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Story diversity is a lie


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What they're getting at is that you end up in the same place at the same time. Like you said, when playing with friends that's necessary for a smooth experience. When playing solo, if you race through all the content very fast, it DOES feel like you were just in this place doing something slightly different (i.e. collecting an item instead of killing an NPC).


I'm currently leveling a Sniper and a Marauder almost simultaneously, so I get exactly what they're saying. It's fundamentally unavoidable, though, if you want to allow for group questing.


Its an MMO, so yeah. If thats an issue then I kindly suggest one could be in the wrong kind of game here, also I dont really know of any game besides this where the entire class storyline is seperate from another, that you go to the same places is inherent to it being an MMO.


I understand what people are saying but I just dont see the rationale given the game's nature.

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I agree that there isn't much diversity at all. For example, I leveled up my Sorc as light side, and a friend leveled up his Assassin as dark side. We compared our story, and they were pretty much exactly the same, except a few minor details. The endings should have been vastly different if I went 100% light and he went 100% dark.


While in the middle of the story, choices made things a bit different, the ending should have reflected our choices...not a give us the same thing with a few different details.


I think a lot of how your light/dark side choices play out is with companions. For example,



for Marauders, if you're dark side you can corrupt Jaesa, turning her to the dark side. This also allows you to romance her. If you're light side, and you don't corrupt her, she assumes you're trying to bring down the Empire from the inside, and that you both must maintain the appearance of being evil to avoid detection. Since she stays a Jedi, tho, she's not real big on the romance part :(


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Its an MMO, so yeah. If thats an issue then I kindly suggest one could be in the wrong kind of game here, also I dont really know of any game besides this where the entire class storyline is seperate from another, that you go to the same places is inherent to it being an MMO.


I understand what people are saying but I just dont see the rationale given the game's nature.


Well, in other MMOs that have been around a lot longer, you frequently have a couple options of where you can quest. There may be 3 or 4 zones that overlap level ranges, so if you get bored somewhere you can move to another one - either on the same character or with a new one. With the class quests in SWTOR, you're on a planet until your line is done (for the most part), and if you don't also do the side quests you can be behind on the next planet and have a tougher time.


In the future they could definitely add branches to the class storylines to add additional planets for diversity without fundamentally changing the storylines themselves. That will just take time, though.

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Well, in other MMOs that have been around a lot longer, you frequently have a couple options of where you can quest. There may be 3 or 4 zones that overlap level ranges, so if you get bored somewhere you can move to another one - either on the same character or with a new one. With the class quests in SWTOR, you're on a planet until your line is done (for the most part), and if you don't also do the side quests you can be behind on the next planet and have a tougher time.


In the future they could definitely add branches to the class storylines to add additional planets for diversity without fundamentally changing the storylines themselves. That will just take time, though.


Thats WoW you are talking about, in pretty much every other MMO you have no choices at all and to boot the stories are the exact same regardless of class/heritage/race.

I also didnt expect this game to have multiple overlapping zones, if you will, at this stage, I expect there will be in the future.


But again, the problem remains the same, a story focussed MMO cannot willy nilly shunt you around different zones without losing storyline coherence unless you fill those areas with the usual generic FedEx stuff which is what MMO's do and its not like the story driven nature of this game was a secret of any kind.

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I also didnt expect this game to have multiple overlapping zones, if you will, at this stage, I expect there will be in the future.



Your reasonable expectations have no place in the General Forum! I bid you good day sir!



I said good day!

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"The formula is always the same, it's an MMO, what can you do?"


Well, lets see what exactly an MMO can do.


- Mass battles. Get buffed to insane levels by famous NPCs, rip apart entire armies of mobs on your way to the Big Bad.


- Various escort quests. These don't happen too often in TOR but can be fun if done well.


- Quests that use mounts. BW showed that they can do Turret Defense style stuff in Colocoid Wargames, so why is it never used again?


- Devices that let you command NPCs, similar to a RTS game. Considering the Jedi and Trooper classes, this should actually be a given.


- BW has a penchant for puzzles. Why are there no Tower of Hanoi style challenges? No riddles?

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Your reasonable expectations have no place in the General Forum! I bid you good day sir!



I said good day!


