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I finally hit 50 on my Medic yesterday. Kaliyo is absolutely my favorite companion in the game. I love her personality and her looks. She has been very pleased with most of the decisions my Medic has made. My emotional attachment to her has made chapter three extremely compelling.


BTW, I'm an old school punk and a big fan of Crass.

Edited by Waldokhan
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I think she's kind of pretty. I like the customization kit I have on her right now with the extra face jewellery and all. And her default is fine too.


I'd probably like her personality if it wasn't at such odds with my IA, and she didn't constantly hit me with -1's and -30's in the convos she is around for, lol.

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I like Kaliyo but after I maxed her affection out I use Scorpio more as much tank.

Personality wise I do like her, she matches well with my character personality. Plus i find her baldness/grey eyes oddly attractive with all the jewelry.

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I've really enjoyed Kaliyo as a character. I was already playing my Agent as a lippy rebel with authority problems, so Kaliyo helped push me further in that direction. I have started re-doing some conversations to max out my rebelliousness. Getting zapped by Darth Jadus was a bit of a deterrant.


As well, my character is a female as well and her and Kaliyo have some funny banter back and forth. The first line was roughly "If you take the smart men, and leave the rich ones to me, we'll get along fine." :D

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Does anyone like her? Personality wise? Looks? She does not look that bad, but her attitude really ticks me off. What about you guys?


I really liked her until 8700 companion missions




She takes you to Hutta and this person is going to kill you, carve you up and use your eyes to bypass Imperial security so that terrorists can blow up Imperial bases and orbital stations.




I would have murdered her on the spot and given all of her gear to Scorpio if I could have.

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I like Kaliyo just fine. Her snarkiness works as a nice balance to my Agent's play-it-straight style. She is a bit of a pain sometimes, but she's certainly more interesting to me than the Warrior and Inquisitor starting companions, the first of which is way too perky and the second of which is way too depressing.
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she took me barhopping the other day, so we're cool. I just know better than to emotionally depend on her, or trust her. Shes gonna LOVE when i smarten up my act when vector joins me, since i've been a little smartarse during quests to impress her, but hey, thats why theres gifts. i like listening to her dialogue when i go into a new area.

will pay good credits for a holocopy of the casino security footage of her biting off a guy's ear

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I finally hit 50 on my Medic yesterday. Kaliyo is absolutely my favorite companion in the game. I love her personality and her looks. She has been very pleased with most of the decisions my Medic has made. My emotional attachment to her has made chapter three extremely compelling.


same here, except she isn't exactly a fan of most of my choices. I've been adjusting though to get more affection (now that I have lightside 3, I could care less about alignment)

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I hope that a future update allows me to ...


[Massive Kaliyo / Chapter 3 Spoilers]



... patch things up Kaliyo. After I met Ensign Temple I dumped Kaliyo since I finally had someone who respected the Empire like I did, but that all fell apart in Chapter 3 and I got the free agent ending... and my attitude is really far more in line with how Kaliyo thinks than Temple.


I really, really hope they give a quest to get back with Kaliyo. She was right, and I was wrong. I'm sorry.



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Does anyone like her? Personality wise? Looks? She does not look that bad, but her attitude really ticks me off. What about you guys?


I do. It's a damn shame I can't keep her as companion anymore on missions, instead of doc. She's just no longer viable choice for me gameplaywise. (LVL 46 Snipe here).

Edited by Beansoup
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I'm not particularly fond of her, particularly playing as light side IA. In fact she (and the fact that the IA gets its second companion much later than some other classes) is probably the main reason why I'm not really feeling compelled to continue my Operative and Sniper right now.


So far my favourite companions in the game are Vette (SW) and Mako (BH).

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I like her. Ever since they added additional combat chatter near the end of beta shes been my favorite, some of the things she says are awesome. Before that vette was my favorite starter companion, but its definitely kaliyo now.


My sniper is 40, used her the whole way, plan on continuing to use her till scorpio (which is the reason i made an IA to begin with=P)

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i dont like her. too psycho. and i dont like mindless anarcho/punks to begin with. she has too much of jack from mass effect 2 and i dint like her either.

was so glad when i got vector only to notice he is a crazy bugman. the other companions are quite fine.

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I don't really like her, she just doesn't suit an agent. Or at least that is how I think about it. An agent should be loyal to the empire and won't kill anyone unless it's an order or they are in the way of a missions. But Kaliyo is a rebel, I can't wait till I get my next companion!
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