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1 month into the game -- biggest gear gap I have ever seen in an mmo


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Gear isn't even the problem half the time. More often than not, the scoreboard reveals plenty of DPS players doing under 40k damage in a long game. They don't know how to effectively play the warzone or their character.


I solo queue quite often and get completely stomped. Die 10+ times but still manage to dish out 100k+ damage as a tank. The rest of the team is barely over 30k each. Gear disparity doesn't even account for half of the discrepancy.

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Gear isn't even the problem half the time. More often than not, the scoreboard reveals plenty of DPS players doing under 40k damage in a long game. They don't know how to effectively play the warzone or their character.


I solo queue quite often and get completely stomped. Die 10+ times but still manage to dish out 100k+ damage as a tank. The rest of the team is barely over 30k each. Gear disparity doesn't even account for half of the discrepancy.


Thisis also true.

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wow all i have to say is this uui sucks ***,like i swear it takes 1 seconds to do a attack i have to spam the button like mad ,i mean 31 of my g mebers allready stoped playing,i mean my riedns guild all 55 memebrs stoped playing cause the lag in pvp is so bad you cant deal with it and they have really good comps,i been playing wow for 8 years and i never had any problems like this i mean im blown away we paid for this game atm,i mean they say they are so callaed working on ti but lol really working on it after we allready paid alot of money to play this game,i mean didnt oyu all see this coming,from what forums ay and di dalot fo readin there are over 30k peopel saying compaint about the attackts/spells taking 10 secons to cast,the fps is liek 5-10 on really good computers,dont you think rather then realsing newso called content,they would fix this problem,thats gonna cripple the pvp part of this game,i mean thats like atleast 40 percetn of the palerys,well not my loss really,not like im gonna pay for anytime,just hope for everyone else they fix this problem,cause its pretty crappy to b them atm,bioware - on this game fo royu dudes,and i love all yourother games,may be next time you will make a cool mmo see ya,dont forget i said over 100peopel i know stoped playing this game allready and about 30 mor ei know are gonna stop at the end of the free time,i know its naot alot but i there are over 100k players having alot of problems .
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One month, one year or whenever. There shouldn't be a massive gear gap at all.


The same people who scream that they want PVP to be about skill are the ones who want a special PVP stat that they can grind for in order to get an advantage.


Find some other way to reward PVP besides creating gear grinds and gear hierarchy.


Don't be a pve whiner.


It is about skill when people put in a moderate amount of effort. Don't be so lazy.


The only sad thing is how many pvers think they get rolled because they don't have geared.


If you are a fresh 50 incapable of fighting, full gear is not going to solve your problems.

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at release.. 1 month in.. the gap in rift wasn't as bad. r8 did not even exist for many times 1 month, and it took a long time to grind to the rank.


what about still just about a month -- 1.0 near the end a battlemaster vs a level 11? worst in any mmo?


People were rank 6 well before 1 month and rank 6 to rank 1 was a much bigger difference then the gap here. It is not even close.

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sorry for being dramatic but why is the gear gap SO big from a fresh 50 to a 1-month geared 50? I just turned 50 and have 41 valor rank. ~10 bags and got a relic so far.


expertise : I do ~20% less damage to them, they do ~20% more damage to me.


it seems based on hitpoints we can also expect a 36% stat difference too. E.g. a geared tank is ~22k, I am at 14k as a fresh tank in 49 to 50 blues/purple's (without expertise).


and this is one month into the game. this isn't 1 year in. it's one MONTH. I'm a month behind because I rerolled from empire to republic to help with the population disparity. why do they have a 76% (36+20+20) gap advantage on new 50s? note : 76% is not even counting consumables or set bonuses...


You have Valor Rank 41 and only one piece of Champion gear ? I am rank 34 and am nearly full champion gear. Not much has dropped from the bags either.


Something does not seem right here.

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You never played rift then. The between Rank 6 and Rank 8 gear is huge compared to what your comparing is a fresh 50 and a geared 50...first really...thats what your gonna compare...second the character is most likley in most if not all champion pvp gear and maybe a few battlemaster pieces. Theirs supposed to be a gap between fresh 50 gear and close to BiS gear, welcome to mmos.
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Actually I've never seen an MMO give top gear faster than this one. In an 8 man raid, bosses drop 4 loots pieces and a schematic. Half the raid gets loot from each boss, how crazy is that? In PvP it's totally luck based: you might get near full champion in a week for go 1-2/10 for a month. If anything it's too easy to get gear in this game.
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Randomness is better than ururururur. Wize will keep stealing all your bags until you admit that.