Hah, yes, excellent point :D


Actually, I wasnt even going to buy it on launch but I played the beta weekend and bought it x2 (my wife has the other, dont worry) based on personal experience, not hype or because I was so bored of game X that I had to buy into something else ;)

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To the original Poster....


My god... do you have a Life.. you must be brain dead... enough said. because you said everythign that I expected a Powerplayer to say... I dont even think you really enjoy the game.. you just want to what.. SHow off.. look at me Im at level 50....


I laugh at you because your an idiot.. get a fracking Life.

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To the original Poster....


My god... do you have a Life.. you must be brain dead... enough said. because you said everythign that I expected a Powerplayer to say... I dont even think you really enjoy the game.. you just want to what.. SHow off.. look at me Im at level 50....


I laugh at you because your an idiot.. get a fracking Life.


Really, is all the name-calling necessary? And you say the OP needs to "get a life"? How very ironic.


How old are you?

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To the original Poster....


My god... do you have a Life.. you must be brain dead... enough said. because you said everythign that I expected a Powerplayer to say... I dont even think you really enjoy the game.. you just want to what.. SHow off.. look at me Im at level 50....


I laugh at you because your an idiot.. get a fracking Life.


Looks like someone is jealous that they can't get even one character to 50 yet.

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A lot of the sidequests don't even make sense for some of the classes. My first toon is a IA that I've gotten to 41 and on tattoine there's a quest:



That involves covering up a murder caused by a fellow imperial.



and I thought, "cool. This quest fits the IA perfectly!"


Then I later got my SW to tattoine and had the same quest offered.... *** is a sith doing worrying about this poodoo.


Now, this may be a crazy suggestion but limit the damn side quests to the classes they make sense for and multiply the experience proportionately. Everyone should not be required to clear every quest on every planet with every character to keep up with the xp curve!

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A lot of the sidequests don't even make sense for some of the classes. My first toon is a IA that I've gotten to 41 and on tattoine there's a quest:



That involves covering up a murder caused by a fellow imperial.



and I thought, "cool. This quest fits the IA perfectly!"


Then I later got my SW to tattoine and had the same quest offered.... *** is a sith doing worrying about this poodoo.


Now, this may be a crazy suggestion but limit the damn side quests to the classes they make sense for and multiply the experience proportionately. Everyone should not be required to clear every quest on every planet with every character to keep up with the xp curve!


Yeah I get what you are saying. It felt so odd that once my bounty hunter got off the starter planet he wasn't acting like a bounty hunter anymore. He couldn't ask for creds most of the time and he would often say things as if he was working for the empire. But he isn't. He just so happens to be in a contest that is in their area of the galaxy. He really has nothing to do with the Empire or Republic. He is simply passing through. I really feel like the bounty hunter and smuggler should have been put on a 3rd faction called neutral and been given the option to visit both empire or republic planets working for both sides till their story line made them have to choose a side around the level 30 range.

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so im skipping a few pages but all that im getting out of this thread is confusing.


You say the story's are very similar but then you tell us its kill this and that. That isnt the story, thats the time sink. The story are the cutscenes and dialog. So I'm confused about what your talking about. We are all playing the same genre of game. So yea the mechanics of kill this, gather that, go over there and click this are of course going to be the same since we are all playing the same game. Its the Dialog and cutscenes that are the story.

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All quests. I mean all objectives. ALL EVERYTHING Is centered around going somewhere and doing something. That's it. The reason it feels repetitive is because you do it so *********** much. In Mass Effect, it was go find 12 people and then kill this guy. Not: Go do this, than this, than this, okay, now you do this. In Mass Effect, they gave you one objective, the rest was just in the way. But that other mission you just did that was kill 3 jawas had just as much drama (Or lack thereof) as this class quest, so it feels EXACTLY the same. The best quest experience I've had in the game was Tython: It was short, and each mission was centered around one thing. Not Go kill jawas! They have my droid! Go kill Wampas! They kill my son! It's all centered around one base objective: The Flesh Raiders and their threat to the settlement areas. The only reason I continued to play my sniper was because I was about to at the end of Nar Shaddaa:



Infiltrate that ExoGen or whatever company as a droid



Instead of Point A to Point B, It added more tension to be infiltrating an enemy area. That was more interesting. To me, it seems end-planet was the only thin interesting


get mah drift?

