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Kira Carsen - Companion story bug?


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I find myself now a level35 Sentinel with this Kira bug, and I just cannot fathom how any of you can be defending the developers for this. As we know this bug has been around forever-other classes have similar bugs, so a fix can be kinda universal. This is an MMO that never misses a chance to highlight their voice over work and dedication to story as is the case with most Bioware games. I am also suffering from that UI latency issue where my attacks seem to go off whenever they want to. Combine the fact that my pvp experience is ruined by that bug, and my immersion to my story is hindered by the Kira bug I've already canceled my subscription for the game until it is fixed.


Yes we can all give Bioware more time, but really if your experience with the game has been so underwhelming thus far there is no reason to have to wait and keep paying. The majority of us are not thinking about alts I'm sorry that we don't all have time to put into multiple characters.


So Bioware, imagine for a second that your Commander Shepherd kept being told by Kelly that Miranda or Jack or Tali or any of your squad members wanted to talk to you. Then when you went to their part of the ship, they would have nothing to say- how would you ever know about Miranda's past with her family, or Jack's childhood horrors, or show that you side by Tali during her trial. How about when you fight Samara's own daughter or how you become a type of father figure to Grunt as he ascends into adulthood. Any of these moments are dear to players who spent their time cultivating a deep relationship with your games Bioware, something you really value. I ask you to not make the mistake of other developers and sacrifice the kind of work you're known for.

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Kira doesnt start giving conversations until after the defector and maybe act I. I wouldnt know when she starts because ive been bugged but the bug occurs during the defector quest after u speak to the jedi council.


Ok thanks, I'm going to try this mission then.

There is still a bug then that prevents her from talking on the ship before hand, or its a bug that says she wants to talk on the ship, but it's not supposed to happen yet...

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Ok thanks, I'm going to try this mission then.

There is still a bug then that prevents her from talking on the ship before hand, or its a bug that says she wants to talk on the ship, but it's not supposed to happen yet...


The "companion wants to talk to you but actually doesn't" thing is an interface bug, happens to all companions not just kira. As for her not talking before the quest its supposed to be like that. Most companions won't begin talking until u get to a certain point in the main story. Mako for example in the Bounty Hunter storyline won't speak to you much until you complete Act I

Edited by Roarrk
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This bug has ruined the whole story for anyone interested in romancing kira specially if it ties into the main story line whatsoever. im 47 working on 50 so im basicly almost done with my story, and in this whole time i havent been able to interact with kira other than up to the defector quest. so technically even if they fix this and let us do her quest back to back for those of us with 10k affection, its still not going to tie into the story, shes still going to be talking about stuff i did at level 20-whatever irrelevant levels. and the sad thing is that the JK story is actually pretty damn good, would have been so much better with the kira quest intertwined.
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This bug has ruined the whole story for anyone interested in romancing kira specially if it ties into the main story line whatsoever. im 47 working on 50 so im basicly almost done with my story, and in this whole time i havent been able to interact with kira other than up to the defector quest. so technically even if they fix this and let us do her quest back to back for those of us with 10k affection, its still not going to tie into the story, shes still going to be talking about stuff i did at level 20-whatever irrelevant levels. and the sad thing is that the JK story is actually pretty damn good, would have been so much better with the kira quest intertwined.


You make a very good point Lanarc. When and if they fix it for those already past that point, the romance quest will seem almost irrelevant. It is sad that this issue could not have been resolved before going Live. There is no telling why it couldn't be fixed prior to going live, as I understand that they've known about the issue for about six months now. I don't think they were hoping it would just go away. I think they were needing it to go live in order to find the actual problem, as is sometimes the case. There are certain things one can only find out in a game when you go live, as Beta testing still has it's limits, especially private Beta testing, which is what BioWare operated under.


Another thing to consider is the publisher, EA, who we know is infamous for heavily bugged games right out the gate. We can't place the blame squarely on BioWare. BioWare has always delivered high quality games. When they came under the EA umbrella, a lot of us knew that something like this would occur, because EA really only cares about the almighty dollar. If you want proof of that, just look at the crappy Madden games that come out every year on consoles. To this day, I would still rather play ESPN NFL 2k5 than any recent Madden game. EA was probably pushing (forcing) BioWare to a particular release date (right before Christmas $$) when, as we have already noticed in the patch that was released just a few days ago fixed the problem. I can only imagine BioWare pleading with EA to give the game a little more time, but NOOOOO....EA wants their money, and they don't care who they hurt. Oh, how I wish BioWare was bought by Konami, or some other publisher. I'd take ANY publisher over EA these days, even Microsoft.


