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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's the Point of Operative/Smuggler?


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Aka, 95% of matches


Perhaps on your server. Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately?) most of the games on my server contain at least one premade, sometimes 2. It's good in that it forces me to keep on my toes, but it's bad in that I generally queue solo and end up on the other side. At least we have some talented soloers, so it's not always a complete blowout.

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I don't understand why low level operatives even bother to post, of course you're going to deal lots of damage, you're in the low level bracket, i mean if u visit the galactic trade network and buy some purplez, youll fair very well as any class, nobody has expertise. At level 50, the story is different, you cannot hit people for 9k / 10 k, i am in almost full champ gear about to hit BM and I am lucky to get the 5k medal when opening on somebody, despite stacking surge / crit. I am aware that Operatives need to be toned down, but this is straight up destroying the class, as previously stated, without burst we are nothing, just a player you can kite around and ranged dps while we try to close the gap with all we have (a slow).
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Operative/Scoundrel will still have the most front-end burst out of any class. Every other class that has some sort of burst requires them to build it up first.


For example a Shadow's burst relies on a 3 different types of procs (that can take upwards of 10 seconds of combat) and a 2 minute cooldown.


-Operative/Scoundrel is the only stealth/healer combo.

-Operative/Scoundrel is one of two classes that can escape whenever they like, and also the only healer. (When the cooldowns are available)

-Operative/Scoundrel is the only stealth class with multiple ranged attacks and a ranged basic attack.

-Operative/Scoundrel is the only class with heals that can sap someone from stealth.


They're also buffing Operative sustained damage and survivability.


Yeah, absolutely no utility. Everytime someone QQs about Operatives it seems to be someone that just stealths around and ganks random people from 100 to 0 and then restealths, not even using 2/3s of their class skills.

Edited by savionen
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My hat is off to melee players for sticking it out. It's obvious that the stealth melee classes would've flourished in open world pvp 1 vs 1, pawning the unsuspecting opposite faction player. In warzones not so much. It's clear that the ranged classes dominate in warzones, of which I'm a part. Edited by Chiricahua
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They're also buffing Operative sustained damage and survivability.


- Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active. down from 50%

- Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds. down from 3s

- Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP. 20% less damage


Care to point out the 'buffing sustained damage and survivability' part there?

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I wish I rolled one when I chose my assassin. Assassins are not Assassins, they are in fact Battle-Mages.


Operatives/Smugglers are actually assassins that can heal.


Also, LoL at people who defend operatives because it's fair that they can take down my tank sin to 20% in 4 seconds.

Edited by obZeNx
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I wish I rolled one when I chose my assassin. Assassins are not Assassins, they are in fact Battle-Mages.


Operatives/Smugglers are actually assassins that can heal.


Also, LoL at people who defend operatives because it's fair that they can take down my tank sin to 20% in 4 seconds.


I have lvl50 assassin (darkness) and lvl50 operative (concealment) and while the operative has much higher burst, once the enemy is outside 10m range, you're screwed. There's literally nothing you can do except spamming your auto-attack or using in-combat stealth. You're welcome to reroll one if you can deal with the frustration that comes with it. It's not as glamorous as people are making it out to be.

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just did 4 wz in row top damage+most kills with the fewest deaths were sorcs.....i run up shoot first their shield abosrbs it blasterwhip their shield breaks and stuns me they force sprint away do that cc that spins you in the air for god knows how long start casting lighting i "trinket" out get stunned again he goes back to free casting :\ i must be doing something wrong because i dang sure dont feel over powered....where is this one shot kill button exactly?
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Keep playing anyway, then laugh our butts off when they nerf sorcs and over 9000 of them come here crying about how BW destroyed their class by increasing the bubble cooldown.


Riddle me this. Did Blizzard ever nerf mages? Ever? Every company has their pet class, Sorc seem to be Biowares.


You might be waiting a long long time for them nerfs, I doubt they'd want to upset 50% of their playerbase!

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Keep playing anyway, then laugh our butts off when they nerf sorcs and over 9000 of them come here crying about how BW destroyed their class by increasing the bubble cooldown.


Never going to happen.


I'm slowly coming to accept that Bioware will never nerf teh Sorc/Sage class to appease the masses.


On a unrelated note, I'm slowly coming to accept that I really should stop paying my subscription fees and go back to my lonely Xbox.


Its a slow process.

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Title. We are a melee class, with no gap closers and very little in the way of "utlity" abilities. Our basic stealth is a joke, as anyone can see us as well as non-stealthed classes (we are only really invisible for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown or when vanished on a 2 minute talented cooldown.)


In huttball, for example, what is the role an operative fills? We cannot knock anyone away, are knocked around constantly like ragdolls by Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers etc. who then proceed to crush us from range.


Everyone complains about our stunlocking, when we only have 1 primary stun, 1 aoe stun that released with any damage, and a taleneted stun out of hidden strike which is SUPPOSED to fill the resolve bar. Instead of fixing resolve however, the developers are just nerfing the talented stun into uselessness. I find sorcerers in particular to have much more potent CC.


Prior to the PTR notes coming out I assumed the Operative/Scoundrel role was that of the eliminator, the glass cannon that could put out a ton of burst damage if not watched out for and then either escaping invisible or being killed.


