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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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I played WoW on and off for about 4 years, ended up quitting like 18 months due to exams followed by my guild splitting up. After that I just had no desire to go back.


Waited for this game for like forever :p Even considered going back to WoW like 3-4 months ago, but now that SWTOR is out - I have to say it's fantastic. I'ts not perfect but to expect it to be perfect from launch is a bit much - especially since, although Bioware are AMAZING RPG game developers, this is still probably a bit of a new direction for them too.


I doubt I'll ever go back to WoW, and well I'd very much like to see SWTOR as the new 'big' MMO. It's similar to WoW in a lot of ways, worse in some but also better in a lot more.


I've even gotten my brother, who's an MMO hater (esp WoW) hooked onto SWTOR :p despite me paying the subscription, he plays it more than I do!

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I'd see no reason to get back. I'm not so weak minded that I look at all the time I have put in and can't walk away. That's a big trap.


Better story, I like the art style better and it just seems more fun.


Not to mention the setting is cooler.

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Yes I come from WoW and no I didn't go back but there's something else I've been thinking about for a while...


In early 2005 World of Warcraft was my first MMORPG and it hit me like a revelation. Groundbreaking, from open pvp between Astranaar and Crossroads, charging with my first mount towards the Horde, exploring the ancient ruins of Dire Maul to 5 hours of Blakrock Deeps in a raid group. Just awesome! I didn't bother that it took forever to find a group, everything was like a big party, full of hidden secrets and unknown truths. Molten Core, Ragnaros & Sulfuras, Black Wing Lair, the first Nefarius kill, finishing the quest for Ahn'Qiraj just in time to get the reward and last but not least: doing PvP all week long in Arathibasin and Warsonggulch with your friends in t2,5/t3 gear. Basically eradicating your enemies.


It was a magical time I'll worship forever because I had the luck to find friends for life back then and most importantly because it was my first MMORPG. When you're new to the genre you gladly overlook some flaws because you don't know better.


Today I'd call myself a mmo-vet and analyze the games much more than I did before. For me personally are my friends the only reason to return to World of Warcraft because the community is what lets you really stick to the game. It saddens me that I didn't feel any of that magic when starting The old Republic. I wonder whether that is because of my age or the game itself...

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I played WoW for 6+ years, in addition to many MMOs, I am done with WoW, I loved my time there, but it is over for me. I am currently playing SWToR, but since it is a worse game than WoW, not sure how much longer I will play.




Waiting for GW2 and Secret World now.

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Have you been experiencing issues with your card? I'm curious, I have an even older (and lesser) card, the 9600GT and haven't run into any problems at all, game plays fine, even during longer sessions (6+ hours).


well my graphics card for a while since launch was just fine (normal temps etc etc) but about 2 or so weeks ago my card began to heat up alot faster i had some software on here to determine the temps it might just be my card wearing out already or something as i spent alot of time with it cranked up to its highest settings when i used to play fallout new vegas almost 24/7 and then also with skyrim

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I come in peace! I am from WoW.


I have been with WoW since 2004 when it released. I have 15 level 80's and 8 85's. I don't really play the game anymore but I still have my subscription going. Thank you pretty horse and free copy of Diablo for sucking me in. But I have a hard time letting go because I spent what 7+ years of my life in that game. It's great for logging in when SWTOR is down and running a few raid finders.

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no i stopped playing wow at lich, i will not go back to it ever, i enjoyed the years i played but now i prefer the story telling and the way swtor plays out, although i am waiting for guild wars 2, i will play that long with swtor
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I played WoW for many years, but currently only subscribe to SWTOR. I still like WoW, but I do prefer playing SWTOR much better. The aspects of the game that I figured I would dislike the most (companions and voice acting) I ended up liking both. The voice overs are excellent though running flashpoints daily makes me so happy for spacebar. My wife also played WoW and is currently playing SWTOR, she prefers Wow, but that is probably due to the computer she is stuck using.
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I played WoW from vanilla all the way up to the end of WotLK right before Cataclysm's release. I was in high end raiding guilds and WoW ate my life. It was a good time though and I really enjoyed my time. Like some other people in this thread, it was just time to move on. You can only frag the end-expansion boss looking for loot so many times before it gets really boring. SWtOR is different to me in the fact that it's not all about the endgame and the gear- it's a lot about the journey, which I really like. I am subbed to SWtOR for the foreseeable future. I like the story telling, the community (in-game) and the fact that I can usually group or solo stuff at my leisure. I like what BW is doing and look forward to see if they can keep improving on their product. :)
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I play both WoW and SWToR i have played more SWToR then wow atm but i sill be keeping my WoW account open. But i was orignaly from EQ back in 1999 and i still have an inactive account there that i log in to from time to time :p
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I quit WoW close to about a year ago after playing since BC. I played a few months of Cata and just stopped having fun, plus most of my friends moved on to other games.


