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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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Kudos to BioWare for working as hard as they did to get a quality game out, despite the expected hiccups that will always arise.



really....c;mon man. the bounty hunter story quest is broken to the point where they can not complete it

jk's cant do squat with kira

ui constantly crashing

chat breaking a ton

people unable to participate in space combat do to dc issue

crafting system a flat out mess




but lets give SI's their darth title and add emotes while riding a vic....thats a great patch!:rolleyes:

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really....c;mon man. the bounty hunter story quest is broken to the point where they can not complete it

jk's cant do squat with kira

ui constantly crashing

chat breaking a ton

people unable to participate in space combat do to dc issue

crafting system a flat out mess


but lets give SI's their darth title and add emotes while riding a vic....thats a great patch!:rolleyes:


I don't have any of those issues :confused: haven't played BH though so can't say about that

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really....c;mon man. the bounty hunter story quest is broken to the point where they can not complete it

jk's cant do squat with kira

ui constantly crashing

chat breaking a ton

people unable to participate in space combat do to dc issue

crafting system a flat out mess




but lets give SI's their darth title and add emotes while riding a vic....thats a great patch!:rolleyes:


This week's patch is utter crap, yes.


If they consider Kira "fixed" because they've fixed it for new players, that's HORRIFIC. I'm being punished for preordering, leveling faster, etc? I understand early adopters get more bugs, but I'm still putting up with all of those and STILL want my class's plot repaired.


I guess it's alt time, but that is not nearly as satisfying as playing my (now 44) main the way I want.

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We have a legitimate complaint. One of the advertised features of this game is broken for us. Interactive companions with storylines of their own is something that makes this game stand out from other games. So why the silence?


A Dev post once or twice a week about this issue would make me feel a lot more informed and a lot less ignored. A post that would take less than 5 minute of a Devs time. Are we not worth a couple minutes of one developers time, once or twice a week? Why are we being ignored?

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Level 44, maxed artificing, Light IV and blew three weeks of vacation doing it.


Had a blast.


Have NO desire to reroll and redo it all just to fix Kira. Nice they fixed it for new players, but I was so disappointed when I found out about this, my heart sank. She has always been my favorite storyline companion, and when she stopped giving dialog, I figured the companions in general were less interesting than advertised.


When I got Doc, I just thought he was exceptionally chatty. Nope, here come additional companions with their own quests and dialog and Kira's been sitting quietly on the bridge, regardless of my efforts to save the galaxy OR my flirtatious advance. The only dark side points I gained were an attempt to romance her, and now I'm being punished for that... not by story, but by interface.



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My 44 JK is now shelved; I don't want to continue only seeing part of the story, and I'm fairly bitter about having already gone as far as I did past the broken point.


I have a new alt in a different class (still Republic since my friends are all there), but I'm already playing less. I may just find other things to do.


Given that they already listed this bug as "fixed" in one set of patch notes (when correcting the existing bad data for current users was such an obvious part of any fix that it's astonishing that it wasn't included), and given the supposed "fix" for broken harvesting nodes (which anyone doing any sort of crafting-material gathering can tell you is still just as broken as before), I can't help but consider whatever developers are currently assigned to bug-fixing to be somewhere between disinterested and incompetent. These are not complicated problems to debug and verify fixes for, for anyone with a CS background and even a basic interest in gaming. As such, I'm not optimistic about seeing a resolution being executed within a timeframe relevant to those of us who are stuck.


I think it's time to move on.




this thread was updated on December 29th (after the patch), it shows that the kira issue is still high priority, nowhere does it say they fixed it, they just fixed it for new players and they prevent the glitch from happening

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this thread was updated on December 29th (after the patch), it shows that the kira issue is still high priority, nowhere does it say they fixed it, they just fixed it for new players and they prevent the glitch from happening


That's a big relief. If they consider this "fixed" because of the patch, that will be a huge disappointment. Sure, my dad, wife, and brother-in-law all have Jedi Knights for whom it WOULD be fixed. But I was there first and I still want Kira to work correctly.


Does anyone know if continuing to progress will ruin options once they do fix it? Like, once you complete chapter 3, do all companions automatically go to their last dialog or something?


I sure hope not.

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this thread was updated on December 29th (after the patch), it shows that the kira issue is still high priority, nowhere does it say they fixed it, they just fixed it for new players and they prevent the glitch from happening


just because its on their known issue list doesnt make it high pri.



been a known issue since JULY

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I hope it doesnt come to the only fix being a re-roll. I've had my JK parked at lvl 36... filling in what I can with repeatables and fodder quests, but that only hold the interest so long. Working my smuggler alt, but it's not the same. I'd really rather be playing my main guy.


