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I'm out of here. I hate to do it because I had HIGH hopes for this game, but everything except the leveling process is horrible. It just sucks because I love Star Wars and SW games. I loved KOTOR and KOTOR2.


This game is a big letdown and it's obvious BW has no clue about PvP. It's obvious they did not think through the fact that the VAST majority of people would roll Empire thus making PvP suck from the get go. No, they didn't bother to think about such a simple matter and now they have a HUGE problem on their hands that I don't see being fixable. PvP in this game is going to die, and FAST.


Anyway, here's one more Republic PvP'er calling it quits. Have fun playing your Hutball all day Imps. Have fun rolling around in Ilum with 50 people looking for that ONE Republic player who might be lurking around. Such fun for you guys I am sure. :rolleyes:


And, no, you can't have my stuff since I have already transferred a million creds to a friend and gave all my biochem mats away. I have nothing left but my ugly Champion gear on my back.




It is always a bad thing to see people go, but I can not argue your points as they are completely valid. The only thing I can suggest is check back with the game later and see if they salvaged it. I wish you the best and much fun in which ever game or other endeavor you find yourself in next.


EDIT: I am going to add this.....


If BW would simply acknowledge the player and tell us what they are planning on doing to fix it, I think they would save a lot of players/customers. BW has said "We know..." but that is about it, and the last "We know..." ended with the current state of Ilum! BW needs to tell us something solid, are they hiring a new team to address PvP? Are they putting Ilum back to its old, but functioning, state? Players are going to need to know something, and if possible a general idea on when it will be fixed.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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I have not heard a peep from BW on the faction imbalance issue. They know they have screwed that one up majorly and there's nothing they can do to fix it, so they just ignore it.


The only way to fix it would be to open up free server xfers so all the republic players can get on one server. But then that would suck since there would be no Imps.


Or they could give incentives to roll republic, but that just seems lame to me.


Or they could force xfer Imps from heavy Imp servers to balance it out, but then there would be endless QQ about that too.


I see no way to fix it. They screwed up making empire so much more attractive than republic.


Faction imbalance is not a problem with the game. It is a problem with the players.

Bioware could attempt to perform social engineering to obtain "balance", but that could easily backfire and make the players even more upset than they are now.

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people are so freaking spoiled. The game launched a month ago, and they expect everything to be perfect.


Have you ever even player a computer game before?


Eh, I've been playing since August in the beta and every single patch the game has gotten worse in my opinion and they continue to remove more and more features.

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I feel ya man. I'm leveling a few alts to enjoy the only enjoyable aspect to the game and just doing that with friends till GW2 comes out.


Look up on their PVP system. Skill based. No PVP stat, everyone max level in battle scenarios, all given the same gear depending on the class so same stats. And unlock all abilities.


Balance. That is Balance.

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Unfortunately good PvP is very subjective. For example; I actually really like the PvP in this game, although I'm starting to think I'm on my own.


Good luck finding something you enjoy though!


I'm sure more people would like the pvp in this game if it weren't for the fact that entry level pvp gear takes far too long to farm, and you have to lose for several months to get to it once at 50. For a fresh 50, pvp isn't about skill, it's about finding a group that can carry you to gear.

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I feel ya man. I'm leveling a few alts to enjoy the only enjoyable aspect to the game and just doing that with friends till GW2 comes out.


Look up on their PVP system. Skill based. No PVP stat, everyone max level in battle scenarios, all given the same gear depending on the class so same stats. And unlock all abilities.


Balance. That is Balance.


This is true. If you want to play MMOPvP you need to play GW as they are the only developer I know of that understands that it is impossible to have an RPG-based PvP game.


So they do the smart thing and make two separate games where the only connection is your character's appearance is the same in PvP and PvE.

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people are so freaking spoiled. The game launched a month ago, and they expect everything to be perfect.


Have you ever even player a computer game before?


I have been playing computer games since 1988. I bet that was before you were born, bro.

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I feel your pain buddy.PvP is bad.And needs allot work.I don't know if i was just spoiled by WoW and except more right from the get go but there it is...It takes time "love" and money.Hopefully it will have the chance to grow and become something grate not just a 3-6 months mmo.
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I feel ya man. I'm leveling a few alts to enjoy the only enjoyable aspect to the game and just doing that with friends till GW2 comes out.


Look up on their PVP system. Skill based. No PVP stat, everyone max level in battle scenarios, all given the same gear depending on the class so same stats. And unlock all abilities.


