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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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I played WoW for Six years, great game......after felling DW a dozen or so times in LFR I realized that I would have to run the same dungeons over and over. The thought was mind numbing enough until I realized I was waiting for MoP to release, just to play the same old lore story line as vanilla/BC/WotLK/Cata with a toonie chinese skin. As intriguing as a karate chopping, meditating, gluttonous Panda is to roll, when I stumbled upon SWtor and noticed that the UI and default hotkeys/playability were the same basically as WoW......but that there was a whole new universe apart from tired ol' Azeroth I was sold. As I roll my character I am experiencing new concepts [like the "choose your own adventure" style NPC conversations/ mission origins] and saying to myself "I always wanted this in WoW but they just couldn't deliver". I can officially say I have traded in my mithril spurs.......All I can say is one word REFRESHING, prepare for a mass migration for the huddled masses that have been starving for a release from boredom and abhor the myriad armies of 'tweens spamming "stop being a nOob nOob" in trade chat.
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Played WoW from release, on and off. Quit WoW in August, due to going to America for 4 months on a university exchange. I got back to the UK 2 days before release of SWTOR and haven't looked back.


I had a LOT of fun on WoW and have a LOT of good memories from the game. I'll never slate it. But currently I'm having a lot more fun on this game, and intend to stick around. I do have concerns for the horizon with TOR, but also high hopes.


I intend to resub WoW when Mists comes out, if only because I've wanted a Panderan since day 1 on WoW (WC3 Brewmaster ftw). I doubt I'll stick with WoW unless TOR really bombs, though.

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I started in WoW just before AQ Gates opening Server questlines hit servers.

I still have active sub with WoW and play 1-5x a month now.


Am i going back? idk, this game gives me all i lost in WoW, Story, new content thats not feels like same crap another pile. WoW just died to me, maybe i'll be back in year..but with Mists...seriously doubt it...Pandas ok...Pokemon pet battles... Oh Waiter? Check plz.

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WoW was the MMO I was playing before Swtor, but it's not the only one I've played by any means. I have not gone back and I probably never will (not with all of these new MMOs releasing this year! My plate is going to be pretty full.)
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Honestly, if you have ever played WoW and you enjoy SW:TOR.. there's an issue with standards and gaming in general. I can understand someone never playing WoW and thinking this game is a 5/10 because they don't know what a real MMO is with features and such, but to play WoW.. and then claim TOR is better.. well that person is in denial or lying for some reason. It just doesn't make sense.


You honestly believe that your opinion is the only opinion. I don't understand how you can play wow with its ****** graphics and ugly characters. Is it really hurting your feelings because people like this game? If I truly hated this game as you obviously do then I would never be on these forums right now, I would be playing the game I love to play, but not you because your obviously but hurt about something.


To the OP I started with Lotro, and moved to wow when lotro went FTP. I am subbed with Rift and TOR right now, but will probably let my Rift sub run out. I'm having a blast with this game, this is where I will stay.

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I come from WoW as well but after 6 years of playing it, my time in it came to an end. Even if they release other expansions.


Still, I am not sure I will keep playing SWTOR once I complete my story arc but I will definitely not get back to WoW. Time to move on.

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Yep, played WoW heavily from the time SWG launched the CU and ruined my life to about 8 months ago. Just burned out on it. Liking SWG but I am just not nearly the MMO addict I once was. The side effect is I realized real life is actually interesting.
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Done WoW. Play a hunter- they haven't fixed the pet spawn with 1% health for 10 seconds bug in over a year and a half- that's more than enough time to fix a game breaking bug like that, so never touching that garbage again. I can't stand having my only CC break nullified in pvp because of a brutal bug like that.


Of course, focus is also the worst mechanic possible for hunters, particularly how you gain it- mana wasn't even that good, but they took an average system and took a dump on it.


Them giving out customer info, their scamming- Blizz putting gold farming into D3 as part of their pay to win... frankly, my faith in what was once one of my top game companies is just gone.

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Came from EQ2. Nothing but World PvP all day on Nagafen server. I come here to find Warzones, which was--at the time new to me-- but have since grown a little weary of it. EQ2 is a giant ball of failure now, but I wish Bioware would take some points from their World PvP system; I mean, they've already copied WoW, why not upgrade a little..? :rolleyes: Edited by Nosferuz
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I've been wandering around in the wilderness for years, happy with RPG's without the MMO attachment, playing an MMORPG here and there, but nothing. . .nothing has grabbed me like this. Yes I know all their Jedi mind tricks, but I like, I like.


Anyone ever ponder that we love Star Wars so much because its so flashing with very nice sound effects and we get to blow **** up and kill a crapton of beings?


