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This launch sets the bar


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I hope they never do a release like this again for one simple reason....so sick of everyone being so very lame about the EA..I really hope they would have just waited till the 20th. I ordered early and got screwed by Game Stop and didnt get a code till Oct..guess what? I will survive, life will continue and I will still be a part of the game.
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I've actually caught myself thinking:


I wish there were more people... There's only 4 people on this planet... I'm never going to find a group.


During the Thanksgiving Beta there was like 500 people to a planet and you could group up almost instantly for anything just by being in the area for it...




The Looking for Group tool IS GOOD. People Should Use IT! But I have one complaint about it... it's by planet only... It should have an option to show all people of your faction everywhere who have their LFG flag up. Now maybe I just haven't found that option yet... but I don't think so.

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staggered release with so many large gaps between waves. imho was a poor call. as the above poster said pvp servers are going to be brutal. hundreds of people upset that guild members no able to log in and play with friends.


id like to see one post from someone who got in on day one and chose not to play so they can play with buddies who won't get in for maybe days later and level .. guess what.. they don't exist.


awful deployment.

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No ques to get in.



calling a queue a wave does not make it any less of a queue, and with 25% or so of the preorders getting in on day one does not bode well for what will happen after 11:30pm CST Dec 19, 2011


so the bar is not set yet and may yet beat us all in the end, only time will tell

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The complainers can say whatever they want. The fact is BW felt they needed to launch the game a particular way to ensure playability, period. I love that people take it like a personal insult from BW not allowing them EGA. Personally I trust BW (SWTORs designer for those that don't know) to know exactly what it takes to launch their own game.


Thank you. I support this comment.

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Those other launches didn't have to handle over 1 million pre-orders...get real. Opening the floodgates and letting 1 million people assault the servers is much more problematic than the measured access that BW is doing atm.


Really? Did they really have over 1 million pre-orders? :eek:

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id like to see one post from someone who got in on day one and chose not to play so they can play with buddies who won't get in for maybe days later and level .. guess what.. they don't exist.


awful deployment.


My brother. Got it on the 13th. Waiting for me to get mine. I would think anyone who doesn't care about the race to max lvl won't be sooo upset about having to wait.

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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.




Tho i did have a queue on my server earlier today, it's still 9000x better than any mmo launch i've seen in my 14 years of playing MMOs.

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Solo play

Empty servers

Being with out friends

Customers are not being treated equally.

I can go on, but you wont listen. :mad:


Another player that did not read the fine print on how this EGA works. This is based on when you entered your pre-order code. If you decided not to buy the game earlier then you can not blame BW for not letting you in. Only person you have to blame is yourself. If you do not like it then you can leave and play something else.

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I was initially excited by this thread because we FINALLY had some positive feedback about EA. That being said, I don't see much point in continuing here. So far the community has managed to turn any and every thread in regards to EA into a QQ/Rage fest.
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My brother. Got it on the 13th. Waiting for me to get mine. I would think anyone who doesn't care about the race to max lvl won't be sooo upset about having to wait.


I see it this way, the first person to post and prove it, that they hit level 50, just wasted their time and didn't enjoy the game. I will be thinking to myself ....what an idiot.....

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Another player that did not read the fine print on how this EGA works. This is based on when you entered your pre-order code.


True, but we had no idea how long it would take. Two days? Three? Nobody knew they'd let in a tiny amount on the first day and then cut off all invites for 18 hours.


This could have been handled better. Continuous rolling invites until everyone was in would have been a far better deal, in my opinion.

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For people who only know how to play an MMO like a race, being first at max level, this has been heartbreakening and their internet egos lie shattered on the floor. But for people who bought this game to immerse them selfs in the history and play this game like a game while leveling, it's utter genious.


I kind of like that the staggered start might keep away the most extreme epeen wielders. They're annoying and tend to ruin the game and the community in the long run.



I can't think of a better (or more fair) way to launch an MMO with an expected player base north of one million...


Better to open up the floodgates, crash the servers, unplayable lag in beginner zones, 100 people all trying to kill the same mob, etc...?

^ I'll respect anyone that makes posts similar to above.

I've looked at all aspects of the situation, I understand people want to race

But everyone getting it at once is beyond illogical, I want to play more than ever

I loved beta, and I check my email even in the middle of working graveyard to see

if I got the email to come in, I want this bad too, but you don't see me complaining.


If you want first, join a new server.

If your worried about your friends leaving you behind? have them roll an alt with you

if they aren't willing to do so, I think you need new friends.


We were promised UP to 5 days early access,they could have given us all permission on 19th and gotten away with it.

People don't even have that right to be

complaining right now, because if things would have went as planned you wouldnt even

been playing in the first place.


For everyone that claims to have pre orderedin july, but has received no invite. I pity you, but raging here, and saying you're going to cancel everything is far from rational. You spent all this time waiting for this game for what?

To judge your whole future game experience off of one small inconvenience?


smh, smh. :csw_jabbapet:

Edited by Darth-Raxine
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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


LOL, get back to me when an MMO does this without stringently controlling the number of people playing.

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For people who only know how to play an MMO like a race, being first at max level, this has been heartbreakening and their internet egos lie shattered on the floor. But for people who bought this game to immerse them selfs in the history and play this game like a game while leveling, it's utter genious.


+100 internet points


Just wanted to ensure this post gets read and re-read. It speaks truth.

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Originally Posted by Runealdo

For people who only know how to play an MMO like a race, being first at max level, this has been heartbreakening and their internet egos lie shattered on the floor. But for people who bought this game to immerse them selfs in the history and play this game like a game while leveling, it's utter genious.



Preach on brother. 12-8-2011 pre-order. I ain't mad though.

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I like the fact that a psychologist major could, not only find many topics for term papers from this launch, there is also the chance, if they chose there words carefully, to possibly help some of the more "needful" cases out there.

May the force be with you


Edit: IMO this has been a very smooth launch, from what I can see (on justintv or twitchtv) from online streaming OP's and read here on the forums, there is no lag and people are able to complete quests without KSing (Kill stealing) there way through. I am stoked to be able to possibly get in tomorrow (I purchased my code right after the first test weekend 11-14).

Edited by MissionIko
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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


Warhammer did it with servers , whereas Bioware is doing it with 'waves', so the book is not valid

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Solo play

Empty servers

Being with out friends

Customers are not being treated equally.

I can go on, but you wont listen. :mad:


lol exactly


Buddy logging in this morning to a server that said standard population


was 140 people online,thats it


and the op is happy about no queues and no lag


probably wanted a KotOR3 cause typically in a MMORPG you want to play WITH PEOPLE!


but your right, they wont listen, they so happy with being in the game, they are trolling the forums


err wait....

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No ques to get in.

No quest mob camping.

No crashes at all.

No lag at all.

No players on the servers.


And so far the community has been great, and very helpful in chat.


Congrats Bioware! I am sure future MMOs will take a page out of your book.


Now to get back to it. So much win in this game.


Fixed that for you

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