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This game just isn't finished.


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I play on a core i5 2500K with smooth response.


My friend who bought the game with me plays on an i5 760 and hasn't played in weeks. Most laid back guy in the world...what's wrong!? "It's just annoyingly unresponsive." I had to see for myself. And it is!


Only conclusion...coding must be really rough. What a mess.


Some things you have to see to believe. This is very real and I've never seen anything like it in any other MMO. This is not "just a bug."

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I play on a 6+ year old Gateway XPS500. Of course the graphics are turned down, but it runs pretty fine and is very stable.


How is it that the game runs horrible on better machines but fine on mine? Tell your friend to turn down his graphics. His machine isn't as good as he thinks it is.

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I play on a 6+ year old Gateway XPS500. Of course the graphics are turned down, but it runs pretty fine and is very stable.


How is it that the game runs horrible on better machines but fine on mine? Tell your friend to turn down his graphics. His machine isn't as good as he thinks it is.

This normally happens with computer systems that are poorly maintained and updated, meaning drivers are out of date, windows updates are not installed, poorly configured security software/hardware, etc. People just like to blame the maker of a game for their computer running like crap.

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What kind of video card does he have? How much RAM does he have? The processor is just one part of the whole.


^ exactly


While I won't argue that the game needs a hefty dose of optimization, jumping to conclusions based on partial information isn't good for anyone.

Edited by Brickabrack
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I play on a core i5 2500K with smooth response.


My friend who bought the game with me plays on an i5 760 and hasn't played in weeks. Most laid back guy in the world...what's wrong!? "It's just annoyingly unresponsive." I had to see for myself. And it is!


Only conclusion...coding must be really rough. What a mess.


Some things you have to see to believe. This is very real and I've never seen anything like it in any other MMO. This is not "just a bug."


So you play on your pc with smooth response... then he tells you his system, which is different, is unresponsive... and you "see" it on his system... and you blame coding... rather than his system?


Ok, gotcha.

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I play on a 6+ year old Gateway XPS500. Of course the graphics are turned down, but it runs pretty fine and is very stable.


How is it that the game runs horrible on better machines but fine on mine? Tell your friend to turn down his graphics. His machine isn't as good as he thinks it is.


Yeah I kind of wonder the same thing. I'm playing on a 3 year old laptop with Vista, 3g of RAM, and an integrated video card. I have stuttering frames occasionally, but that's about it.

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AMD 1090XT 6 core computer with 8 gig ram, raid 0 and a gtx 560 TI factory Overclocked video card.


This game rocks for me.


As with any thing. You get what you pay for. ....and I got tired of paying for cheap computers and then blaming my gaming experience on the game.

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I run on a Dell XPS 15 laptop and as long as I keep shadows on "low" setting everything runs smooth. Turn it up to high and the frame-rate drops to about 1/3. But this seems to be the case with most games I've tried...
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Built both machines myself. Similar in most respects, his vid cards faster than mine. Great FPS, primary complaint is this ~200 ms lag in combat execution. Had to see it for myself.


Nice game, otherwise.

Have you had him take his rig over to your house and see if he has the same latency? Most likely is bad network card, bad wiring in the home or to his home from ISP or router/modem have crapped out. (of course this assumes his computer is properly updated and isn't riddled with crapware/spyware/malware/viruses/etc)

Edited by Maeleena
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I play on a 6+ year old Gateway XPS500. Of course the graphics are turned down, but it runs pretty fine and is very stable.


How is it that the game runs horrible on better machines but fine on mine? Tell your friend to turn down his graphics. His machine isn't as good as he thinks it is.


This is a curious conclusion you have made about a person and computer that you don't know.

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Built both machines myself. Similar in most respects, his vid cards faster than mine. Great FPS, primary complaint is this ~200 ms lag in combat execution. Had to see it for myself.


Nice game, otherwise.



If its server lag its most likely his internet just sucks. If it was a problem with the actual game code a lot more people would be complaining about this.


Seriously though "My friends comp has problems running the game so it must be the games fault." is your first train of logic?

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There is definelty something different between this game and other MMO's, as I'm running on a Toshiba L500D Satellite that I got in around 2009 from Wal-Mart, so its clearly a pretty low end machine. But I've run 14 man raids in LOTRO on like 5-20 fps. (medium/low graphics with draw distance down and a multitude of other graphics options that SWTOR doesnt have.)


