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Social points....


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I like the idea of the social points. I just wish there were more opportunities to earn them. The Esseles can net you between 90 and 140 points(probably more but that is highest I've seen). Hammer Station might net you 40 IF you do the opening and closing with a group. That's a huge disparity.


A simple fix would be to have a conversation before every boss battle, like you do on the Esseles. That would add at least 2 conversations to Hammer Station, and 3 if they can figure out one for the droid. If you make each coversation have 5 choice points, you've suddenly added 40 to 60 points at a minimum(with a full team). Add that to the 40ish to start and it's right in line with the Esseles.:)


As for gaining them in other ways, I do think you should get bonus social just for completing mission objectives in a group. If they gave us 1 point for each objective cleared in a team(regardless of team size) this might encourage teaming a bit more.

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Ugh. reminds me of QQ about the AQ scepter quest.


If it isn't hard then the reward isn't worth it.






I don't want to see "party time" titles on lvl 16s.


Total strawman..... never once did I say I don't want it to be "hard".... as it is, it's not "hard" to get social points, just boring forced group PvE.


Make the other options hard, I don't care. I like hard... I just don't like non enjoyable forced group PvE as the ONLY way.

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I think I understand the real issue between us now. You want mini games, quickly repeatable events and ways to "grind" points.


Not really, no. I don't care what the alternative path to these points are, I just want something else. ANYTHING else. I don't like group based PvE and would enjoy alternate paths to the gear, that's really all there is to it.


Doesn't need to be quik or repeatable. Just SOMETHING that I can do to work towards this stuff that isn't me standing next to someone else while we talk to NPCs.... which to me, is about as stupid a way to reward gear as you can get.

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By that logic, everyone should be able to get the best PvP gear without doing PvP.


Actually I think the best stated gear should be crafted and don't really care how people earn it.


If you want to be good at PvP you have to PvP to get good anyway. PvP gear is just something to work for.... if other people want to earn their gear in other ways, why would I care?

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Am I the only one scratching my head at this? :confused:


I'm sure you're not the only person who can't see past his own view point to understand the other person's. What else is new?


Its your choice whether or not to talk to the people you group up with, but grouping up alone encourages you to talk to people and work with them as a team then not


No it doesn't. Talking is done with or without grouping, and really have very little to do with each other, yet the game rewards people with extra gear because they talked to NPCs with another person they may or may not have socialized with in their group. What's the point?


It doesn't encourage socialization at all. It encourages people who'd just as soon not group up, to do so, for points. It's weird.


If you want to encourage people to socialize and make friends in the game, come up with some mechanics to do so, but spare me the act in which we pretend that shooting at the same NPC as you, and then watching a cut scene together is in any way social. It's not.

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I'm level 50 and have completed every flash point multiple times, as well as hard modes and heroic quests as well. I am only Social II. Your full of bantha fodder, there is no way you have a 29 and a 37 with Social 4 unless you were grinding flashpoints and group quests for the points the second you hit level 10. Don't make up B.S numbers to support your side when you are just making stuff up, it destroys competent conversation.


I have a character that's level 21 and is approaching Social III.


The key is to just always play with at least one other player. This particular character has been played with another player since level 1. *Every* conversation that isn't class specific (where you become a spectator) gathers social points. Just because you play the game solo except for FP/Heroics and therefore don't get many Social points doesn't mean that the system isn't working.


So, perhaps you should be using your own advice?

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Just as an example, I'll bring up the pilot uniforms again. They are orange, but unless I slot them with great mods, they are useless in PvE. They are clearly meant to be used for RP purposes and for a specific look. And I'm not asking to get them for free. In fact, I think they cost waaaaaay too little. Up the fleet com cost ten times and I'm still fine with it, because it's pilot uniforms and it makes sense to have to do a ton of space missions to get them. But social points? Why? What does PvE have to do with piloting?


This ^


Times 1,000

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Just because you play the game solo except for FP/Heroics and therefore don't get many Social points doesn't mean that the system isn't working


I think that's exactly what it means. It's not working at all.


Think of it this way, I've gained a vast majority of my levels in PvP warzones. I've been grouped for all of them, I have ZERO "social points".... I socialize with players on a daily basis, chat with friends, help people in general, etc. again.... ZERO social points.


What exactly did you do to deserve extra gear over me?


