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Sprint is unnecessary


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Why do we need to have two different running speeds, one for combat and one when out of combat? Because people want to get everywhere as fast as possible, i guess. Thing is, as the sprint ability currently is, it is annoying to have to turn on each time you die, and if you care about how your character look, the animation is simply ridiculous for something other than a short sprint.


What i propose is to remove the sprint ability altogether, and instead increase the normal running speed, say a 10% or 15% at most, so that it still looks realistic without having to turn any ability on. I don´t understand why people want to travel so fast, i mean, if you are outdoors you already have the speeder, the bind location, the fleet pass. Do you really need even more options to travel fast?


Personally i hate how, when you are pvping, a player gets out of combat (ex. fleeing) and then his running speed magically increase. I never liked the idea of having two different run speeds, and less so the way it is implemented currently (toggling one ability). I would rather have no sprint ability at all, and just have every player run around normally. No sudden increases of speed when out of combat, and no top athletes sprinting around without pause (breaking inmersion for those who care about it).


Do you really need the sprint button so much, if so why? Wouldn´t you rather forget about it and have a default running speed that was decent (considering the map size, perhaps a bit faster than it is now) to go around, whithout making your character sprint all the time?

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What i propose is to remove the sprint ability altogether, and instead increase the normal running speed, say a 10% or 15% at most, so that it still looks realistic without having to turn any ability on.


No thanks. I collect datacrons.


Hitting a button to renew a buff on revive isn't annoying to me in the least. I've got other ones I need to do that with. Why don't people ever complain about those?

Edited by Pink_Saber
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The best suggestion I've seen about sprint is for it to stay on/persist through death but retain the option to turn it off for when it isn't needed. Such as while getting to datacrons, turning sprint off is often essential. Edited by Xerda
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........... it's fine the way it is. this is new though i hadn't seen anyone complain about the sprint feature simply cuz you don't like to buff up and turn sprint on when you come back to life LMFAO


i propose that is anyone agrees with the OP

make it a habit, when you come back to life, to buff up and slick the sprint button much like i do.

there is no reason to complain about something that isn't broken specifically when there are other things they need to worry about

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Nerf the sprint Bioware its overpowered! :mad:


Once i had to do a heroic the other side of the map before i was level 25 and it took 3 mins instead of 10!!!!


Why give the players an option to turn sprint on/off when you can just remove it completely and make everyone walk for 10 mins!


Nerf Nerf Nerf!

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Why do we need to have two different running speeds, one for combat and one when out of combat? Because people want to get everywhere as fast as possible, i guess. Thing is, as the sprint ability currently is, it is annoying to have to turn on each time you die, and if you care about how your character look, the animation is simply ridiculous for something other than a short sprint.


What i propose is to remove the sprint ability altogether, and instead increase the normal running speed, say a 10% or 15% at most, so that it still looks realistic without having to turn any ability on. I don´t understand why people want to travel so fast, i mean, if you are outdoors you already have the speeder, the bind location, the fleet pass. Do you really need even more options to travel fast?


Personally i hate how, when you are pvping, a player gets out of combat (ex. fleeing) and then his running speed magically increase. I never liked the idea of having two different run speeds, and less so the way it is implemented currently (toggling one ability). I would rather have no sprint ability at all, and just have every player run around normally. No sudden increases of speed when out of combat, and no top athletes sprinting around without pause (breaking inmersion for those who care about it).


Do you really need the sprint button so much, if so why? Wouldn´t you rather forget about it and have a default running speed that was decent (considering the map size, perhaps a bit faster than it is now) to go around, whithout making your character sprint all the time?


I've heard it all now

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........... it's fine the way it is. this is new though i hadn't seen anyone complain about the sprint feature simply cuz you don't like to buff up and turn sprint on when you come back to life LMFAO


i propose that is anyone agrees with the OP

make it a habit, when you come back to life, to buff up and slick the sprint button much like i do.

there is no reason to complain about something that isn't broken specifically when there are other things they need to worry about


Well, the problem with it comes from pvp mostly, I think. I mean, I can't remember the last time I died out in the field, but in pvp dying happens all the time. And every time you die, you have to rebuff. So it becomes annoying after a while.


That said, I agree with the "persists through death, but can still be toggled" idea.

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Well, the problem with it comes from pvp mostly, I think. I mean, I can't remember the last time I died out in the field, but in pvp dying happens all the time. And every time you die, you have to rebuff. So it becomes annoying after a while.


That said, I agree with the "persists through death, but can still be toggled" idea.


Who'd have thought that you hjad to use the controls to do things in a game...?

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...and if you care about how your character look, the animation is simply ridiculous for something other than a short sprint.


Glad I'm not the only one. Besides frumpy armor, this is a pet peeve of mine for sure.


Running normally, jogging along, looking good...


[Turns sprint on]


"Hey now! Who put the flaming squirrel in my shorts!?"


[followed by not being able to get

out of my head...]


Sadly, it's 'really' useful for my IA when stealthed.


I'd rather just see everyone get to have that speed out of combat (so it would work stealthed too), but can we go that fast with the other animation, or 'something'? Even roller blading would look better! Slap some skates on, clasp my hands behind my back, bend forward a bit, and just kinda gllliiiide along the road.


Anything would be better than the trailer trash hokey pokey square dance shuffle thing I'm doing now.


Yes, yes, I like the game, paid lots of money, 3 months, having fun, no hate, love, love, love...


But holy moley! :)

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