Human beings LOVE to kill things, even in electronic effigy. But I like to save the children too :D I was playing a little DDO and maybe every so often Age of Conan, but this. . . I can't get enough :D


Best game MMORPG since Asheron's Call. RIP The Hero's Journey, from whom's dead body this glorious experience was made flesh :D


I did play WoW once, in Closed and Open Beta, and for about the first month it was out. I was loving it till I had to stop playing for, well, too long to be able to get back into it. Besides, i hear they ruined the crap out of it, and it's not getting better. I hope they always keep the A team developers on this, as they say they will. Don't make me go all HK-47 on you if you don't :D

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WOW IS DEAD. i cant believe people still play that game. last time i loged in a year from now, my server was a ghost town and then i transferred servers and, wow was still a boring ghost town with ppl que'n for dungons to quickly lvl their toon to get to end game
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Came from EQ2. Nothing but World PvP all day on Nagafen server. I come here to find Warzones, which was--at the time new to me-- but have since grown a little weary of it. EQ2 is a giant ball of failure now, but I wish Bioware would take some points from their World PvP system; I mean, they've already copied WoW, why not upgrade a little..? :rolleyes:


Copied all the best parts then I'm guessing :D


WoW was hardly anything like this. Sure, the mechanics are the same, but that's because they work :D

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Done WoW. Play a hunter- they haven't fixed the pet spawn with 1% health for 10 seconds bug in over a year and a half- that's more than enough time to fix a game breaking bug like that, so never touching that garbage again. I can't stand having my only CC break nullified in pvp because of a brutal bug like that.


Of course, focus is also the worst mechanic possible for hunters, particularly how you gain it- mana wasn't even that good, but they took an average system and took a dump on it.


Them giving out customer info, their scamming- Blizz putting gold farming into D3 as part of their pay to win... frankly, my faith in what was once one of my top game companies is just gone.


Make way for the new era of Bioware as an MMORPG powerhouse :D

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Yes and prolly.


I enjoy SW:TOR so far, that is the story line and class quest, not sure about the grouping and instancing as I'we rerolled on a new server as the other side so I'we skipped the instances more or less.


SWTor is still to flawed to be lasting in my eyes, but it might change and hopefully it will :D


Really? I hear alot of complaints, but the only buggyness I've ran into that was gamebreaking was the Flashpoint after the Mandalorian one being totally apepoo buggy. Other than that. . . I hope I don't run into all of yall problems! ~Knocks on wood~

Edited by Bleakmage
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Came from WOW and did a lot of end game stuff.


My main was in a successful core group clearing content and was top 10 on realm considering we only raided a couple of nights a week. Our alt second group was right behind our core group and we had a lot of players in the top 10 geared on the realm from both groups.


Also raided with another bunch of guys who do late night and so yeah I raided successfully on 3 toons full time.


Had 11 85's lots of money 7 guild banks full of mats for every profession - so completely self sufficient.


Left there because of the direction of wow making it for dummies to play, so I;m not going back there until they make it more challenging and not easy for monkeys to get gear.


But alas this place isn't much different, end game is pretty boring, not very challenging and gear well I'm sure we all know....


But no I won't be going back to WOW even thought I think it's a better game than SWTOR.

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I played wow since closed beta , I played a hunter , I liked playing a hunter , it had a style of game play that came naturally to me , then with cataclysm they made so many changes to that class that it may as well of been a entirely different class for me. I stuck around for six months and had a go at adjusting to the new character , but it was not the same , the class lost that special something that made it great for me, so when my last time card ran out about a year and a half ago I never bothered to buy a new one, I posted my farewells on my guild forum and left the game forever, I have never returned to play WoW since then.


Other friends from that game have told me that they have had similar experiences with their classes and they have left too.

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WoW held my attention off and on for over 5 years. Did Raids, Arena, Bg's, Twinked alts etc. But after playing off and on for 5 years it started to grow real old.


Ended up selling my acct on Craigslist and don't miss it one bit.


Will SWTOR hold my attention even half as long? we shall see, thus far enjoying it...

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My sub actually ends today or tomorrow and I'm updating WoW as we speak. I think it's great that people enjoy this game, and hopefully some competition will help WoW get better. I'm not looking forward to going back to Faceroll Dragon Soul, but I just can't take this game seriously. Some great things were experienced my first month here though. I'm gonna have a VERY hard time going back to reading quests and having little to no story. Ugh and the children...and the trolls...and..oh god, the community is so bad in WoW..


GL to you, SWOTR. Hope you get your stuff under control and give WoW something to think about. Who knows, maybe I'll come back some day.

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