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Why are the capital ships still firing at me?


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I always wondered that too. The smaller ships do it too. Are they doing any damage? I'd love to see the smaller ones crash and burn after I obliterate them. If I take out the command deck on a capital ship I want to see it smoking and listing to one side or something. Edited by VicSkimmr
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Outlaw Star..


There is a guy standing in the doorway of the hatch shooting a baster rifle, straps keeping him from flying out into space. He has a rocket launcher too, but he never uses it for some reason. That guy is awesome.

Edited by Aisar
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Even more fun - I blew up their engines, how is this thing still moving around at high speed and making getting ahead of me? I can see it moving forward due to momentum and no resistance ( since we are in space), but moving faster then me? :eek:


You and all the debris and asteroids around you are caught in a tractor beam. You are actually moving backwards making the APPEARANCE of that ship passing you.


I guess the old man didn't get that tractor beam out of commission.

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You and all the debris and asteroids around you are caught in a tractor beam. You are actually moving backwards making the APPEARANCE of that ship passing you.


I guess the old man didn't get that tractor beam out of commission.


Blast that dirty old man - should know never to trust that type!

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You and all the debris and asteroids around you are caught in a tractor beam. You are actually moving backwards making the APPEARANCE of that ship passing you.


I guess the old man didn't get that tractor beam out of commission.

Well, to be fair he's not actually DUE to get it out of commision for about 3000 years.

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Gonna have to agree on this thread some things in space combat make absolutely zero sense..


Like how can I blow up a mine literally a few feet from me but I don't take damage?


Likewise why don't the mines chain explode after one right next to it blows but one blaster bolt (WITH EWP set on shields) will light it up like the 4th of July?


I can light up allies with all the blaster fire I want and they never go down.


I can blow out engines and the cap ships keep moving.


I can destroy every damn turret I see but the laser just keep firing.


I can run full force into asteroids but luckily my shield just makes me "bounce off".


I can drop an EMP bomb which takes down the shields of EVERYONE yet mine are perfectly fine. Not to mention an EMP pulse should fry everyone's electronic equipment and we should all either be drifting in space like deadwood or crashing into something/one another.


Parts of ships and stations are 100% immune to all damage until you're 50 and can get Proton torpedos at which point you kinda don't care about doing missions anymore other than for the credits, and at which point there's not a lot of point to blowing up a station or a cap ship bridge because you've ran these missions so many times that it's like a job.



Dont get me wrong, I like the space combat and all but it needs a lot more depth it needs multi-player, it needs PvP, it needs a more dynamic objective system. It needs to also end when you've completed all of your objectives, there's no reason you should still be flying around in space shooting at a ship you already 100% disabled.

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Gonna have to agree on this thread some things in space combat make absolutely zero sense..


Like how can I blow up a mine literally a few feet from me but I don't take damage?


In a lot of Sci-Fi novels the "mines" are actually more of a stationary laser buoy. In the Minefield missions of TOR, they also seem to be a stationary laser, and they are not really made to explode. Which makes sense, space is BIG and a minefiled would be pretty easy to avoid, so the mines need to be able to damage a ship that does not run over it, so it shoots at you. Which also makes it a little more believable that you can blow one up at close range and not take any explosion damage.


Likewise why don't the mines chain explode after one right next to it blows but one blaster bolt (WITH EWP set on shields) will light it up like the 4th of July?

Same thing, they are not really "mines" in the traditional sense.


I can light up allies with all the blaster fire I want and they never go down.

I agree with this one, but I also understand why the friendlys are immune, it would cause too much complaining if people were accidentally killing their escort target.

I can blow out engines and the cap ships keep moving.

Totally agree with this. When I blow their engines they should have a noticeable drop in speed, and that should make other parts of the missions easier.


I can destroy every damn turret I see but the laser just keep firing.

Agreed, if we kill all the turrets, then the ship should not be able to fire.


I can run full force into asteroids but luckily my shield just makes me "bounce off".

I think this was put in to give more people the ability to complete the mission even if they are not very good at controlling their ship. Call it a dumbing down in difficulty to please the masses.


I can drop an EMP bomb which takes down the shields of EVERYONE yet mine are perfectly fine. Not to mention an EMP pulse should fry everyone's electronic equipment and we should all either be drifting in space like deadwood or crashing into something/one another.

This one depends (IMO), In most Sci-Fi that I have read they will occasionally comment that some ships (or whatever) are "hardend" against EMP. This is also something that exists in the real world, a lot of military vehicles are much more resistant to current EMP bursts than many realize, of course we don't really have much in the way of EMP generators yet (except for nukes....) I consider it reasonable that in SW:TOR we can have an "attuned" EMP pulse that will not effect our ship but can still cause damage to ships that do not have their shields "tuned to the right frequency" or something... Pretty standard hand-wave in Sci-fi.


Parts of ships and stations are 100% immune to all damage until you're 50 and can get Proton torpedos at which point you kinda don't care about doing missions anymore other than for the credits, and at which point there's not a lot of point to blowing up a station or a cap ship bridge because you've ran these missions so many times that it's like a job.

There are "daily" bonus missions in space battles, and the Command Decks and Station Antenneas are some of them, you get a couple thousand credit bonus for killing them, it is to make sure the higher levels still have some reason to do the missions, and also some bonus missions are not available untill a certain level. In the "Jabim Excort" mission that you get as the first Imperial space mission you can gain the bonus objective of killing the shield generators on the Corvettes at around lvl 24ish (I might be wrong on the level). Further, the Bridge of the large ships can be destroyed with standard missles, it just takes around 25 of them to do it. Same with the Antennae on the station. Proton torpedoes just make it easier.


Dont get me wrong, I like the space combat and all but it needs a lot more depth it needs multi-player, it needs PvP, it needs a more dynamic objective system. It needs to also end when you've completed all of your objectives, there's no reason you should still be flying around in space shooting at a ship you already 100% disabled.


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