Since the class burst damage is being severely nerfed however, what exactly is the point of this class? What seperates us from Assasins, who have all of our damage capability plus a gap closer and extra cc remover? Why not roll another melee class who actually contributes to a team-based pvp game?


Then why did you roll one?


Because you wanted to two shot people, that's why.

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Ambush/single target harass. Yes your dps has been brought in line, and you have no closer other than stealth. But how hard is it to flank around the fight find that one healer in the back keeping the others alive, and screw him up so suddenly his team starts to die off. This is known as a lynchpin. They are actually quite important, and most good rogues in wow would play this way. I know you don't understand what team play is about, but when you work with your team, your whole team wins. Instead of thinking your useless that you cant pick off one person at will anymore, work together with your team to push that one guy who is almost dead over the edge, screw up that one healer, or be in the perfect spot to disrupt their team play.



Play as a linchpin not as a killing machine.

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just did 4 wz in row top damage+most kills with the fewest deaths were sorcs.....i run up shoot first their shield abosrbs it blasterwhip their shield breaks and stuns me they force sprint away do that cc that spins you in the air for god knows how long start casting lighting i "trinket" out get stunned again he goes back to free casting :\ i must be doing something wrong because i dang sure dont feel over powered....where is this one shot kill button exactly?


you are doing quite a bit wrong. A. don't attack when your enemy has all their defenses up, Those bubbles don't last forever. B. Read the resolve guide, you poped the trinket at the wrong time.

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Title. We are a melee class, with no gap closers and very little in the way of "utlity" abilities. Our basic stealth is a joke, as anyone can see us as well as non-stealthed classes (we are only really invisible for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown or when vanished on a 2 minute talented cooldown.)


In huttball, for example, what is the role an operative fills? We cannot knock anyone away, are knocked around constantly like ragdolls by Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers etc. who then proceed to crush us from range.


Everyone complains about our stunlocking, when we only have 1 primary stun, 1 aoe stun that released with any damage, and a taleneted stun out of hidden strike which is SUPPOSED to fill the resolve bar. Instead of fixing resolve however, the developers are just nerfing the talented stun into uselessness. I find sorcerers in particular to have much more potent CC.


Prior to the PTR notes coming out I assumed the Operative/Scoundrel role was that of the eliminator, the glass cannon that could put out a ton of burst damage if not watched out for and then either escaping invisible or being killed.


Since the class burst damage is being severely nerfed however, what exactly is the point of this class? What seperates us from Assasins, who have all of our damage capability plus a gap closer and extra cc remover? Why not roll another melee class who actually contributes to a team-based pvp game?


To be inferior to assassins/shadows now (guard taunts is all that matters in premade vs premade pvp), and to be inferior to sages/sorcs as healers post 1.1.1


ATM they are currently good at killing pugs, bad players and being the worst dps AC in the game in pve. 1.1.1 is going to fix this bug.

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I run around terrorizing people. I'll either stealth by our carrier and kill anyone that gets too close or sneak up on the opposing carrier and obliterate them. I told my guild last night, I move so bloody fast I don't even know WTH I'm doing. It's like watching someone else play




How is the nerf 'severe'? Maybe I'm missing something, but I see a -20% armor reduction (we shouldn't be after tank classes anyway), a 1.5 sec knockdown reduction (oh no, we have to actually have skill to kill now and not just faceplant someone and kick em while they're down) and our opener was dropped 20%. Oh noes, now instead of 2-shotting people we have to 3-shot them!


Wow dude I cannot even believe people like you - you do not play one if you think you can 2-shot or even 3 shot someone - I have said this before and I will say it again SHOW ME PROOF - I actually play an op and unless someone is just sitting there while I hit them they do not die or even come close to 40%


Heck I have opened up on AFKers and it still takes me at least 6 abilites to kill them - and they are just standing there - people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to ops


Just wait cause your class is next to get the unjustified nerf stick - but I wont be around to tell you I told you so - I dont support a company that caters to forum whiners and makes knee-jerk reactions based on no actual geared lvl 50 gameplay

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Riddle me this. Did Blizzard ever nerf mages? Ever? Every company has their pet class, Sorc seem to be Biowares.


You might be waiting a long long time for them nerfs, I doubt they'd want to upset 50% of their playerbase!


Yes. Frost nova snare was changed to break on light damage, rolling ignites were done away with, POM and AP lock each other out, the coefficient on ABr got nerfed... do I need to keep going? Shut up when you don't know what you're talking about.

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Wow dude I cannot even believe people like you - you do not play one if you think you can 2-shot or even 3 shot someone - I have said this before and I will say it again SHOW ME PROOF - I actually play an op and unless someone is just sitting there while I hit them they do not die or even come close to 40%


Heck I have opened up on AFKers and it still takes me at least 6 abilites to kill them - and they are just standing there - people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to ops


Just wait cause your class is next to get the unjustified nerf stick - but I wont be around to tell you I told you so - I dont support a company that caters to forum whiners and makes knee-jerk reactions based on no actual geared lvl 50 gameplay


There is proof all over these forums with youtube links. You are just choosing to ignore them I guess.

Edited by DiottFei
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