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What has WoW actually done innovative since it released?


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Are you trolling or really that dumb?


Wow had huge amounts of bugs at release, they even credited people free playtime to their account to make up for the MULTIPLE days it was down at a time.


My character got stuck in the loot position for 2 days lol. Logging out didn't fix it.




I remember loot lag. That was both hilarious and miserable.

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And yet it went on to become the most successful MMO ever. Huh, go figure.


And the reason to that is the community put up with the short comings of WoW, they stood by the game. Updates were rolled out and the game got better year after year.


The problem with this community is that its filled with impatiant people who obvisouly dont have a clue about how and why MMOs grow.


Look at the state of the forums. Trolls everywhere. Comparing this game to a 7year+ game. When in fact that game had the same type of issues, worse in some cases and hardly no content. WoW would never of grown if it had the childish community MMOs get now. But the community back then were older and more mature and stood by a dev company. PCs were not as cheap as they are today. So we didnt have the impatient kiddy crowd that we have now.


The bottom line is that MMOs need time to grow and mature, If people cant put up with that. Move on and find another game. Also, take the kids with ya!

Edited by DigitalPrime
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Do you not know what innovative is? It's improving on something, and thats what they did with crafting in this game, is it brand new, no, but it's innovative, don't misuse innovative. Companions are smarter ai, and no other MMO has presented story good enough for people to actually call it "story"


Crafting is far, far worse than other games. In fact it is useless unless you are 1 particular profession. It isn't innovative. It is a massive step back.


The story is not impressive at all. WoW had some much more compelling storylines (Wrathgate for instance), it's just it wasn't 100% voice acting which is the 'innovation' here.

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I think you don't know what innovative is.




(of a product, idea, etc.) Featuring new methods; advanced and original.

(of a person) Introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking: "an innovative thinker".


It means "new" ideas. Not "improved".


" innovation refers to the use of a new idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. "


I don't think you know what you're talking bout, invention is a new idea, innovation is using a new method of idea on SOMETHING to improve it.

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Do you not know what innovative is? It's improving on something, and thats what they did with crafting in this game, is it brand new, no, but it's innovative, don't misuse innovative. Companions are smarter ai, and no other MMO has presented story good enough for people to actually call it "story"


Hey, aren't you the same person that suggested Bioware should shift SWTOR from the Hero Engine to the Unreal Engine? Yeah, I think you are. You said it would be "easy" too. I'm sure your opinions on other topics are equally valid.

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Crafting is far, far worse than other games. In fact it is useless unless you are 1 particular profession. It isn't innovative. It is a massive step back.


The story is not impressive at all. WoW had some much more compelling storylines (Wrathgate for instance), it's just it wasn't 100% voice acting which is the 'innovation' here.


I think you are misusing the word compelling.


The only thing compelling in WoW is the damage meters. The meters....COMPEL me to stare at them.

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I agree with a lot of people here, WoW was succesful and will keep being succesful because people liked playing it and kept it going.


I have to say though that 10+ mil subscribers doesnt nesecarily mean even 5+million people are regular players.

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Doesn't matter when they were released, stop telling yourself that, The hero engine is from 2005, they both use the same technology. Even if thats so, they both still use the same techniques to fix bugs, and WoW isn't 8 years old, it was last updated a month ago with 4.3, adding features and graphical improvements with cata.


Thank you!

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Hey, aren't you the same person that suggested Bioware should shift SWTOR from the Hero Engine to the Unreal Engine? Yeah, I think you are. You said it would be "easy" too. I'm sure your opinions on other topics are equally valid.


The unreal engine, In an MMO...oh yeh, DCUO uses that and it has the typical Unreal engine problems. Pop ins and clipping issues. Awful engine for an MMO.

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Hey, aren't you the same person that suggested Bioware should shift SWTOR from the Hero Engine to the Unreal Engine? Yeah, I think you are. You said it would be "easy" too. I'm sure your opinions on other topics are equally valid.


I said that they "Could" should they? By the communities vote no, but would it be faster and more effective to make better content? With EA's funding they could hire a whole nother team, resemble the game, and redo it in Unreal Engine no problem, they would have to relearn the whole engine though.

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I have no interest in playing WoW. However the things I will praise about it are some of the technical achievements blizzard has made.


1: The patching system is quite frankly amazing. You can get started playing the game with a very small download of the starter areas while the rest dynamically updates in the background.



2: The phased world content is technically impressive but I would place it as a mixed bag. On one hand while it is as I said impressive and can give you the feeling you are having an effect on the world. It really drives home the solo mentality that Blizzard has cultivated.



3: This brings us to the dungeon finder. From an effective code standpoint the thing works really well. However from a social standpoint it is a catastrophe. Yet another step in removing player inter-dependency.


When you look at WoW the trend is the simplification of the MMO. They took a genre that was complex and watered it down for everyone. It is debatable whether this is a good thing. But this is clearly their "innovation" in the genre.

Edited by savagepotato
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I really don't understand why people keep comparing wow with any other mmo, wow was good once but lets be honest the last few years wow has been rubbish,lich king started the decline,cata completed it and pandas,well say no more.Its like half the things people are asking for in swtor are all things that came with later poor editions to wow.Swtor has issues but if those issues are fixed and I'm not on about silly things like LFG or damage meters then this game can still be great. Edited by Karraway
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As this is a support thread and bashing another game (should be in off topic, but as its a support tjread it won't be)


One game was released in 2004 the other in 2011


I will leave it as that.


Shame technology hasn't advanced in 7 years or companies learning from others mistakes.

Edited by Elgarr
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Dear OP, you could look closer at WoW and realize how different and innovating it actually was, compared to it's predecessors.


- WoW introduced, privace dungeons and raid instances.

- no looting eachother, no loss of items or money upon death.

- no loss of xp.

- soloable from 1-60.


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Do you not know what innovative is? It's improving on something, and thats what they did with crafting in this game, is it brand new, no, but it's innovative, don't misuse innovative. Companions are smarter ai, and no other MMO has presented story good enough for people to actually call it "story"


Crafting in this game is no different then any other game, well, I lied, there is a slight difference, you can do it anywhere, other then that it's the exact same, nothing special. Companions are smarter AI? Go grab a WoW trial, make a hunter, group up with a mage, rogue, etc and have them CC something, I guarantee you that your boar, scorpion or whatever pet you choose WON'T attack it, unlike here where it's a crap shoot what your pet'll do. And you should go read WoW's story, if they were to ever go in and give it full voice and cutscenes, it'd be far better then TORs generic "Go my young Jedi, save the universeeeee!!!!!!!!!" story that was so predictable.

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As this is a support thread and bashing another game (should be in off topic, but as its a support tjread it won't be)


One game was released in 2004 the other in 2011


I will leave it as that.


Shame technology hasn't advanced in 7 years or companies learning from others mistakes.


Hero engine is from 2005


WoW engine - 2004


Go figure.

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Crafting in this game is no different then any other game, well, I lied, there is a slight difference, you can do it anywhere, other then that it's the exact same, nothing special. Companions are smarter AI? Go grab a WoW trial, make a hunter, group up with a mage, rogue, etc and have them CC something, I guarantee you that your boar, scorpion or whatever pet you choose WON'T attack it, unlike here where it's a crap shoot what your pet'll do. And you should go read WoW's story, if they were to ever go in and give it full voice and cutscenes, it'd be far better then TORs generic "Go my young Jedi, save the universeeeee!!!!!!!!!" story that was so predictable.


Obviously you don't know what overall story is about, and never played all the class stories.

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