All that being said, this is still the MOST polished MMO to ever come out, despite some of the problematic bugs that have occurred. I wouldn't give up so easily on this game just yet. I would even encourage those that have Jedi Knights with the bug to go ahead and start another one. The game is highly enjoyable, and will only get better as time goes by.

Edited by LifeOfMessiah
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Just wanted to add my voice to the many others about this. I too only found out about the problem after the fact - I chose the two darkside flirt options and now have no interactions with Kira (romantic or not), it has effectively blocked any further quests with her.


I'm currently level 37 and have just finished on Balmora, but have decided to just leave this character until they can fix the problem for those of us who made the DS choice before the recent fix. There is no way I want to redo those 37 levels (and my crew skills) so will just play a different class.


Its a real shame because although some say JK is the worst class and it does have its problems, I really enjoy playing it. I just hope they can sort this out sooner rather than later. *crosses fingers*


Edit: Alternatively, I think resetting the class quests or (preferably) just her quests would be a sufficient solution - I wouldn't mind redoing just those quests as it wouldn't take too long to do, and acceptable if it means we get get the full Kira storyline.

Edited by Ghost_Dancer
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Edit: Alternatively, I think resetting the class quests or (preferably) just her quests would be a sufficient solution - I wouldn't mind redoing just those quests as it wouldn't take too long to do, and acceptable if it means we get get the full Kira storyline.


Honestly? At this rate I wouldn't mind redoing the whole class questline starting from the landing of tython up to Balmorra where I am now. I'd gladly eat this bullet in order to fix Kira.

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So I'm out of Act I into Act II and have 5k affection with her already, problem is I haven't gotten a single companion cutscene from her with exception of the beginning one. Now I do know there were some issues regarding her in beta, I take it this is the problem that was occurring or am I not far enough in yet? Is there some cutscene that has to be triggered first from the main story before it will unlock her personal cutscenes?


Update: How to Avoid this Issue



When you kill her 'brother' and you have a chat with her in the briefing room choosing the DS flirt option makes the flirt option in your conversation with her after tython DS. When you choose both these options she mentions wanting to kiss you but not. And afterwards you cannot pick up a quest from her.


If you choose NOT to flirt with her, i.e. avoid DS points, the second conversation yields a non-DS flirt (not LS either for obvious jedi moral reasons). This time she 'accepts' your advance rather than allude to her feelings. Then suddenly a bunch of side quests bunch up on her by the cockpit (as opposed to the briefing room). The second and third have non-DS flirts.


Another important point to make. A lot of people are asking why they can't talk to her BEFORE meeting her 'brother'. There is a very good reason for this. The first quest she gives starts by assuming you know about her past, therefore proves that you MUST complete Nar Shaddaa before you get anything from her.



Courtesy of Cadan


I'm annoyed by this too. 9K affection, level 39 and still nothing from Kira.

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i gave up and rerolled with a guildie running consular with me. sold all my stuff and mailed all my mats to myself.


I'll reach the end of Act 1 again before they fix it so....


Yeah man that's what I'm doing. I still stand with my Jedi Knight brethren though, keep pressing for a fix!

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if some one from bioware actually reads this (not holding my breath) these are some of the ideas I that people aid and would like you to do if possible.


1. send us a companion gift using in game mail that will undo the bug when given to her (not sure if this one possible but some people said it would be nice if you could do it)


2. send us back to before the defector or tython if needid but let us keep our level and all the the stuff we have.


I know their was more but i only skimmed the 100+ pages so if anyone has something else post it.


please bioware to something we don't want to fully reroll and we just want to play this game so pleas just do something!

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Just hit 50 so a reroll is NOT going to be an option. I've decided not to do the last chapter of the class quest, but that also means I'll be missing out on all the daily quests that gives commendations on Ilum. Yeah not very happy, luckily there's gw2 and d3 around the corner.
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Still no reply, eh? Well, just reached lvl 25 on my NEW Knight now... It's not supposed to be like this, that we have to make new Knights. And trust me, the Kira story is good. We need a fix!


who says we have to make new knights?


you have people like me, who have been catching up on our other christmas video games :p

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You make a very good point Lanarc. When and if they fix it for those already past that point, the romance quest will seem almost irrelevant. It is sad that this issue could not have been resolved before going Live. There is no telling why it couldn't be fixed prior to going live, as I understand that they've known about the issue for about six months now. I don't think they were hoping it would just go away. I think they were needing it to go live in order to find the actual problem, as is sometimes the case. There are certain things one can only find out in a game when you go live, as Beta testing still has it's limits, especially private Beta testing, which is what BioWare operated under.


