-wont let you stealth because you are in combat when your not

-the countless FP/Ops bugs

-No gear progression... hit 50 gear in a few days

-crafting isn't meaningful at all



The list goes on m8

Those are hardly rantings of a spoiled gamer.


You need to put check yourself.

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"We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


Golden. Does he have any idea what he's talking about?


Given that he's led Baldur, NWN and Dragon Age, yeah, I think he does, certainly far more than anyone on this forum.

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I agree as someone above said that we payed for a Foundation of a Game just like other mmos. They keep adding features and tweaking things.


However, the foundation shouldn't be similar to what other mmos had at start 7 or more years ago. This mmo should have included a lot of things in its foundation that are considered standard mmo features.


Its not 2004,5,6,7,8. Its 2011 and a game coming out in 2011 that is competing against other mmos who have a lead time in applying features, some longer than others, needs to have alot of those features included in the foundation. Otherwise its like going back in time and playing before those features became standard and its not a good playing experience.

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If you don't like the game and are unsatisfied with it, then WHY DO YOU PLAY?!?!?


Free country last I heard. Just leave, we won't notice.

I don't but sadly I wish this game did not fail. I was really looking forward to it for along time.


Now I am just pissed off last damn dollar Ea or Bioware get of my money.

Edited by DjVybz
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SO having things like...



-customizable UI (its coming but really... probably could have been in launch)

-Legacy feature.... was talked about alot then didn't even release with it.

-advertised high res textures but then told us it was a bug in beta we were never supposed to have good textures like in their screen shots and other media

-no AA when shipped (was fixed but still took a month after release lol)

-major lag in semi populated areas

-0-10 fps in ilum during pvp

-blocky shadows

-ability delays

-warzones that are down alot and just kicks you to log in screen

-screen flickering (introduced in 1.1)

-broken quests

-broken companion class quests

-broken nodes

-broke companion pathing

-saying your in combat when your not forcing you to leave game and come back

-wont let you stealth because you are in combat when your not

-the countless FP/Ops bugs

-No gear progression... hit 50 gear in a few days

-crafting isn't meaningful at all



The list goes on m8

Those are hardly rantings of a spoiled gamer.


You need to put check yourself.


Other than /roll, thanks for producing a list problems quite similiar to what I could credit to WoW having played that game since release. Good job.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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SO having things like...



-customizable UI (its coming but really... probably could have been in launch)

-Legacy feature.... was talked about alot then didn't even release with it.

-advertised high res textures but then told us it was a bug in beta we were never supposed to have good textures like in their screen shots and other media

-no AA when shipped (was fixed but still took a month after release lol)

-major lag in semi populated areas

-0-10 fps in ilum during pvp

-blocky shadows

-ability delays

-warzones that are down alot and just kicks you to log in screen

-screen flickering (introduced in 1.1)

-broken quests

-broken companion class quests

-broken nodes

-broke companion pathing

-saying your in combat when your not forcing you to leave game and come back

-wont let you stealth because you are in combat when your not

-the countless FP/Ops bugs

-No gear progression... hit 50 gear in a few days

-crafting isn't meaningful at all



The list goes on m8

Those are hardly rantings of a spoiled gamer.


You need to put check yourself.


Bugs being addresses continuously and they are adding features that people are whining for shortly after launch, as he stated.

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You are kidding right. I can not take anything you post seriously now. I can't even count how many MMO launches I have played and this is by far one of the smoothest. Rift was good, this one is better, WoW was one of the worst.


Are you seriously comparing a launch in 2004 to a 2012 launch? I would hope with upgraded server systems and knowledge about mmo's in general that in 2012 you can launch better then a mmo' did 7 years ago.


Think about it.


And im not talking about the launch.


I am talking about the bugs in game that shouldn't have been there bugs that shouldn't have made it past the QA team but did.


I cant even play now with out the game flickering and crashing with no error message to desktop for more then 30 minutes (happens ALOT in warzones). This didn't happen pre 1.1.


You cant argue the fact that the core of the game isn't the greatest, the devs of HE didn't even want to sell to bioware because it was unfinished and buggy.


There are performance issues accross the board in this game or are you going to dispute the countless threads on the matter?



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PWhat you say about polish is right. Rifts is much higher. and I dont think that there is any excuse for a low amount of polish, no matter what your features are, what the content is or what the game is like, it should be polished for launch. things like major graphical bugs (green planes), fps performance in WZs and ability/animation delay should not exist at launch.


BW as a whole has never been great with "polish". Which is a little surprising considering the theme park styling of their games, which really should make it easier to polish.


To the main point of the thread, the game obviously has to be compared to the current state of any other game. That is what the game is competing against, that is the state of the games they are trying to take a slice out of. The only way to survive is to be as good, polished, and feature rich as the other guy. That is why no MMO released within the last 7 years has come anywhere close to duplicating the kind of success that giant in the corner over there (WoW) had. I don't think TOR is going to either, too many things are missing from the game.


It is still a good game, I never really expected them to have "every" feature at launch, but I expected the basics, and even some of the BW staples (SGRA's) are sadly missing. Once my free month is up I don't see any reason to continue, and that is what kills MMO's. It is much easier to keep existing customers than it is to find new ones.

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And much smaller a game in therms of well... everything.


The complexy of SWTOR and RIFT can't be even compared, the questing system, the VO, the cutscenes, the size of the worlds, etc etc. That's why RIFT is extremely polished in therms of systems.


Bioware chose to give priority to what is important a good CORE, which will be expanded in the next few months.


RIFT didn't had at launch: guild banks, LFG TOOL and appearance tab.