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I've been happy with most of the class questlines I've seen so far, with sith inquisitor past chapter 1 being the glaring moldy dishrag exception.


If you're leveling alts on the same faction side though...yep. Planet storylines aren't unique to specific classes. That right there can give one a case of the doldrums leveling something on the same faction side back to back to back and so on.


A lot of stuff is pretty barebones right now too, I will plainly acknowledge. I'm confident, and I hope my confidence is not misplaced, in that that will change over time. More planets with questlines, alternative leveling paths on both factions; I think it'll diversify nicely.


Right now, if you're on imperial side...you start on Hutta or Korriban, go to Dromund Kaas, go to Balmorra, go to Nar Shaddaa, go to Tatooine, go to Alderaan, go to Taris, go to Quesh, go to Hoth, go to Belsavis, go to Voss and go to Corellia, in that order, every single time.



If you're getting XP a lot from PVPing and flashpoints in lower levels, you can sometimes skip Quesh altogether if you like, and I've seen a few people that managed to skip other planets altogether except to run their classquests from PVPing/doing space missions/doing FP's a lot, but otherwise...well.


Right now, the leveling path is pretty singular through PVE.


I suspect, in the future, there'll be more planets and maybe, ultimately, quite a lot of planets for more of a pick your own adventure path of leveling.


Or so I'd like to hope anyway.

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I can perceive how this could be true.


I assume, though im only leveling the one class (i actually play a couple of hours a day on average and am level 36, though i did miss a week or so from snowboarding), a jedi sage, that the mirror probably follows a similar story:



evil bad dude is trying to undermine the jedi by using an ancient spell and you have to go around shielding (or killing) the infected jedi. You then have to get on your ship and become an ambassador for a bunch of rag tag group of planets that the republic wants to keep



Ive honestly not played the inquisitor but i have a feeling this is the underlying mechanic to the story line. If it is, then the OP is spot on. If it isnt, then the OP has a touch of confirmation bias. In fact, lets all have a crack at telling the story if we havent played our mirror...


So heres what i think the inquisitor story line might be:



You spend some time recovering fragments (ive played one to level 6). At level ten you have to fight your nemesis, then youre sent off in search of 4 fragments. Once collected they pull some ancient entity jedi entity - maybe even whatsisface from the starting zones of the consular. You defeat him and become the number one inquisitor in the galaxy and get a special title bestowed to only three other people! Then youre asked by the diplomatic corps of the empire to go and do some diplomacy to keep 4 or so naughty planets in line! Havent got the sage beyond 36 so cant even imagine rest of the story, but i reckon thats it judging from both the consular story and the story of the planets - and the love of relics from the sith)



Am i on target. I have a feeling i am :)

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It's not surprising, so many of this game's features are half-assed and lazily construed.


taurus u re-subbed despite your open hatred for the game, congrats!



still trying to figure out what people were expecting that wasn't delivered in this game?


how many games are NOT quest to gather/kill stuff to level/gear up to gather/kill higher level stuff?


what magical nuances or inventions are in your head that are not being provided? i have never seen any specific suggestions to quell the communities anger over lack of innovation.


try and provide solutions instead of simply criticizing the "problems", make yourself useful in some way.

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Zero questing variation between levels and factions is Bioware's fault. There's a reason why people have 5 level 85's in WOW and this game will shut down with most people have 1 (or less) level 50.


There is variation I'm leveling 3 chars atm but its not an amazing amount but its 200% more variation compared to wow .... there is ZERO variation in wow's questing between classes...


i have 5 85's 2 83's and 3 80-81 chars .... so I know that for a fact lol


and the questing in SWTOR is 100 times more engaging and entertaining than wow imo.


Hell even when new expansions are out I have zero inclination to read wow quests texts while I have found all the quests good in SWTOR the 1st time and still listen to the same ones on alts because there'a always rep and alignment variations :)

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Even is all the side quests are the same, the class quests are different, I don't have the same story playing my sith warrior my imperial agent, both are different.


I did 3 BT run today to get gear for my sith, and was fun to do two different first boss depending on what happens.

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