- Paira

heh, what's up dude!


this game's as bad as war for people r/valor farming. people did it in rift too.. meanwhile I get screwed on gear Q__Q


also, tovl > all.. or was that totvl

Edited by ururururu
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heh, what's up dude!


this game's as bad as war for people r/valor farming. people did it in rift too.. meanwhile I get screwed on gear Q__Q


also, tovl > all.. or was that totvl


I agree, Tovl is > all. Totvl was that worthless FCD kid.


I'm in the same boat you are. I took a month off to get engaged and will be hitting 50 in a day or two. Not really looking forward to it, but at least I'll have the other randomness people to carry me through the first couple weeks or so. Hopefully it isn't terrible and I'll get some luck with my first few bags.


What server you end up on? We're on Wound in the Force (empire).

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Since 1.1 patch I cant get valor anymore and have to settle for 10 bags a week maximum. MAybe if Im lucky I will get one item every week and if im really really lucky it wont be something I already have.


Yes lvl 50 warzones and Ilum pvp is completly dead on ICE Breaker.

I have cancelled my sub cause I dont really see any point in paying for a 4 player multiplayer game.


Diablo 3 will also support 4 players AND have a working pvp AND will have no monthly fee. Guess which game I will be playing.

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sorry for being dramatic but why is the gear gap SO big from a fresh 50 to a 1-month geared 50? I just turned 50 and have 41 valor rank. ~10 bags and got a relic so far.


expertise : I do ~20% less damage to them, they do ~20% more damage to me.


it seems based on hitpoints we can also expect a 36% stat difference too. E.g. a geared tank is ~22k, I am at 14k as a fresh tank in 49 to 50 blues/purple's (without expertise).


and this is one month into the game. this isn't 1 year in. it's one MONTH. I'm a month behind because I rerolled from empire to republic to help with the population disparity. why do they have a 76% (36+20+20) gap advantage on new 50s? note : 76% is not even counting consumables or set bonuses...


How are you at 41 valor and have only opened 10 bags.


expertise does not scale to 20%/20%, theres significant diminishing returns past 10% on either end.

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BW ****ed it. They should have made it so you get 5 tokens per bag and each item costs 25 tokens. This ******** luck system is well BS. How is it a player can take a week to get all there gear and another player takes 2 months. A couple more bags with nothing in and I'm outta here. Edited by TriIIian
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I hit 50 late on Friday night and I have 7 pieces of gear and about to turn in a daily for my 20th bag... (finger's crossed)


Lucky you. Ive turned in 25 and gotten legs, main hand and 3 implants. So 4 items that I can use in 2 weeks for me. Since 1.1 patch I can only get 10 bags a week so Ill be lucky to get one item per week now.


I shouldnt even bother though cause the PVP is dead on my server anyways.

Edited by Radiozo
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Gear isn't even the problem half the time. More often than not, the scoreboard reveals plenty of DPS players doing under 40k damage in a long game. They don't know how to effectively play the warzone or their character.


I solo queue quite often and get completely stomped. Die 10+ times but still manage to dish out 100k+ damage as a tank. The rest of the team is barely over 30k each. Gear disparity doesn't even account for half of the discrepancy.


true that ... I play Shieldtech(eq. Tank) with PvE Tank Spec and 75% of the time i manage top damage on my team ...

now when you consider i NEVER crit for more then 1.8k with that spec go figure where the problem lies.

This weekend I repsecced Pyro DPS ... so far not a single game where I havent managed to pull at least twice the DPS of #2 on our team ... and thats just with a weird mix of Columni DPS and Champion DPS gear with 5 pieces still from the Supercommando Set ...


the average valor rank on my team is usually 30-35 or so ... :(

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Well, you haven't played Rift...but on to the problem at hand. A solution would be to let leveling people keep more than 1 Champion bag in their bank so when they level they can have a "lotteries chance" of getting some pvp gear right off the bat when they hit 50. Another solution would be to add pvp crafting patterns for armor makers.
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