WoW only implemented: LFG tools after 4 or 5 years, guild progression after 6 years, appearance tab this year.


As you can see, NO MMO launches with every single feature. The stuff SWTOR has right now works fine... people just got lazy and they now want everything at their reach by making one click.


The core is good, it's better than RIFT and even better then the one from WoW. This game one year from now will be alot different from what you're playing... just let the guys at bioware breath a little.

No, just no. The core is horrible. If you take away the Voice Overs and Cut Scenes you're left with a pile of crap combat that doesn't even work like it should. Rift's was far smoother and better, Rift's problem was it went and cloned WoW way to much, it'd be sitting at a million subs easily if it wasn't so blatantly WoW minus a few things. TOR on the other hand shouldn't even be compared to WoW at all because it's just a disgrace for WoW to be compared to TOR, sluggish combat, typical story without choices affecting the environment, or even the environment changing after certain points. TOR is nothing without it's story, and the boat is sinking and there isn't a damn thing Bioware can do about it because they were too arrogant in Beta to acknowledge all the complaints and recommendations months ago, but instead said "Oh errbody luvs our game!" and yet here we are, just a month over launch and the populations went from over half the servers being full with queues down to less then 5 even hitting very heavy, while WoW still has plenty of Full and High pop servers.

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WoW made bugginess an industry standard feature. That's what brings in all the Asian Cafe money.


I know right? I think half of the complaining in any mmo forum really has more to do with the accuser's urgency over their false sense of investment in the last game they played.


I would also be willing to bet that most of them are post TBC players.

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With "we" you mean yourself, I presume.


As the only options (when it comes to WoW and TOR) for playing, right now, is WoW now or TOR now, I don't understand why anyone would compare TOR now to WoW 7 years ago.


It's pointless because my choice of game to play are how they are NOW, so 7 years ago simply doesn't matter (except with regards to some "features" of TOR's are lacking compared to multiple games 5, 6, 7 or even 12 years ago).


To make a somewhat tenuous comparison - tires were originally solid rubber. Later on tubes were added, and tires became better.


But I don't think, if a new tire company showed up, and made tubless tires again, people would be like "Well what kind of tires did Goodyear make in their first year?".


Now I actually have no idea of Goodyear was making tires before tubless ones or not, but I hope you get the point.


However much I am enjoying playing this game (I attribute it mostly to lightsabers), I DO feel I'm playing an "old" game, in that I feel it's about 5 years behind the times - in that many of them feel just like systems other games had 5 years ago, but have since changed to something better, and that TOR is going to have to change them as well - but that they should have been making these changes in development.


Highest on the list is the awful UI, and next would be either/both dual specs and a dungeon tool. PvP - well that has (on my server) been a complete failure both pre and post 1.1, so I can't say much except that it was clearly designed by people who had no suspicion that factions would be imbalanced, or that people are efficient and look for the path of least resistance - in other words designed by someone who shouldn't be designing systems.

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And I played Aion before this game so you can eat it.


Aion was one of the worst mmos I've ever played. I soo wanted to like it becuase it was pretty and I loved the angelic theme. Too bad it was anything but fun to play.


If you're actually saying this game is worse than Aion, then my judgement becomes clouded because that seems disingenuous anyway I look at it.

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Actually, those of you that still play WoW...


Are people over there still screaming incoherent things about "No Dance Studios! Blizzard lied! Going to take legal action!"?


Apparently playing WoW is something they do while alt tabbing to post here. Now, personally, I dont get that but it seems to be the thing to do, I guess this is more fun or interesting?


Also, Dance studios? Uh...huh?

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Because bioware themselves do and tried to hit their mark.


"The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter. Whenever you're building a game from scratch, which is the case with Star Wars: The Old Republic, we're not building off of some existing Bioware engine. We had to build a large engine, which is always a challenge. "


From James himself.


Now to focus on something very interesting here:

Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features. It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter.


So all you fanboys here saying we shouldn't be comparing, we shouldn't expect industry standard features that 90% of mmo's have, have offically been snuffed by bioware themselves as they know that they are industry standard features and that they need them.


Many of those features come from big mmo's like wow whether you want to admit it or not.


I wont list the missing features this mmo failed to add in.


Just thought it funny this came out of his mouth in a interview.


And now you know why people QQ on the forums all day because we dont understand the hindsight in not having the majority of those features that have been in mmo's for over 10 years lol.


so what do you class as industry standard features?


what does Bioware and Blizzard class as industry standard features


please make a list so we can see.


becuase i bet what "you " thing is standard may or may not be the same as the people who know what is ie the developers them selves.

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No actually, you implied violence, not me. If you even know where at phrase comes from.


BTW, I am not experiencing any glitching or crashing in warzones. I did in beta but I do not now.


Ya the glitching is so annoying happens in the same spots too i noticed and then theres just random black outs for no reason.

Like flying in for turrets on warzones right before you round the big pillar on your speeder bike it will glitch out and the bike disappears then comes back.


And my sound has been going all funky as well since 1.1.

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so what do you class as industry standard features?


what does Bioware and Blizzard class as industry standard features


please make a list so we can see.


becuase i bet what "you " thing is standard may or may not be the same as the people who know what is ie the developers them selves.


Do you even know what my post is about?


Because this post says otherwise.

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Apparently playing WoW is something they do while alt tabbing to post here. Now, personally, I dont get that but it seems to be the thing to do, I guess this is more fun or interesting?


Also, Dance studios? Uh...huh?


Yeah some of the Blizzard folks said something about wanting to put in Dance studios so people could learn different dance animations for their toons.


They never materialized, and people on the WoW forums raged. I'll never understand those people.

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