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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's the Point of Operative/Smuggler?


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Title. We are a melee class, with no gap closers and very little in the way of "utlity" abilities. Our basic stealth is a joke, as anyone can see us as well as non-stealthed classes (we are only really invisible for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown or when vanished on a 2 minute talented cooldown.)


In huttball, for example, what is the role an operative fills? We cannot knock anyone away, are knocked around constantly like ragdolls by Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers etc. who then proceed to crush us from range.


Everyone complains about our stunlocking, when we only have 1 primary stun, 1 aoe stun that released with any damage, and a taleneted stun out of hidden strike which is SUPPOSED to fill the resolve bar. Instead of fixing resolve however, the developers are just nerfing the talented stun into uselessness. I find sorcerers in particular to have much more potent CC.


Prior to the PTR notes coming out I assumed the Operative/Scoundrel role was that of the eliminator, the glass cannon that could put out a ton of burst damage if not watched out for and then either escaping invisible or being killed.


Since the class burst damage is being severely nerfed however, what exactly is the point of this class? What seperates us from Assasins, who have all of our damage capability plus a gap closer and extra cc remover? Why not roll another melee class who actually contributes to a team-based pvp game?

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There really isn't much point to them anymore.

I'd suggesting retiring it and just rolling something else.


That's likely what I'll end up doing with mine. I'm not interested in healing.


*shrug* At least the class story was good.

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yup took all thoughts of scoundrel pvp out of my head....gunna roll something diff for pvp now because what can ops/scrappers really do after that big burst? i can understand nerfing the stun thats fine and dandy but nerfing the damage too? cmon bioware
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There really isn't much point to them anymore.

I'd suggesting retiring it and just rolling something else.


That's likely what I'll end up doing with mine. I'm not interested in healing.


*shrug* At least the class story was good.


Loved the story... guess i'll join the bandwagon and roll a sorc or merc next :/

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yup took all thoughts of scoundrel pvp out of my head....gunna roll something diff for pvp now because what can ops/scrappers really do after that big burst? i can understand nerfing the stun thats fine and dandy but nerfing the damage too? cmon bioware


I concur.

I could have handled the hit to the stun. It was a bit long. But the damage nerf is a bit much.


Ops don't have the best utility. After the burst nerf if you don't down your target you're kind of left there going "Well, I got nothing." - As they bubble, knock-back and kite you around.


Playing an Op right now consist of stealthing in for a low HP kill or a stun lock on a primary target (Capper/Ball Carrier) and then running away to drop back into stealth and do it again.


Going toe to toe out of stealth as an Op isn't a viable way to play. But, it looks like it's going to be a lot of running away now.


Constantly running away from ranged doesn't sound fun to me.


I'll roll something else. Not a big deal.

If I can't find another class I like I'll un-sub. Not, QQing. Seriously, this stuff happens in these kind of games. It certainly doesn't break my heart.

But, if I'm not enjoying my time I'll find something better to do.


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Mine is doing an excellent job collecting dust abord his Phantom.

See, when he inevitably gets "buffed" (read: fixed) sometime in the future, he'll have a ton of rested XP waiting for me.


So excited.


Just sso you know, you dont get rested xp on the ship >.>

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Loved the story... guess i'll join the bandwagon and roll a sorc or merc next :/


At least 3 of the 6 or so WZs that I played tonight were made up of all Sorcs. With the exception of me.


Wonder why there are so many of them. Hmmm.

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Title. We are a melee class, with no gap closers and very little in the way of "utlity" abilities. Our basic stealth is a joke, as anyone can see us as well as non-stealthed classes (we are only really invisible for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown or when vanished on a 2 minute talented cooldown.)


In huttball, for example, what is the role an operative fills? We cannot knock anyone away, are knocked around constantly like ragdolls by Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers etc. who then proceed to crush us from range.


Everyone complains about our stunlocking, when we only have 1 primary stun, 1 aoe stun that released with any damage, and a taleneted stun out of hidden strike which is SUPPOSED to fill the resolve bar. Instead of fixing resolve however, the developers are just nerfing the talented stun into uselessness. I find sorcerers in particular to have much more potent CC.