You did solo quests with a friend helping you? Huh? Why would you get better rewards than me for playing on easy mode?

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this is not here to troll or gloat. Just as proof the the guy who didn't believe it was possible to get the amount of social points i have at the levels I am at, without grinding.


Lv 38 character. Play with one friend AT ALL TIMES. ALL QUESTS = social 4



Lv 28 character. Play with two friends AT ALL TIMES. ALL QUESTS = social 3, almost 4



Its not especially hard or confusing. You just have to be commited to playing with friends or grouping for the story quests.




Don't flame the man, he is telling the TRUTH.


I am in the same situation, always playing with one or two friends, quests, flashpoints, no need to grind or redo anything.


At level 30 we are all social III on our mains and our alts who are around the same level..


Now that being said, i do believe that it is immensely hard to gain Social ranks if you play solo, the amount of flashpoints you need to do/redo is too much in my opinion.


There should definitely be some other solutions provided for obtaining Social points.

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The worst thing is, fleet commendations are earned through the most antisocial action in the game: space combat where you can't even have chat on while playing :)



Social rank 3 you can get in an afternoon doing Esseles/Black Talon over and over with friends. That is unless you are lvl 50 apparently. I hear you can't get social points then :p


Good to know!

I'm lvl 30 now so guess I better get on it.

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I really don't care what they intended or what they want me to do. They (and you) need to wake up and realize that trying to make people do things they'd rather not do in the game is not going to keep people playing, but drive them away instead. How many flop MMOs have to come and go before people get this?


So, having PVP in game (and rewards for doing it) will drive people away? That's ridiculous. Nobody is making people do things they'd rather not do.


As with anything else, these are rewards that are earned by playing a certain way. If you don't want to play that way, that's fine. You just won't get the exact same rewards as people who do.


Rewards for one playstyle won't drive people with other playstyles away. They never have and never will. The most successful games have always been ones that allowed you to earn unique rewards by playing the way you wanted to, and this is just another example of that.


I'm looking at a character I've been playing who's just shy of Social 3 at level 36. You jealous of that? Don't be. I'm not jealous of the people with better PVP gear than I have on that character, because I haven't done what they've done, and like a rational person, I realize that was completely my choice.

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Games that make you play the way "it wants you to play" instead of the way you enjoy playing is the type of game people end up quitting after the first month.


What because the game dares to tempt you into going out of your comfort zone to do something? and then rewards you with pretty much useless to anyone who isn't a Shadow/Sage or Assassin/Sorcerer gear.


Be honest you just want Kira/Jaesa in the Slave Girl outfit don't you lol.


I think they should just boost the amount of points you can get, just double everything you get at the moment and it would be fine. There shouldn't be a way to get Social Points without been social lol

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So, having PVP in game (and rewards for doing it) will drive people away? That's ridiculous. Nobody is making people do things they'd rather not do.


Your logic is REALLY bad here. Having content in the game with rewards doesn't drive people away, and I never said anything that should give you that idea. What drives people away is when certain content is the ONLY way to gain rewards that people want for something completely unrelated.


For example, RP gear rewarded for doing group based PvE.


PvP is actually a great example of content that can and should have multiple paths for earning rewards. If you don't like Open world PvP, you can do WZ's for example. In my oinion, the more ways to earn rewards the better it is for the game.


Also, since PvP gear really is just something people need for PvP alone, I do't have a problem with it being rewarded through PvP, though (again) I think crafters should be able to make PvP gear as well. So that sort of destroys your whole argument.


It's not good for the game to try and get people to do things they don't enjoy. Frankly, I don't understand why some of you think it's a good thing.


Rewards for one playstyle won't drive people with other playstyles away. They never have and never will.


Wrong. MMOs that make you do certain content as the only way to get rewards drive people away all the time. Whether it's PvP or grouping or anything else, players should have ways they enjoy to earn rewards.


The most successful games have always been ones that allowed you to earn unique rewards by playing the way you wanted to, and this is just another example of that.


And which "games" might those be? WoW? When is the last time one of these "successful games" was released?


and like a rational person, I realize that was completely my choice.


It wasn't your choice though. You gave that choice away and let the Devs dictate what rewards you can get in the way you enjoy playing. You had no choice at all. No, I'm not "jealous" of you, I'm disappointed in you riding around on a high horse as if it's good for the game to accept bad mechanics.