Now I don't know about you, but I'm getting an average of 0.5 to 10 on the fleet and in PvP (which sometimes I get kicked out of because the speeder on aleraan won't render.)


and I get about 5-20 everywhere else depending where I am (some places I've gotten as high 42 "Abandoned Asteroid Mining Colony" to be exact. and the Dune sea on Tatooine I run around 15-25.


Thats pretty good. but once again, in LOTRO I can run 20-35 in most areas that arent too higly populated.


(Yule festival was really bad this year)

Edited by DevonLoy
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What kind of video card does he have? How much RAM does he have? The processor is just one part of the whole.


I can say for certain that the processor is the problem. I have a quadcore amd 9500 and 4 gb of ram with a 250 gtx nvidia card. It was laggy as hell in pvp and decent in pve. Response time in pvp is 2-3 seconds. I upgraded recently to two nvidia 460 v2 gtx's in sli and it did little to no increase in performance. I have monitored the resources in the game and what it uses, and it never goes above 4-4.5 gigs of memory (if you have 8 gb) and the processors are capped most of the time.

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This is a curious conclusion you have made about a person and computer that you don't know.


I am just saying man. My old machine limps into running TOR. With some resolution and settings tweaks, it runs just fine. The problem isn't the game.

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If its server lag its most likely his internet just sucks. If it was a problem with the actual game code a lot more people would be complaining about this.


Seriously though "My friends comp has problems running the game so it must be the games fault." is your first train of logic?


There is a legitimate problem with the way abilities go off. Whether or not you notice it and how much depends, I think, on your past MMO experience and the class you play.

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I can say for certain that the processor is the problem. I have a quadcore amd 9500 and 4 gb of ram with a 250 gtx nvidia card. It was laggy as hell in pvp and decent in pve. Response time in pvp is 2-3 seconds. I upgraded recently to two nvidia 460 v2 gtx's in sli and it did little to no increase in performance. I have monitored the resources in the game and what it uses, and it never goes above 4-4.5 gigs of memory (if you have 8 gb) and the processors are capped most of the time.

I underlined the important part for you. Your processor is bottle-necking your system.

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I play on a core i5 2500K with smooth response.


My friend who bought the game with me plays on an i5 760 and hasn't played in weeks. Most laid back guy in the world...what's wrong!? "It's just annoyingly unresponsive." I had to see for myself. And it is!


Only conclusion...coding must be really rough. What a mess.


Some things you have to see to believe. This is very real and I've never seen anything like it in any other MMO. This is not "just a bug."


Whine whine whine.. I haven't had ANY gamebreaking bugs at ALL ! I am enjoying the game, and I love it.

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I have a Dell Dimension E 521:


AMD 3500+

xfx 7800 gt

with 3MG RAM


Yep, I'm under even the minimum specs. Yes, I can play the game smoothly (except for some sound lag when entering new areas).


Now, knowing that my machine is a complete Piece of Bantha Poodoo, I can't really run much else at the same time, or I experience problems, but when I get ready to play, I just turn off anything I'm not using.


Oddly, the game plays fine. My character is responsive, my friends don't want to kill me due to long waits or inept reactions in combat, either. My only real "complaint" (which I have no room to complain about) are the long loading screens. Kind of a "dur" thing really considering what I'm running on.


My point being that maybe it's not the game that's the problem (necessarily). ISP bottle necking, multiple computers on his network hogging bandwidth, or unnecessary programs (adware? Spyware?) could cause the problem you described.

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I bought a High end machine specifically to play this game. Now before this patch, I was running this game pretty smoothly with most of my settings on high no problem, but ever since this patch was released, the stuttering has become pretty annoying. I got everything set to low and it feels like I'm walking in a damn 80's music video..


To everyone saying this a problem exclusively a PC issue..please...just...please.

Edited by Cubefreak
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I'm pretty sure the OP and his friend don't have this problem with other games, like myself.


I can play any game just fine, Rift, WoW, EQ2 (EQ2 is a monstrous thing, so playing it by "ok" standards really isn't saying much), and other MMOs. NEVER had the issues i'm having with this game.

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There is a legitimate problem with the way abilities go off. Whether or not you notice it and how much depends, I think, on your past MMO experience and the class you play.


I honestly have no problem running this game. Runs just as good as WoW did with an occasional bug.

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