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Is SWTOR getting you in trouble?


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I should say that the RL dailies are getting done. I mean it snowed so I did shovel, always help with the baby, cooked dinner on Sunday, trash, etc. However its the involved "projects" that I'm having, uhh, motivation issues over. LOL.


Wait a minute! You helped with childcare, took out trash, snow removal, and COOKED DINNER on Sunday? Tell your wife I need to have a little chat with her.

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if you go to the bar every weekend instead of doing your house work, then yes. Thinking you can't be addicted to a game is pretty narrow-minded. You most certainly can, and a lot of people are. I know of a lot of friends who dropped out of college due to not being able to put games down. It wasn't that they weren't smart, it's just that they never went to class/did their work.


Hmmm...back in my day people got kicked out of college for too much partying. College campuses must look like ghost towns now, everyone just clicking away in their dorm rooms.

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Wait a minute! You helped with childcare, took out trash, snow removal, and COOKED DINNER on Sunday? Tell your wife I need to have a little chat with her.


The worst part is all my wife's friends' happen to have super-husbands. Finishing basements, building decks, upgrading kitchens, re-tiling bathrooms. I suck at all that stuff.


Oh and we both work so she does her part, trust me.

Edited by PolishTank
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Not so much b/c I still get stuff done but I was up until 3:00AM this morning finishing Act 1 with an alt. When the alarm went off at 7:00 this morning I was dragging but I'm making through ok.


Luckily, I'm a data analyst so people pretty much just leave me alone or I'll start asking them why their function isn't meeting certain KPIs.

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So this past weekend I was supposed to do the following.


  • Replace a light switch
  • Clean out the basement
  • Fix a leaking sink


I didn't do any of them, mainly because of SWTOR. By 5 pm Sunday my wife got pretty mad at me and she demanded to know why I didn't get them done. I told her I would have but I was called on to destroy Republic artillery cannons to prep for an Imperial assault. After a couple second look of pure confusion, she stormed off.


So right now I'm perusing flowers.com. I thought it be interesting to hear from those who have pressing Real Life things that are just not getting done. Anyone else getting in trouble with wife/girlfriend/parents/school/work do to this unbelievable life sink that is SWTOR?


I lol'd I got in trouble for not doing laundry yesterday as well.


My reply was its sunday.... I dont work on sundays, her reply was tell you what I am going to login and im going to play and your going to go do the laundry or you and your hand can have fun for the next few weeks...... Ya so I ended up doing the laundry >.<

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I just make lamb stew to buy play time from my wife. It also helps that we're both pretty lax and are highly computer oriented...our ideal night is sitting at home, watching TV or playing games.


There have been a few times in the past couple weeks that I have noticed an over abundance of dust in the house, though.

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If I could play this game all the time non-stop I probably would. But I know life comes first. I can't afford my rent, afford my internet connection, or afford my monthly sub if I don't go to work and let stuff get swept under the rug. I have neglected my need to eat sleep and poop however.
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My wife isn't interested in games at all. However, she has to deal with me and my two sons who all play games. The way I do it is to spend 1.5 hours with her each day carpooling and using that time to talk with my wife. Since we drop each son at school, they're with us that part of the day. The kids and I do our chores and keep up with studies, etc. We also eat together and I spend time at home with them every evening. As long as there's nothing to be done and everyone has time together, all is well. However, family comes before games. Edited by Bamajawn
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lol prioritise man!


Do the things that need to be done first. Gaming will never ever need to be done first. No matter what anyone says.


* Replace a light switch- Kill the power for 5 minutes. Unscrew two screws. Take cap off. Unwire light switch. Put new one on. Flick power on... 5-10 minutes


* Clean out the basement- Depending on how messy it is... an hour maybe? Maintenance is key here. Keep that thing cleaned to avoid this 'chore' from your wife, he he.


* Fix a leaking sink- Leaking pipes shouldn't take more than half hour to fix no matter the problem. Even if you have to replace a whole pipe you can run to the hardware store, get a new one, turn off water, put new one in in no time. Unless you live out in the sticks that is. He he


2 hours!!! 2 hours to keep your wife happy. Then go play. Play for minutes, play for hours.... as long as you keep the wife happy! Take her out to dinner once you're done raiding or whatever. Don't ever, EVER wait for her to ask.


These are all ways to prevent what we in the gaming community call wife-agro. Good luck bud! He he.

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Offering a wife's perspective here.


On the serious side of the matter, bite the bullet and postpone your playtime until the honey-do's are done. If you think her latest reaction was bad, just wait until it happens again :eek: Add to that the fact that you won't have them hanging over your head and in the back of your mind.


Now, for the lighter side. Thank you for the giggle. I'm a gamer's wife as well as a gamer myself, so I see both sides. I'd wager that all gamers have been in your position to some degree and have shirked/postponed a chore, arrived a bit late, gone to work with too little sleep, etc. We're human after all. My husband and I play SWTOR together after RL responsibilities are dealt with. RL gets handled, we enjoy some game time together, no agruments errupt and he's saving a fortune on flowers ;)


Exactly... flowers might now cut it OP, apologize for the delay just get the stuff done. Most women aren't bought with trinkets like on TV dramas. My Ex used to try that stuff with me (and would then tell me women are 'supposed to like' that kind of thing and 'cry' about it). Ugh!


Light switch is easy, get that done quickly just to knock it off the list. The pipe thing could be more complicated (you might need to call a plumber). The basement should be both of you working together (assuming she didn't already do something like clean out the garage while you were supposed to do the basement... or the basement isn't a workroom of yours, etc.).


In the future, talk to your wive and plan with her (don't let her dictate to you) weekend chores. Like another poster said, you are a team. And be sure you work in your game time as your "fun time" and make sure she picks something fun too (if she's working around the house all weekend, that's not good in the long run).


Good luck!

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I've heard of women that playing video games with their significant other. Must be nice. I have a hard time believing it actually. 3 years ago my wife saw Ellen Degeneres playing Guitar Hero on her stupid show. She says that looks like fun and wants it. So of course I think that's my chance to get her into video games and go spend $150 on two guitars and the game. Of course she played twice then started whining about it being too hard/cramped fingers and we never played again.


Meh. I think about it from time to time... what it would be like if my wife played PC games along side me. Then I think about it some more. PC gaming (and console for that matter) is my way of escaping the real world and relaxing. Do you really want to have her in this part of your life too? I don't mind playing PC games with my wife sometimes. Solitaire, majong, puzzle games, etc. But escaping into an MMO is my time. You cannot spend every moment with your spouse. It does not work and is not healthy.

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