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What because the game dares to tempt you into going out of your comfort zone to do something?


Yes. I pay money to play this game for enjoyment, not to make me feel uncomfortable. You really think that's good for the game?


There shouldn't be a way to get Social Points without been social lol


You have no clue what this thread is about do you?


The number of people who think talking to and then shooting at NPCs in a group is a "social" activity is just sad.

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Player run events, cantina mini games, visiting other player's in their ships, helping players with questions they might have etc. etc.


Anything would be better that PvE.



Good suggestions here. ^


Intriguing, yes, but maybe difficult to quantify and hard to protect against spam - especially the help players with questions idea.


I disagree with the statement "Anything would be better than PVE". I love that there is a built in reward system for people who choose to do missions with a friend. Really cool idea. Not accessible to everyone, true, but a cool idea nonetheless.


Not familiar with any of the 50 bugs but that sux of course and it doesn't make sense to anchor non-social rewards to social points either.


It's very possible there are plans to expand social points in the future. But that needs to be prioritized with other new features and bug fixes.


Reading these forums I feel like I am in the minority when I say I prefer the game as is and a Dec 20th launch vs. things like a more advanced social systems, less bugs and a June 2012 launch.

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Intriguing, yes, but maybe difficult to quantify and hard to protect against spam - especially the help players with questions idea.


I would think they could pretty easily limit the points you can get per day that way. And asking questions wouldn't get you anything, just good answers, so it's not really something you can spam.


I'd rather see more SWG like game play with music and dancing, etc. Reasons to go to a cantina. That was REAL social game play.


I disagree with the statement "Anything would be better than PVE". I love that there is a built in reward system for people who choose to do missions with a friend. Really cool idea. Not accessible to everyone, true, but a cool idea nonetheless.


I don't have a problem with the systew in place. If they want to reward people for grouping, by all means do so, I would just like to see more added to it so that group based PvE isn't the only way. I think you're with me on that.


Reading these forums I feel like I am in the minority when I say I prefer the game as is and a Dec 20th launch vs. things like a more advanced social systems, less bugs and a June 2012 launch.


No, I'm with you on that. I don't need this out TODAY!!! I'm just making it known that I'd like to see stuff like this in the future.

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Can we get some more ways to earn social points please? I really don't see why grinding group PvE quests is the ONLY way to earn some of that cool looking gear.


How about a way to get social points through real "social" interaction rather than just talking to NPCs?


On a side note.... Why do I need social III to use outfits I buy with space coms? The two types of game play have nothing to do with each other.


Agreed, you should get social points by turning in quest as a group that you completed.


I do a lot of Heroics with groups of 4, but most of these don't have dialog so at the end, I spend 30-45min with a group doing a Heroic 4, and get ZERO social points.....

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one toon Im social 4 at lv 37 playing with 1 other at all times

another toon im social 4 at lv 29 playing with 2 others at all times


This is not a "it works for me so your wrong" post

I just want to say that when you do what the game wants you to do to get social points, they come easily and fast. With no "grinding" whatsoever.


If you truly have no friends or just hate grouping.. well then I personally don't believe you deserve "social" points


Agree. They ARE called SOCIAL points.. ;)



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doing quests in a group in this game is the most fun I've ever had in any game. The holocall system and RNG dialogue is killer. I played with a friend for 4 days leveling up in the teens-twenties and we both are over SL2.


If that's true, why do you need extra rewards for it? Wouldn't you have played that way anyway?

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I would think they could pretty easily limit the points you can get per day that way. And asking questions wouldn't get you anything, so it's not really something you can spam.


I'd rather see more SWG like game play with music and dancing, etc. That was REAL social game play.




I don't have a problem with the systew in place. If they want to reward people for grouping, by all means do so, I would just like to see more added to it so that group based PvE isn't the only way. I think you're with me on that.




No, I'm with you on that. I don't need this out TODAY!!! I'm just making it known that I'd like to see stuff like this in the future.


You've sold me :)

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Agree. They ARE called SOCIAL points.. ;)




So why do we get points for shooting at and talking to NPCs instead of doing things that are actually social??


Group based PvE is not social.



You've sold me :)


Great! Nice to see open minds do exist on the forums!!

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