I dabbled in a few other MMOs that were free to play like Allods and Hellgate but they quickly got boring.


After the announcement of the Panda expansion I knew that I was not coming back to WoW.

I get weeks free from blizz from time to time but I usually play for about a day or so then forget about it.

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I tried WoW for a month or two a few years back. I took a rogue and paladin up to level 25 and I couldn't stand the game. I only tried it for a friend.


LOTRO, on the hand, will always be my "home." Trying out ToR now and I'm really enjoying it though. :)

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The thing people fail to understand is that comparing Swtor to WoW is stupid, with the whole "You can't compare it to release WoW" "Swtor is competing against WoW 2012" etc. The WoW devs have had near 8 years to perfect their game, yet it just gets duller and duller. BW have released a game that, even though needs improvements, is a great MMO on release. Yes they've screwed some things up here and there, but they will learn, and hopefully fix things.


WoW is boring as hell nowadays. Swtor is Star Wars, I mean, what's better than that?

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I am tired of my class being completely reworked. The only thing I can count on from WoW is change. And I and tired of relearning my class every few months.


That and I refuse to pay for the Panda expansion.


GW2 could be good. The only problem with GW2 is that ArenaNet is owned by a clueless Korean company who manages to screw up every game they touch.


For all the rants that we see here on the forums, I would think that I would be bothered by one of the bugs or issues that have people upset. So far, this game has been nothing but fun....

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I am tired of my class being completely reworked. The only thing I can count on from WoW is change. And I and tired of relearning my class every few months.


That and I refuse to pay for the Panda expansion.


GW2 could be good. The only problem with GW2 is that ArenaNet is owned by a clueless Korean company who manages to screw up every game they touch.


For all the rants that we see here on the forums, I would think that I would be bothered by one of the bugs or issues that have people upset. So far, this game has been nothing but fun....


I agree here. I played through WotLK to Naxx 10/25 man. Found it boring, with too many changes, and left. No, I won't be resubbing to WoW, ever. I won't touch another Blizzard game either, until they prove they can be consistent with game/class mechanics... even then, I'll be extremely hesitant.


I'm sick of ever changing changes to whatever class I play (and I hated SoE for the same/similar reasons.. CU and NGE). Don't screw with game mechanics and/or class mechanics and I'll continue to play a fun/semi-fun game. Take away my consistency and I'll take away my sub and likely never look back (not with any serious intent anyway).


I can deal with bugs and glitches, but I can't deal with lip service and caving to crybabies in regards to game mechanics. I can also deal with cosmetic and functionality changes, like needed UI improvements and how you interact with other players on your server.

Edited by Yhor
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  • 2 weeks later...

I played a lot... actually i played like 16-18 hours straight for days and weeks... you can call me crazy... i am not one of those chineese or korean farmers lol... but i really loved and was addicted to WoW... i stopped when my fiancee left me lol... :D i realised there are more important things in life :D

i tried to go back to WoW but couldnt make myself enjoy it...


Now my fiancee is back and shes my wife for some time and starts to complain about hours i play ToR so i dunno:PPPP


but anyway i wont play WoW anymore

and i will play SW for months to come for sure :D

until im divorced... then i can play some more games :D

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I used to play WoW like you, but then I ...I cant do it

I played WoW on and off , but most recently I stopped playing in may or so, cant see ever going back again, I also agree that if you have the time and resources to play 2 mmos more power to you, I have done it on numerous occasions.

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I come in peace! I am from WoW.


I have been with WoW since 2004 when it released. I have 15 level 80's and 8 85's. I don't really play the game anymore but I still have my subscription going. Thank you pretty horse and free copy of Diablo for sucking me in. But I have a hard time letting go because I spent what 7+ years of my life in that game. It's great for logging in when SWTOR is down and running a few raid finders.



holy crap 23 basically max level toons. @_@

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I picked up WoW I think.... sometime around the release of Burning Crusade. Either a bit before or after, I can't remember.

Anyway, I played that up until Wrath of the Lich King and stopped just before the Arthas raid was released. Part of the reason I stopped was that I'd moved someplace where my internet connection was spotty and it reduced my effectivness in raiding. I was also getting tired of the game by that point.


So, a couple of years later, TOR comes out. I've been enjoying it thus far. Really, I picked it up and am staying for the stories. Never going back to WoW.

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