Balance. That is Balance.


Sounds like Unreal Tournament, CS, or whatever other game the ADHD crowd is using to pwn each other. Not an MMO. Good luck with that.

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I feel ya man. I'm leveling a few alts to enjoy the only enjoyable aspect to the game and just doing that with friends till GW2 comes out.


Look up on their PVP system. Skill based. No PVP stat, everyone max level in battle scenarios, all given the same gear depending on the class so same stats. And unlock all abilities.


Balance. That is Balance.


I hate to shatter your dreams but GW2 will be buggy and unbalanced on release as well.


Every MMO forum does this, with Rift it was "I'm only playing this until SWTOR comes out, it'll blow this game out of the water!!!"


Guess what, same issues.

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I have been playing computer games since 1988. I bet that was before you were born, bro.


Two things about games:


1. Games used to be released in a perfectly bug free state because there was no way to patch them. Once the internet became common the patch was invented and game developers got lazy. Once they realized that they could publish the game and then fix it everyone started doing it and now we have the "perpetual beta" system of today.


2. If you have any experience with current MMOs you will know that Bioware has shown themselves to be very quick at both acknowledging and resolving (or attempting to resolve) bugs in this game.

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Two things about games:


1. Games used to be released in a perfectly bug free state because there was no way to patch them. Once the internet became common the patch was invented and game developers got lazy. Once they realized that they could publish the game and then fix it everyone started doing it and now we have the "perpetual beta" system of today.


2. If you have any experience with current MMOs you will know that Bioware has shown themselves to be very quick at both acknowledging and resolving (or attempting to resolve) bugs in this game.


My thoughts exactly.

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You have ONE Month Bioware... and the latest set of patch notes with OP nerfs etc... don't bode well for you.


The snotty player base will be the end of this game, if PVP issues are apparent, why isn't your attitude an obvious problem?


I quoted you rather than the OP because this simple phrase right here sums up the majority of self entitling "/unsubbed" posts.


Please take a second to re-read what you wrote in the voice of a child. You should also pretend it wasn't you that said originally said it, for full effect.


... Now... Did you even pay for this game or did you approach your parents in a threatening manner as well?

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Faction imbalance is not a problem with the game. It is a problem with the players.

Bioware could attempt to perform social engineering to obtain "balance", but that could easily backfire and make the players even more upset than they are now.


All it would have took was to not have same faction warzones. Population would have balanced real effing quick.


His fault for rolling republic, by making your first decision in the game a bad one it has a snowball effect at end game...


So rolling Republic is considered a bad decision? I wonder why... :rolleyes:


That sure makes for a healthy two faction game.

Edited by TopDogJW
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All it would have took was to not have same faction warzones. Population would have balanced real effing quick.


There are no same faction battlegrounds in WoW and they have just as bad of a population imbalance and have had one for 6 years.


Sure, the Horde complain all day long about their hour and a half queue times, but none of them ever switch to the Alliance.

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Hey this thread looks fun!


<Aimless unspecific QQ>


<Vague timeline to fix previous aimless unspecific QQ before I "quit">


<Obviously don't quit, because if did I'd lose access to the forums>


How am I doing so far?

Edited by Scoobings
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Sounds like Unreal Tournament, CS, or whatever other game the ADHD crowd is using to pwn each other. Not an MMO. Good luck with that.


Asumptions will help you get far in life.


Look into the game, it's an MMO that doesn't suck at PVP balance.


Granted, if you're a person who can spend 12+hrs a day playing and grinding to have a gear advantage and no skill advantage then I can see your point. And the current system helps people with no lives.


But GW2 rewards skill and time, not just time.


Also, I bet 500,000 credits you're a bounty hunter that spams tracer missile.

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Hey this thread looks fun!


<Aimless unspecific QQ>


<Vague timeline to fix previous aimless unspecific QQ before you "quit">


<Obviously don't quit, because if did I'd lose access to the forums>


How am I doing so far?


Actually I still have access for the remainder of the current subscription, which will end in like 26 days.

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... Now... Did you even pay for this game or did you approach your parents in a threatening manner as well?


Can you imagine people like him with a little bit of 'power' in real life?


"Gimme cookies or I'll destroy the world"

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback center around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - not cancellations.


We ask that if you have specific feedback regarding the game, that you please post in this thread - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=87349


We welcome your feedback.


Thank you.

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