At least give us an idea of "yeah, two weeks or so to sort this out" or "at least a year of development to fix a quest bug." Something... anything... to know if the time spent on our first JKs was all for naught (given the storyline and style of play).


Even if I can get the momentum up to re-roll... thinking about going back through all the stuff... yet again... *shudder* Especially Taris. I hate that place. LOL

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Just bumping this thread, because this is the only Knight issue that bothers me.



Still lvl 50, stopped after Voss. Been doing a couple dailys and crew skills.



Come on SoE... errr, Bioware.. Virtually no communication on this is just weak sauce. Do we really just have to wait for the third Patch notes to see if something is happening? See my other post about how big this bug is in affecting players experience.

Edited by Vengillian
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I am bugged, and I understand that it may be difficult to fix, but I just have a question:


is there a point in the story that is a "point of no return," that is, if you do not romance Kira before, for example, finishing a certain Act, the option becomes unavailable? I'm not going to reroll my Knight just because of this or anything, but I want to know if I should stop advancing my story at a certain point until the bug is fixed or risk losing the option forever.


Ive been worried about similar things. thats why ive been looking "unsuccessfully" for a complete Kira Carsen convo/quest guide, just to see what ive missed so far and if the quest shoudve activated by now. I do NOT want to re-roll. if the issue is unfixable bioware should clone our characters somehow and just leave all companion quests at zero so we can do them again, i dont want to do any of the main or side quests again, The companion ones i dont mind doing. either that or just spam everyone with the appropriate kira quests depending on thier lvl or affection rating if either of those affect what part of the convo chain we get.

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just because its on their known issue list doesnt make it high pri.



been a known issue since JULY


did you go to my link at all? it's high priority


"We're working constantly to fix anything that will affect the player experience, but for now this is our current list of high priority in-game known issues. "

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nowhere does it say they fixed it, they just fixed it for new players and they prevent the glitch from happening


Given the non-specific patch notes prior to the last patch, people who were waiting for this fix had no reason to think that whatever was being done would not apply to them. Hence the (apparently mind-boggling to some) frustration when that turned out not to be the case. Frustration which grew considerably stronger when the subsequent patch notes were listed, and failed to mention the bug at all.


When one reasonably-expected fix fails to materialize, and the next release cycle comes and goes with no further mention, people get annoyed. Making excuses by splitting hairs over what a "fix" means is pointless.

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did you go to my link at all? it's high priority


"We're working constantly to fix anything that will affect the player experience, but for now this is our current list of high priority in-game known issues. "


yip sure did, youll have to forgive me if i refuse to give any credit to bw for putting out a broken game. never mind that us beta folks have again heard 'we are working on it' for the better part of the last 6 months.

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I just need to know this...I'm level 24, just finished Taris, I've got 2k affection with Kira, and she is silent. I started playing SWTOR on the 26th, and probably did "Ground Rules" with Kira around the 27th or 28th, which is when Bioware "fixed" the bug. Is there a chance I'm bugged? When does Kira give the second companion quest?
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I just need to know this...I'm level 24, just finished Taris, I've got 2k affection with Kira, and she is silent. I started playing SWTOR on the 26th, and probably did "Ground Rules" with Kira around the 27th or 28th, which is when Bioware "fixed" the bug. Is there a chance I'm bugged? When does Kira give the second companion quest?


Your fine... was fixed for new players on the 27th.

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this thread was updated on December 29th (after the patch), it shows that the kira issue is still high priority, nowhere does it say they fixed it, they just fixed it for new players and they prevent the glitch from happening


That little "workaround" was posted prior to the patch on the 27th too. It's a perfect copy/paste from shortly after launch. The only ones that had it worse are Bounty Hunters, they're getting fixed.


Kira Carsen is high priority for Bioware, and I'm starting goaltender for the Vancouver Canucks tonight.

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I am giving BioWare 1 week to fix this bug or at least give us an update on it or im rerolling after hitting level 40 with level 21 Valor. I know me rerolling doesn't affect BioWare much but if they care about their customers at all then they would at least give us some update.
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I'm a little confused about the dates floated around in this thread. I rolled a new Knight (guardian) on the 28th or 29th (can't remember the exact day) which I've gotten up to 18. I'm just about to leave coruscant, so I won't be having the mining mission dialogue options for a while.


Do I need to worry about anything or should I be in the clear? If I'm not in the clear, will not flirting during the mining mission dialogue avoid the issue for me?


I'm a little miffed that my sentinel might not be able to progress the story line with her, but I'm enjoying the guardian more, so it's not the end of the world. But I don't want to be forced into a reroll as I don't think I want to play through the knight story for a third time.

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