Prior to the PTR notes coming out I assumed the Operative/Scoundrel role was that of the eliminator, the glass cannon that could put out a ton of burst damage if not watched out for and then either escaping invisible or being killed.


Since the class burst damage is being severely nerfed however, what exactly is the point of this class? What seperates us from Assasins, who have all of our damage capability plus a gap closer and extra cc remover? Why not roll another melee class who actually contributes to a team-based pvp game?


Internal damage.

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In huttball, for example, what is the role an operative fills? We cannot knock anyone away, are knocked around constantly like ragdolls by Sorcs/Mercs/Snipers etc. who then proceed to crush us from range


I run around terrorizing people. I'll either stealth by our carrier and kill anyone that gets too close or sneak up on the opposing carrier and obliterate them. I told my guild last night, I move so bloody fast I don't even know WTH I'm doing. It's like watching someone else play


Since the class burst damage is being severely nerfed however, what exactly is the point of this class? What seperates us from Assasins, who have all of our damage capability plus a gap closer and extra cc remover? Why not roll another melee class who actually contributes to a team-based pvp game?


How is the nerf 'severe'? Maybe I'm missing something, but I see a -20% armor reduction (we shouldn't be after tank classes anyway), a 1.5 sec knockdown reduction (oh no, we have to actually have skill to kill now and not just faceplant someone and kick em while they're down) and our opener was dropped 20%. Oh noes, now instead of 2-shotting people we have to 3-shot them!

Edited by Mazikeen
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well its really not a fact of l2p and all of that non sense its more of we get our big burst off and if they survive it we cant really do much more damage its no where near three shotting mainly a good burn to get a head start to make up for our lack of closer if we get kited were through with and bioware is going to end up falling into the same rut as the other crummy pvp systemed game i used to play one class is killing people so they cry nerf after that class gets nerfed they see another class o their doing to much damage now they need to be nerfed! and it will just bounce back and forth between classes until every patch is dreaded because of fear that the nerf stick will give you class a good beating
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In Huttball you find the lone healer standing back spamming heals on the carrier and utterly ruin his day. Pretty simple, and fun to boot.


Actually, even before the nerf, a concealment operative wouldn't ruin my day as a healing operative (and we're far and away the worst pvp healer). CC move out of 10m range and you're good, if your team is at all competent they'll even throwdown a cc on an operative that opens on you (something I make sure to do when I see one pop out.) At that point they can pop their 2 minute cooldown or just die and try again as they die really easy to focus fire. Your idea does work well in random pvp where the healer gets no support and the operative is willing to blow their CDs though.

Edited by Hatham
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i'm only a level 25 operative, but even at this low level, i see our niche. i don't know what you have been doing, given this.


operative rules. you can gank healers up close and personal, or you can stay at range and poison/grenade everyone. you can use this DoT poison to prevent people from setting or disarming nodes. you can be cloaked and give intel for your team (teamwork??), or provide a nasty defense when coupled with some non-cloaked help. you can wreck mercs, snipers, and other operatives, provided you sneak around them. you can stun an entire group of players with your flashbang while your teammate arms the bomb. all in all, a good operative will have very high damage output, and will end up with lots of objective and defense points.


a pretty useful class, i'd say. and to think that i haven't even unlocked severe tendon, or whatever it's called.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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i'm only a level 25 operative, but even at this low level, i see our niche. i don't know what you have been doing, given this.


operative rules. you can gank healers up close and personal, or you can stay at range and poison/grenade everyone. you can use this DoT poison to prevent people from setting or disarming nodes. you can be cloaked and give intel for your team (teamwork??), or provide a nasty defense when coupled with some non-cloaked help. you can wreck mercs, snipers, and other operatives, provided you sneak around them. you can stun an entire group of players with your flashbang while your teammate arms the bomb. all in all, a good operative will have very high damage output, and will end up with lots of objective and defense points.


a pretty useful class, i'd say. and to think that i haven't even unlocked severe tendon, or whatever it's called.


High damage output is being reduced substantially. Now reassess your viewpoint.

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