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Lack of marauder gear in hard modes?


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Has anyone else noticed a serious lack of marauder gear dropping from the non-main bosses in hard mode flashpoints? The only str/end gear i've seen drop is all heavy armor (dps jugg). I've done all the hard modes at least 5 times (except D7 and Battle of Ilum...havent tried those yet...and have only done Kaon 3 times) and evertime something drops that i want it is heavy armor. I have seen an str/end tionese implant and an offhand saber drop, but those don't have an armor class. Just wondering if my luck is really that bad or did bioware forget to update loot tables after they switched marauders to medium armor in beta?
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I have been running hard modes for a few weeks now and have yet to see a single piece of gear drop that i can use as a marauder, aside from tier pieces. Every piece of str/end gear that falls seems to be heavy. And with the loot system in normal operations it is really a pain to gear up, last run I was in the Sith warrior helm that dropped was looted to our Jugg tank(who already had the piece). He was also looted the off-hand, which he also had, along with tier leg/gloves, which yet again he had all equipped. Needless to say with the hard modes lack of gear from what i have seen along with the loot system in normal mode operations Marauders are getting shafted. It is a bit disheartening. I really enjoy playing the class but with everyone else wearing full drop epics I am stuck watching the GTM for level 50 purples. I can't compete. I hope this gets fixed one way or another.
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I'm going to have to disagree with this. While I agree that Marauders are generally left out of the gear scheme, end-game columni gear is not the case. Sure I only have the bracers, belt, boots, and pants, but I have also only tried for the chestpiece one time, and I have never tried for the headpiece.


It is my personal experience that the drops are harder for certian pieces for certian classes. For example, it took about 10 BT runs for get columni bracers for our inquisiter, but in the meantime I got them 3 times. I have also gotten the boots about three times.

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You are always gonna have the exception. But when there are multiple

Threads about a topic ... some larger than 30 pages, with 99% of the posts agreeing that there is an issue with marauder gear, then despite the occasional post stating otherwise there is a problem. We have a lot less armor for marauders out there, and what little bit there is is ugly as he!!.


Given the look for us that was advertised before release (armor below a robe with armored shoulders) and what we actually have ... I feel as if a "bait'n switch" has been pulled on us.

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If you read the posts here, you would see that we are clearly NOT talking about the columi turn-in tokens that drop from the main boss of each flashpoint.


How should I go about reporting this potential issue to the devs?

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What I see from experience is that the medium gear normally has more

"Endurance" than "Strength".


Case in Point . . . look at the daily commendation gears (implants and earpiece).

All other gear has more "Willpower, Aim, Cunning" than Endurance.

But when it comes to "Strength",

it's all more "Endurance" than "Strength".


Hell, even look at the Tionese (I call it Taiwanese, lol) and even Columni Gear.

Some items will have more "endurance" than "strength".


Also Hell,

they all have more "power" items than "crit/surge", which is my other complaint.


My guildies who are on par with my gear,

has on average about 50-100 more primary stats than I do (ie. Aim, cunning, etc.).

Edited by Crawfishies
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Keltonz, I'm only talking about hard mode flashpoints, not operations, but I am curious what your armor is called.


Crawfishes, I think you are missing the point. I'm not complaining about the str:end ratio on items. I'm talking about every single piece of armor that drops with str/end stats are heavy pieces. I've done enough hard mode flashpoints to accumulate around 400 tionese crystals and have not seen single medium armor piece drop with strength on it, with the exception of the gear you get from the tionese/columi/rakata merchants.

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Keltonz, I'm only talking about hard mode flashpoints, not operations, but I am curious what your armor is called.


Crawfishes, I think you are missing the point. I'm not complaining about the str:end ratio on items. I'm talking about every single piece of armor that drops with str/end stats are heavy pieces. I've done enough hard mode flashpoints to accumulate around 400 tionese crystals and have not seen single medium armor piece drop with strength on it, with the exception of the gear you get from the tionese/columi/rakata merchants.


Come to think of it,

I've never seen any drops either and I've done many hard modes too.


I did however, seen an synthweave schematic for a marauder (headpiece),

which was ok, other than that, nothing spectacular. HK-47 (from FE) drops

weapons, but they're a rating of 128, and both the lightsaber and vibrosword is mostly for a tank (had defense).

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I've noticed this and now so has my guild. We run hard modes every night and have been for a few weeks. We have yet to see any piece of Marauder loot drop at all. In fact we are now gearing out our companions each night and so far my companions and the companions of my 3 friends who run the hard modes with me are better geared than I am.


Medium armor drops on a rare occasion but it is Cunning/Endurance. Bounty Hunter armor drops all the time. At first glance when the rare piece of str/end gear does drop everyone says, "grats Mim you finally got a piece of loot", only to realize ITS HEAVY ARMOR. (Our Jugg tank is building a dps set of gear)


I have yet to see anything drop for a Marauder, so now the only way I am able to gear myself is with daily commendations for Rakata earpiece and implants. I was able to craft the tionese implants with the crystal allow that drops, but so far that has been the only "gear" drop for me.

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I'm in the same situation as you. My only chance at upgrades are columi turn-ins from main bosses, and of course our tank is a jugger so I have to compete against him for them. Meanwhile, the 3 others I run hard modes with are beginning to out gear me....and 3 of my companions now have more raid dropped gear than I do.


We havent killed the bonus boss in Kaon on hard mode yet...I'll have to keep an eye out for that chest piece.

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There are definitely some problems. To a lot of folk asthetics is important. Sure there are som modifiable chest pieces out there for us to put mods/rings/enhancements on ... But most are variations on the "airplane wing shoulders look" that looks like a pile of dog doo and an airplane had a kid and then after looking at the kid regretted not popping a morning after pill.


Our armors definitely don't look as good as any of the other sabre classes. Don't know about raids yet ....my guild is just now starting into them so I haven't saw much of the gear from raids... But so far I'm very disappointed in what gear Ive saw from vendors and flashpoints(what little bit has dropped).


Posted from my iPhone via thumbs ...results may vary.

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I've 100% noticed this as well, I've done about 15 or so hard mode runs and the only piece of usable marauder gear I've seen drop were the Columi boots. I have yet to see a single medium armor strength drop that wasn't a set piece. I've seen tons of just about every other gear style though. Plenty of defense heavy armor +strength. Plenty of strength +defense implants and ear pieces. Not a single strength medium armor DPS piece though.
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In our FP runs, all we get is str med gear, and we dont have a mara :<


Yeah ... but what does it look like?


1) I've not saw it and have done all of the flashpoints. Most Marauders iv'e talked to have not either ... so your in the miority (by a very large percent) in this.


2) If the armors dropping are part of the various "airplane-wing shoulder" set .... I'll pass ... which is one of our gripes ..... friggan ugly, "can't even FATHOM a designer thinking it looked good or a manager approving it" chest and head pieces.

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In our FP runs, all we get is str med gear, and we dont have a mara :<


I find that hard to believe...what is the gear called? Are you seeing it in hard mode or normal flash points? This thread is only about hard mode flash points, I've seen plenty of marauder gear in normal modes.


and Deurg, this thread isn't about aesthetics...

Edited by Adill
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I got nearly full purples in a week for running ops and HMs - plenty of marauder gear. My only complaint is the lack of good MH sabers.


The only good MH saber right now is the champ pvp one. You can come close with the daily hilt on your saber, and just add epix mods until its how you want.

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