Another thing to consider is the publisher, EA, who we know is infamous for heavily bugged games right out the gate. We can't place the blame squarely on BioWare. BioWare has always delivered high quality games. When they came under the EA umbrella, a lot of us knew that something like this would occur, because EA really only cares about the almighty dollar. If you want proof of that, just look at the crappy Madden games that come out every year on consoles. To this day, I would still rather play ESPN NFL 2k5 than any recent Madden game. EA was probably pushing (forcing) BioWare to a particular release date (right before Christmas $$) when, as we have already noticed in the patch that was released just a few days ago fixed the problem. I can only imagine BioWare pleading with EA to give the game a little more time, but NOOOOO....EA wants their money, and they don't care who they hurt. Oh, how I wish BioWare was bought by Konami, or some other publisher. I'd take ANY publisher over EA these days, even Microsoft.


All that being said, this is still the MOST polished MMO to ever come out, despite some of the problematic bugs that have occurred. I wouldn't give up so easily on this game just yet. I would even encourage those that have Jedi Knights with the bug to go ahead and start another one. The game is highly enjoyable, and will only get better as time goes by.


another thing is that after you complete companion stories, you wont ever get anything else from that companion until they add new content... so its going to be extremely dull getting all her quest and finishing them in 1 hour or less, (maybe a lot less beings T7 is at 10k aff for me and still hasn't given me a quest that me and him actually leave and go confront someone) then have to wait til bioware releases new content before i ever talk to her again.

Edited by Lanarc
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another thing is that after you complete companion stories, you wont ever get anything else from that companion until they add new content... so its going to be extremely dull getting all her quest and finishing them in 1 hour or less, (maybe a lot less beings T7 is at 10k aff for me and still hasn't given me a quest that me and him actually leave and go confront someone) then have to wait til bioware releases new content before i ever talk to her again.


I was actually expecting that each companion gives us a follow up mission and not just act as talking heads. In this respect it's pretty disappointing.



Edited by Raptorice
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i will admit this is a bit more disheartening :(


I joined up with this guild and my friend in early access, the guildies and my friend are far surpassing me in level because my guardian is sort of stuck waiting for the fix. I WAS just going to do side quests, till i found out a good amount of side quests assume that you went through the main story, so they may spoil you sometimes (happened to me on Taral V) so I'm not even going to bother anymore


the way I see it, I have a bit of a time limit, I reserved the razor mouse on amazon (it's sold out) and I'll wait till it comes to me, if it gets here and the glitch still isn't fixed...I guess I'll reroll. really really don't want to though

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As many people in the thread have said, this has been an issue since Beta. The recent patch said it'd been fixed but...sad to say, it's still not.


So, I have reached 50 on my Knight and no real desire to go do it again to experience something once that I can watch on YouTube repeatedly if I like. Quite frustrating since we reported this over the course of many many builds.


Here's to hoping they ACTUALLY get it fixed so we can all experience every bit of the story we paid for. (No matter how insignificant it is.)

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I'm just throwing in that my Kira is bugged as well.


I'm disappointed because my Jedi Knight is my favorite video game character I've ever made (maybe played as well, not sure there). More than any MMO character I've had before, I think about who he is, what he thinks, where he comes from, so forth. It'd be a shame if I had to delete him or abandon him or what have you.


I'm not a programmer and I'm not a game developer experienced in balancing bug fixing priorities. It just doesn't seem like this should be a hugely difficult issue to fix if it's a scripting bug or something, and it seems like this is an important issue for those experiencing it... and however many people are reporting and complaining about the issue, more people are silent or unaware they're experiencing the issue. Just throwing that out there.

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As many people in the thread have said, this has been an issue since Beta. The recent patch said it'd been fixed but...sad to say, it's still not.


So, I have reached 50 on my Knight and no real desire to go do it again to experience something once that I can watch on YouTube repeatedly if I like. Quite frustrating since we reported this over the course of many many builds.


Here's to hoping they ACTUALLY get it fixed so we can all experience every bit of the story we paid for. (No matter how insignificant it is.)


they said that they would fix an issue with it being blocked, which they did, they said that they are currently working on fixing it for those already bugged

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When does this "Defector" quest occur? I don't remember if i've done it yet. I'm level 25 and still in act 1. The only conversation i recall having with Kira on my ship is the "ground rules" conversation.


Can someone explain to me what quests lead up to this? If it turns out I have triggered this bug i will most likely start playing a different char until this is fixed.


Also, if I haven't come up to this quest yet, what do i do to avoid the glitch, and in avoiding the glitch do i also prevent any kind of romance with Kira?

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